by Samantha Twinn

  The door to my room opens quickly after a soft knock, and in comes Lana, her squeaky footsteps giving her away. "Joseph?" she cautiously calls out for me.

  "I'm in the bathroom!"

  The squeaky footsteps pick up until she's right on the other side of the door. "Oh my God, why didn't you call me?"

  I shake my head at her even though she can't see me, finishing up before I wash up after myself. When I open the door, I lean against the door frame, taking her in.

  She's angry as hell, I can see it burning in her eyes, but I also see the way she gives me a quick once over, her eyes lingering more so than ever before as she realizes I'm just in my boxers. "You should've told me. I could've helped you — what if you would've fallen?"

  "I'm fine. I gotta learn to do this at some point, don't I? But I like that you’re worried about me."

  Just as I take another step forward to go past her, my back spasms and I have to catch myself, grabbing for the door frame again. Lana bolts to my side immediately, trying to pull me away from the door and over to relax back in bed.

  "No, not yet. I'm not ready to lay down just yet. I want to walk around if that's cool of you. Or at least to stand up. Something. I feel like if I lay in my bed another damn minute, I'm going to go crazy."

  Obviously exasperated with me, Lana just rolls her eyes and helps me lean against the foot of the bed, shaking her head at me. "You just have to be difficult, don't you?"

  "Yeah, yeah. I'm a man, that's just the way we work," I say, reaching my arms over her head and stretching bit by bit, smirking since I've just caught her watching me. "Checking me out, are you?"

  "Okay, I was just watching for when you fall over again, I was definitely not checking you out." But the blush is apparent in her cheeks, no matter what she says.

  "Uh-huh. I mean… It's okay if you were, though." My grin widens as she snorts.

  "I'm just glad to see you up and moving around. Clearly, your pain medicines are really helping you. But I guess now that you're on your feet again, I'm just about done here," she says slowly, pretending to tap her chin in thought.

  I play it off. "I suppose you are. I bet you're ready to go, aren't you? A few months of taking care of a jerk like me must be pretty damn exhausting."

  She takes it in stride, smiling back at me finally. "It wasn't all that bad. Believe me, I've dealt with far worse patients."

  As she tucks a curl behind her ear, I find myself wanting to see just how soft her hair is. Does it feel like I imagine? It's so shiny, so full of life, just like her. A wave of appreciation for Lana and her help hits me square in the chest. "Thanks, though. I mean for getting me through this. I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with. And if it wasn't for you, I probably would've done some other stupid shit in between my surgeries. Probably up and driving a car on pain meds half-fucked-up. Who knows. Maybe I wouldn't be standing up right now."

  Something in her eyes softens, but I only catch a quick glimpse before I start to lose strength in my left leg, Lana quick to help steady me, much stronger than her frame would suggest.

  Where her skin touches mine, tingles shoot through me, my mind swimming. In a moment of pure instinct and opportunity, I let go of everything I've been dealing with and do what I’ve wanted to do since she first walked through my bedroom door. I lean forward to kiss her. It's hurried, my mouth hungry for her, hungrier than I even realized, and she doesn't fight it as I pull her closer to my body, the heat of her apparent even through her scrubs.

  Her lips are firm yet soft, full and pliant against mine. I trace her teeth with my tongue, wanting to taste all Lana has to offer me. Her hands grab at me desperately, both of us breathing heavily and it hits me. She wants me, despite how injured and incapable I am. She’s kissing me even though, as my nurse, this is so wrong. The wrongness just makes it feel better as far as I’m concerned. I’ve always been a sucker for the forbidden, but there’s more here. All the times she’s been tender with me. All the times she’s seen through my bravado and understood why I am the way I am.

  I'm aware the moment Lana loosens her grip on me, and I pull away, loving the way her lips are a deeper color, her cheeks too. "I'm sorry," I manage to say, trying to swallow against the weird pressure rising in my throat. "I've wanted to do that for a long time…thought I’d better take the chance before you leave me for some other lucky injured bastard."

