by Samantha Twinn

  Michael nods along. “Everything will be fine, Lana. Let’s just take it slow.”

  The armed men open the doors for us, Joseph getting out first, before Michael and I follow him. I immediately recognize Javier with his short-cropped hair, watching me with beady eyes. How I was ever married to a man like him, I still haven’t figured out. The only good thing that ever came from Javier Escobar, was Olivia.

  “I didn’t expect to see you here,” he calls out to me, tilting his head to the side. “Especially after I’ve been trying to get in touch with you for the past few months. And here I thought you didn’t care.”

  I can feel both Michael and Joseph tensing beside me, but I take a small step forward, my eyes trained on Javier and not the men surrounding him with guns. “You didn’t leave me much choice. Where is my daughter?”

  “You mean our daughter?”

  I hear Olivia’s muffled voice from one of the vehicles, my eyes scanning each one of them in fear. He looks over his shoulder at the SUV right behind him, nodding to the driver who then hops out, opening the passenger door.

  “Olivia? Why don’t you come out here?” Javier says loudly, his eyes never leaving me.

  My heart nearly jumps out of my chest as I catch the first glimpse of her, her hair pulled back into dark pigtails, looking completely out of place as she eyes all the huge men surrounding her before she finally sees me.

  “Mommy?” she says just loud enough for me to hear her, walking over to Javier who has pulled her alongside him. “Are you okay?”

  I nearly crumple in on myself, so relieved to see her and to see that she’s not hurt. At least from what I can tell. “Oh, baby,” I cry out, tears streaming down my face as I reach out to her, wishing I could touch her, smell her sweet skin. Everything in me is dying to check her over, to make sure she’s really okay. “I’m okay, Livi. Are you okay?”

  Even beside me, I can hear the ragged breathing between Michael and Joseph, both clearly relieved to see that she’s okay, too.

  Olivia looks up at Javier, whispering something in his ear before he stares me down, finally giving her a quick nod. “I’m okay. Daddy wanted to surprise me with this special trip,” she says. Something in the way she says it though, makes me realize that perhaps Olivia knows more than she’s letting on to Javier. Javier, who still has never grasped just how smart Olivia truly is, seems none the wiser. He probably thinks she really did fall for his bullshit.

  Olivia makes her way over to me very carefully, obviously understanding the tension between both groups. I never take my eyes off her until she’s within touching distance, and I grab at her quickly, sobbing as I finally have her in my arms again. “Oh, Livi, baby. I missed you so much. I was so worried,” I whisper in her ear, desperate to get her out of here.

  As she pulls away, she gives me a little wink, and I know I was right. “I need to go talk to Daddy, okay?”

  Joseph and Michael both take a step toward us, but I wave them down, very much aware of how everyone’s guns have seemed to shift. All I want to do it get us all away from this place, but I don’t want to scare Olivia. Although everything in me is screaming to grab her and run, I bend and tell her “That’s okay, baby. Go ahead and talk to him. There’s no need to rush.”

  She nods and makes her way back over to Javier, every step causing my heart to beat faster and hard. He seems curious as she pulls him in for another hug. She speaks loud enough so that everyone around can hear her. “Daddy, I love you so much, but you know I have to stay with Mommy, right? I have to make sure she’s okay, and someone has to take care of her. She would be really sad if I wasn’t with her.”

  I have to admit, that if there was ever a weakness of Javier’s, it was my baby girl. He shifts so that he’s eye level with her, bending down. “But what about me? I will be really sad without you here with me.”

  Olivia nods. “I know, Daddy, but you’re a boy, so you’re a lot stronger than Mommy. It’s just me and her back home, but you have all of your friends here with you if you ever get lonely. Plus, I’ll be coming to visit! That way you won’t have to do all the boring parent stuff with me and we can do all the fun stuff. Like when you told me how we were going to go zip-lining, you know?”

  I’m surprised to see a slow smile spread across Javier’s face as he nods. “You’ll love it, Olivia, I promise. It’s like flying, baby.” He looks up at me, slowly standing up.

