Revived (Revived, #1)

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Revived (Revived, #1) Page 45

by Jodie Kobe

  Chapter twenty-four

  R I A N

  I catch up to the two people carrying Vivian on a stretcher, but choose to stay behind them.

  They turn their heads, noticing another presence here with them. They stop walking, but their hands continue to hold the stretcher. One of them says, “Do you need anything?”

  I scratch my head, then I take a deep breath and point to Vivian’s unconscious body. “What are you going to do to her?”

  The two men exchange glances and one answers with a shrug, “We were told to bring her into the containment chamber.”

  The containment chamber? That’s where they store everyone who hasn’t thawed yet. They store those who are dead. Vivian is not dead.

  “What?” I whisper. “The containment chamber?”

  Both of the men start walking again. “You heard us,” one calls over his shoulder.

  I walk after them, saying, “Why there?”

  “Orders are orders, Callum,” the other man grunts. “We follow them.”

  He knows my name even though I have never seen him here before. “What are they going to do to her?”

  I don’t want to ask them if she’s dead or not. I’m afraid of the answer. Russell told me she’ll be fine. But is that true?

  Both of the men stop walking again and the larger of the two turns slightly toward me, still keeping a firm grip on the stretcher. I glance at Vivian, then up at the large man. He says, “Do you want to argue, Callum? When I said orders were orders, I meant you’re not supposed to question them.”

  I take a step back, letting him know I want to avoid the argument he seems to want to get into. He lets out a sinister chuckle, trying to frighten me, I’m guessing. It doesn't work.

  “Who gave you the order to bring her there?” I ask.

  “Jack,” both of them answer simultaneously.

  What? That can’t be right. Vivian’s not dead. She can’t be. She was alive several minutes ago.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  One of them shakes his head, and they both continue moving forward without answering my question. I want to block their way until they tell me what’s going on but who knows what they would do after that. Punch me?

  “Guys, listen,” I say in the most polite tone of voice I could muster. “Where are you taking her?”

  “Move along, Callum,” one of them says. “I’m assuming you have other things to do.”

  This is getting on my nerves. I squeeze past them quickly and stop in the middle of the narrow hallway, right in their path. “No,” I say. “Tell me why you’re taking her to the containment chamber. She’s still alive. You don’t need to store her anywhere.”

  They don’t hesitate like I’m expecting them to. They just say it like it’s no big deal. There’s no sadness in their voice, no sympathy. It’s just dull.

  “She’s dead, Callum. Her heart percentage reached below five and no one can save her. We’re throwing her out.”

  I freeze and stare at him, not able to believe this. My gaze shifts over to Vivian and words start to stutter out of my mouth. “W-what?” My gaze does not leave Vivian's limp form.

  The two men start moving with the stretcher again, muttering something I cannot hear. I’m frozen in place, watching as they walk farther down the hall.

  Chapter twenty-five

  V I V I A N

  It’s dark.

  Am I blind? No. I don’t think so.

  I force my eyes to open and they immediately start to sting. White has replaced the darkness and I’m sure I’m not blind. I just need to adjust my eyes.

  I shut them and wait, taking small breaths. The air feels thin and cold around me. Walls are closely surrounding me on all sides. I can feel them but I can’t see them. I’m standing with my back pressed against something hard. Straps wind around my hands, keeping me fixed to the wall.

  Very slowly, I open my eyes again. There is one window in front of me. Wait, wait, wait...a window? The building has no windows…


  I yank my hands forward, but remember the straps holding my arms in place. They aren’t even on that tight, so I can slip my hands out of them. There’s a strap around my waist too, but it's on tighter. I yank on its plastic latch, pulling the straps apart. I fall forward, but the close wall in front of me stops my fall. I realize I’m in a solid container.

  The container is white. All four walls are just close enough together to let me fit.

  What exactly is this?

  The small, round window in front of me is completely covered in frost, preventing me from seeing anything past it. I give a pathetic kick at the wall in front of me, but nothing happens. I use my fist to bash at the wall. Where’s the door?

  “Hey!” My voice cracks and I swallow. “Hey!” I repeat again, louder this time. “Get me out of here! I’m still alive!”

  I have not been buried alive. I force myself to think those six words, whether they are true or not. I have not been buried alive.

  I can’t breathe anymore. My lungs shrink and I wheeze.

  “Let. Me. Out!” Every word is a sob. This can't be happening.

  I have not been thrown out.



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