Vampires' Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Vampires' Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 3

by Sara Anderson

  The two of them were a lady’s walking fantasy. Devon’s tall, muscular frame reminded her of The Gladiator. It was more than just his muscular large frame, but he always had that serious bearing of a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders, until he spotted her. Then his dark eyes would brighten and she’d find herself entranced with the beauty of his eyes. She longed to be the one to run her finger over his full lips that were always so serious and whisper to him, Smile, just before she brushed her lips over his for a light kiss.

  He wore dark denim jeans, black boots, and a white silk shirt. She could see his hardened chest muscles under the thin fabric and her mouth went dry.

  She turned her attention to Kieran before her knees gave out and she melted into a puddle on the floor. He was only slightly thinner with blond hair and blue eyes. He reminded her of Thor and he had the good-natured smile on his face as if he was a man that enjoyed life. The times Kieran had turned his smile to her, it reminded her of Thor’s face when he found Jane. She fantasized about his arms wrapping around her and him turning those deep blue eyes to her mouth seconds before his lips claimed hers.

  She tried to shake the attraction she felt for both of them. They were deadly predators—even Kieran with his gentle, easygoing smile could strike with deadly precision in the blink of an eye. Devon was not one who would negotiate with his prey.

  Just as she began to back up a couple of steps, Devon locked eyes with her. They both changed their direction to walk straight to her. She turned to meet them, and then as if the current of a river pulled her along, she walked toward them. She couldn’t walk away now even if she wanted to.

  Chapter Two

  Devon felt her before he saw her. When his eyes caught up with his senses, he spotted Rachel staring at them with longing in her gaze. Her steps glided across the room as she moved to meet them halfway.

  “She’s here!” Kieran’s tone indicated his happiness to see the woman that they both desired to make their mate.

  “And she seems to be as affected by us as we are by her.” Devon didn’t need to try and read her thoughts to know what she was feeling. Her pupils were dilated and her breath panted in and out of her chest as her skin flushed with arousal.

  Devon stopped on one side of her, while Kieran stopped on the other. The others in the room vanished and their world shrank down to the three of them. Kieran picked up her wrist to kiss her hand. He examined her hand for the stamp that would allow them more than a conversation and maybe a kiss.

  Devon felt the same disappointment that shown on Kieran’s face. There was no stamp on her hand, but at least they would be able to talk.

  “I see you are feeling much better,” Kieran said as he placed a tender kiss on her knuckles.

  She seemed to stumble over her words as inaudible sounds slipped past her lips. She closed her mouth, licked her lips, and took a breath. “Yes,” she finally managed to croak out. “I am feeling much better, thank you.”

  Devon leaned in close enough to see the gold flecks in her brown eyes. “I’m glad. The world is a better place with you in it. The sun would have dimmed and the flowers would have wilted if your light had been extinguished.” He traced her bottom lip with his finger as he heard her heart rate spike and her breathing accelerated. Her lips parted slightly and he could sense her struggle to form words through the intense feelings coursing through her mind. “Perhaps one day I will be able to express in words what you mean to me. I’m afraid that I am far better with actions than words, though.” He pulled her close to him, her soft female body pressed into his rigid length so she would know how much she affected him.

  She whimpered as she went limp in his arms. Devon rested his lips against the hollow of her throat. The blood pumping through her carotid artery called to him. His gums tingled as his fangs descended. The need to sink his fangs into her, to take her blood and give her his venom, and claim her as his own, was nearly overpowering. When he met her heated stare, he saw the longing in her eyes as well as the scent of her arousal.

  His own body heated to know that she was just as aroused as he was. His cock pulsed painfully in his jeans, but there would be no relief for him tonight, or even in the near future. Even if Owen hadn’t made strict rules about how Vampires and humans interacted at the club, he wouldn’t act on his feelings. She wasn’t ready for sex or mating. She could have a little tease of the pleasure they offered though.

