817 Fireman Ln.

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817 Fireman Ln. Page 5

by Hope Ford

  She’s naked. Completely naked in front of me, and I gaze at her long legs, her curvy hips, the soft curls at the apex of her thighs. I put my hands on her hips and pull her to me. Her waist is thick, her breasts large and round, and I’m salivating wanting to put my mouth on them.

  Finally, I look into her eyes. I want to bend her over the bed and take her right now, but I know this is important. I look into her eyes. “I’m not walking away. I’m going to fuck up, I’m going to be overbearing at times, and I’ll probably do shit that will piss you off. But I want this with you, Ava. I know we could be good together.”

  She smiles. “Show me. Show me how good we could be together.”

  I pick her up and lay her on the bed. I kiss her lips, down her shoulders, and suckle each of her breasts. There’s so much I want to say to her, but I’m done talking. I’m going to show her.

  I fit my body between her legs. I want to pull my clothes off, but I know as soon as I feel her against my skin, it will be over. So fully clothed, I work my way down her body. By the time I’ve reached her core, she’s lifting her hips in small little thrusts in anticipation. She wants this... she needs it.

  I kiss her inner thigh and run my nose through the soft hairs of her pussy. Her smell is intoxicating, and I need her on my tongue. I use one hand to open her lips and I kiss her gently at first and then with more pressure. I suck her clit into my mouth as I work my finger in and out of her. She’s whimpering, but I don’t stop. I won’t until she comes. I need her to want me and only me.

  It’s torture for me, tasting her desire and knowing it’s for me. I plunge my tongue into her honey depths and then latch on to her clit. I suck and tease her until she’s writhing underneath me. When she comes, she pulls at the bedcovers, and her whole body goes taut. I don’t stop; I keep licking, savoring her desire.

  She’s taking deep breaths, her eyes hooded and a small smile on her face as I stand up and take off my clothes faster than I ever have before. I pull a condom from my wallet and sheathe myself quickly. Thoughts of Ava pregnant go through my head, and it’s so clear, I know that one day she’s going to be the mother of our babies.

  Feelings of possessiveness consume me. I lie down on top of her, holding my weight on my elbows. Her hands and legs both open to me, wrapping around my shoulders and my waist. My cock is hard, and I move my hips to run along her wet, swollen core.

  I line myself up at her core, about to plunge into what I’m sure is the closest thing to heaven when I lean down and kiss her lips. “Look at me, Ava. I want your eyes on me.”

  She does as I ask, and the blue of her eyes is dark and mesmerizing. She’s searching my face, and it’s hard to hold my emotion in check. There’s so much between us in such a short amount of time. I feel it all in this moment. The worry, excitement, the lust. I let it all wash over me as I slowly penetrate her. She moans softly, and I give her time to adjust to my girth. When her hips tilt, there’s nothing holding me back.

  I move in and out of her. Her cunt tightens, and I grunt as I try to move in her tight channel.

  “Don’t stop,” Ava pleads.

  I lean in to kiss her as I rock back and forth. It’s too much, too fast, and I crave every bit of it. My release is coming, and I slow my pace. “Come with me, Ava baby.”

  I put my hand between us and rub the swollen nub at her thighs. Her body jerks, but I don’t stop. I circle her clit, plunging in and out of her at the same time. Her nails dig into my back, and it only pushes me further. My hips are moving uncontrollably, and she’s writhing under me. “Oh, oh, oh,” she says right before her body starts to convulse under me.

  She milks me, taking my orgasm and shattering everything I thought I ever knew about bliss, ecstasy, and complete and utter fulfillment.

  I don’t want to pull out. If I could stay just like this forever, I would do it. I’m holding myself up even though Ava is making it hard. She has her arms wrapped around me, pulling me down. “Don’t leave,” she pleads.

  I pull back to look in her face. She’s looking at me with trepidation, and I decide to nip that in the bud. “I’m not leaving. We’re going to have dinner... and then we’re going to do that again.”

  She looks at me doubtfully. “Really? You can go twice in one night?”

  I cup her jaw. “I’m finding with you, Ava, I can do anything.” I gaze into her eyes, wanting her to feel everything I’m saying.


  Kent Graves is a stud. A gentle lover. A possessive man. And he’s completely wreaking havoc on my life.

  How can I know the man for such a short time and already I’m ready to plan our future together? If he asked me to marry him, the answer would be yes. He wants to shack up together. Yes! He wants me to have his babies. Yes.

  I’ve fallen head over heels in love with him.

  He wanted to take me out to dinner last night to a nice restaurant. I talked him into staying home and ordering pizza. I don’t need anything fancy... I just want to spend time with him.

  And he wasn’t lying. We made love last night and again this morning. He’s insatiable, but he says it’s only because of me. Well, right back at him because it’s only been a few hours and already my body is yearning for him again.

  As soon as he leaves for his shift, everything starts to come into focus. Maybe I got caught up in it all. He’s a widower. He’s probably not ready for everything I’m thinking. Step back, Ava. Don’t plan your whole future for a man that may not even be thinking of forever.

  My voice of reason is strong, and I force myself to listen. It’s okay. Take it one day at a time.