  Lana takes a slow step back, bringing her fingers to her mouth, touching her lips in what looks like awe.

  "If you don't want anything to do with me, I get it. But... I couldn't just let you walk out of here, leaving me, without finding out what it felt like."

  She sighs, her shoulders slumping. "What is it with you and Michael?" she says softly. I don't know if she's saying it to me for real, or if it's just a rhetorical kind of thing, but a moment later I don't have to wonder.

  The door to the room opens again and Michael is standing in the doorway.



  Everything in me freezes up, and although I'm still so close to Joseph, it takes a moment before I can disentangle my thoughts. "There's... this isn't what you think," I blurt out, recognizing how pointless it is to say. Of course, this is what Michael probably thinks. How could it not be?

  I fully expect to see Michael storm off, maybe even slam a door or two, with his anger boiling over after seeing me with his brother. Instead, he's standing in the doorway looking rather stoic.

  "So. Is that the deal, then? You just like Joseph? You could have just said so, Lana," he says, his tone crisp and clear. He's hiding something under it. I can feel it.

  "No…well," I stammer, quickly looking at Joseph who's now raising an eyebrow at me. "I mean, of course, I like Joseph…it's just…this was all a big mistake." I manage to pull myself away from Joseph, chewing on my bottom lip as I glance between the two of them, feeling awful. How could I have let myself get carried away like this, first with Michael and now with Joseph? I’m putting everything at risk. All the reasons I’ve held myself apart from them over the past few months are there, I’ve just been incapable of holding onto rational thought when my heart wants more. Just by standing here between them I’m risking everything, and not just this job but any potential future offers. Who would want to hire someone so unprofessional to look after their loved ones?

  Even as I make the dash across the room to slip past Michael, he catches my wrist, tugging me back gently. I can't bring myself to look him in his soulful eyes, worried that he'll be able to see everything going on inside of my mind, to see past the veneer I'm positive Joseph's just cracked. Everything in me is fighting the rational side of this coin. I know how men are—didn’t Javier teach me well enough?

  Michael's other hand tilts my chin up, his fingers brushing lightly against my skin, his face drawing so close. I'm breathing the air that moves between us, and nearly gasp as he closes the gap, his lips on mine, working to part them. I let my eyes flutter shut as I melt into the kiss, and try my best not to whimper as Michael slowly pulls back, sighing to himself. The walls I’ve worked so tirelessly to fix have broken yet again.

  I’ve kissed two men in fewer minutes and my heart has tugged for both of them.

  My patient and my employer.



  I feel lightheaded. What am I doing?

  "So. That's what it is. You like both of us?" He says this not harshly, but matter-of-factly, as if it explains everything in a way he’s happy with.

  My shoulders slump. I can't believe I'm being such an idiot, right here in front of them! What the hell is wrong with me? "I'm sorry, Michael. Joseph," I say, my eyes darting back to him on the edge of his bed. "I don’t know what’s going on with me…with this. I don't want to cause any problems."

  There's a shuffle behind me as I turn to face Michael again, and Joseph slowly comes up behind me. "I don't see a problem." Warm hands graze my hips.

  "Nor do I," Michael echoes softly, tilting his head.
  Puzzled, I try to look at Joseph but I can't move, his mouth is leaving a hot trail of blazing fire across the nape of my neck, his teeth grazing my skin. I suck in the air, desperate not to pass out from so many emotions hitting me, so many nerve-endings firing off inside of me, that I almost don't receive the next kiss from Michael, who's pressing me firmly back to Joseph, Michael's tongue coaxing me into a moan.

  This is so beyond anything I've ever experienced, both brothers kissing me, their hands working harmoniously to soothe me. My body is still tense, as though it hasn’t quite realized that this is an option it can accept.

  I want two men.

  Have I ever considered that it would be possible to be with them both? At the same time? No. That was never a thought that crossed my mind, but with Michael pinning me up against Joseph, I wrap one arm around his neck and lean back, Joseph's breathing in my ear as his hands slip around the front and under my shirt, holding my sides.