  She cleared her throat and turned her face slightly to Kieran. Devon backed up a half step to give her some breathing room. He didn’t want to overwhelm her with their dominance, yet.

  Kieran cupped her chin in the palm of his hand and he met her gaze. “You are so beautiful. I thought you were stunning from afar, but now that I have you in front of me, I am at a loss for words. The brightest stars are dim compared to the light in your eyes.”

  Any other time, Devon would have rolled his eyes at Kieran’s attempts at being romantic, but this time he agreed with every word he spoke. He barely knew her, but the moment he set his eyes on her, it felt as if his very soul met its mate. It had to mean they were fated mates, just had to. Only time would tell since they had not shared sex or blood. If they could walk away from each other without a painful need to see one another again, then he would know that it was nothing more than an intense attraction to a beautiful woman.

  Kieran dipped his head lower as his body curled around hers like a tiger claiming his mate. His mouth hovered just above hers as they stared into each other’s eyes. “Like Devon, I am not always good with words, but what I lack in flowery language, I can show you with my actions.” He nipped her lip with his, causing her to part her lips slightly. “We are both passionate and protective men. We know how to protect and please what is ours.” He growled a territorial growl and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in closer to him, making her lips part even further.

  Kieran sealed his lips over hers and groaned as her arms wrapped around his neck. Devon watched as Kieran devoured her and she held on for dear life as she returned his passion with an erotic moan that had Devon longing to take her right there in front of everyone. He struggled to control himself. She would never forgive them if they took her right there for everyone to see, and Owen would toss them out and revoke their membership.

  He forced himself to back away another step. He was too close to the edge and he needed some distance, or he would forget about rules and consent. He would simply take what he knew down to the depths of his heart and soul was his.

  Kieran lifted his eyes and Devon caught a hint of red shining in the pupils. She must have seen it, as well. Her eyes widened and she drew in a sharp breath. “Yes, my eyes burn red when I am feeling strong emotion. It is what I am—what we are.” Kieran’s fangs elongated and her eyes widened even more. Kieran leaned in closer and whispered. “But these fangs will only give you pleasure.”

  She closed her eyes as her chest rose and fell. Devon still only scented attraction from her, no fear, when she opened her eyes. Devon glanced at Kieran and saw a strange expression come over his face. He regarded her as if he was seeing her for the first time all over again. “I see something in you now. It wasn’t there before, but now…” Kieran paused and Devon started to sense fear from her. “Now there is something different. What is it?” Kieran’s eyes widened. “How is it the Lycans let you out of their sight? Don’t they know what you are?”

  He stared at her as the color drained from her face. “Red,” she whispered. “Red,” she repeated, louder. “Perhaps you’re seeing how your friend’s uncle tortured and tried to rape me.”

  Horror washed over Devon at the same time as Kieran’s mouth dropped open. He saw the hurt in Kieran’s eyes as well as felt it. As she pushed past him and ran back to the safety of her Lycan guardians who had materialized out of the crowd, Devon and Kieran stared at each other as Lycan enforcers guarded the hall she had just escaped down. “What the fuck was that, Kieran?”

  “I don’t know.”

“What the hell did you see?” Devon knew it was a gamble to push, but he never expected her to say her safe word.

  Kieran shook his head. “It was different. Something that wasn’t there a moment ago. I am not sure. Maybe if I had another chance to get a close look or feel her emotions again.” Kieran shrugged as his eyes clouded in confusion.

  Devon sighed as misery overtook his own arousal. “I doubt that will happen anytime soon, brother.”

  * * * *

  After the encounter with Rachel, Devon and Kieran lost all desire to play with any other female. They stopped at the locker room to collect their belongings and weapons. No Vampire traveled around without a means to protect themselves. Not wanting to ruin Raeff’s night with Sheila, they decided to walk once again. They had supernatural speed if they chose to use it, but the night was calm and clear.

  They crossed a patch of forest embedded in the city when they heard a female crying out in pain and terror before the unmistakable sound of a Vampire feeding. Devon took command. “Go to the left, and I will come around at the right. We’ll have the Vampire covered.”