  “I promise you, I’ll come see you, and you can come see me too, but Daddy, you’ve gotta change. You’ve gotta be a good person and not do bad things anymore, okay? I don’t think Mommy likes how you didn’t tell her you were coming to visit me, and I want to see you more. Can you please be good, Daddy?” she asks him in her sweetest voice.

  The tension is thick enough to cut with a knife between the group that brought us, Paolo’s men, and the Escobars.

  “Abajo,” he calls out to the men around them, and everyone lowers their guns as he squeezes Olivia, whispering something to her. Javier gives me one last look, and lets go of her.

  She bounds back toward me, free and happy considering the circumstances, I scoop her up in my arms, spinning her around as I clutch at her frantically. “It’s possible I’m never letting you go again,” I laugh into her hair. “Like, ever.”


  Gently running my hands through Olivia’s hair as she sleeps in my lap, I look over her head at Michael and Joseph who are sitting in the captaincy it’s facing toward us, watching her too. It’s hard to believe so much as happened in just the past twenty-four hours, but I’m beyond grateful that I have her here with me again, safe and sound.

  Thank God for Joseph and Michael…without them, I may have never been reunited with Olivia again. A thought I can’t even possibly imagine.

  I don’t know what the future holds in store for us quite yet, but I know there’s got to be a reason why the two of them were brought into our lives.




  “Well, here we are.” Michael looks at Olivia, smiling. “Do you want us to come in with you and help you find the classroom?”

  She slips the strap of her backpack over her shoulder. “No, that’s okay. I think I can figure it out on my own.” Olivia turns to give me a tight squeeze. “I’ll be okay, Mom. Don’t worry,” she says, seeing the apprehension in my eyes. I swear, sometimes the girl is too smart for her own good.

  “I’m not worried. I just hope you have a good day, that’s all, baby. I love you,” I whisper as I let go.

  I gnaw on my lip as she hops out, her black hair pulled back in an elegant bun, her uniform freshly pressed. She looks so grown, and I have to fight the urge to tear up.

  Olivia walks up to the teacher at the front gate, says something to her, and gives us a quick wave before following her into the large entrance hall of Wellington-Meade.

  I sigh.

  “This is going to be like a cake-walk for her, I’m sure,” Joseph says, leaning over and placing his hand on my knee.

  “It’s not the school work I’m worried about. What if she gets made fun of? What if the only people she ends up being able to converse with are the teachers? She needs to have friends who are on her level and I –”

  “You should just sit back and relax, Lana. She’ll be fine. Olivia may be smart but she’s also full of common sense. She’ll figure things out one way or the other. And she won’t be the only child beyond her peers in Wellington-Meade, either,” Michael says.

  Maybe it’s just because things seem so peaceful and well, normal, after everything that happened with Javier, that now I’m waiting for the next hurdle to leap. I’ve been so busy running, having to stake my claim just to fight for my daughter, that I’ve barely had time to stop and smell the roses.

  Before we left Colombia, we came to a tentative peace. Under supervision obviously, Javier would be able to see Olivia, granted he followed our agreement to the letter. Knowing that Michael and Joseph went so above and beyond for me
and Olivia and that we were able to leave on a positive note, meant less stress for me. So maybe I should try and enjoy it…

  “We have a surprise for you,” Michael says to me, the corner of his mouth quirking up as Joseph knocks on the partition between us and the driver. “Please take us home, Gus.”

  “What kind of surprise?” I ask. The only kind of surprise I want, is a nap, quite frankly. Mrs. Heston’s given me the day off to see Olivia to her first day at school.

  A mischievous grin spreads across Joseph’s face. “You’ll see.”

  Michael pulls something out from one of the cabinets where he keeps the liquor and wine stocked, and I narrow my eyes at him as he produces the black blindfold, holding it up in front of my face.

  “Really? Is this really necessary?” I mumble but he’s already tightening it around my face so that I can’t see a thing. So much for a nap. “What’s with the blindfold?” I ask, unable to keep the grin off my face. That is until I feel fingers grazing at my throat, working their way up my jaw.

