Unbound; The Dominator III

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Unbound; The Dominator III Page 1

by DD Prince



  by DD Prince

  Copyright: DD Prince, 2017

  Cover Image: shutterstock.com/g/Merydolla

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  This story is fictional and the work of the author’s imagination.

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  Note: If you’ve read books one and two you don’t need trigger warnings. If you’re not sure what I mean, see above. Please read books one and two.


  This book follows multiple POVs, and I hope you enjoy it!

  The Dominator III; Unbound

  Books one and two must be read prior to reading this book in order to experience this story fully.

  Amazon Links:

  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SNRG8I0 - book one

  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0140AMA9O - book two

  Both digital books are available exclusively on Amazon & free to read for Kindle Unlimited subscribers.


  This book is about overcoming internal obstacles within us while dealing with the many obstacles around us. We’re all capable. Here’s hoping that you always remember to dig deep, never give up, and here’s hoping that you find your knight, whether he or she is in shining armor, denim, a suit, or comes in the form of a BFF who is always there for you in your time of need.



  (aka: DD Prince)



  I’ve got a whiteboard with pictures from Dario Ferrano’s wedding. I’ve got all the members of the family on the board. I’ve decided on a couple ways to get back at Tommy Ferrano for cutting me out of the Fete action. Things haven’t been good since my uncle died. A lot of people in Vegas are showing me disrespect and it has a lot to do with the fact that Ferrano refused to back Ben Goldberg’s club unless he cut me out of the action. Fete won’t get far off the ground if I have my way. And the people who get in my way always pay.

  John Lewis will get his just desserts for siding with Ferrano. Maybe I’ll pick up his hot and horny wife and fuck that bitch with a switchblade. And the Ferrano family? The guy keeps his sweet young wife under lock and key but his sister, the widow, is a pretty young thing. She should fetch a decent ransom.

  Or maybe she won’t be ransomed. Maybe she’ll fetch a price a different way.


  I’m in the relationship game. I make strategic relationships that help me help my clients. Sometimes my clients aren’t the good guys. Sometimes, like this time, I’m helping multiple sides with both good and evil traits at the same time.

  The task force that hired and then later blackmailed me into getting involved in researching the ties between Tom Ferrano and a whack of human trafficking connections was pushing hard for me to get both Ferrano sons fully on board. I was having luck with one. But the other? Not so much.

  I’d worked hard at earning their trust and it took time but I became friends with both of them.

  I read people.

  Dario is a good guy, he’s got a good head on his shoulders. He’s just 25 and he and wants out of the wiseguy grey area his family is in. He’ll go dark if need be, but deep down he wants to live clean.

  He thinks strategically and can hold his shit together. He’s gonna be invaluable to the task force in bringing down the people in Kruna because he won’t let them see behind the mask he puts on for them. No one sees behind that mask unless he wants you to see it.

  There are a lot of places just like Kruna. Always will be. The poor want money and rich that already have it? So what do they want?

  They want power. The richer the average rich guy gets, the more he wants. Not because he needs more material shit but because it’s basic human nature to always aspire to having more. The super-rich people that Kruna are made up of and cater to are people with everything they need and want. It’s like some of them are so over-privileged, so entitled and out-of-touch, that they become monsters and use their money and their connections to live out their hedonistic fantasies and exert their power.

  I’d like to believe I’d never go to those extremes, no matter how much money and power I had. But I’ve seen power and money go to people’s heads and I’ve seen what an abundance of power can do. Power can corrupt the best of us; I’ve seen it happen repeatedly.

  The Kruna organization was started by a couple of people in the 70’s and one of them is from the Frost family. A family with generations of rich and power-hungry people, including a politician named Sylvia Frost who paved the way for many other women in politics.

  She’s a 67-year-old senator who has made a lot of enemies but she’s oblivious to the fact that there are a lot of people who want to take her down.

  She’s cold and calculated and thinks she’s got the world under her thumb. Her head is so far up her own ass she is clueless. She wants to run for president and there are people who are out to make that happen for her as well as those who are determined to stop that from happening. She would be extremely dangerous.

  There are also a few people who know about her involvement in some shady shit, including that she and her now dead husband were seed partners in Kruna. She hasn’t been involved in ten years and one of the goals of this task force is to connect her to Kruna.

  The task force leader, Barrington “Barry” Dresden, is also someone who has a good deal of power and he has a serious hate on for Sylvia Frost. He wants Kruna taken down and his hidden agenda is that he wants her to be implicated as being involved. He’s not afraid to involve some very powerful players to make it happen. He assembles teams to get shit done.

  I also assemble teams so by involving me, he has a better chance of getting what he wants.

  There are multiple teams attempting to infiltrate the Kruna organization and I’m only one small player in the bigger game. I was tasked with gaining the trust of the Ferrano brothers in order to get to their father.

