Highlander's Sword: Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (Clan Matheson Book 3)

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Highlander's Sword: Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (Clan Matheson Book 3) Page 11

by Joanne Wadsworth

  If only he could trust himself as greatly as she trusted him.

  If only…

  Chapter 8

  Annella drifted amid the twinkling stars as the night sky fully enclosed her. She breezed higher toward the place where Father and Ronan’s essence always blazed and gasped as a tiny spark flared. Ronan’s. As she circled him, his star glowed more brightly and she latched ahold and sank into his mind. Connected to him, she infiltrated his dreams, found him searching for her. Within his mind, she sensed his need to warn her of all that had happened and she allowed her full form to emerge and grasped his bearded face in her hands. “I’m right here, Ronan. Wake up.”

  “Annella?” Groggily, he lifted his head and opened his eyes, her name no more than a rasp between his dry lips.

  “Aye, ’tis me.”

  “I’m rarely permitted any sleep.” He glanced over her shoulder and she followed his move. A single candle burned in a holder in the corner, its glow flickering over the metal bars of his cell, a darkened passageway leading away and the overpowering stench of urine and damp earth clogging the air. “The guard never wanders far, always keeps me awake.”

  “Let me see if I can free you.” She gripped his wrists clamped and chained to the blackened stone wall behind him and rattled the steel. No good. She’d need a key to unlock the braces. Bruises marred his cheeks and arms, while dark circles lay heavy around his eyes. His tunic was wet with sweat, his pants torn down one leg, and his feet lay bare and bloody. Oh hell. Was that a rat nibbling on one of his toes? She kicked the rodent and it screeched and scuttled into the darkened corner of the cell. Not far enough away for her liking. After it, she went and swiped at it again. It fled through the bars and darted away, thankfully now gone. “I’ll make Duncan MacKenzie pay for taking you. I promise I will.”

  “Duncan MacKenzie is with Father. We parted ways in a meadow beside a stream. Something with Duncan isnae quite right. During our trek across MacKenzie land, he kept insisting Father and I needed to embrace our destiny, that even our fae princess would understand our capture was meant to be. ’Tis like he’s the enemy, yet also no’.” He shook his head as if trying to clear it, his gaze roaming her body. “How is it I can see all of you, as if—have you fully evolved?”

  “Aye. The moment I connected with you within the dream realm, I allowed my spiritual body to solidify. I can remain right here with you until I force a return.”

  “Incredible.” He shook his head. “You were naught but five when Mother left us, barely old enough to remember all she could do, but I was older and always in awe of how she could be there one moment, completely touchable afore she dissolved and disappeared. I hope a mated bond takes between you and another within our clan, that you’ll be tied to this Earth in a way Mother never was with Father. I cannae lose you, little sister.”

  “I cannae lose you either, and I bring good news. I’ve met my mate and his name is Alec, although he isnae from our fae village but from Kirk’s future bear shifter clan. He’s a strong and honorable warrior, is with me right now, back where we stopped for the night to rest in the very meadow you’ve spoken about.” She hugged him tight, her heart heaving. He was solid and right here. Alive even though beaten and bruised. “Where did Duncan take you, Ronan? You must give me directions so I can inform Alec. Cherub and Kirk are with us as well and we’re all coming for you.”

  “I was taken across the stream to the northeast, Father to the northwest. I’ve been trying to find out his location from the guardsmen and managed to catch the odd thing or two.”

  “Alec and Kirk have been tracking you both thus far. Give me more on the location of these dungeons. Where are they and how did you get here?”

  “From the meadow, we journeyed another half day then left the forest behind. In the valley before the hills, the inner channel of a loch winds inland. At the very innermost point is a MacKenzie holding that now belongs to Coll, Duncan’s twin brother, although I’ve yet to meet Coll. Apparently he’s away securing more men for some kind of battle to come. Coll’s the firstborn of the two and the Chief of MacKenzie’s eldest son. Word is Duncan’s holding is close.”

  “Do you believe Father might have been taken to Duncan’s stronghold?”

