Alpha Farm, Facing Your Demons (Prepper Chicks Series Book 2)

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Alpha Farm, Facing Your Demons (Prepper Chicks Series Book 2) Page 12

by Annie Berdel

  Emma looked at the man standing before her. This was not her Tommy, this was not the man she had fallen in love with. She wasn’t sure who he was. Taking a deep breath, Emma calmed her voice.

  “Yes, Tom. You are my husband and yes, this is my farm. But, that gives you no reason to scream at two small children like you did. They have been through enough” her voice low and steady

  “They? What about me? Haven’t I been through enough too?” He whined

  Emma saw where this conversation was going and knew it would not end well if she voiced her thoughts. A grown man acting like this would not be resolved in one conversation. First she needed to diffuse this situation and let him calm down.

  “Why don’t you tell me what happened?” she asked quietly

  “I was fucking trying to sleep! I’ve been hurt if you haven’t noticed and its damn near impossible to sleep in this hell hole!” he spat out

  “I’m sorry Tom. Yes, you need your rest. Let me help you back into the house and I will make sure no one bothers you anymore today. I’m so sorry.” She replied, barely above a whisper. Turning, she opened the door and allowed him to enter before her.

  “Would you like some lunch?” she asked from behind him

  “Yes, that would be nice” he replied, his voice already quieting down

  “Would you like me to bring it to your room?” she asked

  “Ya, that’s fine. Just keep the noise down around here” he said as he disappeared off towards the room he was sleeping in

  Emma watched him walk away, as a piece of her heart ripped out of her chest with each step he took. Tears filled her eyes as she tilted her head back “Where’s my Tommy?” she whispered to heaven.


  The black woman smiled as Sean entered the room.

  “How was your visit Sean?” she asked with a smile

  “Superb as always, Miss Duval.” He replied with an equal amount of pleasantry

  “Excellent. I always like to know you are taken care of properly. What year did you partake of this time? “

  “I believe that would be 2008?” Sean replied

  “Ah yes, young, fertile and eager to please with a hint of innocence. Excellent choice my friend” Kate Duval quipped

  “I will be bringing you a gift soon. Probably next week. They are being delivered from out of state. I would be careful though where you train and utilize their skills as they were associated with the elite here at one time. It might be best to ship them overseas.

  “Understood. Who’s the connection?” she asked


  “Really? Well, ok then.” She trailed off in thought

  “Don’t play with this one, they will need to disappear fast”

  “Yes, I can see that. Don’t worry.”

  “I’m not worried but I will expect to see an addition to my account.”

  “Of course. Were you pleased today?” Kate asked

  “Very much so.”

  “Excellent. Your hand sir.” Kate instructed as she held up the small wand

  Sean lifted his left palm as Kate quickly passed the rod over it. A green light blinked as the transaction was completed.

  “Pleasure doing business with you.” Kate said as she lowered her lashes and bowed her head

  “Pleasure was all mine, I assure you.” He replied as he grazed her cheek with his hand

  “Joseph! Please see the gentleman out!” She instructed the man quietly hiding in the background

  Sean was astonished that he did not see the man until he was summoned. Kate winked at him to reassure that there will always be secrets even he could not stay ahead of in life. Following the man to the door, Sean quickly put his hood up and disappeared into the night. Walking back into the room where the woman was, he waited for further instruction.

  “Joseph, we need to make plans for a trip” Kate said “Saddle up the horses!”


  Emma walked into her bedroom, not sure what she was expecting to find. What she did find melted her heart. There on her bed, snuggled up with her blankets around their sweet faces were these two children who had stolen her heart.

  Walking over, she turned the light overhead off. The only glow in the room now was from her nightstand light as it cast a warm blush over the room. Standing beside her bed, Emma looked down at the cherub faces nestled on her pillow. Peace, even after all that they had been through, was evident on their sleeping countenance. They felt safe here.

  Emma knelt down beside the bed, laying her hands on the blankets over the children.

