Home > Contemporary > STRANDED! > Page 6

by Pepper Pace

  "Marshall?" She gave him a questioning look, pulling his head back slightly so that she could see his face. "You love me too? I mean-" she averted her eyes embarrassed.

  "Too?" He picked up on that word. "Oceans, I'm in love with you; madly, passionately, irreversibly in love with you," he said with all seriousness.

  Her eyes closed slowly. No one had EVER told her that they were madly in love with her. No one had ever BEEN madly in love with her. For once in her life someone was feeling the same way about her that she was feeling for them.

  "Madly..." She repeated. Then she felt his lips on hers again. He began speaking, murmuring against her lips as he continued to kiss her.

  "It doesn't matter to me if you don't feel that strongly-"


  He pulled back and took a deep breath before answering. "Yes?" His heart was slamming against his ribcage.

  "I don't want to one-up you, but Marshall, I don't think about anything but you; from the moment I open my eyes until the moment I go to sleep. That's not something I'd ever admit to any other man...but then I've never been this deeply in love with any other man before."

  He smiled. He realized that life on this island wouldn't be half bad if he could spend it buried in her luscious body. But her expression didn't match his. Her brow was gathered in concern. He hesitated.

  "What's wrong?" He tried to think if he'd said anything wrong. Maybe she'd seen the wolf gleam in his eyes.

  "Marshall..." How did she tell him about the dream? She'd had it every night since she'd slaughtered the baby wild boar.

  Now he was frowning. "Ocean, look at me. What's wrong?" She was scaring him now.

  "You know how badly it bothered me that I killed that baby pig."

  He looked confused. She'd been restless in her sleep lately. "You're still bothered by that?" He held her hands, running his thumb soothingly over her knuckles.

  "I know that neither of us has said this before, but there is a chance that we may never get off this Island." She thought that the chances were slim that they would ever be rescued. Three months was a long time to be stranded.

  He watched her silently, neither confirming nor denying.

  "I have this dream," her face grew warm. "That we...we had a baby. And the pigs came and got him."

  Marshall blinked. The words almost bowled him over, let alone the idea of something like that happening. Then he began to slowly understand what she was getting at. She was afraid of becoming pregnant.

  "What if-what if we had a baby?" The look in her eyes let him know that this was a serious concern of hers. His hands rubbed her arms in what he hoped would be a soothing motion. "Oh honey, I-you know, we things that won't result in a baby." He felt his own face turn red.

  Oceans didn't respond because no matter what the plan, it always led to sex. When she had lost her virginity it was just supposed to be some dry humping. But Kevin Hickson had said that when a boy got hard they couldn't stop, they couldn't go back. She supposed it was rape but she had just accepted it in the end, turning it into something else. She continued seeing him for another three months until he dropped her for someone more popular.

  "Marshall, if something should happen and I did get pregnant...don't you see how horrible it would be? We would be imprisoning a child on this island...forever!" She couldn't get that idea out of her head. She didn't want to bring a baby into this place where wild pigs roamed, and where there were no hospitals, no medicine, and just a shelter made of sticks and plants...

  He could see that the topic made her very anxious. He gave her a reassuring smile. "I love you, and just being able to say that out loud, to think and feel it freely; I just want to focus on that for a while. The rest, well its food for thought, but I won't be attempting to impregnate you within the next few minutes."

  She feared that he thought she was being silly or over imaginative. She allowed herself to be pulled into his arms. It felt so good, she felt so safe.


  And now that they had expressed their love, for the rest of the day they found reasons to touch; holding hands while they walked to the fresh water stream, him rubbing her feet after eating lunch, and her rubbing his shoulders when he rolled them after carrying back firewood. Now that he'd kissed her, he couldn't wait until they had some quiet time for them to kiss more.

  The time finally came, after the sun was low in the sky and they'd taken their private time to bathe. While Marshall fed the fire, Oceans poured water into clay cups. It was strange drinking water that didn't have the residual taste of some fruit, but now the mineral taste of the earth. She passed him a cup and he held out his arm indicating for her to sit down next to him. She did so, nervously.

  Now she felt self-conscious and stupid about mentioning pregnancy and dead babies. It was like going out on your first date and planning the wedding. She was happy that he didn't hold it against her. He put his arm around her and lightly stroked her skin, not realizing that he was driving her mad with desire. She leaned her head against him and he sighed in pleasure.

  "Marshall?" She asked shyly. "Will you kiss me?"

  He responded so quickly that he wouldn't have had time to answer even if he had wanted to. His lips swept down and met hers lightly. His hand reached out to cup her face. "You're beautiful, Oceans Delano." He whispered.

  "No, you are." She replied softly. She leaned forward and he met her halfway. He didn't want to pressure her but his body was burning for her. His mind was painfully aware that the only thing separating his hand from her body was the flimsy piece of material--beneath it she was completely nude. He shuddered and practicing great restraint he placed his hand on her hip and kept it there.

