SEALs in Love

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SEALs in Love Page 9

by LK Shaw

  “Good morning, Kyle.”

  “Morning, Skye,” I responded with a slight nod.

  “Would you care for some breakfast?” Her saccharine smile was starting to irritate me.

  “No, thank you. I, um, I better get going. Pleasure to see you.”

  I darted around her and hustled down the stairs and over to our house. I spent the rest of the day catching up on sleep. I woke up once to grab something to eat and then went back to bed. When I finally made my way down to the living room, the guys were all standing around getting ready to head out from the looks of it.

  “Where you all going dressed to kill?”

  “We’re heading down to the pier for the rest of the fireworks. Then we’re going to this Irish pub called Flynn’s. The landlord said they have a kick ass shepherd’s pie. And I’m getting hungry. Reservation is under Evans.” This came from Trevor, who looked like he was ready to sprint out the door.

  “Oh, man, I love shepherd’s pie. I’m sold. I’ll meet you guys there. I need to hop in the shower quick and then I’ll head over.”

  The guys waved as I headed back upstairs to jump in the shower. Twenty minutes later I was out the door and on my bike. I walked into the restaurant, and the sounds and smells reminded me of the one time I’d been to Ireland as a kid, before my parents died. The Irish jig playing over the speakers had me tapping my toes, and the savory smells coming from the kitchen had my mouth watering and my stomach growling.

  I was a little early, but I headed to the bar to grab a drink while I waited. Several women approached me and struck up a conversation, but each of them quickly left when it was clear I wasn’t interested. There was only one woman I wanted. I’d just finished my second beer when the guys walked in. After dropping some bills on the bar, I joined them. We were seated not too much later. The waitress came by to take our orders and while we waited, brought out piping hot bread and butter. We ordered a round of Bunratty Mead and slammed the shots down after we toasted. Our food finally arrived, and I dug deep into my pie. I hadn’t even eaten half of it when a woman’s laugh had me snapping to attention.

  My eyes scanned the room, and it was then that I spotted her. Across the restaurant was Callie, dancing and laughing with a young, attractive man. She seemed to be having a blast. I knew I shouldn't be jealous. There was nothing in her mannerisms that spoke of a flirtation with the guy. She didn’t stare deeply into his eyes; she didn’t touch him or dance up close. She looked relaxed and joyful. The entire scene appeared completely innocent. Callie was enjoying herself, and I had no claim on her, so she could dance with any guy she wanted. Except I was jealous. Even though I couldn’t dance for shit, especially with the peg leg I now sported, I only wanted her to dance with, for, me.

  Since I had no real claim on her, I sat back and seethed in my jealousy. She danced two songs with the guy. When the song switched pace and a romantic ballad began, Callie excused herself from the guy and wandered over to the bar to sit alone. I crowed a little inside that she’d refused the slow dance. Then, I wondered why she was here by herself until I spotted her friend Liana on the dance floor with Gannon.

  I made my way over to where she sat and eased into the seat next to her. She didn’t even glance in my direction.

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  “No, thank—” She stopped mid-sentence when she saw me. The slight frown on her face turned upright, and a smile that I could have sworn lit up the whole room now graced her lips. Her expression then changed to one of seduction. “Why, yes, sir, I’d love for you to buy me a drink.”

  Raised voices from the dance floor drew our attention. Liana and Gannon were arguing. Callie made a move in their direction, but I stayed her with a hand on her arm.

  “Let them hash it out. This shit has been boiling inside both of them for ten years. They need to work it out themselves.”

  She slowly nodded and sat back down. Just then Liana stormed off the dance floor and out the front door, Gannon hot on her heels. Damn, he was head over heels in love with that woman. I don't think he’d ever stopped loving her. Which made me turn and look at Callie sitting next to me, a worried expression on her face. I wanted that kind of love. I thought I could find it with her given more time together.

  “Now, how about that drink?”