  “Father” was all she could say. Her heart cried out but the words just would not come. There was an unspoken language that passed between Emma and heaven that night. Her heart was begging for so many things, protection for the children, for her husband to be healed, for her life to return to normal. Emma rested her forehead on the edge of the bed, closing her eyes. So much had happened. She missed her life, the way it was. The doting husband. Her homestead. The comforts of having electricity and the internet. She missed talking with her friends on Prepper Chicks. She wondered how everyone else was surviving the catastrophe that had happened. She had dear friends across the country that she hoped she would talk to again. What would Jimmy tell her to do now? He didn’t hesitate to tell her straight up what was what. She valued his friendship greatly. How about Michelle? Michelle, who owned the Princess with a Gun company. Emma’s memory flashed back to their first meeting in a hotel in Utah. They became fast friends and Emma valued her insight greatly. God, she wished she could pick up the phone and call her cousin Michael. He always made her laugh. “Father” she cried out again. Sliding down, Emma curled up on the rug beside the bed. She remembered lying here one other night not long ago. That time too she remembered begging God for guidance for what was coming ahead.

  Turning over onto her back, Emma stared up at the ceiling in her bedroom. She could hear the children’s breathing as they slept, the faint whistling of breath as they dreamed their dreams. These sweet babies didn’t deserve this. No one did. Someone out there caused all of this chaos, probably to make a buck. So many lives had been changed, included hers. These children had now lost their mother. No matter the issues she had with Nina, the woman was still their mother. Who knows, maybe she wouldn’t have ended up being like she was if none of this had happened. Stress changed people and not for the better normally. Her thoughts turned to her husband and how he had changed since this all happened. She always thought she would have him there to lean on, to pray with, and to hold at night. He was nothing more than a stranger at this point. How can you live with someone for so long and feel like you don’t even know them? Maybe it was the trauma, the strain from everything on his mind, but there was no way Emma was going to be comfortable with direction her family was going to have to take when it came to putting him as the head of the household.

  Emma jumped when she heard the pounding. “What the?” she muttered under her breath

  Stretching, Emma realized she must have dozed off while she was praying. Sitting up, and glancing over, Emma saw both children still asleep in her bed.

  Maybe I was dreaming, she thought


  Nope, not dreaming but I know where that came from, she said in exasperation

  Getting up, Emma silently exited the room and made her way downstairs to the room her husband was staying in

  Knocking lightly, she called out “Tom?”

  “Where the hell have you been? I could have starved!” He was saying as she opened the door and peeked in.

  Sitting on the edge of his bed, Tom was looking at the door when she peered around the edge of it. Emma locked eyes with him just for an instant, the coldness holding her in his gaze.

  “I’m sorry. I went to check on the kids and I guess I fell asleep. I’ll get you lunch now” she said waiting for a response

  “Those fucking kids again? Really? Haven’t they screwed up our lives enough already?” Emma didn’t want to hear anym
ore. She had had enough of his hostility since his accident to last her a lifetime. “I’ll be back shortly” she stammered as she backed out of the room

  “Ya, see if you can stay awake this time” he chimed out, loud enough to make sure she heard.

  Emma let the words drift past her and down the hallway. They hurt but she didn’t need to accept the pain they could cause. Instead she asked God for an extra portion of Grace to cover her heart and protect it. Walking down the hall to the kitchen, Emma paused as she remembered that night. It caught her every time she walked in here. Taking a deep breath, she walked over to the kitchen sink, grasping the edge with her hands and squeezing tight. “Father” she spoke

  Sometimes, especially lately, it was all she could say. Her soul so twisted up inside her that she couldn’t release the words she needed to find. But, she knew he understood. Her God had been there with her whatever it was she was going through, guiding her, protecting her and sometimes just listening. Right now, she just needed a hug and right now, He was all she had. Lifting her head, she straightened her back. Feeling the strength supplied to her, Emma walked over to the refrigerator and began to pull items out and place them on the butcher block. Some good old BLT sandwiches made with homemade bread baked that morning, tomatoes grown in her own garden, bacon from her own pigs that had been smoked out back and lettuce from the garden. The only think she needed was some mayo. Walking over, she pulled the oil from the pantry and returned to place it on the counter. Looking around, she realized she had left the eggs from this morning in the barn before all the commotion started. Making a mental note to grab them later, she walked over to the door leading to the fruit cellar in the basement. Placing her hand on the doorknob, she hesitated.


  Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and went downstairs. Her gut was telling her something that she couldn’t quite make out, but man, there was something definitely wrong here. Something waiting, watching, making the hair on the back of her neck stand on edge. Gathering some eggs and a couple lemons, Emma quickly went back upstairs. Closing the door, she shuddered. Something, whether supernatural or not, was down there. Her spirit recognized it as not belonging. Where did it come from and why was it here?

  Emma walked over and grabbed a glass bowl. Her nerves still on edge, she busted a couple egg shells into the bowl before her hands steadied themselves. Two egg yolks now smiled at her from the dish. The deep orange color making her thankful for her own chickens. Grabbing a whisk, she beat the yolks to get them blended. Taking the lemons to the sink, she gave them a quick roll across the counter as she pressed them downward to break up the insides a bit. Rinsing them under the cool tap, she gathered them into her apron. Turning back toward the table, she dried the lemons as she walked, not noticing until she was almost upon her work area that the rest of the eggs now lay on the floor busted open.

  “What in the world” she murmured

  Again, that feeling of being watched overwhelmed her. Standing still, Emma took a deep breath and waited. “Lord, protect me” screamed in her head. Waiting, her senses attune to every vibration of energy in the room.


  Breaking the silence, Tom’s voice nearly caused Emma to faint. Grasping the back of the chair, Emma steadied herself.

  “I’ll be right there!” she yelled back with more emotion then she intended

  Slicing the lemon in half, she ended up cutting her finger a bit. The bright red blood mingled with the lemon juice causing her to wince in pain. Tears filled her eyes. What would she give to make all of this chaos disappear? The thought bounced through her brain as images of happier times teased her relentlessly. Pausing, she straightened her back and took a deep breath. “I’m not for sale” she said out loud. Three teaspoons of lemon juice chased by two teaspoons of white wine vinegar made their way into the bowl of beaten egg yolks. Picking up the mason jar of homemade mustard, Emma removed the ring and lid with little effort with her new determination. One half a teaspoon later and she was putting a beating on the ingredients that would make Julia Child proud. Picking up the spoon, Emma began drizzling a quarter cup of the oil to the yolk mixture as she continued beating. Four minutes later she was ready for the rest of the oil. Gradually adding another half a cup of oil in a very slow stream, she continued whisking until the mayonnaise turned thick, another eight minutes had gone by and she felt her nerves returning to normal. Dipping her pinkie finger into the foamy concoction, she gave it a quick taste.

  Salt, it needs salt.

  Giving it a sprinkle, she whisked the homemade mayo lightly once last time

  Taking a plate, she slathered a thick slice of fresh bread with the mayo and laid it down. Several leaves of lettuce, a couple slices of fresh, ripe tomato and a crisscross of bacon, she spread another slice of bread with mayo and laid it on top of the pile. Laying her hand on top of the sandwich, she gently stabilized the tower as she cut it in half. Grabbing a handful of homemade potato chips, she piled them between the two halves of the sandwich and moved the entire plate to the carrying tray. A napkin and glass of cold tea added and Emma was off to deliver her bounty to the awaiting beast in the other room.


  Nothing in the world smells as bad as rotting flesh to Ridley. She had a strong gag reflex and had seen a lot of gruesome bodies in various forms of dismemberment being a pre-med student but rotting flesh always got to her. Unwrapping the bandage, the smell intensified with each section being removed. Her eyes started to mist up and her mouth started to salivate. Ridley was fighting back vomiting all over her patient.

