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The Mating Season

Page 5

by M. L. Briers

  “Let me walk you back- after all- you might meet a big bad wolf out here alone and we wouldn’t want that.” He mused ducking his head to look her in the eye and she grimaced as she tried to look everywhere but at him, he wanted to belly laugh at her reaction, but he managed to hold it in, he didn’t want her to think he was purposely enjoying her discomfort, even if he was slightly.

  She might not know it yet, but he was going to claim her and he hoped that he could hold onto his beast for long enough for her to want him just as deeply as he wanted her. He knew his beast, it was tempestuous and now he had found his mate, he would be eager to claim her- to make them complete- he could understand that, respect it, but Fay had problems of her own with not knowing who she was and she had already reached out to him within her dreams with her Fae self- if he pushed her before she was ready her- life would just come crashing in around her and he wasn’t entirely sure if he could just make love to her with his human side.

  Faith took one look at the guilty- almost horrified look of awareness on Fay’s face as they met in the hallway – busted- shooting a quick look towards Adam who appeared to want to reach out hold her in place- she made a quick excuse and headed up the stairwell at break neck speed to get away from her friend.

  Faith watched her scamper away like a startled rabbit and once she had disappeared from view she turned her knowing gaze onto Adam- who sucked in a breath and pushed out his chest, he knew he was in for one hell of a tongue lashing and he also knew that he needed to stave it off because he needed to make his friend aware of exactly what was going on.

  “Don’t say it Faith. We need to talk and I need your advice.” That took the wind right out of her sails and she frowned up at him as she quickly contemplated what the hell was going on. This wasn’t Adam- the last time he had asked for advice was when he was caught between a rock and a hard place over deciding between his pack’s tradition and his gut.

  “Did you just have sex with her and now you want to get out of it?” Faith demanded as she put her hands on her slender hips and gave him a death glare and he grabbed hold of her wrist and started to manhandle her towards the privacy of the library as she looked around the empty hallway for some sign of what he was doing and why he was doing it.

  “What? No.” He growled down at her as he virtually pushed her into the library room and closed the door behind them, looking a lot more physically shaken than Faith was comfortable with.

  “What’s going on Adam?” She hissed back at him, finding the need to be whispering even though she didn’t know why and he ran a hand through his shoulder length hair and shrugged his broad shoulders at her, suddenly unwilling to share.

  “I- we- I – have a problem.” He finally admitted and Faith pulled her neck back as she regarded him with suspicious disbelief, her eyes narrowing to tiny slits- she felt that itch of mistrust creeping over her skin, oh not the kind of mistrust where she thought he was going to do something really evil, she knew him too well for that- more the mistrust that you get in the pit of your stomach when your best friend was doing something so out of character that you didn’t know what else to feel.

  “And what kind of a problem would that be?” She wasn’t sure that she actually wanted an answer to that- after all it seemed to have Mr Unflappable all flappy.

  “I believe I have found my mate.”

  Faith took one long step back and her mouth dropped open as she regarded him with a look of pure disbelief. Her mouth started moving like a goldfish but she just couldn’t seem to find the words to go with the actions- this couldn’t be happening was all that kept repeating in her mind- like an echo bouncing off the walls of her brain until she just wanted to scream and make it stop.

  “No.” She finally snapped back to awareness as he stood there watching her and waiting for her response. It wasn’t the one he had hoped for.

  “No?” He repeated her word back to her and she blinked once in acknowledgement.

  “No.” She said slightly more forceful this time and he tipped his head to one side, his wolf rearing its head within him and regarded her with emotionless eyes as she put her hands back on her hips in defiance at his words.

  “Elaborate-“ He knew she regarded Fay as off limits and he knew why, but this- well this was different- this was his mate- this was his very nature that wouldn’t be denied, except by his mate if she choose to do it- which was unlikely as no mate usually refused the call of the others- it was to primal- to primeval.