  It feels right to be between them like this. Like eating strawberry and vanilla ice-cream from the same bowl. Michael's mouth trails down my jawline, and my mouth parts as I feel his cock stirring against my lower abdomen, coming to life.

  It’s been so long since I felt a man’s arousal. So long since having my desires fulfilled was even a prospect. I’m hot between my legs but as fearful in my heart as I am eager. This couldn’t ever be a without strings affair. There is too much linking us. Professional relationships and friendships that have built slowly over time. Flashes of our interactions flood my mind; Joseph’s smile and dry humor, Michael’s watchfulness and caring.

  In any other situation, I never would have been able to resist either for them for this long. I may have principles but I’m also a woman.

  Both brothers press their hips gently against me and I can feel how hard they are, how big. It’s as daunting as it is arousing. It’s weird that I know what Joseph’s cock looks like already when his hands haven’t ever touched my breasts, when his lips have never grazed my stomach.

  "Let's move this somewhere that doesn't scream hospital, shall we?" Joseph mumbles against my skin, gesturing toward the hall.

  Michael pulls away, his eyes searching mine. What does he see there? Fear? Arousal? Hope? He smiles gently at whatever it is he sees and takes my hand in his prompting me to tug Joseph along after me carefully, making sure he doesn't move too fast, as we make our way into Michael's bedroom.

  It's the first time I've seen it, and something downright primal rears its head inside of me when I see the satiny sheets on the California king bed fit for royalty. The air seems to crackle with an incredibly tense silence. The heat of the moment has slipped away. When the door lock clicks into place, Michael turns to face both me and Joseph.

  A part of me expects him to question what the hell it is we’re doing here. Michael is the rational one. The sensible one. He’s the one who weighs the benefits and consequences of every move he makes. I’m so sure he’s going to ask if this is really what I want and if he does, he’ll open the biggest can of worms because I’m not. Every rational part of me knows this is complete madness, but for once in my life, I want to switch off the rational and go with what feels good. I want to be surrounded by the men who have become a part of my world, and give in to the desires that I’ve suppressed for so long.

  I’m expecting a ‘talk’ but instead, Michael stalks toward me with determination in his eyes, coming to stand behind me and switching it up as he ghosts his mouth over my neck. Maybe he knows. Maybe he realizes that if he utters a word this who fragile situation is likely to fracture.

  Chills run up and down my spine as Joseph follows along, his mouth crashing against mine with that same recklessness I recognize in him. I can’t hold in the moan that wants to escape, my legs already shaking. I want to say something—anything—but I'm so lost in the moment that I've forgotten how. Anyway, what could I say?

  That we shouldn’t be doing this? I think they are both well aware of the potential repercussions and neither of them seems remotely concerned.

  That I want them? I think they’re both pretty well aware of that too. I’ve put up no resistance to the most amazing kisses ever.

  Someone—Michael – is pushing my pants down, a hand helping steady me as I climb out of them. Joseph's fingertips trail up my sides and around the front, slipping up to cup my breasts as his tongue slides deeper into my mouth, while Michael's holding my hips firmly in place, his warm breath prickling the skin at my neck.

  My shirt is being pulled up and over my head, exposing me to both brothers, while they're pressed against me, Michael in his suit and Joseph in just his boxers, so I hardly care. I'm past the point of caring now. All I want is them.

  Even with his hot, bare chest against me, Joseph manages to slip the straps of my bra down, Michael helping by unclasping it in the back.

  "You are so damn beautiful," Joseph's husky voice causes me to open my eyes and look at him and the way he's holding himself carefully.

  I move us over and gesture for him to sit at the edge the bed facing me, Michael's caressing the edge of my pretty panties. I thank God that it wasn’t laundry day, as Michael’s long, thick fingers graze against my pussy.

  Joseph's hands caress my breasts, gently at first then squeezing harder, running his thumbs over my dark nipples. My breath catches in my throat as he leans forward and darts his tongue out at each one. I'm falling to pieces already, with Michael's fingers sliding between my legs, finding me so wet, and Joseph's mouth and hands focusing higher up.