  I had twenty-four hours with Ava, and I spent every bit of it with her. I left her only long enough to go home and grab clothes, and even then I was rushing to get back to her. The time with her gave me such hope, I’ve already started thinking about us and what the future entails.

  No matter how scared I am of loving and losing again, I know that I wouldn’t want to go one day without seeing Ava. In such a short amount of time, she’s already come to mean so much to me. I don’t want to screw this up. I won’t let myself. No more holding things in and second-guessing myself. I want to scream it from the station rooftop and tell everyone that Ava is mine. But first, I need to tell her.

  I left her at her house when I came in for my shift tonight. This alternating shift sucks, but at least we’ll have 24 hours together every few days.

  “Are you whistling?” Porter asks me.

  I stop pulling out the equipment from the truck. “Uh, yeah, I guess I was.”

  Porter looks at me strangely. “Do I want to know why or can I guess?”

  I stomp over to him. “I’m dating Ava.”

  “Catlett?” he asks.

  I resist rolling my eyes. My whole body is tense, hoping that Porter’s not going to say something stupid. He says anything about Ava, and I can’t promise I won’t lose it.

  “Yeah. Catlett,” I answer him.

  Porter’s face breaks into a big smile. “That’s great, buddy. I’m happy for you.”

  My body relaxes, and I nod my thanks to him. I don’t know why I was worried, but I do know I want to protect Ava and her reputation at all costs.

  We finish unloading the gear when a man walks in. He’s at least a foot shorter than me but it’s obvious he’s cocky by the way he swaggers into the station. “Can I help you?”

  He looks around, and I catch the judgment in his eyes. “Uh, yeah, I’m looking for Ava. Ava Catlett.”

  Fuck me. I drop the helmets in my hand and step over them to get in front of the guy that’s asking about my woman. “Who the fuck are you?” I practically growl at him.

  I’m normally a nice guy. I keep to myself, but I’m not a dick. But this thing with Ava has me completely on edge. I’ve never felt so territorial in my life. I’m putting a damn ring on her finger the first chance I get.

  The guy holds his hands up in front of him. “Damn, dude. What’s yo
ur problem? I’m Bailey. I’m Ava’s brother.”

  My whole chest deflates, and my hands uncurl at my sides. “Brother?”

  He nods as Porter comes to stand between us. He’s shorter than both of us and looks ridiculous as he tries to edge the two of us apart. “Okay, okay. Way too much testosterone in the building today. So I’m Porter. This protective asshole is Kent. And Ava’s not here.”

  I’m already pulling out my phone, and I hold it up to Bailey’s face. I take his picture and send it to Ava. This your brother?

  The reply is immediate. Yes. Is he at the station?

  Yes. Do you want me to send him to you or run him off? I type back to her.

  Kent! Send him to my house the next text says and then another one pops up. But thank you for looking out for me.

  I reply one word. Always.

  I pocket my phone and look at her brother. It’s obvious now that he is related to her. They do have the same coloring and features. “Ava is at her house. She’s expecting you.”

  Bailey is still taken aback, no doubt by my Neanderthal welcome. I’m definitely not making a good impression with him. “Do you have the address?”

  “Sure, I’ll write it down for you. So you in town visiting?”

  I walk over to the counter and start writing the address down while Bailey stays rooted to the spot. “Yeah, I wanted to check on her. Make sure she was okay and hopefully talk some sense into her.”

  I grip the pencil in my palm even tighter and finish the address before turning to him. “Sense into her?”

  He nods. “Yeah. We need her back in the city.”

  I shake my head. “Why? So you can put her at a desk? I don’t think she’s going to go for that.”

  He takes the paper from my hand. “I guess you know her story?”

  Porter butts in. “Yeah, he and Ava are dating.”

  I glare at Porter, and he finally gets the hint and walks away mumbling something about me being rude.

  Bailey looks me in the face. “So you’re dating my sister?”

  I nod. “I am, and I know her well enough to know she’s not going to be happy working a desk while the rest of your crew is out fighting fires. She’s a hell of a firefighter, and frankly, her being at a desk would be a waste.”

  Bailey crosses his arms over his chest. “Are you done?”

  I force myself to relax. I’m not going to win over Ava if I knock her brother out. I grit my teeth together. “Yeah, I’m done.”

  He nods. “Well, first of all, it’s good that Ava has someone looking out for her.”

  I shake my head. That’s the last thing I want to do. I don’t want her brother to think she’s weak. “She doesn’t need it. She’s proven she can take care of herself.”

  He puts his hands in his pockets and rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet. “You’re right. She has. And I’ve finally convinced our father of that too. I’m here to ask her to come back to the city. The station needs her. My father and brother and I need her.”

  My heart starts to race, my palms get sweaty, and I grip on to the counter next to me to stop myself from going down. The man smirks at me and holds up the piece of paper with his sister’s address on it. “Thank you for this.”

  He turns and walks away, and all I can do is watch him and wonder if my heart is actually going to explode out of my chest or not. If Ava leaves me, I have no doubt it will.


  I hear Bailey’s car pull into the driveway, and I open my front door. He barely reaches the steps, and I ask him, “What are you doing here?”