  Their father wasn’t an original partner, he joined later, but he’d been friends with the senator for twenty odd years. Dario Ferrano marrying a Kruna slave has worked out in the favor of the task force along with Dresden’s plans to take Sylvia Frost down.

  Tommy Ferrano, aka Thomas Ferrano Jr., he’s a harder nut to crack. I managed to earn his trust and he’s not happy to find out that he was wrong about me. Neither is Dario.

  But, where Dario is gonna be willing to play ball to a degree because of the fact that his new bride was hurt by that place and he wants to end the association, Tommy is gonna be a challenge at every turn. It’ll be like pulling teeth. From a rabid dog. A rabid dog who wants to pay me back for my deceit. Great. As if I needed another enemy.

  Somehow, I gotta get things done. My reputation and my trade secrets depend on it. My trade secrets keep me in this game and they are also what keeps me from having a price put on my head.

  The task force believ
es that this upcoming Kruna Partner Summit, with Dario and the blushing bride Felicia Ferrano, aka Angelica Macleod, in attendance is just the ticket.

  Alessandro Romero

  Rocco came into my office on a Tuesday morning and sat down in the leather chair in front of my desk. I looked up from my computer screen and gave a jerk of my chin.

  The chin jerk didn’t get him talking. He looked nervous. Rocco doesn’t get nervous.


  “I dug, like you asked. Zachary Jacobs is nosing around for information because the son of the late Tom Ferrano took possession of a Kruna slave whose sister was kidnapped from Alaska.”

  That got my attention.

  Zack Jacobs was asking the kinds of questions that set my teeth on edge. I knew about the Ferrano family. I knew that their decision to take revenge against my uncle had been rather fortuitous for me. It seemed our paths were destined to repeatedly cross and maybe even merge.

  “Which Ferrano?” I knew this answer but needed to confirm. I knew the older one had just recently gotten married to the girl who my uncle had kidnapped several months ago, before he was murdered in cold blood by Tommy Ferrano.

  “The younger one. Dario. It seems that he took his new pet from Kruna and is getting ready to marry her. He’s trying to find out what happened to the pet’s little sister.”

  I clenched my jaw. Fuck.

  “Are Kruna aware he’s digging into his pet’s past?”

  “Does not look like it.”

  Dario Ferrano wasn’t on my radar until a few months back when Jesse turned up dead. Jesse had been blown up and was after the Ferrano boys in the name of vengeance for Juan Carlos. Dario Ferrano liked to cause explosions. Another fortuitous thing for me.

  Not fortuitous? The fact that Kruna’s senior partner team were being sloppy.

  “Do you think Jacobs knows you have her?” Rocco asked me.

  “No. He doesn’t play like that. If he already knew, he wouldn’t poke around. He’d be straight up about it. What we know about Zack Jacobs, he’ll figure it out soon enough.”

  Zack Jacobs was a fucking bloodhound and exceptionally good at his job. He’d been an asset to me on a few occasions already.

  “So, what can I do now for you? To help?”

  “Get me everything you can on the Ferrano family. Who their friends are, who their enemies are, what their big deals are right now. Make it a priority.”


  The Dominator III


  A few weeks after Dare’s Wedding

  (be sure to read Prologues first)

  Tia was asleep, her cheek on my belly, her silky oats and honey-scented hair fanned out across the chest tattoo that bared her name and displayed her symbol. An owl on an olive branch. Wisdom. Forgiveness. Thinking about the symbolism made my gut churn, go sour.

  My left hand was tangled in her hair and I was staring at the ring that sat on my finger. Gold and black. Light and dark. Good and evil. Right now, there was more black than gold to me because I’d spent a sleepless night plotting. Plotting the next moves that had to be made. It all went round and round in my brain all fucking night long.

  Take down Kruna, being the fucking gophers for the goddamn Feds without getting ourselves killed.

  That fucking Zack.

  If I had my way, when this was over, the footnote would be a gaping hole in his forehead. Dare was acting like he was leaning toward giving Zack a pass. I didn’t fucking think so.

  Bastard didn’t earn my trust overnight. He worked at it, the motherfucking liar. And he’d pay for fucking us over. I never forgot betrayal.

  We had to first confirm and then if she was there, (I suspected she was), get Angel’s sister Holly back from Alessandro Romero’s hellhole down in Mexico. Zack said he had it on good authority that this was where she was and it was gonna be a tricky proposition. He wasn’t useless. A lying fed motherfucker but he was resourceful. He was still fact-finding.

  We had to find a way to get her back, knowing Romero knew what we’d done. We didn’t know him. We’d heard he was an ice-cold mother fucker and it stood to reason that he’d want me dead for killing his Uncle Juan Carlos and Dare dead for killing his brother Jesse. The cartel that I had a relationship with from the takedown of the Castillo cartel was something I didn’t relish the idea of calling on again. They’d helped me for what they’d get out of him being gone.