  Oceans hadn't had a reason to feel sexually aware in many years. To her, the experience of wanting to be loved was almost new. If she'd felt this way in the past, she certainly couldn't recollect it. Sex for her was the rapid in and out of a man over her and the swift relief of a climax. But this was all so different. Marshall seemed to love kissing her—not just using that to get to the next place...

  With a smile she pulled back from him. "I don't want to stop kissing you."

  "Wait there." He got up and hurried to the hut, returning with her afghan. She'd thought of unraveling it for the precious yarn but Marshall had been adamant about saving the keepsake. Now he spread it out on the mat and lay down, gesturing for her to lay down beside him. This time she didn't hesitate and they lay in each other's arms, kissing and peering into the other's eyes for most of the night.

  The next night Marshall again spread out the afghan, and again they held each other, exchanging sweet kisses. Ocean's body pressed against his feeling completely comfortable being so close to him. But Marshall had a love hate issue with that. He loved the feel of her body but not his inability to hide his arousal. The jeans helped, but not when she was pressing herself against him. The arousal was pleasure laced with fear. He loved her touch but the longer he stayed erect, the harder it was for him to pull back around to himself when the kissing ended and it was time to say goodnight.

  "Oceans," he pulled back slightly and stared into her curious eyes. "—I need to stop kissing for a while."

  "Oh," was her response after a short hesitation. Her face felt warm as she suddenly realized just how difficult it was for a man in a situation like this. But he never pushed her or tried to coerce her, he just backed off and bid her goodnight. It was that trust in him that allowed Oceans to feel comfortable enough to do what she'd been fantasizing all day.

  She felt suddenly shy. Discussions of sex had never been encouraged in her family, so instead of talking she leaned in and pressed her lips to his surprised ones. Tentatively, he allowed his hand to move to her breast and when he was cupping it, lights seemed to flash behind his eyes! It almost felt as if he was in the midst of a seizure. Quickly he slid his hand back to the relative safety of her hip.

  Oceans groaned. "It's ok." She whispered. He felt her light touch on his dick, where
it strained painfully against his jeans.

  "Oceans-" he wanted to stop her hand but couldn't. Her touch felt so wonderful.

  "Let me help you." Then she was unzipping him and reaching into his pants. Marshall gripped her breast frantically, tugging and fingering her hard nipple with rough fingers. Oceans gasped. Her own fingers tugged against the button on his fly. And then her hand was digging into his pants and gripping his hard shaft.

  The pleasure of her touch was so immediate that Marshall threw back his head and bit his lip hard enough to draw blood just to hold back his moans. He didn't think he'd ever been so aroused in his life. Her touch was causing his body to arch and shiver beyond his control in ways that he'd never experienced before.

  "Oceans!" He yelled as her hand traveled up and down his shaft. It was too late to stop, he'd been masturbating like he was in Junior High School for the last few days, and yet his semen still shot from his body like gunfire! He gripped the rocky sand in his fist, feeling as if the broken shells would slice through his palms, but he couldn't stop until the last hard spurt of semen left his body. He lay there panting for a moment before he came up on his elbow, still out of breath.

  "Lay here." He said gently. She gave him a curious look but lay on her back as instructed. Marshall took a deep breath to bring himself back around and then he kissed her. "Thank you..." His tongue slipped into her mouth. "...for trusting me." His hand slid under the dress, gliding up her satiny leg. Now it was her time to squirm at his touch. "Let me help you now..." His hand cupped her naked mound. The hairs there were damp and he slipped his fingers between her slick lips, stroking her swollen flesh. Oceans groaned against his lips but Marshall wouldn't let her turn away. He wanted to swallow her moans.

  Her fingers had played in the same place that his now stroked, but never had a man's touch elicited such pleasure from her. She gripped his long hair and held his head down to her face fiercely, so that he couldn't pull away even if that had been an option. Then he plunged one of his fingers into her opening. It was so tight he couldn't believe the way she gripped his finger. He moaned with need, feeling his cock jump back to life. Her satiny hot huni covered his fingers and he couldn't help himself when he brought his hand to his mouth to suck away her juices.

  Her smell and taste were intoxicating! When his finger was clean he plunged it into her pussy yet again, collecting more of her huni to shovel into his mouth like a starved man! Oceans writhed in need and he remembered that he could drink from her well directly...

  He lowered himself quickly down her body, over her breasts, and her taut belly until he was between her quivering thighs. Pushing her dress out of his way, Marshall buried his face into her pussy. His tongue dug roughly between her crevice and he licked long from the opening of her pussy to her clit.

  Oceans keened loudly, body bucking against him. She gripped his head with both hands as she thrust upward. The pleasure that gathered between her thighs seemed too big to be contained! She had always thought her climaxes were orgasms until this huge 'thing' began to build momentum in her body and she thought she'd scream. She had never before screamed during sex...but here they were coming, pealing from her mouth over and over as her body convulsed beneath him. Two of his fingers gently pushed into her opening, working her rapidly and her pussy closed over them tightly. Marshall moaned again. Suddenly liquid splashed his face and as impossible as it seemed to him, he was cumming again!

