Stingray Billionaire: The Complete Series (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

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Stingray Billionaire: The Complete Series (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) Page 68

by Alexa Davis

  "Max?" I called softly. He turned with a questioning look on his face. "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "Dunno," he shrugged. "Embarrassed? Ashamed? Afraid that you'd judge me and assume that I was one of them?"

  "How could you think that?" I asked. Again, he shrugged. I waited for a few moments and then quietly asked, "How did you know where to find me?"

  "Dementyev made a second video after he taped you," he said as he leaned against the doorframe looking at me. "He demanded an exchange. Vladimir for you."

  "So, you brought him to the warehouse to make the exchange?"

  "I didn't want to do it that way," he said. "I wanted to go in guns blazing and kill him, but my father said that's not the way things are done. He made me adhere to the vory v zakone rules and to have honor, even where there was none."

  "How did your father know that Dementyev wasn't going to just kill us all?" I asked afraid of the answer.

  "My father is a smart man – brutal, but smart," he replied. "He told me the plan and I trusted that he knew what he was doing. He'd been anticipating something like this for a very long time, so he'd put pieces in play that I had no idea about. Some of the men who were working for Dementyev were my father's men, they were the ones who made sure you had food and that Dementyev didn't do anything, um, really awful."

  "He threatened to cut me open and watch my blood run into the drain," I whispered as I looked up at him and sank deeper into the water. Max nodded. I could see the anguish in his eyes.

  "I'm so sorry, Lexi," he said in a voice full of pain. "I didn't know… I didn't think…"

  "Max, I don't hold you responsible for mad man's actions," I told him. "He's a sick, twisted man who had a vendetta against your father. He was going to hurt anyone who got in the way, right?"

  "He did," he said. "He killed my brother."

  "Oh, Max!" I cried as I quickly stood up and grabbed a towel. He looked away as I wrapped the cloth around me and moved in front of him, where I laid a hand on his cheek and said, "It's not your fault. It's not your fault, Max."

  "I could have prevented it," he said, choking back a sob. "I could have saved him if I'd just been there."

  "Max, if you'd been there, then you'd both be dead." I held his face with both hands and forced him to look up at me.

  "But I didn't protect you," he whispered. "I tried, but I failed."

  "Max, listen to me," I said as I looked up into his beautiful, blue eyes. "You did everything in your power to protect me. I fired the security guard because I was angry at you for not telling me about your background. I don't think you could have done more than what you did."

  "It wasn't good enough," he winced. "How will you ever be able to trust me again?"

  "Max?" I stepped closer and rose up on my tiptoes so that I was only inches from his face. I smiled as I said, "I'll trust you because…because…because I love you, and that's all there is to it."

  His ice blue eyes went from hard to soft in an instant, and he looked at me utterly surprised as he blurted out, "What did you just say?"

  "I said, I love you, Max Malin – Malinchenko," I said in a clear voice as I quickly kissed his lips. "And, there isn't anything in the world you can do to stop me."

  "Lexi." He shook his head, but I stopped him as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again. In instant, his arms were around me as he lifted me up off of the floor and held me tightly against his chest. His smile told me everything I needed to know, but when he spoke, my heart soared. "Lexi, I love you, too. I've loved you from the moment I met you. I was so afraid that Dementyev had hurt you."

  "I know, but he didn't." I looked directly into his eyes.

  "You can thank your kitten for the showing me where you were," he said as a still damp Anna squeezed between us and head butted our legs, demanding attention. "She was one determined little girl."

  "I know, she hopped up on the windowsill after you'd disappeared and gave me hope," I told him as I looked down at the tiny kitten that was now delicately licking her fur. Max bowed his head and pressed his cheek against my shoulder.

  "I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to you," he whispered. "I don't think I could have handled it."

  "Max, I'm here now," I said as I cradled his head in my hands and kissed his hair. "I'm okay."