  Her expression eased, and she smiled another smile that had my heart tripping its beat. “Yes, please.”

  I’d just motioned to the bartender when a crowd of people poured out of the bar. I could hear people talking about a fight. Shit, Gannon and Liana were out there.

  “C’mon, we gotta go.”

  I grabbed Callie by the arm and headed toward the front door where the crowd was still spilling out into the parking lot. Sirens could be heard coming from all directions and getting louder by the second. I maintained a firm handhold on Callie as I searched over the tops of heads looking for Gannon. From my right, a familiar whistle sounded. I turned toward the noise and spotted Gannon in the distance. I quickly answered with an echo of the same whistle. His and Liana’s attention zoomed in on us. When she spotted Callie next to me, her tense posture relaxed, especially after Gannon spoke in her ear. I gave him a thumbs up and a nod that I’d catch up to him later as I pulled Callie away from the melee and into an alley off the side of the restaurant. I hadn’t seen Trevor or Dondre, but I knew they could handle themselves and take care of their women.

  We weaved around trash and broken beer bottles until we came out around the block from the pub. I considered cutting across another street to try and get back to my bike, but I didn’t want to take the chance we’d run into the cops. Nor did I have an extra helmet for Callie.

  “Well, that wasn’t how I expected the night to end.” A giggle escaped Callie as we walked hand in hand down the sidewalk.

  My laughter joined hers. “You and me both. I haven’t seen a knock down drag out brawl like that since the first year I was in the Navy. Alcohol was involved in that one, as I’m sure it was in the one back there. If I were fifteen years younger, I might have been tempted to join in just for the hell of it.”

  “Why? You didn’t even know those people. And they hadn’t done anything to invoke your need to punch someone. Why would you have jumped in?”

  I shrugged. “Back then, I was pissed off at the world, I guess. My parents hadn’t been dead that long, and I railed at everything in defiance. What did my parents do to deserve being killed by a drunk driver? They were good people. Went to church every Sunday. What horrible thing had they done? I was an angry teenager. Which is why my college counselor suggested the military. He thought it would give me a place to focus my anger in a much healthier way. He was right. I bonded with my squad members. They were the guys who were there for me through thick and thin. They became my family. Eventually, my rage cooled. I grew up.”



  Sympathy filled me at Kyle’s story. It made me count my blessings every day that I still had parents who loved me. That I had a family who cared about me. Until now, I don’t think I truly realized how privileged I was to be surrounded by such a large circle of people. Kyle had no family and only a few friends left after the war. More than ever, I wanted to invite him inside my circle. Wanting to lighten up such a heavy topic, I only half-joked.

  “And grow up well you did.” I even gave a little quick repeated up and down eyebrow move.

  He snorted in response. “You’re just trying to get me into bed.”

  “Ha! I hope it takes more than a lame joke to get you into bed.”

  He stopped and pulled me close, all business suddenly. “From you, it only takes a look.”

  I rose up on tiptoe and brushed my lips against his. We weren’t in any position to take things further, so for now it had to satisfy.

  “When we get a moment of privacy, I expect you to follow up on that statement.”

  “Baby, you can always count on me.”

  Enough time had passed that I hoped the fight had been got
ten under control and the parking lot of the restaurant cleared out enough for us to reach our vehicles. We walked side-by-side back to the pub. There were a few lingering customers when we reached it, but for the most part, every one had cleared out. Kyle walked me to my car, kissing me long and hard before opening my door for me. While he walked to his bike, I waited until I saw him mount it. Then I pulled out and headed back to the beach house, Kyle following behind me.

  We’d had sex several times, but each time felt new and different. It scared me to the core. Did I invite him in again or try to play it cool since we’d said our unspoken goodnights when we got to my car? I hated this sudden indecisiveness I was feeling. It brought back the feelings of insecurity I’d felt when I was with Travis. Needing to shake it off, I turned the station until one of my favorite songs came on. Then, I cranked up the music and let the beats and riffs flow through me.

