Highlander's Sword: Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (Clan Matheson Book 3)

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Highlander's Sword: Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (Clan Matheson Book 3) Page 7

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “Aye, because you’re a stubborn man with an equally stubborn bear.” She plucked the blue silk ribbon from the end of her hair and unraveled her braid, dipped her head back under the spray and softly sighed as the water ran through her locks and down her front.

  He didn’t dare look down, not when all he could envision was the thin cream cotton of her tunic plastered to her skin. Instead, he grasped her waist and turned her around so she faced the wall then gulped. Her wet shirt clung to her back as well, followed the curvy contours of her bottom and from there the hem hung loose, her gorgeous legs on full display. “Don’t move.”

  Shampoo bottle in hand, he squirted a dollop into his palm then gently worked the bubbles through her wet hair, the silky strands sliding so sensuously through his fingers. He likely shouldn’t be doing this, only his idiotic hands were acting of their own accord and he couldn’t seem to stop them.

  “Mmm, that feels wonderful.” She leaned back against him, her head resting on his shoulder as she closed her eyes and tipped her head to one side. Her creamy neck glistened and his teeth ached. All he wanted to do was bite her, to have his mark stamped on her skin for all to see.

  He cupped her hips and swung her around. “Tip your head back and wash the bubbles out.”

  “Aye, Captain.” Yawning, she did as he requested, the bubbles swishing down her body and pooling around her tiny toes. “This shower is making me feel all cozy and warm.”

  Cozy and warm was the last thing he felt. As horny as hell, was. He shoved his head under the water, rinsed his body, turned the lever off and opened the door. From the heated towel rail, he swiped a fluffy white towel and smothered her in it, grabbed one for himself and while wrapping it around his waist and dripping water from the bottom of his pants, stalked to his bedroom. Alone, at least for the moment, he shucked his pants, and from his tall chest of drawers grabbed a clean pair in a dark green and tied the laces at his waist.

  “Are you decent?” She peeked around the corner, those sparks of gold rimming her eyes, twinkling. “Oh, you’re already far too decent.”

  “Come in.” He dried his hair as she wandered toward her canvas bag propped against the wall, her towel wrapped around her now nude body and her wet tunic in one hand. Her damp hair stuck to her back as she crouched, foraged within her bag and nabbed a dry tunic. “Could you turn around?” She stood and twirled one finger in a motion that mimicked her request. “I would like to change.”

  “Sure.” He did and waited as a wet plop sounded then cotton swished.

  “I’m done.”

  He turned around and nodded. She was presentable, her dry tunic dangling to her about mid-thigh.

  “Thank you for the lovely shower. I shall forever remember taking one with you.”

  “I’ll hang your shirt and that towel on the heated rail. Both will be dry in the morning.”

  “Wonderful.” She handed the items across.

  “Hit the sack.” He motioned toward his bed. “And that’s an order. Daybreak is just around the corner and we have a long day of tracking ahead of us.”

  “’Tis a very large bed you have.” She straightened his black fur bedcover and plumped the pillows then shuffled under the sheets and sighed as she wriggled about. “Mmm you have the softest mattress. Are you sure you wish to sleep on the settee? There is plenty of room in your bed for both of us.”

  “I’m absolutely certain.” He hung her shirt up to dry in the bathroom, combed his wet hair, brushed his teeth and snagged his plaid from his wardrobe while she watched him from his bed, which she looked far too enticing within. Her damp hair lay spread across his pillow and the fur cover sat tucked right up under her chin.

  “Would you like a pillow?”

  “Sure, toss me one.” He laid down, his bare feet dangling over the blue suede settee’s far armrest then caught the pillow one-handed when she lobbed it to him. “Turn the light switch off. It’s right above your head.”

  “This one?” She pointed to it.

  “Aye, it flicks down to go on, and up to go off.”

  “Oh, I see.” She flicked it up and plunged the room into darkness. “I wish you a good night’s rest, Captain.”

  “No talking is permitted once the lights are out.”


  “That’s an order. Go to sleep.”