  He lifted his face and looked at me before slowly lowering me to the floor. My arms were still around his neck as he gently cupped my face and bent to kiss me. The touch of his lips sent sparks shooting through my body and reminded me of all the ways in which I wanted him. His lips were soft, but insistent as he slowly began running his hands down my sides. He scooped me up and carried me to the bed, his lips never leaving mine.

  Max gently set me on the bed before he peeled away the towel. I blushed as his eyes traveled across my body, taking in every inch before he looked into my eyes and smiled.

  "You're so beautiful," he told me as he traced a path from my lips down to my breasts, where he slowly circled one of my nipples as he leaned down and kissed me again. He sat up and then pulled off the tank top he was wearing before sinking down on the bed next to me. He propped himself up on his elbow as he used his free hand to slowly explore my naked body.

  "Max…" I said as I stroked his cheek. His response was to lean down and capture one of my nipples between his teeth and lightly nip at it. I moaned as other hand slipped between my thighs and cupped the warmth that radiated from between them. He took his time as he teased one nipple and then the other before returning to my lips and kissing me deeply. I slid my hands down the length of his long, lean body, stroking his skin as I kissed him back.

  I could feel his hardness pressing against my thigh as I arched my back, pressing my bare skin against him. He murmured something I couldn't quite understand and then kissed me harder as I tugged on the waistband of his pants. He quickly withdrew his hand from its warm place between my thighs and shed his bottom layer before lowering himself down on top of me. He pushed up with one hand and gently nudged my thighs apart with his knee before lowering himself again.

  I could feel his shaft resting between my slick, swollen lips as he slid up and down, coating himself in my wetness. I moaned more insistently as I spread my legs wider and reached down to guide him to the edge of my needy opening. He smiled as he hovered over me, teasing me as he slipped the tip in and then withdrew it over and over.

  "Max, Max! Oh, please! Please!" I begged as I looked up at him with wild eyes. He bent down and slowly kissed me as he finally slid his entire length deep inside of me. The sensation was overwhelming and I gasped as I felt him filling me so completely. A long, low moan escaped from my lips as he buried himself in me and held completely still as he slid one hand between our bodies and began lightly stroking my clit. The delicious agony drove me to the edge of desire before I knew it.

  "Max, please, please. I need it!" I cried as I felt him slowly moving his fingers over my swollen bud. He smiled, but continued playing as though he hadn't heard me. My pulse raced, and I felt the blood flowing through my veins, making my skin more sensitive and aware of his touch. Max played my body like his own personal instrument, slowly and deliberately with great care and attention to every detail. I'd never surrendered myself to anyone like this and when I finally gave in and submitted, he began moving his hips ever so slowly.

  The rhythm was excruciatingly slow and I could feel him stroking my inner walls as he pulled back until just the tip of his shaft remained inside me. And, with one quick thrust of his hips, he quickly buried himself deep inside me again. I cried out as he did it again and again, feeling his length and thickness dragging across the sensitive nerve endings deep inside my body. I could feel myself becoming more and more aroused as he maintained his slow pull back and quick thrust in. I was wet and wanting, and I begged him to go faster and deeper.

  "I love watching you when you're aroused," he whispered into my lips. "There's nothing sexier than your desire."

  "Max, please
," I said in a ragged voice.

  "Please what?" He grinned as he continued his movements. I moaned when he held still for a moment. "Tell me, Lexi, please what?"

  "Max," I looked into his eyes, allowing him to see the bare need in my own as I replied, "Take me, now…"

  He paused for a moment, nodded, and then pushed himself up so that he was, again, positioned just at the edge. He kissed me deeply as he thrust into me fast and hard. I groaned into his lips as I felt him quickly push in and then withdraw. I braced my feet against the mattress and lifted my hips to meet his thrusts and drive him deeper and deeper.

  Soon, we were both moaning as our hips moved together in a rhythm that pounded out our insatiable desire. I could feel the sweat dripping off his skin and splashing onto mine as we raced toward our climax.

  "Do it, Lexi, do it," he said as he felt me begin to tighten around him. "Take it, I want to feel you let go and fly. Come for me, baby!"