  “No. No. No. No. No and hell no.” She was adamant. Standing there like a beautiful goddess before him, her hands on her hips as though to show defiance against him and go against the very essence of what he was- an alpha- no one defied an alpha like this and expected there not to be repercussions.

  Adam felt his beast roar to life within him, his eyes shone with a fiery rage that had Faith swallowing hard as he drew his body up to its full intimidating height and he took one exceptionally controlled step towards her, glaring down until she dropped her eyes to the floor and gave a small little squeal of submission to his will and his power as her hands dropped to her sides.

  Adam felt his wolf shimmer within him, the desire to be unleashed was unmistakeable but he held it tightly, controlling his anger as he breathed down his nose more like a dragon spitting out fire than a wolf in a man’s body.

  “Don’t do that again Faith-“ He warned on a low growl that all but had his wolf locked safely within him.

  “Sorry- but I needed to make my point Adam-“ Faith admitted as she brought her eyes back up to his fully aware that her friend was now firmly back in control.

  “Could you make it then-“ He offered and watched her sigh.

  “You’re not just Lycan Adam- you’re an alpha- it’s in your very nature to dominate and that’s not something that Fay can handle in any shape or form- she’s- sensitive-“ Faith was trying to be as gentle with his feelings as possible, after all he was her oldest friend, well more like a brother and she didn’t want to hurt him- not the kind of slap in the face hurt him that she could have inflicted upon him with her words.

  “She’s my mate Faith. I can feel it- my wolf can feel it-“ Adam at least had to try to make her understand- faith knew the way of the pack- the way of the Lycan and she damned well knew him- he would cut his own arms off before hurting his mate.

  “Damn it Adam.” Faith turned her back on him with a small stomp of her foot. This was not good and she didn’t want to admit to herself that Fay was his mate, because then she would have to admit to herself that there was little she could do or would do to stop him trying to claim her as such.

  “We can’t choose for each other our mate Faith- otherwise do you really think I would let Jake anywhere near you?” His words were soft and almost whispered as he watched her turn back towards him, a small smile of knowing on her lips as she gave a soft chuckle.

  “No I guess you wouldn’t.”

  “Damn right- so are you going to help me with my little problem or not?”

  “I’m not sure how you need my help Adam, you’ve never had a problem getting a woman as far as I can remember and if she’s your mate then it’s just a foregone conclusion-“ Faith gave him a wicked smile as her tongue popped out between her teeth and she held it there like the little siren he knew her to be.

  “True and true- but it’s not help getting her into my bed I need it’s help on how I’m going to tell her what I am- after all- you know her best.”

  Faith looked down at the ground, snapping her mouth shut and starring with intent at the ugly rug that Jake loved so much but would be gone shortly after the wedding along with all the other ugly pieces of furnishings he seemed to horde- if she got her way and she fully intended too.

  “Geez Adam -this is really going to open up a can of worms.”

  “But you’re my sister and you love me so you’re going to help me right?”He gave her that grin- the one that said ‘you know I’m right- so just say yes.’ And she huffed as she half stomp
ed her foot in frustration.

  “You’re sure she’s your mate?” Faith demanded illogically and Adam just stared at her blankly- he didn’t need to clarify, it wasn’t the kind of thing you could get wrong. “Fine.” She hissed out begrudgingly and he grinned wholeheartedly back at her as she cut him a death stare.

  Fay had taken what was probably the longest bath of her life- then had proceeded to use every minute she had spare before she knew that the time was upon her when Faith wanted her down for diner to change and amble around her bedroom.

  She knew Adam was going to be there tonight and she didn’t want to have to deal with her embarrassment any sooner than she needed too- so making an early appearance wasn’t even remotely on the cards as she almost counted down the seconds it would take before she really did have to leave for dinner.