  I kiss at the fingertips, and suddenly my nerves are thrown into overdrive, my skin breaking out in goosebumps as another hand slips between my thighs to push them apart.

  My breathing gets heavy, but oddly enough, I realize something the longer we drive, even with Joseph and Michael teasing me.

  The sound of the city dies away, and outside there’s nothing but the road, and from what I can tell, we’re not stuck in traffic.

  When the limo starts to slow, I tilt my head, trying to listen better. “Where are we?”

  “I already told you,” Joseph says, untying the blindfold slowly. “We’re home.”

  The door opens, and Michael is already holding his hand out for mine, a nervous smile on his face as I slip out of the car and into the blinding sunshine.

  We’re standing in front of an elaborate, beautiful house, surrounded by lush greenery, gorgeous gardens everywhere I turn, and even a cute white picket fence that leads to the backside of the grounds. It’s within a gated property, but it’s still beautiful.

  I gasp. “I don’t understand?”

  Michael scoops me up into his arms unceremoniously. “Allow us to explain the best way we know how.”

  Joseph leads the way to the front door, unlocking it by putting in a special code. Inside, I’m shocked to see just how cozy and inviting it looks. “Is this some kind of rental for the night? I’ll need to go pick up Olivia and—”

  Michael and Joseph both chuckle. “No. You won’t have to worry about picking her up anymore. She’ll be brought here from now on, no problem. After all, this is her home.”

  My eyes widen and I’m about to launch into the millions of questions I have, but Michael cuts me off with a deep kiss, his tongue sliding against mine. He pulls away so that he can watch where we’re going, following behind Joseph into a large bedroom. But instead of the bed, I’m being set down on a hard surface, surprised to see the huge master bathroom with a gorgeous walk-in shower complete with two benches and three shower-heads. Michael pulls the hem of my shirt up, a wicked grin playing at his lips as he tosses it behind me. Joseph’s fingers work quickly at the zipper of my jeans, and they lay me back so he can pull them off, leaving me in my bra and panties, drawing in ragged breaths.

  “Can I have a turn?” I whisper, sliding off the marble countertop. They both nod, and I place my hands on their chests, feeling their hearts racing under my palms. How on earth did I get so lucky?

  I start by taking their shirts off, ogling them openly and without any pretense, running my hands over their chest, their abs, until I slip my hand into Joseph’s gray sweatpants while unbuttoning Michael’s slacks. Both of them groan under my touch, and I feel more powerful, my hands wrapped around their thick cocks.

  These are my men. All mine.

  “Fuck, Lana,” Joseph hisses, shoving his pants down.

  “Perhaps you could use a nice hot shower?” Michael suggests, pure hunger in his blue eyes. His fingers are already tugging at my panties as I nod, while Joseph gets behind me and undoes the clasp to my bra.

  I slip the straps off my shoulders and draw in a startled breath as Michael’s fingers lightly trail over my mound.

  Turning the shower on, Joseph beckons for us to join him, and pulls me in by my hand.

  Water sluices down my front, and I gasp as they take turns washing me slowly with the soapy loofah, Joseph taking extra care of my round ass from the back, and Michael using his fingers in the front. Michael explores my mouth with his tongue, while Joseph reaches around and parts my folds, his teeth grazing my earlobe.

  I spread my legs wider to give him access, but instead, he pulls his fingers back for a moment. I want to whine for him to come back, until he pushes me to bend down, his thick cock plunging deep inside of me in one quick shove.

  I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get used to this. The comfort of surrendering to these two men who have shown me how hard they will fight for me and my daughter, the sheer pleasure they give me.

  Everything between us is so fluid and instinctual. I play with Michael while Joseph pushes his way inside me from behind. Michael’s fingers are between my legs, maximizing the pleasure his brother is giving me. Right from the first moment that they kissed me together it was this way, as though the three of us were destined to be together always. When I think about all those months I pushed them away. All the days I fought with my own desires and pushed the way they made me feel down deep, pretending it wasn’t real.

