Past Due

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Past Due Page 7

by Catherine Winchester

  “So instead he’s calling on other supernatural entities to do his bidding?”

  “Yes. One of the… rules, if you like, for granting an entity access to the mortal plane is that the entity must provide services to whoever called them, otherwise no human would even attempt to bring these things over.”

  “I’m going to guess these entities aren’t all that happy about serving humans, though.”

  “Quite right. Once the debt is repaid, once they are granted full access to this realm, it’s not unusual for them to turn on whoever called them.”

  “So if we let this play out the killer dies and we’re left facing whatever he brought over.”


  “Then we need to find this guy now. Powerful or not, I’m guessing a human is much easier to stop than a demon or some sort of demi-god.”


  “Much as I like being told I’m right, suggestions for finding the creep would be more welcome right now.”

  “If he has disappeared, perhaps the best way to find him is to go back.”

  Frankie thought about that for a second. “To his past. His family is dead but there must still be school friends or something. Maybe I can find something, an old haunt or somewhere he’d be likely to go back to.”

  “Good idea.”

  Frankie leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “If he keeps to schedule he’ll kill another girl tomorrow. I need more time.”

  Alex saw she was in pain; she carried the weight of the world on her shoulders and until now, she’d been doing so alone. “We’ll figure this out, Frankie. We will stop him.” Without thinking he took her hand and stroked his thumb across the back.

  He heard her heart beat accelerate and realised he’d touched her. Heaven only knew what she was seeing but judging from her reaction, it wasn’t good. He snatched his hand away.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t think.” Until this moment, Alex had always loved being a vampire, it allowed him a freedom few humans would ever know. With everything he had seen and done in his long life, he had never regretted being turned. Now it looked as if what he was would keep him from what he wanted most.

  Frankie waved him off and stood up. Her handbag was resting on the desk and she picked it up and searched inside.

  When she turned back to him she had a gun aimed at his heart.

  Chapter Six


  “It’s loaded with silver hollow-point bullets. Even if they don’t kill you, they’ll slow you down until I can.”

  “What’s wrong?”


  “It’s hardly nothing if you’re aiming a gun at me.”

  “I felt nothing. No memories at all. You’re as blank to me as those symbols on the walls.”

  “You’re saying you think I killed them?”

  “I’m saying it’s too much of a coincidence. I have never encountered someone who doesn’t leave a psychic impression, now both you and the killer don’t?”

  “It could very well be a vampire, Frankie, but it isn’t me.”

  “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”

  “Firstly because once you told me you didn’t get an impression from the symbols, I wouldn’t have been stupid enough to touch you if I had drawn them. Secondly, you caught a glimpse of the killer. Perhaps not enough to identify him in a line-up, but surely you can say if it was me or not? And finally-”

  Before she knew what was happening her gun was gone and Frankie’s back was to the wall with Alex pressed up against her, one of his hands resting lightly on her throat. “If I wished you harm, you’d already be dead.”

  Frankie reigned in her panic and considered his points. He had conceded it might be another vampire and, honestly, she didn’t believe he was guilty. She believed he was capable of killing, but the level of deception since then to get her on side made no sense.

  “I’m sorry, I panicked.” She raised her gaze from his chest and looked into his eyes, afraid she’d see anger there. Instead she saw hunger, and not for her blood.

  “Frankie.” His voice was full of desire as he looked down at her. Right now Alex wanted her more than anything but he also knew he couldn’t push her. She was like a beautiful butterfly and if he tried to catch her, he would lose her.

  The other implications of his touch began to dawn on Frankie. If she could touch him and not see his memories…

  She found her gaze locked on his lips. They were slightly parted and she could see a flash of fang. Suddenly her racing heartbeat had nothing to do with fear and everything to do with passion.

  Yes, he was a vampire and by most definitions, a monster, but he was silent to her. She could finally know the touch of another without seeing all their deepest, darkest secrets. She could know what normal people felt like.

  Both terrified and exhilarated, she met his gaze, raised her hands and slid them behind his neck. She leaned forward slowly. Half hoping something would stop them, yet sure she would kill whatever tried, she pressed her lips onto his.

  It took every ounce of control Alex had ever learnt not to simply take her up against the wall where they stood but he knew this could be so much more than just sex. He hadn't felt this strongly about anyone for over two hundred years and he couldn’t lose her.

  They stayed where they were for a long time, mouths and hands exploring each other. Alex trailed kisses down over her jaw and pressed his lips onto her neck. Her pulse jumped but she didn’t push him away. Finally he scooped her into his arms and carried her upstairs.

  He laid her gently on the bed and began undressing her. Uncomfortable under his gaze, she pulled his head down to her lips again. Alex was disappointed, he wanted to see her but he was well acquainted with modesty too. Only recently had most women become more comfortable with their sexuality.

  He took things slowly. Realising this was probably the first sexual experience she would be able to enjoy; he was going to do everything he could to make sure she did enjoy it.

