SEALs in Love

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SEALs in Love Page 5

by LK Shaw

  “You met someone. Oh my—”

  “Mom, let me get in a word edgewise.” I took a deep breath. “You have a granddaughter.”

  Silence was what I least expected.

  “Mom? Dad?”

  “Well, this is unexpected. How did this happen?”

  “Darling, if you have to ask that, then we’ve done it wrong all these years.”

  “Hush, Thomas. You know what I mean. When did this happen? Why are we only now hearing about it?”

  “It’s a long story.” I proceeded to explain about Sofie and how we’d met. I tried to gloss over the fact that it had been a one-night stand. There were some things my parents didn’t need to know. My mom shrieked in excitement every so often. Once I’d recounted the story, my mom started in on the questions.

  “When are we going to meet them? Are you getting married? Where will you live? What will you do?”

  “Mom, stop. I don’t know. I plan to talk to Sofie later today. We’re still working things out. I’m hoping I can talk her into coming with me to meet you in a couple weeks, but I don’t know if that’s going to be possible. As far as getting married, we’re not there. Yet. I’m still working out the job aspect, but there is nothing keeping me in Richmond now that I’m retired.”

  We continued our conversation with both my parents peppering me with questions I didn’t have answers to yet. Eventually, we said our goodbyes with my promise to call them as soon as I had any news to share.

  During our conversation, I heard Kyle up and moving about. I knew I’d get a ribbing from him for not coming home last night. He could laugh all he wanted. I was happy and in love.

  I went out to the living room where, sure enough, I got jabs thrown at me. I took it all in stride. We grabbed some lunch, and I was anxious to talk to Sofie again. Later on that afternoon, I headed next door. Talking on the phone wasn’t enough. Callie answered the door and escorted me into the house while I waited for Sofie.

  She came down the stairs, and I only stared at awe at this woman, the mother of my child. I counted my lucky stars that I had found her again.

  For the next two and a half days, we spent almost every waking moment together, either making plans for our future or making love. Sofie’s appetite for me, and admittedly mine for her, was insatiable. She wore me out in an extremely good way. I felt revitalized when I was with her.

  It was the eve of her last night in Miami before she flew home in the morning. Neither of us were ready to be separated, but I knew she was anxious to get back to Mia. We’d arranged for me to come visit in two weeks. I had promised Kyle that I would spend the next week with him since I’d barely spent time hanging with him. Then, I was headed to my parents’ house in Arizona for the week for our yearly summer get together. Then, I was heading to New Hampshire to meet my daughter and the rest of Sofie’s family.

  I was antsy, scared, nervous, and excited all at once. Sofie assured me that everyone would love me, but it was still nerve-wracking knowing that I was finally going to come face to face with the little girl we’d created. I prayed I would be a good dad.

  Finally, the morning of Sofie’s flight home dawned. We’d spent the entire night making love. I’d made sure she’d had more orgasms than she could handle.

  “I wish I didn’t have to leave, but I miss Mia so much.”

  “We’ll be together soon, baby, I promise. Go home and spend this time with our little girl. Tell her how much her daddy already loves her, and I’ll be there to visit before you know it.”

  I carried her luggage out to Callie’s rental car and watched as she drove away, taking my heart with her.

  For the next week, I focused my attention on Kyle. The week dragged even though I loved him. I loved Sofie more. My only saving grace was that Sofie and I spoke on the phone every night. I even tried having a conversation with Mia. Finally, the week was over, and Kyle and I said our goodbyes. We made plans for us to get together again next year.

  The morning of my departure from Miami, Kyle dropped me off at the airport. A few hours later, I was pulling into my parents’ driveway in Tempe. When I walked into the house, my mom threw her arms around my waist and hugged me tightly like she always did. Even though I was thirty-eight, my mother always worried about me. I embraced her back and her love for me was palpable.

  “I’ve missed you so much, David.”

  I kissed the top of her graying head. “I missed you too, Ma.”

  “Come outside. Everyone’s been waiting for you.”

  I was then greeted by a raucous sound of relatives when my mom walked us out back. All my siblings and their kids were there, several of them splashing around in the pool. My dad was manning the grill, and the smell of hamburgers wafted around me. Seeing everyone together reminded me how lucky I was to have such a close family and how much we loved each other. I was anxious for Sofie and Mia to become a part of this family. I knew they’d both be loved.

  My brother, Garrett, grabbed me into a big bear hug when he spotted me.

  “So, tell me about this woman of yours. And a baby? Damn, bro, you got yourself a ready-made family. You always were the type who didn’t waste any time.”

  I had to laugh at his description, because it was true. I’d never wasted time in my life. Being a member of the military, there was no such thing.

  “Her name is Sofie. We met one night a couple years ago. One thing led to another, and apparently, she got pregnant. I had no idea until I met her again a couple weeks ago in Miami.”