  “From what I’ve heard, I believe so, although I’m unsure exactly which loch this stronghold of Coll’s sits alongside. The warriors who brought me here covered my head with a sack when I caught sight of the waterway. At a guess, I’d say this castle is either somewhere along the length of Loch Kishorn or Loch Carron. ’Twould be no farther north than that. I also have no idea where the entrance to the dungeons lies, but every now and again I catch a trace of salt in the air. Mostly though, ’tis just the reek of urine and the grittiness of the underground tunnels all around.”

  “I cannae scent any salt in the air, but I’ll take a look around. I can do so in this solidified form. I’ll search for the key to this cell, take down the guards if I need to.” Now she was here, she would do everything she could to free her brother. If only Cherub was here too and could open a portal. Ronan could be freed within a matter of seconds. Still, she was here and would do all she could while she was. “I willnae be gone—”

  Heavy footsteps pounded toward her.

  A key clicked within the lock and she dissolved her form, wisped up to the ceiling and floated there unseen as a guardsman wearing a darkened nasal helm, chainmail and black boots, marched in. His eyes, so dark in shade that they appeared almost black, glinted through the metal slits as he scrutinized Ronan. “You need to eat. Duncan left implicit instructions, that I’m to keep you alive, to make certain we can use you to ensure your father’s compliance with Muirin. Then ’tis time for you to accept your destiny.”

  Muirin again. If only she knew more about the fae sorceress who’d clearly formed some kind of alliance with Duncan, and in doing so, against her own people no less.

  “How do I even know my father’s still alive?” Ronan rattled his chains as he got his feet more solidly under him.

  “You must trust I speak the truth.” The guard removed his helm, his oily dark hair lying slick against his scalp as he leaned in and Ronan moved fast, swept one foot out, hit the guard’s shin and the warrior grunted and spat at Ronan’s feet. “’Tis just as well we’ve restrained you.”

  “Stand aside, Gordon.” A lass wearing a sleeveless teal gown and a cream under-tunic with rucked sleeves and a heavy silver-chained girdle clasped around her waist, swished into the cell with a bowl of steaming stew and a tankard of water. She scraped a wooden crate from the corner forward and set the food and drink on top of it.

  “Kyla, are you well?” Her brother eyed the young woman from head to toe as if confirming she remained unharmed.

  “You need never fear for me, Ronan. I am amongst my own kin here.” She shot a look at the guard. “Leave. He willnae eat with you present.”

  “You pander to him and shouldnae. I shall give you five minutes and no more. Ensure he does no’ fall asleep. His sister is a spirit-walker and can travel to him within his dreams.” The guard snorted as he walked out the door, closed it after himself and marched down the corridor.

  “You must eat and drink if you wish to maintain your strength, Ronan.” The lass picked up the chipped tankard she’d brought and held it to Ronan’s chapped lips. “Now, afore I am forced to leave and you miss the chance to do so.”

  “Cease using force against me.” Ronan took a hearty swallow of the water, then muttered, “I can sense your fae skill, your subtle yet clear push within my mind to make me obey your orders.”

  “I have no idea what you speak of. I hold no fae skill. I am a MacKenzie, the foster daughter of the Chief of MacKenzie and sister to Duncan and Coll, a fact you’d best no’ forget.”

  “Trust me, you hold a fae skill whether you wish to acknowledge it or no’, although it likely lays buried somewhat since you have no’ had the chance to be guided by our people in the use of it. I too am part fae and can sense your abilit

  Kyla touched her head, confusion swirling within her gaze.

  “Listen to me well, Kyla. Twenty years ago a young lass of only three summers was taken from the fae village farther along the loch from the House of Clan Matheson. Her name was Christina and she was the first child born to Isaiah and Grace. In the middle of the night, under the cover of darkness, she disappeared without a trace. Kidnapped, the elders of the village said, although they couldnae find her. I remember the lass well even though I was only a lad of eight at the time. The wee one always intrigued me with her mass of golden-red curls and blue eyes.”