  Once her clothes were gone he explored her body, first with his hands, then with his lips. He teased her until she was ready to scream before finally giving her the release she craved. The image of her laying panting was almost enough to push him over the edge but he held himself in check.

  He gave her only a moment to recover before he positioned himself at her entrance. He looked down at her face, able to see it clearly even in the dim light.

  “Are you ready?” he whispered.

  She nodded, still breathing heavily. He thrust inside her and she gasped his name.

  Alex had to pause for a moment. Hearing his name on her lips-

  “Did I do something wrong?” she asked.

  He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “On the contrary, I’m having trouble controlling myself around you.”

  He could hear her blood pumping through her veins; smell its sweet scent now even sweeter after her climax. She was like his own personal torture, designed specifically to excite him. He placed his lips on her throat and began thrusting into her again.

  One of her hands threaded itself into his hair and pulled his lips closer.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, his fangs grazing her skin.


  Alex sank his fangs in.

  Frankie didn’t feel the bite exactly -- at least she didn’t feel any pain -- but a very sensual tingling. If she didn’t know what he was she would never have realised she’d been bitten.

  Her hands clawed at his back and she lightly bit his shoulder. She heard a deep rumbling growl and the next thing she knew another wave of pleasure crashed over her.

  She had no idea how long they both lay there while Frankie tried to regain her senses. When she finally did Alex was licking her neck.

  “What was that?” she asked.

  Alex hovered above her and smiled softly, perhaps sheepishly. “I’m afraid I lost control. We find biting very erotic and once you bit my shoulder I couldn’t hold back any longer. Did
I hurt you?”

  Frankie smiled languidly and cupped his cheek. “No, and if that’s losing control, you’ll have to do it more often.”

  Alex couldn’t stop the smirk that spread across his face.

  “Great,” Frankie teased. “Just what your ego needed, more inflating.”

  Alex rolled off and gathered her to him so she wouldn’t see the confusion in his eyes. He had foolishly expected this to change things between them, bring them even closer but her joke told him that her barriers were going up again. “Well, if it helps any, you were amazing too.” He kissed the top of her head.

  She settled onto him, resting her head on his shoulder and began running her fingers through the smattering of hair on his chest. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  “Only the really pretty ones.” He could joke too. If she needed distance he had no choice but to give it to her, lest he risk losing her.

  Frankie smiled and touched her fingers to her neck where two raised lumps told her he’d been there. “Why didn’t it hurt?”

  “Have you ever heard of the miracle fruit?”

  Frankie’s forehead creased, wondering where this tangent was leading. “Uh, an African berry, right? After you eat it, it alters your taste buds and makes lemons taste sweet?”

  “Yes. Our saliva works in a similar way. It numbs the area slightly and turns pain signals into pleasurable ones.”

  “You could market that.”

  Alex laughed and kissed the top of her head.

  “Will it leave marks?” she asked.

  “No. You may have two raised bumps for a day but there will be no scarring.”

  “Magic saliva again?” Her voice was growing thick with fatigue.

  “Something like that.”

  Sated and tired, Frankie was growing sleepy. Alex could see her eyelids drooping as she fought sleep. He kissed the top of her head and told her, “Sleep, lover. We have plenty of time for your questions another night.”

  As Frankie drifted off to sleep, her head resting on his shoulder and her breath fanning over his chest, Alex realised he was in big trouble. He cared about the women who shared his bed, of course, but they weren’t special. Friends with benefits seemed to be the modern vernacular for his relationships. He liked them, but he didn’t love them. He didn’t lie to them but neither did he trust them with what he was. With Frankie however, his feelings were far from casual. He cared deeply for her and already trusted her. It was inexplicable really, given how short a time they had known each other but he had realised long ago that love wasn’t logical. He was falling in love.

  Falling in love with a woman who would never fully commit to him. He couldn’t blame her, she had lived her life being ridiculed and scorned, with parents who didn’t believe her and she had built high walls around her to protect herself. He guessed that he hadn't even begun to discover the emotional scars she bore.

  “Alex, you are an idiot,” he quietly told the darkened room, “falling in love at your age. You romantic old fool.”

  He could sense morning was coming, feel the tingle begin in his bones, warning him to find shelter for the day. He wanted to stay but Frankie’s curtains didn’t look thick enough to block the sunlight, so he had to leave even knowing she would be hurt when she woke up alone. He had no choice and once again found himself cursing what he was. He'd known her only two days and she was already driving him crazy.

  He carefully detangled himself from her, sorry that he wouldn’t be there to see her wake up. He checked her neck to make sure it was healed, kissed her forehead and left.

  Frankie awoke to find her bed empty. Her heart sank and she closed her eyes, kicking herself for expecting anything else. After a thorough talking to, she opened her eyes and this time saw the red rose on the pillow beside her. Under it was a note in rather illegible script. She smiled to herself, she would have expected him to have elegant handwriting, like something from the Edwardian era. It took a few moments but she was able to decipher the note.