  * * * *

  “All right, all right. You are such a grumpy one.” Annella couldn’t help but giggle at her feisty mate. He seemed resolute at keeping her at a distance, but since this might be the only chance she had to convince him that doing so wasn’t a good idea, and tired or not, she intended to take it. She relaxed back into his mattress and went to open her mouth to speak, only her belly rumbled. “Oh, I’m so sorry. Ignore that.”

  “When was the last time you ate?” Lowly muttered words.

  “I’m no’ sure. ’Tis impossible to eat when all one does is worry for their kin, but content I am right in this moment. You have agreed to help me and brought a sense of happiness back to my soul in doing so. Tomorrow, we will track my kin and soon we shall find them. That is all I need for nourishment.”

  “In my bedside drawer is a chocolate bar. At least eat a piece or two. It’ll help curb your hunger until the morning.”

  “What’s a chocolate bar?” She’d never heard of the foreign word before.

  “A high energy hit of decadent sweetness. My bear likes chocolate.”

  “I would like to try it.” His bedside drawer beckoned and she opened it and foraged within, the moonlight providing just enough light to see by. She ran one finger over a beautiful, red leather-bound book and a strange looking rectangular device sitting on top of it. The device was as big as her hand yet half as slim. Fascinating. Flattened glass lay on one side while cool metal lay on the other. Curiosity strong, she picked it up. “What’s this?”

  “A cell phone. Touch the button on the side and it’ll light up.”

  She did and the device flared to life. Oh, good gracious. She squealed, jerked and toppled right out of the bed. On the floor, the device still alight within her fisted grip, she could barely breathe through the shock of what lay before her very eyes. “T-there is a forest contained inside this tiny thing. A small forest, but a forest all the same. How do we get it out?”

  “It’s just a picture of a forest no matter that it looks strikingly real.” Chuckling, he trod across the carpet and held out his hand for it. “Pass it here, sprite.”

  “You told me to touch the button.”

  “I did, and it’s good to see you have quick reflexes. Cell phones can sometimes break when you drop them. Make sure you never do.”

  “My reflexes are just fine. You should have warned me about your device, no’ told me to touch the button.” She slapped his cell phone into his hand and pushed to her feet. “Show me this chocolate bar, and no more surprises.”

  “One moment.” Still chuckling, he pushed another button on the side of his device and it beeped and went dark. He set it down on his bedside table then from his drawer, pulled out a large slab of something wrapped in shiny purple paper with words stamped all over it. From the top row, he snapped off some pieces. “Here you go.”

  “Are you sure this is ‘decadent sweetness?’” Since he appeared in a strangely mischievous mood, she’d best check.

  “Taste it and see. I dare you too.” A glimmer lit his eyes and she accepted his offering and turned the hard brown thing over in her hands.

  “It looks like no food I’ve ever beheld.”

  “Once you’ve eaten chocolate, you’ll crave it as badly as I do.” He broke off a row for himself, popped a square in his mouth and moaned, his eyes closed and sheer joy flashing across his face.

  Taste it she would if it invoked that kind of reaction from him. She reached up and touched her mouth to his, licked across his lower lip and the trace of chocolate smeared along it. Oh my, so good. She urged his lips apart and kissed him, gloried in the taste of both him and the smoothest, sweetest
chocolate. ’Twas beyond decadent.

  “Annella.” He rumbled her name against her lips. “You’re not supposed to taste it directly from me.”

  “More,” she whispered and shoved against his chest. The backs of his knees hit the mattress and he toppled back onto the bed and she crawled on top of him, popped one of the squares he’d given her into his mouth then kissed him again, the taste of chocolate and virile man swarming her senses. “This is delicious. I love your chocolate.”

  “I’m never going to be able to eat another piece without remembering this damn moment.” With his teeth, he bit off another square from his row.

  She grinned and hands planted either side of his head, leaned in and licked his lips once more. “Feed me a piece.” She opened her mouth and he slid a chunk between her lips and she rolled her tongue around it. “Mmm, so exquisite.”