  I fought so hard to keep my heart safe, not realizing that between them they can cradle it with more care than I’ve ever known.

  Pleasure coils up deep inside of me, before Joseph yells out, releasing every pent up thing inside me.

  “Baby,” he gasps through his labored breaths. “I want to taste you, Lana.”

  I’m spun around to face him, and Joseph carefully gets to his knees, propping my foot up on one of the built-in shower benches. Behind me, Michael slips his cock between my thighs, slowly pushing the thick head of him into my entrance.

  He takes his time, his rhythm deliciously slow while Joseph licks my clit into sweet oblivion, holding my hips in place.

  I’m caught between so many amazing feelings, everything in me building up, pushing me higher and higher, until—“Oh my god, yes!” I scream, my whole body shaking as I come hard, pulsing around Michael’s thickness, turning into a practical puddle as he fucks me faster, gripping me harder.

  “Shit,” he mutters, shoving himself deep into me one more time before I feel him dripping down the backs of my parted thighs.


  I groan. “Ugh, I can’t believe it’s already three o’clock. We should probably get dressed.”

  Michael rubs my shoulder, pressing a light kiss there. “Probably.”

  “There’s something else, though. Another surprise,” Joseph says, leaning into my hand as I run it through his thick mess of hair.

  “Another one? Seriously? If you say Disneyland…”

  But they both sit up, and I slowly do too, watching the looks on their faces. “What is it?”

  Stretching to reach something, Michael sits holds it behind his back, nodding to Joseph.

  Joseph takes a deep breath as Michael produces a small teal box. “Lana…we’ve told you how we feel. We both love you and picturing a life without you in it is the very last thing I want to do. Will you be ours, Lana? For now and always?”

  And just like that, the final puzzle piece feels like it’s fallen into place.



  It feels surreal, watching Olivia walking down the aisle, daintily tossing red rose petals across the white aisle runner. She looks back at me over her shoulder, a huge grin on her face before she reaches the end of the aisle and gives a cute curtsy to Joseph and Michael.

  They stand at the end waiting for me, on either side of the minister who resembles a bloated-looking Elvis Presley, with terribly dyed black hair and a white and gold sequin
ed polyester suit. It was last minute, it was cheesy and hilarious, and perfect in my eyes. I’ve done the fancy big wedding before, and it ended in a disaster, so maybe making fun of the whole idea is the way to go after all.

  Deciding to nix the traditional, I picked out a short red cocktail dress, of which both Joseph and Michael claimed was ‘my color.’ It’s fitting tighter today, but I’m all smiles anyway.

  To my surprise, Michael and Joseph are wearing matching tuxedos, looking absolutely ravishing in the dark blue silk ties. Joseph even ran a brush through his longer hair, and both of them show off their blinding smiles, standing with their hands folded in front of them. As I finally reach them, they each take my hands and kiss them, turning around to face the minister on either side of me.

  I guess when you have money you can buy your way past anything- international waters, and matrimony laws included. Michael explained to me before today that I would be officially married to both of them, and no one would be able to say a word otherwise.

  It’s crazy, but even though I know it’s crazy, I can’t help but feel completely elated. I’d have both of my men, and what girl wouldn’t dream of having the best of both worlds?

  “By the powers vested in me through the lovely state of Nevada, uh-huh, uh-huh, I now pronounce you husbands and wife! You two hound-dogs may kiss your bride. Keep it PG though, folks,” the minister grins as I giggle.

  I turn and give Michael a chaste kiss first, then do the same with Joseph, fighting the urge to continue because Olivia is standing in the front absolutely beaming at us. As weird as the whole thing must be to her, she seems completely fine with it.

  Once we’re finally in the car, Olivia looks as though she’s about to burst. “Can I please, please, please tell them the secret now?” she asks me, her voice pitching higher and higher with each syllable.

  I shake my head at my baby’s excitement and waggle my eyebrows at her as both of my…oh my god…husbands, look at me with curiosity in their eyes. “Okay, okay.”


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