  “I cannae possibly be this lass you speak of,” Kyla hushed back as she glanced over her shoulder toward the passageway. “I know who my kin are, and ’tis no clan Matheson.” She dipped the spoon in the stew and held the mouthful to Ronan’s lips, her blue gaze searing into his. “Eat. Now.”

  “You’re doing it again, using your skill against me. Touch your mind to mine with more strength then issue the command you wish obeyed. It’ll force me to your hand far faster than how you are currently making your demands.”

  “All right. I can touch my mind to another’s, have always known I could, but I’ve never forced another to my will, and no one has ever discovered my touch within their mind. You are the first. Please, you must promise me that you’ll not tell another.” Gaze narrowed, she prodded the spoon against his closed lips. “Open your mouth. I wish for you to eat. You need the nourishment, and to maintain your strength.”

  “You’ll learn soon enough how to use your skill if you return to your true people, and only those of fae blood can sense your touch.” Ronan opened his mouth and slurped the stew down. “Even as young as Christina was when she was taken, her very soul still cried out to mine.”

  Annella gasped, her heartbeat racing. Ronan had never joined with another from their clan, always sensed a restlessness within him for someone being held beyond his reach. He’d known his mate awaited him, although he knew not where, only that she would remain lost until he’d found her.

  “I said open your mouth.” Kyla jammed another spoonful of stew between Ronan’s lips.

  “Look inside your heart and tell me you dinnae feel something toward me.”

  “I feel plenty, including frustration and annoyance.” She continued to feed him, not allowing her brother another moment to speak until the bowl was empty and the spoon clattered against the base. “Now,” she bit out, “when the guard brings you a meal, you’ll eat it.”

  “Come closer, Kyla.”

  “I certainly willnae.” She slammed her hands on her hips.

  “Aye, you will.” Ronan hooked one leg around the back of Kyla’s legs and she toppled forward, palms flattened against his chest and her breath whooshing out.

  “You have no right to touch me, Ronan Matheson.”

  “I have every right.” Ronan buried his nose in her hair, his voice a smooth whisper as he said, “It feels so good to have you close, to have your hands upon me. Many of our fae-blooded kind are soul bound to another, and when they come of age and find their chosen ones, they join together in all ways, the silken strands between their souls weaving together into one.”

  Goodness. Was Ronan saying he was mated to the Chief of MacKenzie’s daughter? Surely not. Mayhap his thoughts were all askew from his lack of rest, only he’d given her the details of his location as clear as a day. He was also awake and very aware right in this moment.

  “I sense naught between us.” Kyla squeezed her eyes shut then pushed herself away from him. With a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders and glared. “You are my brother’s prisoner and he intends to use you to ensure your father’s compliance. We need Niall battling on our side.”

  “Where is my father being kept?” Ronan pushed forward, his chains rattling.

  “Somewhere safe. You must no’ fear for him.” Kyla brushed her teal skirts, collected the bowl and tankard and swished to the cell door. “Gordon, I’m done,” she called out.

  The guardsman’s footsteps echoed toward them then he appeared, swung a key from amongst a circlet of keys hooked on his belt and opened the door. The scrape of iron against stone grated in Annella’s ears as he motioned Kyla through then banged the door shut and clicked the lock in place.

  Once they’d gone, she wisped down and took her solidified form. “Do you think Kyla’s truly Christina, Isaiah and Grace’s daughter?” She’d heard of the young child who’d disappeared in the middle of the night, no trace of her being found during their extensive search for her. “Is she truly your mate?”

  “Aye, she’s my chosen one. I can sense the bonds between us strengthening with each visit she makes. I must remain here, Annella, to be given the time to convince her I speak the truth. Go to Father first. Free him, then return for me.”

  The last thing she wished to do was leave him. She could affect his rescue right now, go and knock the guard out and retrieve the keys. Unlock her brother’s cell then find a way out of this place. “What if you cannae convince her? Even if she holds fae blood, she’s still Colin MacKenzie’s daughter, has been raised at his hand.”