  I pulled into our beach house carport and got out of the car to wait for Kyle to pull into his, having made my decision on the drive back. I headed in his direction as he swung his leg over the side of the gorgeous Harley.

  “Hey, stranger. Would you like to come over for a slumber party?”

  He laughed that laugh I loved so much. It made him appear several years younger as the worry lines disappeared from his face. He looked so carefree that it made my heart light.

  “Slumber party, huh? Is that what they’re calling it these days?”

  My shoulder shrugged a little as a sly smile crossed my lips. “Are you in or out?”

  I squealed as he bent down and hoisted me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I beat my fists ineffectively against his back.

  “Kyle Chambers, put me down this instance.”

  A light tap on my ass had me stilling in his arms, especially when he followed it up with a soft caress. He carefully made his way up the stairs and into the house. Once inside, he placed me on my feet and before I could even catch my breath, his mouth collided with mine. Back and forth, we battled for control of the kiss, neither giving an inch. A loud cough had us jumping apart. Journey and Dondre stood hand in hand at the end of the hall.

  Dondre cleared his throat before speaking. “Sorry to interrupt.”

  I ducked my head in embarrassment as Kyle chuckled beside me. He wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me close.

  “No problem. We’ll be out of your way in a jiffy.”

  Kyle turned and kissed me softly, but with no less urgency.

  “I better get going. How about breakfast tomorrow?”

  “Absolutely. How about 8:00?”

  He dropped one final kiss on my lips. I sensed his reluctance to pull away. “Dream of me, will ya?”

  “After that kiss, I have no doubts my dreams will be filled with hot, dirty sexiness.”

  He groaned at my words. “You’re killing me, woman. Now, go, before I shock those two over there with what I’d really like to do to you right now.”

  I shot him a cheeky grin before turning to head upstairs. A sharp smack to my ass made me yelp in surprise. I turned my head and blew Kyle a goodbye kiss. I hated to see him walk out the door. I continued up the stairs after he closed the door, and I made my way to my bedroom. I stepped into the bathroom and began getting ready for bed. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I lay in bed, pulled out my e-reader, and began to read the book I’d started early last week. My eyes refused to focus, and the words just ran together. I looked the clock and realized I’d been staring at the same page for twenty minutes. The ringing of my phone interrupted my thoughts.

  My heart sped up when I saw Kyle’s name across the screen. I quickly swiped right.

  “Hi there.” I answered the call, slightly breathless.

  “Hello, yourself. You weren’t sleeping were you?”

  “No, I was trying to read in bed, but I was finding it hard to focus.”

  He didn't speak for a minute, but when he did, a seductive tone was in his voice. “You’re in bed?”


  I heard a muffled noise in the background as though he’d shifted positions. His voice dropped another octave. “What are you wearing?”

  I’d always thought that was a corny question, but when Kyle asked me, my body temperature rose, and my core began to throb. His seductive voice wrapped itself around my body before settling deep inside me. A shiver escaped me.

  My voice was soft. “A tank top and shorts.”

  “Take the shorts off.” The command in his voice was so clear I could do nothing but comply. I shimmied around in the bed as I worked the shorts down my legs, my underwear going with them. I started getting into spirit of things.

  “Are they gone?”

  “Yes,” came my whispered response.

  “Slide your hand down your stomach and touch yourself. I want your finger on your clit.”

  I followed his commands, and slowly, I traced a path down my stomach to my throbbing center. My fingers were met by wetness.

  “Now, circle your clit. Picture my hand touching you, caressing you. Are you touching it?”

  “Uh huh.” It came out as almost a moan.

  “I wish I was there so I could see your beautiful wet pussy. I would spread your legs wide and watch as you thrum that nub. I can picture it sticking out of its hood and getting redder as you continue to pleasure yourself. Think of my eyes on you, my tongue lapping up your juices. You taste like the juiciest peach. Your skin is soft and supple. Your moans and whimpers turn me on. I’m stroking my cock right now wishing it was your hand.”