  "Oh my god..." She gasped once her limbs stopped trembling and her breathing was calm. Marshall was now snuggled against her body, his face buried in her neck where he was kissing her repeatedly. He was more content then he'd been since becoming stranded. Oceans reached down and touched the wetness between her legs. "What..?" She rubbed her fingers together at the thin, clear liquid.

  "Was that your first time squirting?" He kept kissing her softly.

  "What in the world...?"

  "Its okay, baby. It happens when a woman has a very intense orgasm. It's the equivalent of a male ejaculation."

  Her eyes grew large. "You mean that's real? I thought that was just bad porn..." Marshall chuckled.

  "Well some of it is." He then licked her fingers clean.

  She gave him an appreciative look. "I love you, Marshalls. Truly."

  "Me too. I love you, Oceans Delano."

  ~Month 4~

  The next few days were heaven for the both of them. They tried to sleep together in the hammock but the combined weight broke Ocean's and the two went crashing to the floor where they didn't bother to get up for another four hours. Though their lovemaking did not include intercourse, it didn't matter. Their mutual orgasms brought more pleasure then they'd ever experienced with anyone else.

  One day Marshall was working on a plan to create a solid bed for them to sleep in together.

  "Marshall, we've been here going on four months." He did not like conversations that began with how long they'd been on the Island. He knew to the day exactly how long they'd been here, but to him, it was best to take things one day at a time. "We know nothing about the other parts of this Island. For all we know...there actually may be a resort on the other side."

  He smiled grimly. "Anything is possible." But he doubted that something as beautiful as this beach would have been left untouched had it actually been inhabited.

  "I think we should explore."

  He stared at her speechless. "Oceans...this island is dangerous. There are snakes, wild boars, not to mention the countless other deadly things that you haven't told me about. Baby, we have a camp here-"

  She chewed her lip. "I know. But the dream won't leave me." He stood up and pulled her into his arms. "Maybe that dream is a way for your mind to cope with what's happening to us."

  Oceans placed her head on his chest and sighed. "Why haven't your people found us yet?!" She stared at him searching for an answer.

  "My parents wouldn't think to search for me. If someone phoned them to say that I'd been lost in a plane crash my parents would just accept it. They're good people but my Mom is not going to have dreams in which she'll wake up screaming that Marshall is alive." He could already picture the funeral without a casket, and the shrine that they probably already had on the mantle—with pictures from his baby album. And when their friends come over they will tell them stories about how their only child was lost at sea. He frowned. "My boss..." He added slowly. "Frank." Yeah, Frank might search for him. Not because he cared but because he didn't like loose ends.

  "Your boss?" She prompted. He looked at her again and smiled in reassurance. "Frank Marcone. I'm his personal accountant. Frank knows exactly what the travel plan was because I'd phoned him with the information that morning."

  He didn't add that Frank Marcone was a dangerous man. He had never told her any details about the work he did for Frank. One didn't generally announce that they fixed the 'books' for a very influential man.

  He placed a kiss on her full lips. He put thoughts of Frank out of his mind and focused on this woman that he loved. She was afraid and he knew that she didn't need to be. He would risk his life to protect her and that was a thought that surprised him. Maybe it was the Island? He was willing to consider that their circumstance is what made his desire so much more intense. Regardless, he wanted her in his life; whether he was on the Island or off of it, he knew that Oceans was going to be a permanent fixture.

  "Oceans, if you want to explore we can do it, but, I'm reluctant to leave until we've given sufficient time for someone to find us." More than that there was something else that kept him from exploring. Marshall was just plain scared.

  "Okay." She nodded. She could wait a while longer. She gave him a shaky smile. "About two months?"

  He nodded. "Sounds like a plan. In sixty days we'll go." But at the end of sixty days only one would be leaving for the other side of the Island.

  "You know what I miss?" Oceans said as they went foraging through the forest for edibles.

  "Steak? Ice cream? Heineken-" Marshall rattled of
f as he examined a rotten mango.

  "No." Oceans chuckled. "A hot bath. No, a hot BUBBLE bath."

  "Heat is something I can do without." Marshall pitched the rotten fruit deeper into the forest. "I want to be in Colorado right now, in a ski lodge. And the only heat I want anywhere near me is from the fireplace where I'm toasting my marshmallows." He used his long spear/walking stick to prod a clump of bushes. Nothing came scurrying out and he continued scavenging.

  "I've never been skiing before. Is it fun?" She sniffed a papaya, then placed it in the basket that she had woven for this purpose. Marshall stopped and stared at her.

  "Oceans, when we get off this Island, I promise to take you skiing."

  "Um, hun, I don't really consider sliding down the side of steep hill desirable. That's what white people call fun. You know what I'd rather be doing Marshall?" Her voice had taken a decidedly sexy turn and his body came to attention.


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