  “At least then I’ll know I’ve done all I could to ensure she’s heard the truth, that she knows I will always be here for her.” Ronan closed his eyes and when he opened them again, determination flared strongly within his gaze. He nodded at her. “I love you, little sister. Search this place and discover exactly where I am so you can bring aid with ease, but also search for Father and ascertain his release. I shall be ready to leave with you when you return with Father.”

  * * * *

  Within the meadow, dark clouds moved in overhead, covered the stars and obliterated the moon. A chilly wind rose and Alec held Annella close within the warmth of his plaid, her body aligned with every inch of his as he shared his heat. The fire flickered and he nuzzled her neck. How much longer would she be gone? It had been so long and he’d already switched watch with Kirk, his fellow clansman now asleep.

  “Come back to me,” he muttered in her ear, only she didn’t move, not one inch. She remained far away and he couldn’t abide the distance any longer. He clamped his mouth on the sensitive skin of her neck and sucked her creamy flesh deep between his lips then bit down, stamped his mark on her before laving the spot and traveling lower. His chin brushed the upper swells of her breasts where the V neckline of her cream tunic sagged a little. He nabbed one tie and played with it, loosened her tunic some more, then nibbled along the tops of her luscious breasts. She tasted magical, as if her flesh had been touched by the night sky she moved within. He licked her skin, his tongue so close to her beading nipples. Damn, he needed to halt. Ravishing her while she was gone wasn’t right. He lifted his head, sucked her lower lip into his mouth and moaned as her warm breath whispered between her sweet lips and touched his. This was both sheer heaven and sheer hell, being so close to her but not being able to speak or allow his passion for her to fully rise.

  He lifted her limp hand to his mouth and pressed her palm against his cheek. His mate. Always his. Damn it. Who was he kidding? He couldn’t keep his distance from her another moment, not when both he and his bear needed her so desperately. She wanted to complete the bond with him and he’d love nothing more right now than to have the merged link of the mind so he could reach her along that link, particularly for when she traveled so far from him within the dream realm. He’d be able to do so when she did. Aye, surely one single night of being together wouldn’t hurt. He could join them together, gain the benefit of the merged link then leave her be until he was assured his bear would bring no more harm down upon her head. ’Twas a sound plan, one that would accommodate both of them.

  Along her jaw, he nibbled, kissed her rosy cheeks, her closed eyelids and dainty nose sprinkled with freckles. More. He grasped her bottom, snug within the buttery-soft tan leather of her breeches and held onto her as if his very life depended on it. It likely did. She was his everything, his one and all, and he was currently a me
ss without her.

  In her ear, his words came out all ragged, “You’re stealing my will to be anywhere but here with you. I need you, Annella, more than I need my next breath. Come back to me. I demand it.”

  Except she didn’t return, completely ignored his summons. Enough. He crushed her in his arms, covered her mouth with his and kissed her with all the longing contained deep inside him. His need roared hot and hungry as he kissed her wildly, passionately, his and his bear’s dual need for her taking over. His desire to protect her, to keep her safe, to make her his thundered through him and he plunged his tongue deeper inside her mouth and captured her sweet essence all for himself. Never would he hurt her, not this night and if his bear tried such a thing, he’d simply take a blade to himself. Day by day. They’d take things slowly, that’s if she was willing to do so with him.

  He shoved to his feet, slung their bags over one shoulder, scooped her into his arms and crouching next to Kirk, tapped his kinsman on the arm.

  Kirk stirred, took one look at him and Annella and grinned. “I’ll keep a watchful eye out.”

  “We’ll remain within calling distance, although we won’t be returning until dawn.”

  “She needs you, your strength and protection. There is nothing more beautiful than the mated bond.”

  “I can’t keep holding myself back from her, but I’m not promising her forever. I just need to make her mine for now.”

  “It’s only a short jump from ‘now’ to forever. You’ll never regret taking that jump when you do.” Kirk tucked his plaid tighter around both him and Cherub, dropped a kiss on the top of his sleeping mate’s head and nodded at him. “I’ll see you in the morning.”


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