  When she got to the bedroom door and had a mild panic attack- her heart beat sped up inside her chest, a hot flush whooshed through her entire body as she felt what could only be described as a giant bear hug to her chest making breathing a new Olympic sport while her legs quivered under the weight of her body- which she was sure had increased threefold- hesitating with her hand on the door handle for longer than she knew she should owning to the fact she had left it so damned late in the day to go downstairs.

  Pull it together Fay- breathe- god please breathe- calm- calm- you’re not going to die it will ruin the wedding.

  Nope- there was still that heat- that quiver- the unobtainable full breath and just when she started to feel light headed her mind snapped onto Faith-

  She really is going to kill you- get it together- you can do it- it was a kiss- a really, really- really good- lots of kisses kiss. A kiss you wouldn’t mind repeating with that man- oh god that man-

  Fay felt her breathing ease- felt her heart rate kick down a notch- felt the heat that had been like a blow torch ease to a mild electric fire glow and rubbed her moist palms down over her hips.

  She didn’t want to be late and have to walk in all alone either. God, she was freaking out- this wasn’t good, she told herself as she paced back and forth by her bedroom door when she suddenly had the realisation that she needed to put what mattered back in the forefront of her mind.

  This was Faiths wedding and she needed to pull herself together for long enough to not cause any spectacle and upset Faith.

  Pulling herself up to her full height and giving herself a quick talking to she felt renewed with purpose as she yanked open the bedroom door and sped out full of self determination and right into the waiting chest full of muscles that was walking past.

  Damn it.

  She felt the hands on her back, the strong arms go around her and heard the slight intake of breath above her as she tried to step back, her hands pushing against hard solid muscle of his chest but held by the steely cage of his arms and there was a tingling running across her skin.

  “You smell good-“ The silky smooth tones drifted down to her and she couldn’t help but hear the amusement in his voice as her head snapped back and she looked up into the deep warm brown eyes of her human cage.

  Was every male around here so damned perfect and god like? Give a girl a break.

  “Thanks and sorry for the tackle-“ She rushed out on one long breath as he seemed to dip his head towards her and take a long breath much to her chagrin- was he actually smelling her?

  “You’re Fae-“ He drawled enticed by her unmistakeable scent and watched as she frowned slightly, she certainly hadn’t met him before she would have remembered.


  “No!” Faith drew both of their attention towards her as she came almost barrelling up the corridor towards them a look of horror on her face and he let his arms go from around Fay as she turned towards her friend.

  “No?” both he and Fay asked in unison and he grinned down at her as she looked up at him in surprise.

  “Great minds and all that-“ He teased and she smiled weakly at him as she turned her attention back towards Faith who was genuinely panting her arrival now, a hand waving her dismissal in front of her.

  “Yes- yes her name is Fay- and no we don’t have time for this we need to get down to dinner.” She grabbed Fay’s arm and started to tug her along with her as quickly as she could- praying that they wouldn’t ask questions of her panic stricken mind right now. What she needed to do was damn well sign post it somewhere- ‘do not refer to Fay and Fae- end of.

  “So Fay is Fae?” He drawled as he followed along behind them- amusement in his deep tones and Fay shot a look of confusion over her shoulder, he looked as confused as she felt.

  “What?-“ Faith spat out as they all practically ran down the stairs towards the dining room and if it wasn’t the fact that Faith was panicking for some reason that Fay couldn’t work out- she would have dug in her heels and asked what the heck everyone was going on about.

  “Her name is Fay and she’s-“ He started to clarify as Faith suddenly whirled around towards the man stopping all of them in our tracks, if they had been a freight train they would have been in real trouble.

  “My very good friend that you’ve heard so much about Sebastian-“ It was in Faith’s eyes, that look of not so subtle- shut the hell up- and he immediately nodded his head.

  “Of course she is.” He shot a puzzled glance at Faith who seemed to growl low under her breath before turning on her- too high pointy heels again pulling Fay along with her as they all started off again, heading towards the dining room. Faith practically shoved Fay ahead of her into the room as those already seated looked up.