  Nodding, Kieran ran in the direction Devon indicated. He found the scene first and punched the Vampire attacking the victim. Vampires who had willing blood donors did not feed in the woods in the middle of the night.

  When the Vampire looked up to see who was disturbing him, the distraction released the woman from the enchantment the Vampire had her under, and she screamed a blood-curdling scream of terror. Kieran grabbed the Vampire and tossed him before turning his attention to the female.

  Seeing that Kieran was tending to the woman, Devon stalked the Vampire. He recognized him instantly as one of Mortef’s soldiers, Alvah. “What the fuck is the meaning of this?” Devon demanded. He could hear the female sobbing in terror in the background as Kieran soothed her.

  “I found me a tender morsel. You can’t blame a guy for wanting a taste of a sweet thing like that, now can you?” Alvah’s eyes glowed red with bloodlust and Devon saw the evidence of Alvah’s other plans. Sex and feeding often went hand in hand with Vampires, only the female was not willing.

  “You hurt a female,” Devon spat at the cur as he advanced on him.

  “Devon, now come on. Be reasonable. When did you get so uptight? Your uncle will be pissed if you attack me.”

  “My uncle? My uncle tried to kill me. He only kept me around this long to keep the council from taking him out themselves. I doubt my uncle’s ire over interrupting your crime will add to his desire to eliminate me.”

  Alvah’s eyes widened in sudden fear. “You know about that?” he asked with a slight stutter.

  “I do, and I have since left the coven. I have my own nest now. I couldn’t care less what my uncle will think when he learns that I have pulled your heart from your chest before I burned your sorry carcass.”

  “Now, Devon. Wait a minute. I can help you.”

  Devon’s pointed black nails extended to their long, razor-sharp fighting length. “I doubt that. I don’t need your help.”

  “You do. Mortef plans to take the Lycan enforcer’s mate tonight and kill her. He is insane, I tell you. He just doesn’t know when to say enough and let things be.”

  “Really, I already stopped his idiotic coyotes from harming Emily.”

  Alvah shook his head frantically. “He isn’t using coyotes this time. He is taking her himself with the help of ghouls.”

  Devon paused. “Where?”

  “He’s made an army of ghouls to stop the Lycans.”

  “Where?” Devon shook him as he yelled. Ghouls were humans turned into Vampire slaves in the way most myths claimed a Vampire turned a human. Ghouls drank blood and weren’t truly dead, but were slaves to the Vampire controlling them. They had no free will or desire to do anything but serve their master and find blood to drink. They were easier to kill, but they were just as easy to create, so there could be a lot of them.

  “He plans to ambush them tonight. Mortef killed Vhlan and plans to send him back to you in pieces.”

  Devon staggered back for a moment. He’d wondered why Vhlan had been so silent lately, but he figured he was in too deep to risk communication. When Vhlan was close to his prey, he remained silent. Fury had Devon’s eyes glowing red. His hand gripped Alvah’s throat until he could feel the blood supply cutting off. “Where are they? You’d better hurry before you lose consciousness.”

  Fear darkened Alvah’s eyes. “At Vhlan’s house. Mortef took her there, but Veer is controlling the ghouls,” he squeaked.

  Veer was one of Mortef’s stronger Vampires. If he could kill Veer, then the ghouls would fall without having to fight each one of them.

  Devon spun around just as Kieran pulled the hysterical female close to his own face. He bent over her smaller frame until they were nearly nose-to-nose. “Sleep. When you wake up, you will not remember anything from this night. You had a headache and went to bed early.”

  Devon’s fury threatened to explode, he had to take care of his enemy and then get to Vhlan’s house. “Kieran, take her back to her car while I deal with our friend here.” He turned his attention back to Alvah and trapped him with his eyes. He could feel Alvah trying to break free from his mental grip, but he was a far stronger Vampire than Alvah.