  “You’re the exquisite one.” He flipped her onto her back and over top of her, fed her another piece then buried his head at her neck and razzed his teeth over her skin.

  She moaned and rocked underneath him. Would he bite her? She desperately wanted him to. She clutched his shoulders, her nails digging in deep then he sank his teeth into her neck and fierce pleasure coursed through her, wave after wave that she desperately needed more of. “Do that again,” she whispered. “Give me more.”

  “I shouldn’t be doing this.” He swept around to the other side of her neck, plucked the ties of her V neckline open, his chin bumping the upper swells of her breasts as he nipped her flesh, each of his bites a mark of claim she craved. “Stay still,” he whispered, his breath a hot brand against her flesh.

  She couldn’t, didn’t have a chance of doing so. She wrapped her legs around his waist to keep him imprisoned on top of her, speared her fingers through his midnight-black locks as he lifted her breasts free of her tunic. He eased them together and gently sucked one nipple deep inside his mouth, flicked the tip with his tongue and made her moan for more.

  “Tell me to stop.” He razzed his teeth over her other nipple and heat surged through her, shot straight to her core and pooled between her thighs. He lifted his head, dragged in a deep breath, his gaze swirling with desire. “You smell incredible.”

  “You should do whatever you please, because this certainly pleases me.” She cupped his head in her hands, drew his mouth back to her breasts. “I love the feel of your mouth on mine, your lips touching other parts of me. I want more of it.”

  “I shouldn’t be giving into you like this.” He suctioned his mouth around her wet aureole and played the tip to perfection with his clever tongue. “Except I have nearly no willpower when it comes to you.”

  “You have far too much—oh, good, so good.” She cried out as sheer pleasure stormed through her and she rocked her hips against his, the hard length of his leather-clad manhood poking her between her thighs. She wriggled, until the head of his shaft brushed against her entrance. Perfect. He felt so sublime on top of her and she wanted even more, whatever he was prepared to give. “There is something just beyond my reach, but I dinnae know what it is.”

  “I know what you need.” He gripped her thighs, pressed his leg higher into her crotch and urged her to move on him. Pleasure coursed swiftly through her, swept her away on a tide of wonder. Never had she ever known such decadence as this. She was his, whether he wished to claim her or not.

  “That feels sublime.” A tight need for more built deep inside her. “More, Alec.”

  “I’m here.” He hissed out a breath and gave her even more friction. He eased one hand down her body and underneath the hem of her tunic before sliding his finger along the seam of her womanhood and swirling around her nub. Having him touch her so intimately, felt so very right.

  Breathless, she rubbed against him harder, clamped her mouth on the soft skin of his neck and dizzy with need, bit down and marked him just as she desired. He bucked against her, roared and sank his teeth into her neck in return, then with one swipe of his finger across her nub below, white-hot pleasure struck her, ricocheted outward from her core and sent her flying far beyond her body, her mate atop her jerking and groaning as his own pleasure soared through him.

  As she slowly came back down, she sucked on his neck and laved his skin. Sweet heaven. She’d just flown to the stars and at her mate’s hand no less. He’d saturated her in pleasure, and all she wanted to do was hold onto him and never let him go.

  “Are you all right?” Soft words in her ear.

  “Very.” Panting, she opened her eyes. “I love chocolate.”

  “So do I, but it appears it’s not only decadent, but also dangerous to consume.” He popped another square into his mouth then slipped the last piece between her lips, fixed and straightened her tunic then lifted himself from her. He dusted his hands against his sides and gazed somewhere over her head. “We won’t be consuming that again. Do you want to use the bathroom first?”

  “Aye, I would, please.” She pushed to her feet, swayed a little but managed to slip past him and closed the bathroom door after herself. Leaning against the solid wood door, she breathed slowly in and out while in the mirror above the basin, her reflection showed her dreamy, heavy-lidded eyes and mussed hair. Her mate certainly knew how to make her head spin. She craved him, of lying with him without a stitch of clothing between them, of him making love to her and completing their bond. A dream for now, but one she’d work incredibly hard at making a reality. Of course she wasn’t like other women and hadn’t been since the moment she’d lost her mother and instead donned lad’s clothing so she might remain at her father’s side, but if Alec could see through those layers and to her true heart, then she’d do all she possibly could to ensure his happiness.