  This time, if we needed their help, we’d be indebted to them and that would slow down our plan to distance ourselves from our Pop’s world as much as humanly possible without it meaning we had to disappear into thin air to escape that shit.

  I didn’t know much about Romero other than the fact he’d inherited his father’s business in pedaling flesh and in dealing guns. And my guys alerted me once or twice to the fact that people had compared us. I didn’t like that. I’d had people keep their ears to the ground, concerned Romero might set his sights on us after Jesse Romero was killed.

  Beyond this shit with Kruna and with Angel’s sister, we also had the launch of Fete and Leo Denarda was being a fucking thorn in my side. This guy wanted in on partnership but I made my involvement contingent on him being kept out. Of course, he wasn’t happy. But he was a slimy asshole that I refused to associate with.

  He didn’t take the news of his exclusion well and now he was trying to screw with us. And what’d started out as an annoyance had become more than a mere pain in my ass; like a mosquito trapped in a dark room with you.

  My patience was not generous. If I found myself in a dark room with a mosquito and didn’t flush that fucker out within five minutes, I’d be tempted to blow the whole fucking room up.

  My gut told me shit was becoming dangerous. It’d mean more enemies for us if we weren’t really fucking careful. He was already more hassle than he was worth. I’d talked about backing out, but my buddy John Lewis? Johnny needed the launch, financially. He needed it to go well. He needed our help and it’d oust Leo for once and for all. I had a feeling I’d need his help with some of the other shit on my plate. John was mostly clean but well-connected and respected. He was an ally and he was a good friend. I’d get to help him out and stick it to Leo Denarda at the same time.

  I had to accomplish all of this without putting Tia and my unborn baby at risk. Do it all without losing precious time watching her pregnancy bloom. I couldn’t fucking wait to see her huge, to see her waddle, to feed her pickles and ice cream or whatever she craved.

  So far, all she was craving was my cock. And sleep. All she wanted was fucking and sleeping. Talk about a dream come true…

  I needed to get through all this shit while keeping my own demons at bay and those fucking demons were nagging at me with all this goddamn stress.

  My tattoo. Forgiveness and wisdom. Maybe it wasn’t wise but I wasn’t feeling all that forgiving right now. Zack had snowed us with this Kruna shit. I told Dare to just keep his girl and forget Kruna existed. Let the lawyers deal with shit. I told John Lewis that Denarda was just an annoying little gnat but his uncle finally croaked and Denarda somehow had the stones to make a few key moves before word got out about his uncle’s death and so he now had more power.

  He’d ruffled feathers throughout Vegas and beyond and that would work to our advantage because we’d have help taking him down if we needed it. And I had a feeling we would.

  I just had to be careful what kind of help I elicited because I didn’t wanna owe too many of a certain type of people favors.

  And it was feeling like it was all coming to a head. Like a zit about to pop. A big zit filled with ugly shit that’d ooze over all of us.

  Dare wanted to be clean, wanted us to be legit. For the girls. For our future kids. For the rest of the family. I guess I wanted the same; I don’t even know. I’m still having somewhat of an existential crisis. I don’t like the idea of letting go of the connections, the fire power in case we need it. Shit is so amped it feels like we’ll always need it.

I did know is that more than anything, I wanted to watch my wife’s belly grow. Dare wanted to put a dozen babies in his wife’s belly. They’d just gotten married but he said she was off birth control and they wanted to get pregnant immediately.

  But, we had a fucking war ahead of us. A war with more than one enemy. So, I’d have to play fucking dirty. If I had to channel all the dirty evil shit I’d been fighting to keep at bay, all that I’d inherited from my father in order to clean all this up, so be it.

  If I had to hang onto the reins of the crime empire I’d inherited a bit longer so that I have the firepower and connections to see my way through this shit, I’d do it. I’d get as dirty as I had to. I’d get so dirty it’d make Pop smile and say, “That’s my boy.”

  Dare and his new wife were going on their honeymoon. The wedding had happened fast. I didn’t blame him. Mine happened pretty damn fast, too. When a Ferrano man wants a woman, evidently, he doesn’t pull any punches.

  I carefully extracted myself from the bed without waking Tia. She was the only person I knew who could sleep sixteen hours and then go back to bed ten hours later. The pregnancy was making her want to do nothing but sleep. And fuck. She was horny as fuck. I was not complaining.

  She didn’t look pregnant yet, except her tits looked bigger, fuller. A nice side effect. But she complained they hurt so I kissed them better at every fuckin’ opportunity.

  Her tits aside, nothing seemed different. But every fuckin’ thing was different at the same time. I couldn’t wait to see what it would look like. I couldn’t wait to meet this piece of us, this piece of her and me and of what had started out as an unholy union because it came from a place of greed and vengeance. It was already something beautiful, because of all she gave me, and now it would be more. Much more.


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