  How the hell am I supposed to be a doctor like this? She thought to herself

  “I’m so sorry! Can we open a window in here or something?” Ridley blurted out

  “Rid, you ok there girl?” Shelby asked looking at the paleness in Ridley’s face. The worried look got Jeremiah’s attention too and he came around behind Ridley just in time as the girl passed out cold. Jeremiah was close enough to catch her under her arms and make for a more smooth transition to the hard floor then Ridley just falling on her own.

  “Did that just really happen?” Shelby asked with a giggle

  “Stop laughing, it’s not funny” Jeremiah said looking at his wife. The quick glance was enough to crack a smile on his face and send his wife into full out giggles

  “Tell me that just did not happen?” Shelby begged

  Jeremiah looked down at Ridley lying at his feet “Yep, fraid so” he replied

  “Ok, well. Get a smelling salt out of her bag after you open the window please!” Shelby chuckled

  Jeremiah walked over and propped the window open, letting clean cool air into the room “Thank goodness there’s a nice breeze going or I would have to drag her outside!” Jeremiah said now getting caught up in the hilarity of the situation. Walking over, he dug into the medicine chest and grabbed a small, white cylinder. Stooping beside Ridley, he broke it in half and stuck in beneath the girl’s nose.

  “Ah man, that smells!” the big burley man squelched

  “Suck it up, buttercup” Shelby said with laughter “We gotta save the doctor!”

  Jeremiah lost it. The huge brute of a man began to giggle in a high pitched squeal. Before long Jeremiah and Shelby both were grabbing their mid sections in pain as tears cascaded down their cheeks

  “Wha… What happened?” Ridley mouthed as she slowly started to come around Fluttering her eyes open, she was a little taken aback that Jeremiah was kneeling over her with tears all over his face. Propping herself up on her elbows, Jeremiah pushed her back a little

  “Slow down a bit. You took a bit of a fall” he snickered causing Shelby to burst out laughing again

  “What is wrong with you both?” Ridley demanded

  “Honey, its ok! You just passed out is all” Shelby said

  “Oh god, not again!” Ridley cried out

  “What do you mean, again?” Shelby asked

  Ridley sat up fully now and crossed her legs Indian
style resting her head in the palm of her hands and her elbows on her knees “Oh my gawd this is so embarrassing”

  “Honey, its ok! As long as you don’t do it in the middle of surgery.” Shelby tried to use a soothing voice but it was upset by the hiccups she had now from laughing

  Ridley stood up slowly, walking over to stand in front of the open window. “They told me to visit the morgue. They said to put Vicks vapor rub under my nose so the smell wouldn’t bother me, but I never did either. I know I have to acclimate myself to the smells of medicine but I kinda skipped that part.” Ridley explained timidly

  “Oh hell, I can fix that right quick! “ Jeremiah chimed “You can hang out with me down at the barn for a couple days. Won’t matter if your throw up all you want. Plus, if you pass out you’ll be falling into cow dung so it won’t hurt much.”

  Shelby bust out laughing. There was just no way to hold it in any longer. Trying to breath, she ended up hyperventilated and lost her breath.

  “Shelby, slow your breathing. Look at me.” Ridley talked low and slow to get Shelby calmed “Take your finger and close one nostril. Good, now breathe in your belly, not your lungs. Fill up your belly”

  Shelby put a finger on her nose closing one nostril and concentrated on filling her belly with air. She calmed down enough to regain control. Returning her breathing to normal, Shelby held her arms out to hug the young woman sitting on the bed beside her.

  “Oh honey, Im so glad you are here!” Shelby cooed “Please don’t think any different. You are a part of our family now.”

  Ridley sank into the woman’s hug, feeling the pull of emotions redefining their relationship. Ridley wrapped her arms around Shelby and squeezed her back, returning the flow of energy.

  “All right girls, let’s get a move on so my wife can get out of bed and make me a sandwich!” Jeremiah joked

  “Oh! No way had you just said that!” Ridley squealed turning around to slap Jeremiah on the arm


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