  His words set off the chain reaction and I let go. I could feel the wave moving through me as it spread out from my core and reached every nerve ending in my body. I screamed as the orgasm cascaded from inside to outside and I gripped Max's arms and slammed my hips up against his to try and force him all the way inside of me. I could feel my inner muscles contracting around him hard and strong as he continued his driving rhythm until he, too, pushed the limit and released. Max's groan came from somewhere deep inside of him as he thrust into to me one last time and then lay there throbbing while I pulsed around him, milking his shaft and drawing out everything he had to offer.

  When we'd both reached the other side, he slowly withdrew and collapsed beside me, wrapping his arms around my now cold body. He drew up the covers and pulled me tightly to his chest as he kissed my head and whispered, "I love you, Lexi Wallace. God, how I love you."

  "I love you, too," I whispered as I tipped my head up to kiss him. "More than you know."

  Then, with limbs entwined, we fell into a deep, deep sleep.



  It was dark when I woke up, and I had no idea whether it was morning or night. I looked down at Lexi sleeping soundly next to me. She looked angelic with her hair spread out across the pillow, and when I leaned down and kissed her forehead, she stirred slightly and a small smile spread across her lips. When I thought about how close I'd come to losing her, felt a lump form in my throat and I swallowed hard to push it back down.

  I got up and padded into the living room, followed closely by Anna, who was now dry and looking more like herself. I looked down at her and smiled. "What do you say, little girl; want to help me with something really important?" Anna chirped and head butted my ankles as she paced impatiently. I laughed out loud as I leaned down and patted her head and said, "Yes, of course, you can have dinner – or is it breakfast – first!"

  I walked out to the kitchen, mixed up a bowl of Anna's favorite tuna and shrimp, and placed it on the mat in front of her. "You're a good girl, Anna," I said as I scratched her head. "A very good girl." She purred as she dug into the food, but she didn't lift her head.

  I took a look at the clock on the microwave and realized it was very early morning. The sun would be rising in a short while, so I brewed myself a cup of strong coffee and took it out to the balcony to watch the sun rise over the lake while I planned my day.

  I stood and watched as the sun began to peek out above the water. The effect was breathtaking as it slowly made its way into the sky, shining a glowing pink light across the lake that was then reflected out across the shore. As the sun rose higher, the light became brighter and the water began to sparkle as if covered in thousands of small diamonds and spreading out in prisms that danced on the surface. I watched as the sun quickly rose and became a bright ball of light illuminating everything it touched, and I knew exactly what I needed to do.

  I quickly called a few of my favorite salespeople at a couple of stores, and despite the early hour, they jumped at the chance to help me get things moving. Then, I called the harbor and found a luxury yacht that could handle a special trip out on the lake. I'd always wanted to own a boat, but it was one of those things that screamed conspicuous wealth, and after Papa's admonishments, I hadn't bought one – but today was different. Today was a new start and a chance to do the things I'd always wanted to do, but never dared.

  I knew exactly how I wanted to spend the day, and it wasn't at the store. However, I did have some business to take care of, so I plotted my schedule knowing that I had a few important errands to run before I swung back around and picked Lexi up. I went back to the kitchen and quickly wrote her a note before heading to my room to shower and change. Once dressed, I called my driver and told him my plan as he pulled the car around to the front of the building.

  I stepped into the elevator determined to ensure that everything would come out exactly as planned, but first, I had to see Papa.



  It was light outside when I finally emerged from the deep sleep that had pulled me under after Max and I had satisfied each other's needs. I smiled as I stretched my arm out towards the other side of the bed and was surprised to find it empty.

  "Max?" I called as I sat up and looked around the room. "Max, are you out there?"

  When I got no response, I flipped off the covers and hopped out of bed. I wrapped myself in a robe and padded out to the kitchen, where I found the coffee pot ready to brew and a note from Max on the counter beside it.