  So much for not making an entrance and staying low key- Fay told herself as her cheeks flushed with crimson and she cleared her throat- standing there unsure what to do or where to sit.

  There was a space next to Adam and she immediately turned away from it feeling the heat rush through her body as she met his blue eyes, her eyes locking on the vacant space that was next to Hope.

  Faith’s hand reached for her arm and she wrapped her fingers around her wrist as she physically yanked her backwards, a small yelp coming from Fay’s lips as she came to a halt in front of Faith with her friend almost hissing in her ear.

  “Look you sit next to Adam and we’ll do the boy girl thing-“ She shoved her in the back towards a grinning Adam. Faith looped her arm within Sebastian’s and guided him around the table whispering in his ear as they went.

  To say that Fay was a little put out was an understatement, she felt as though she had been thrown to the wolves and by her best friend no less. Adam got to his feet as she drew nearer and placed his hand on the back of her chair not seating himself until she had slipped onto her own chair, her eyes immediately shooting towards Faith, who was still whispering to Sebastian in a conspiratorial way at the end of the room and completely oblivious to the glare her friend was giving her.

  “Where have you been hiding all afternoon?” Adam leaned towards her and whispered- she felt that rush of heat wash through her body again- she was already hot from being run down the stairs- hurled through the door and then foist in Adam’s direction and now she was almost burning from the nearness of him.

  “I wasn’t hiding.”She hotly denied feeling the added tension of what Faith was sharing with the newcomer at the other end of the room.

  “Are you sure- because it felt like you were hiding out?” Adam teased again and she rolled her eyes- turning towards him she found his blue eyes locking with hers- the rush of tension that swept through her made her physically fidgety and then there was that damn tingly sensation.

  “I’m sure- there was no reason for me to hide.” She lied and he noticed the change in her when she did- picking up on the subtle tell of her heart speeding within her, the way she couldn’t quite meet his gaze full on, the way she reached up to rub her ear lobe and he found himself smiling not only at how cute she looked when she was lying, but how he now had a handle on her tells.

  “Wonder what’s for dinner- I’m hoping for a nice slab of juicy meat.” A
bel commented out of the blue and to no one in particular and Fay leapt on the chance of changing the subject.

  “I’m vegetarian-“ She lied- it had been the first thing to come in to her head, or maybe had just bypassed her brain and shot straight out of her mouth as both brothers turned towards her with looks of pure disbelief on their faces.

  “You are?” Adam groaned his dismay, as though it was the most disgusting thought he could imagine- what were they Texan’s for god sakes?

  “When did that happen?” Hope demanded confused, she was sure she had seen Fay eat meat since she had been here.

  “Whenever- I- don’t- eat- meat.” Fay answered slowly looking to the ceiling for clarity as she tried to backpedal- the thought of not eating meat for the next couple of days already depressing her. Abel sniggered and Hope shot her a look of amusement as Adam leaned sideways towards her and she had to physically stop herself from catching a breath as she tingled, she found herself moving towards him even though she had no plans to do it.

  “ About earlier-“ He started and she found herself immediately flushing from head to toe.

  “Can we not talk about that- especially here and now?” she rushed out on a whisper and she heard his soft chuckle greet her ears and sweep through her entire body with a wave of sensation that had no baring in the real world.

  “Ok, we can talk about it later- maybe even elaborate on some of the finer points-“ She shook her head when her body wanted to nod her approval.

  “That’s not what- I mean- doesn’t matter.”

  She brushed her denial away as she reached up to tug on her ear lobe and Adam couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as his brother shot him a look across the table and he answered with a glare.

  Fay had managed to force down a few forkfuls of food during dinner but that was mainly due to the fact that she was trying to occupy herself rather than either look or acknowledge something someone had said either about her or to her, mainly Adam who sat there mercilessly teasing her with his sheer presence at her side.


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