  It feels so good but I need more. I need my hands to be busy too. I reach behind me and stroke Michael through his slacks, the thickness of him taking my breath away. Not wanting to leave anyone out, I reach forward and unbutton the fly of Joseph's already tented boxers, a delicious grin lights his face as he catches me staring at his cock.

  “No need to look so shocked, Lana,” he whispers, stroking my cheek. “You’ve seen it enough times to know what you were getting.”

  He’s right. I have, but this is different. There is intention behind his erection this time. His body getting ready to enter mine.

  I need more of both of them. Now.

  Joseph lets out a hiss as I pull away, him and his brother both looking at me completely mystified as I grab a pillow and help prop it underneath him, carefully pushing him back. I turn back to face Michael. "We need to do something about these," I murmur, not bothering to wait, and untucking his button-up, pushing the white shirt off of him, and working on the zipper of the black crisply pressed slacks. They fall to his ankles and he kicks them away, his cock nearly poking out of his now unbuttoned boxer-briefs.

  I push them down slowly, taking in the breathtaking view of the way his gorgeous and thick cock stands proud. Remembering Joseph, I turn around and pull his boxers down too, for good measure. His cock mirrors his brothers; hard and big enough to take my breath away.


  For a moment I’m flustered. I’m no virgin, but this is way more man that I’ve ever been faced with. Two sets of amazing abs, two gorgeously broad chests. Two sets of hands that I know will bring me so much pleasure.

  Before I know it, I'm being encouraged to lay on the bed beside Joseph. He kisses my lips gently, stroking his hand over my breasts and stomach as though he’s mapping all of my womanliness.

  “So sexy.” Joseph gently nuzzles my ear with his nose and brushes his thumb across my lips. “So beautiful…this mouth.” He stares at my lips, gently pulling at the plumper lower one as though he’s imagining something else. Then I get to find out exactly what he was thinking about. He rolls and slowly crawls until he’s further up the bed. I can see him wince slightly from the pain in his back but he’s moving with enough care that I’m not worried about him hurting himself. He lies so that his length is right by my face, careful not to put too much pressure on himself. I know I have to be gentle, but that just means I get to take my time. Just as I’m about to show Joseph what my lips can do, Michael spreads my t
highs wide apart.

  His touch is so rough I’m momentarily surprised. It’s as though he can’t bear to wait another second to get between my legs. I know how he feels. I feel frantic, antsy for his touch there, aching for the firm press of his cock at my entrance.

  I stroke the soft firmness of Joseph, really wrapping my hands around him, as Michael's breath ghosts over my mound, sending chills up my spine. He’s going to lick my clit. My legs tremble with the anticipation of that first touch. My hips squirm on their accord, and I let out a breath of air I didn’t know I was holding as Michael inhales my scent.

  “Mm,” he whispers against my inner thigh.

  In the back of my mind, something reminds me of all the rules I’m breaking right now, but I can’t care about anything other than this exact moment. I need them and they want me and I push away all thoughts of the wrongness of an act that feels so unbelievably right.

  Dragging my nails along Joseph’s shaft, I begin pumping him with both hands, the thick head of him only inches away from my mouth. I can’t hold back any longer, and I bring him to my lips, flicking my tongue against the tip and smiling as he groans loudly.

  Joseph buries his hands in my hair, guiding me as I take him into my warm mouth, his heat pulsing. “Fuck yes,” he hisses.

  “Be careful,” I murmur across his skin, watching him, my nursing instincts taking over. “Nice and slow, okay?”

  Joseph nods slowly, putting himself in a more relaxed position.

  At the other end, Michael’s slowly trailing his finger up and down, pushing past my folds and spreading me wide apart. The cool air hits my skin and makes me squirm even more. I moan around the head of Joseph while he steadies himself, Michael’s deft fingers slipping deep inside me as I do, coating themselves in my excitement as he firmly presses against my g-spot, rubbing it in wide circles from the inside. My hips move in time with him, and I’m desperate for his mouth on me.


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