  At the vanity, she opened a drawer and removed a comb. She tidied her hair, braided the long length then fetched her ribbon, which lay in a puddle on the floor of his shower where she’d dropped it earlier and secured it at the end. Done, she opened the door and came face to face with her chosen one. “Your turn.”

  “Thank you.” He eased past her and disappeared within.

  Back under the covers, she waited and finally he opened the door and in the dark, stomped back to the settee, dropped down and hauled his plaid over his head.

  “That,” he muttered, “will never happen again.”

  “That,” she murmured, her smile wide, “was a true treat. Thank you, my mighty bear.”

  Chapter 6

  Birds twittered somewhere outside and the dawn’s rising sunshine streamed through Alec’s window and spilled over Annella’s closed eyelids. She wriggled and stretched in bed, her mate’s warm and fresh pine scent floating around her. Blinking her eyes open, she flopped onto her side and grinned at her mate as he slept soundly on the blue suede settee, his bare feet protruding over the end of the padded armrest and one forearm flung over his eyes. He must have been exhausted to have slept in such a position.

  Black fur cover pushed back, she snuck across to him and knelt on the plush white carpet, cupped his bristly jaw and reveled in the tingles racing across her fingertips. She leaned in and licked his lower lip. This man held the other half of her soul, just as she held the other half of his, their bond one that had crossed the centuries and defied even time itself. She couldn’t ignore it, wanted only to keep chipping away at his resolve until he’d fully caved into her. Aye, ’twas a solid plan, one she intended to continue with.

  “What are you doing?” He moaned, opened one eye and glared at her.

  “I missed you.” She touched her lips to his, blew a soft breath across his tongue then kissed him, captured more of his delicious essence and fairly thrummed at the decadence of him. This felt so very right. All she wanted to do was indulge and never stop.

  “Annella.” He mumbled her name against her lips. “You can’t kiss me like this.”

  “I think I can.” She grasped his shoulders, ran her hands down his sides, over his hips and his dark green leather pants. With a giggle, she pinched his butt then kissed
him again.

  “You are so annoying, my mysterious sprite.” Breaking their kiss, he swung his feet to the floor and stood. “Do you wish to join my clansmen for breakfast in the great hall or for me to bring a tray up here?”

  “A tray here please. I still need to travel to the dream realm. I fell into such a deep sleep after our kisses last eve that I didnae have the chance to do so. Will you watch over me while I’m away? I very rarely leave without someone to guard my body and force my return should it be needed.”

  “Of course. What should I expect?”

  “My breathing becomes shallower and my heartbeat slows. Sometimes my skin cools and my lips go a little blue. All you need to worry about though is if I cease breathing altogether. Should that happen then shake me, and dinnae cease doing so until I’m back.”

  “How long will you be gone?” He gestured for her to lie down on his bed.

  “However long is needed, although I will be as quick as I can.” She laid down, rested her head back on his soft white pillow as he perched next to her on the luxurious mattress.

  “You’ll truly return if I shake you?” He picked up her hand, pressed his lips to her palm.

  “Aye, for you I would do anything to return.” Slowly, she closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. Relaxed, she cleared her mind, then embraced the dark. She drifted deeper into sleep then rose and floated through the darkness. One star twinkled, then another and another. She soared higher, to the place where Father and Ronan’s stars usually blazed. All wispy-white, she breezed, yet still there was naught. No Ronan. No Father.

  Why? So many days had now passed and she should have been able to find them resting at some point. Mayhap… Nay, she’d never allow herself to consider that they no longer lived. Duncan knew of her skill and simply ensured they didn’t rest, or else she’d missed them during the times when they had been able to catch a few winks. That was all.


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