  I knew I could share the whole truth with Garrett and not be judged. He’d been somewhat of a wild child growing up, and I’d pulled him out of more than one scrape or two back then. He’d matured nicely though and had his own family he loved more than anything. I was proud of the man he’d turned out to be.

  “That’s crazy, man. After so much time, to be able to find her again. And you love her?”

  “As much as you love Lucy. I can’t wait for you to meet her. You’ll see how wonderful she is. She’s perfect for me.”

  “I’m happy for you, bro. I can’t wait to meet her and that little girl of yours.”

  “Me either.”

  I helped my dad finish with the hamburgers and hot dogs and everyone raced to get in line for the food. The rest of the night was spent outside while the adults caught up and the kids all played. I went to bed exhausted but happy.

  I made it three days before my mom stopped me in the hall with my packed duffle bag in hand. I looked at her quizzically when she handed me an envelope.

  “Go get your girl.”


  “David, son, I love you, and I’ll miss you, but as much as you’ve tried to hide it, I’m tired of you moping. I know you love us too, but right now, your heart is in New Hampshire. So, go. Meet your daughter. Spend time with Sofie. We’ll still be here at Christmas. Bring the girls with you. I want to spoil my grandbaby.”

  I opened the envelope she handed me to see two boarding passes. One was from Phoenix to Atlanta. The second from Atlanta to Manchester. I crushed my mother in my embrace. This was one of the many reasons I loved her. She always knew what I needed most. After giving her a quick kiss, I rushed out the door and headed to the airport. I couldn't wait to surprise Sofie.



  Mia had just been laid down for a nap when a knock sounded at the door. I hurried to answer it before they knocked again and woke her. Whoever it was would experience the wrath of Sofie if they dared to wake my daughter up from her nap. She had already been cranky as hell. No one wanted to deal with a cranky Mia and a cranky Sofie.

  My jaw dropped when I opened the door and saw David standing there.


  “David, what are you doing here? I thought you were spending the week with your family?”

  “I was, but apparently my mom got tired of me and decided to ship me up here to you to get me out of her hair.”

  The shock wore off, and on impulse, I jum
ped into his arms, wrapped my legs around his waist, and began kissing him for all I was worth. I didn’t even care that the neighbors might see us. I’d missed David so much. Without missing a beat, he returned my kiss full-force and slowly walked us into the house, closing the door behind us.

  “Bedroom, now,” he rasped out.

  I unclasped my legs so he could set me down. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the last room down the hall. It was times like this I was glad Mia no longer shared a room with me. Once the door was closed and locked, clothes went flying as we both undressed in record speed. David pushed me down onto the bed and immediately followed, kissing me as though his life depended on it.

  I didn’t even have time to catch my breath when my legs were spread and he thrust himself to the hilt. He began fucking me like he would never get another chance. Of their own volition, my hands grabbed his ass, and I met him thrust for thrust. Groans escaped both of us as David pumped in and out of my pussy. I’d been wet for him the moment our lips touched after I’d jumped into his arms.

  He fingered my clit, and after a few more pounding thrusts of his cock, his seed erupted inside my throbbing core, sending my climax racing through me. I shoved my fist in my mouth to stifle my scream. David continued with gentle thrusts as tiny tremors continued to shudder through me. Eventually, the shuddering stopped, and I sighed in pleasure.

  “Holy shit, that was hot,” I breathed out.

  David continued to lay on top of me, his weight supported on his elbows.

  “You can say that again.” Then he collapsed onto his side and pulled me close, our breathing heavy with exertion.

  “Holy shit, that—”

  “Very funny,” he interrupted me.

  “I try.” I smiled up at him. He leaned down to place a light kiss on my lips. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Me too. I’ve missed you.”

  “I missed you too. I’m sorry that you cut your visit with your family short though. I hope your mom doesn't think I wanted you to leave them.”

  “Are you kidding? My mom was the one who bought my ticket. She practically threw me out of the house this morning with strict orders to bring you and Mia down for Christmas. She wants to spoil her granddaughter. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you got a phone call from her soon. She wants to meet you. She said that if I love you, then they would love you too. I have great taste, you know.”

  I lightly slapped his shoulder at his teasing.

  “I’m also here because I love you, Sofie Chambers. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I didn’t buy a ring yet, because this wasn’t something I had planned. But it feels right. Will you marry me?”

  Tears spilled down my cheeks as I nodded my assent. “Yes, yes, I’ll marry you. I love you so much, David Marshall. I want to spend the rest of my life with you as well. You’ve made me happier than I’ve ever been.”

  This time our kiss was a benediction. A homecoming of sorts. When David began moving inside me again, it was with slow, deep thrusts. We took our time with our lovemaking. There was no rush as we savored each other. We worshipped each other’s bodies and expressed our love through touch and taste. I enjoyed this quiet time with him, basking in this moment.