  Frankie, I’m sorry I had to leave but your house isn’t light proof and that is one of the vampire myths I cannot ignore. Please believe me, I wouldn’t have left if I had a choice. If there is a next time I hope you will consider coming to my home.

  I don’t think I will be much use to your investigation during daylight hours but I should be awake from noon. Please call me if I can be of any assistance. Or to tell me how wonderful last night was and that I’ve now spoilt you for all other men.

  Fondest regards,


  P.S. Your car is outside and your keys are on the hall table.

  Frankie smiled. A note filled with flowery prose would have probably scared her but the gesture of returning her car was more than enough to show he cared.

  Her smile faltered as she wondered how he had left the house without the alarm code. She pulled on her dressing gown and headed downstairs to the alarm system. It was fully armed, not only had he deactivated it to get out, he had reactivated it before leaving.

  She definitely needed a new alarm. A vampire proof alarm. She didn’t want to keep Alex out but a vampire was now prime suspect in these murders and that vampire she definitely wanted to keep out.

  She went back upstairs to shower and change then logged onto her computer. The profilers report was waiting for her and she printed off a copy and forwarded the email on to Will. She knew she should call him, warning that the bad guy was more lethal than any of them had guessed, but she couldn’t. How did you convince a cynic to take you seriously when you told him that he was hunting a vampire?

  Well, when she had a plan she’d tell him, for now it was better to keep him in the dark.

  She searched the MI5 computer for Brad’s school records and while she waited for those she read the profile. Pretty standard stuff, nothing she hadn't figured out herself and a few things she’d discovered were missed. Well, to be fair the observations about how powerful the killer was had been Alex’s.

  The profile was pretty much useless if Bradley James was their man. Or vampire.

  Closing her eyes she leaned back and reviewed the case in her mind.

  Was Bradley the killer? There was only circumstantial proof so while Frankie was 90% sure he was their man, she still had to keep an open mind.

  If he was the killer, why didn’t he leave a psychic impression? Because he was a vampire. How and when did that happen? Was there a record of that sort of stuff? Could his sire be found? If so, would he or she help them to stop Bradley? There were a lot of questions only Alex could answer.

  So far the lists database hadn't kicked out anything other than a useless newspaper article. Ten year old Bradley had come third in a school swimming gala.

  She wondered if Alex kept any sort of list of clients. Not all of them, obviously, but businesses often collected names and addresses for promotions. Perhaps Bradley had slipped up and given his personal information for a 10% discount. Long shot but it was worth asking.

  She made a list of everything she needed to ask Alex then put the notepad in her bag along with her police ID. Whilst it was a fake ID in that she wasn’t a police officer, it would pass any test because it was authentic. Just then her phone rang and she sighed when she saw it was Will.

  “Hey Will.”

  “Frankie, thanks for the profile.”


  “What are your plans for today?”

  “I have a new case; I’m going to have to back off helping you for a while.”

  Will was silent for a long moment. “Cut the crap, Frankie.”


  “You always were a terrible liar. There’s something going on here that you aren’t telling me.”

  “Did you consider that if in fact I am hiding something from you that there’s a reason I can’t tell you?”

  “National security, nice cover-all, that one.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm.

  “Will, I’ve given you a name, that’s all I can do. I’m sure y
ou’ve run that name yourself and you know I’m not lying about there being no trace of him. It’s a race to the finish now.”

  “Yeah. And if we catch him, you’ll take him from us.”

  Frankie rubbed the bridge of her nose. “No, Will. If you get to him first, he’ll kill you.”

  “How can you be sure he won’t kill you?”

  “I can’t, but I have an idea of what I’m dealing with. I…” if she’d had the slightest conviction that he would believe her, she might have told him the truth but he wouldn’t. Telling him would only serve to upset him and he was a very good detective unless he was upset. “If I could tell you, I would.”

  “Strangely enough, I believe you. Frankie, you need to let me help you; if this situation is so dangerous you need all the help you can get.”

  “I have help, Will. Someone who knows how to handle… things.”


  “I can’t tell you that. Please, just trust me on this.”

  “Well, it’s been really enlightening talking to you, Frankie. Thank you for all your help.” He hung up.

  “Sarcastic bastard,” she muttered. She stashed her phone in her bag then grabbed some breakfast before heading out. She smiled when she saw that her car was parked on her driveway, where it usually sat. At least not everyone hated her.

  Will watched from his car as she reversed out of her driveway and headed off. He followed.

  He’d always been able to tell when she was lying to him, after all she’d spent most of their relationship hiding something. But this wasn’t personal any more, it was professional, and he was damn well going to find out what was going on before any more women died.

  She drove to Blackhall Comprehensive School and pulled into the staff car park. Will pulled up across the street so he could watch her through the bars. His mobile rang and he pulled it from his pocket without looking at it in case he missed where Frankie went.


  “You’re good, Campbell, but I’m better.”

  “What are you talking about Frankie?”

  He saw her get out of her car and turn to wave at him. “Do you want to wait out here or are you coming in with me?”


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