  Good morning, beautiful! I'm sorry I'm not here to brew this myself, but I have some business to take care of this morning. The store is closed, so don't go in. I'll be back early this afternoon to take you to lunch, so put on your prettiest dress – or pick one from the assortment that will arrive around 11 a.m. Enjoy your morning, and I'll see you for lunch. Love, Max

  I laughed out loud at the thought of Max Malin – Malinchenko – writing a love note to me, but the image was so endearing that I picked up the piece of paper and held it to my lips as I flipped the switch and listened to the water heating up as the strong scent of coffee began to fill the kitchen.

  I didn't even try to figure out what he had planned. I just accepted that my job was to be ready when he returned. It was ten in the morning and the dresses would be arriving in an hour, so I decided to drink my coffee as I got ready. As I stood watching the brewing coffee, I lost myself in the memory of the night before and shivered as I recalled the way that Max had drawn out every delicious sensation and made my body sing in his hands. I wanted more of that. And much more.

  Lost in my reverie, I didn't hear the elevator bell ring the first time, so when a familiar voice called out, "Lexi? Where are you, girl?" I jumped.

  "Viv?" I called as I rounded the corner and saw my best friend standing in the living room weighted down by garment bags and a huge duffle. "What are you doing here?"

  "What the hell do you think I'm doing here?" she shouted as she dropped everything on the floor and rushed to embrace me. "My best friend gets kidnapped by a murderous Russian madman and you're asking what the hell I'm doing here?"

  "It was awful, Viv," I whispered as I held tightly to my best friend.

  "I know, Max told me," she said as she patted my head and gripped my arms. "I was afraid I'd lost you."

  "I'm okay," I sighed as I rested my head on her shoulder and let the tears flow. "I've never been so scared in my entire life."

  "You want to talk about it?" she asked quietly.

  "No, I don't ever want to talk about that lunatic again," I said in a fierce voice. "I want to forget that it ever happened and move on."

  "It's okay, Wally," she whispered. "It's okay, nothing bad will ever happen again. Anna has proved that she'll never let anything bad happen to you ever."

  "Don't say that," I warned. "She did her best and never left me, but you can't promise that."

  "Sure I can," she said confidently as she pushed me back and looked me in the eyes. "I can say that because I hav
e over fifty-thousand dollars worth of merchandise in these bags and nothing bad can happen when you are dressed in an Alexander McQueen or Betsey Johnson gown. Promise."

  "Viv, what the heck are you talking about?" I laughed through tears. "Are you insane?"

  "Nope, not any more than I usually am," she crowed as she walked over to the pile of dresses that she'd dumped on the floor. "I'm saying that we need to get you ready for lunch with Max this afternoon, so let's take a look at the gems that these ladies put together and see which one you like best!"

  "Are you going to tell me what's going on here?" I asked wiping my eyes.

  "I've already told you," she insisted. "Now, let's play fashion model with you as the model!"

  For the next hour, she had me try on every dress she'd brought with the shoes that she'd gathered from all of the boutiques around town. There were necklaces, scarves, clutch purses, and pashmina wraps to accompany each of the dresses, and after a while, I began to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices. I looked helplessly at Viv and threw up my hands.

  "You decide!" I declared. "I'm tired of trying things on! Each one looks better than the one before it!"

  "I know, right?" she said as she bounced up and down on one of the chairs in the living room. "This is the best fashion show ever!"

  "I'm serious, Viv," I said, collapsing into a heap on the sofa in a gorgeous metallic lace midi dress that had a blue under layer and a Bardot neckline. I was wearing a gorgeous pair of impossibly high-heeled silver sandals that matched the overlay on the dress. "I don't know what to choose."

  "I think you should wear this one," she said holding up a simple teal blue wrap dress that had a subtle black geometric pattern running through the material. It was made of a light jersey fabric that clung to my body in all the right places and had a slit up the thigh that revealed just enough to skin to make it sexy without being tasteless. I nodded. "And, these shoes." She held up a pair of nude sandals that had thick straps across the toes and instep before attaching at the ankle with one more strap. They looked beautiful with the dress and fit perfectly.


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