  With David here, we could begin our journey as a real family together. He, Mia, and I. Along with any other children we had together. I knew David was going to be an amazing father. Both of us reached our peak together, and I drifted off to sleep, safe and secure in the love of my life’s arms.


  The sounds of “Mama, mama” and other babbling through the baby monitor had me wide awake. David stirred next to me.

  “I have to go get Mia,” I told him before kissing his cheek.

  He bolted upright. “Can I come with?”

  “Let me get her up and awake first. Then, I’ll tell her you’re here. She won’t fully understand, but I’ve told her all about her Daddy. Be prepared for her to be scared of you, though. Please don’t get upset if that happens. She’s still just a baby. I’ll introduce you, though, I promise. Just give me a few, okay?”

  I sensed David’s reluctance, but he stayed put. I padded across the hall to Mia’s room, and spied her standing up in her crib. She jumped up and down, smiling like a clam, when she spotted me.

  “Mama!” She screeched, holding out her arms to be picked up.

  “Good morning, baby girl.” I cuddled her in my arms as we headed into the bathroom where I washed her up. After only a minor wrestling session, Mia was dressed and ready.

  “There’s some one here to meet you. I’ve talked about Daddy a lot, and he’s here. He’s in mommy’s room waiting to see you. Would you like to meet Daddy?”

  Mia perked up at my words. I don’t know that she really understood me, but she perked up at the word “daddy”?

  “Dada?” She bounced around, arms flailing.

  Well, she was clearly excited about the idea of it, but until she actually got a look at David, I wasn’t sure how this was going to go. Mia loved her Uncle Walter, but she hadn’t been around many men in her life, and she was at that age where anxiety around strangers was still an issue.

  Hoping for the best, we headed back to my room. Too late, I realized that I should probably have told David to put some clothes on. I inhaled to try and gain my courage and opened the door to my room. Sitting in the chair in the corner of the room, was a fully dressed David.

  Still holding tightly to Mia, I moved forward until we stood directly in front of him. Tears filled his eyes at his first sight of his daughter in the flesh, but he blinked them back.

  “Hi, Mia. I’m your daddy,” his voice was thick with emotion.

  “Dada,” Mia’s voice was soft and hesitant, but she hadn’t burst into tears yet so I was calling it a win so far.

  David held perfectly still when Mia leaned forward. I waited with wonderment at what she was going to do. My heart swelled when she reached out and patted his cheek. She leaned back into me, but smiled, showing several teeth. “Dada.”

  With that single word, my family was now complete.

  A Note From LK

  I hope you enjoyed reading THE NAVY SEAL’S SECRET BABY. If you did, I would love it if you would please leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. Reviews are the lifeblood of an author. They help by spreading word about the book and they also improve visibility of the book so others have the opportunity to read it. In this world of ever increasing self-published authors, visibility is paramount.

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  A Second Chance at Love

  COPYRIGHT: A Second Chance at Love (c) 2017 by LK Shaw

  All rights reserved. No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  A mental health break. That’s how my therapist described it. Almost every year since I’d been medically discharged from the Navy after having my leg blown off, I’ve taken a “mental health” vacation. Each year, a group of guys I know from the military take some time off to
rest, relax, and otherwise decompress. This year, we decided to rent a beach house in Myrtle Beach over the Fourth of July holiday. Gannon’s ex-mother-in-law found us a great deal on the rental.

  It hadn’t really sounded like my idea of fun when my therapist first suggested it, but it had been what the doctor ordered, so I went. Regardless of my original reluctance to go that first year, I’d had a good time. Each of us had been dealing with our own shit in our own way, and it was nice to see the guys. Now, I looked forward to these yearly trips.

  One of my other Navy buddies had just spent the last two weeks with me at my house in Miami, but he’d taken off to chase down the love of his life. I wished him well. Against my will, her face flashed before my eyes. Callie Foster. Damn, just thinking about her had me hard as a rock. I’d met Callie while my buddy had been visiting. She was the best friend of his girl. The women had been vacationing in Miami, and we’d all gone out to dinner together. I’d groaned when my friend told me he was dragging me along, but it had actually turned into an unforgettable night. And week.

  Callie was bold-as-brass and didn’t give a shit what anyone thought. She was, unapologetically, who she was. It was refreshing to talk to a woman who spoke her mind. She’d been funny, smart, and sassy. And sexy as fuck.

  At first, I’d been taken aback by her boldness, but the more we talked, the more turned on I’d become. Right up front she’d asked about my prosthetic. Most people stared, while trying to appear as though they weren’t staring. The ones who stared outright then asked the stupidest and, usually, the rudest questions. Questions that were none of their business. Oddly, some of the same questions I’d been asked before that pissed me off, didn’t bother me when Callie asked. She told me she worked with Veterans, and she was curious about my recovery and how I was adjusting to civilian life.


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