  “Devon, now let’s talk this out.” He could sense the fear from his soon to be dead former coven mate.

  “There is nothing to talk about. You harmed a female. You were going to rape her. Don’t bother trying to deny it. I saw the plans in your disgusting thoughts. That is crossing a line with me. There are ways to feed without harming or killing, yet you hunted an innocent woman. I will not let that pass.”

  “No, no. You have it all wrong.” Alvah’s voice trembled as his body stayed motionless.

  Devon tilted his head and regarded him for a moment. He knew his features were far more monstrous right now. The knowledge pleased him, knowing it only caused Alvah’s terror to intensify. He could taste the dread emanating from the Vampire’s pores. He was going to die and he knew it. Devon wasn’t about to disappoint him and ripped into the Vampire’s chest.

  Alvah screamed as flesh and bone yielded to his razor sharp claws and Devon gripped his heart. It beat in his hand for a few moments before Devon pulled it free. The other Vampire collapsed in a dead heap, and a moment later, Devon threw his heart a few feet away from him.

  “I need some accelerant, brother. The coward is dead.”

  “I will get some before I get this woman back to her home. I will take care of the body for you.”

  “I will leave you to it, then, brother.” Devon spun and with supernatural speed, he ran toward the house where Mortef planned to kill Emily. Devon pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dialed the Lycan Alpha, Marcus’s, cell phone number.

  At one time, Devon avoided Lycans, especially Alpha Lycans. To protect humans from the deadly predators, a Lycan's massive body was constructed to efficiently kill Vampires. He’d always been taught that Lycans killed Vampires indiscriminately. Now, Devon wondered if he’d been lied to his entire life. His time with Marcus and his pack told a very different story than the one his uncle taught him.

  Chapter Three

  It wasn’t far to travel from Chatenooga to the state line and the Lycan Pack territory just past the Tennessee and North Carolina state line. Devon’s supernatural speed got him to Vhlan’s property near Wolf Creek, North Carolina faster than any car would have. Instead of following a winding road, he was able to make a straight shot to the farmhouse of his friend. The Lycans had been looking for Emily since Mortef took her. Their search took them close to Vhlan’s home, so they should have already arrived by the time he got to the edge of Vhlan’s property. Devon ran different scenarios through his head as he prepared to confront his uncle.

  Once he arrived at the trees and creeks surrounding Vhlan’s property, he leaped into the branches to avoid the water. When he landed on a grassy area, he glanced around quickly to orient himself. Lycans howled in
fury at the ghouls that fought silently while they served their purpose of keeping the Lycans away from the house.

  Blood flowed on the forest floor, spattered on trees, and pooled over the fallen leaves on the ground as the battle raged around him. Gunfire drew his attention when Derek held a handgun in each hand and fired at the ghouls.

  Devon’s black, razor-sharp claws grew out as he ran toward the house where Mortef held Emily.

  A ghoul leaped in front of him, and his normal dark eyes blazed red as he faced the ghoul. There was no reasoning with him, only death would set him free now. Devon could not let sympathy override what he knew had to be done.

  The ghoul grabbed Devon and tried to bite him in the neck. He jerked his body out of the way just in time and spun out of reach. The ghoul leapt toward him and just as he reached for him to pull him closes enough to bite, Devon sliced the arm off the ghoul. Blood spurted from the severed arteries, coating the seedling trees on the soft ground.

  The ghoul made no sound as it bled out, but showed off its beast-like, monstrous teeth as it advanced on Devon. The ghoul swung at him with its good arm, and Devon easily missed the blow and used his own claws to slice open its throat. Blood spurted out of the deadly wounds and the ghoul fell to the ground.

  Devon turned to take on another opponent, but the ghoul went down easily when he gripped it in a choke hold and snapped its neck. The rest of the ghouls were going down fast to the Lycan enforcers that ripped the flesh of the other ghouls, and more blood pooled. It was more of a slaughter than a fight. None of the ghouls stood a chance next to the trained enforcers that protected the Lycan packs.


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