  He opens his arms up wide. “Really? Is that how you say hi to your brother?”

  I want to be mad at him. I really do. But I love my brother. I love all my family, and I miss them more than anything. I walk toward him and let him wrap his arms around me.

  He has his chin resting on the top of my head. “So I met your oafish boyfriend.”

  I pull back and smack him on the shoulder. “Kent is not oafish.”

  He laughs. “Okay, protective, bossy, ogre-like...”

  I shake my head and open the front door to let him in. “He’s definitely protective.”

  I walk inside behind Bailey and watch as he looks around my small house. I try to see it from his eyes, and I’m happy with what I see. It feels homey and cozy, and I’ve already fallen in love with it.

  “Nice house.”

  I thrill at his compliment. “Thank you.”

  He sits down on the couch. “So Cherry Falls, huh?”

  I roll my eyes. “Yes, Cherry Falls and don’t act like you didn’t know. I talk to Mom at least once a day. I’m sure she filled you in on everything.”

  He brushes his hand through his hair. “Yeah, but it’s so different from the city. Why here? You could have gotten a job at another station in the city.”

  I shrug. “Have you seen Cherry Falls? Who wouldn’t want to live here? Everyone seems to know everyone. We help each other, and I mean, come on, Cora over at Cherry Tree Coffee has my drink order memorized. You can’t get that in the city.” He looks at me strangely, still not getting it. Exasperated, I throw my hands up. “What is it, Bailey? Why did you come?”

  He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I talked to Dad. He wants you back. We all want you back.”

  I sit back, surprised. There’s no way my dad has changed his mind. He doesn’t do that. He’s rigid as all get-out. “No, he didn’t.”

  Bailey laughs and shakes his head. “I know. Trust me, I never thought he would, but we need you. It’s not the same without you there.”

  I hold my hand up. “Wait, he wants me to come back to the city to work at the station. He’s going to let me fight fires? He’s not going to put me at a desk?” Just the thought of it is crazy. I picked up my whole life and moved because I know how my dad is. Once he sets his mind on something, there’s no changing it.

  “Yes!” Bailey says excitedly. “You’re coming back then, right?”



  This has been the longest twenty-four hours of my life. I’ve stayed busy with a program at the elementary school, a few fires, and a car accident, but the whole time I couldn’t get my mind off Ava.

  I sent her a text mid-shift, hinting to find out something... anything. How did your visit go?

  She responded, Good. Are you coming here after your shift?

  My heart plummeted in my chest. She’s going to break up with me. She’s going back to the city. I replied with a yes, and I haven’t heard from her since.

  As soon as my shift is over, I don’t call her. Instead, I race to her house and don’t even knock before walking into her house. She’s there to meet me and runs and jumps into my arms. “Wow! That twenty-four hours felt like forever.”

  I grip her harder than I should and hold her longer, speechless. Fuck, I can’t lose her.

  I pull back and search her face. She’s smiling at me, just as happy to see me.

  “When do we leave?” I ask her.

  She jerks. “Leave? Where are we going?”

  I hold on to her upper arms. I’ve thought about this since her brother walked out of the station. I can’t let her leave me. I can’t.

  “I’m going to the city with you.”

  She pulls from my arms. “Wait. What?”

  I nod and take a step toward her. “Yeah, but I need to give notice here. Probably put my house on the market, but Syn City isn’t far. I can go back and forth until it all works out.”

  She starts to pace in front of me. She’s not looking at me, and I’m wondering if I’ve read this all wrong. Maybe she doesn’t want me to go with her. “I don’t understand. You love Cherry Falls. You don’t want to live in the city. You’ve said so yourself.”

  I block her path and put my hand on her chin, forcing her to look up at me. “I don’t care where I am as long as I’m with you.”

  I wait for the words to sink in. Every emotion crosses her face, and she doesn’t even try t
o hide it.

  “Kent, it’s so quick. You don’t have to make a decision like this now.”

  I sigh, wishing I had told her earlier, wanting her to know that I mean it. “I love you, Ava. I love you so much. Wherever you want to go, I’m going to be right behind you. This isn’t over for us.”

  Slowly, she gets it. Her eyes light up. “I love you, too.”

  I let my forehead rest against hers. “Thank fuck, because it was going to be really awkward for you if you didn’t. I’d hate to be pushing myself on you, but there’s no way I’m letting you go.”

  I have both hands wrapped around her neck, but I let her pull back. She covers my hands with hers and pulls them down between us. “I’m not leaving.”

  Now it’s my turn. “What? I thought... your brother said...”

  She’s nodding, and she’s so caught up with emotion she starts to ramble. “He wanted me to go back to the city, but I told him no. I told him that I couldn’t leave Cherry Falls and I couldn’t leave you.”

  I shake my head. “I won’t stand in your way.”

  She cups the side of my face. “I know you won’t. And that’s one of the reasons I don’t want to leave. I want to build this life with you... here in Cherry Falls.”

  “Fuck,” I mutter.

  She doesn’t get offended at my cursing. Instead, she laughs. “What is it?”

  “I should have taken the time and stopped and bought a ring... I don’t want to wait.”


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