  “Don’t you dare stop touching yourself. Think of my long, hard cock inside you, thrusting deeper and deeper.”

  I could almost feel his cock entering me. My pussy clenched on emptiness, and I groaned in disappointment that he wasn’t there with me. I needed him inside me with a desperation only he could satisfy.

  “I need to come, Kyle. Please.”

  “Stick two fingers inside your pussy, Callie. Do it, now.”

  “God, yes.” I thrust them as deep as I could, but they didn’t satisfy me nearly as much as Kyle’s cock did.

  “My cock is so hard for you right now. Keep pushing those fingers inside. Squeeze them like you’d squeeze my cock.”

  I continued thrusting and clenching down on my fingers like a vise. His voice was more intense, and I swore I could hear him stroking himself on the other end of the line. More wetness soaked my pussy at the thought. My body tightened in preparation for release.

  “Be prepared for the next time I see you Callie. I’m going to fuck you so hard and so deep our bodies will become one. Are you ready to come?”

  “Yes, I need it.”

  “Push your fingers deep and keep picturing my cock. Your body was made for me. You are mine. Now, I want you to come. Now, Callie.”

  The urgency in his voice sent me over the edge and my pleasure peaked. The tightening that had begun moments ago burst out of my center and exploded through me. His groan of ecstasy echoed mine as we both reached our release together. A soft cry escaped as my climax hit and my back arched. Tremors racked my body as I lay there, spent and exhausted. Our heavy breathing matched each other’s as a languid feeling made my limbs heavy. Neither of us spoke as we lay replete. Finally, Kyle spoke.

  “I wish I could have seen you just now.”

  “Me too.” A small giggle sounded. “You know, I’ve never had phone sex before.”

  Kyle chuckled. “Well, I’m glad I was a first for you. Sleep well, love. I’ll see you in the morning. Dream of me.”

  My heart tripped at the endearment. “I will. Good night, Kyle.”


  I hung up the phone and crawled under the covers. I snuggled into the mattress and closed my eyes. I knew pleasant dreams would fill my night.



  Sunlight broke through the blinds in my room, and I stretched my muscles, the creak of bones sending a groan through me. Damn, I was gett
ing old. Quickly though, my thoughts returned to last night and my phone call with Callie. My blood heated, and my morning wood screamed for attention. I ignored it since my hand was no replacement for Callie’s tight heat. I got ready for breakfast with said lady. Our time in Myrtle Beach was winding down, and I needed to figure out what I was going to do about Callie and me.

  I hurriedly got ready and was knocking on her door at five ’til eight. The door opened, and there she stood, looking more beautiful than a woman had a right to look.

  “Good morning, gorgeous.”

  Her whole smile lit up her face, even as a blush covered her cheeks. “Good morning.”

  We walked hand in hand down to her car. We spent the rest of the day together and all I could think of was how much I didn’t want the day to end. I wanted to spend more days with her, learning everything about her. Kissing her. Making love with her. Damn, I had it bad.

  For the next few days we spent almost every waking moment with each other. Thankfully, I didn’t have to feel guilty about keeping her from her friends. They all seemed to be finding love with the guys. I was happy for my friends. Each of them deserved a good woman in his life.

  It was our last night in Myrtle Beach, and Callie and I were out to dinner. Both of us were quiet as though savoring the time with the other, but also hesitant to bring up the future. I knew where Callie stood when she’d left Miami, but after pushing her away, maybe her feelings had changed. I know mine had.

  I broke the silence, unable to contain myself any longer. “I’m sorry I pushed you away in Miami. I was scared of what you made me feel.”

  She reached across the table for my hand. “You don’t think I was scared too? You were the first man I’d been with since Travis. I was terrified. I still am. But, I’m willing to fight for this. For us. I can’t do it alone though.”


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