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Mission Page 3

by Viola Grace


  “I don’t think you are susceptible to a pheromone based seduction and certainly not a psychic interference. You are a woman with a strong mind and enough skills to look after herself.”

  She blinked. “Um. Thank you.”

  He grinned and finished his meal. She helped him clear the broad spectrum of plates and put them into the recycler.

  “What would you like to do for entertainment?”

  Jewel looked around. “A vid? Do you have anything that isn’t porn?”

  He stared for a moment before he burst out laughing. He pinched the wide bridge of his nose and his shoulders were still shaking when he took a seat on the couch and he patted the spot next to him.

  “I will do my best to find something that meets with your viewing standards.”

  Jewel smiled brightly and settled next to Stormyo, letting the bright images on the screen blank her mind.

  * * * *

  Stormyo looked at the woman asleep on his shoulder. The moment she relaxed, she slid over and landed against his skin. The soft feathering of her breath against his shoulder was distracting as hell.

  She might specialize in calming people, but when she was around, calm was the last thing he felt.

  He eased his arm around her and lifted her in his arms. He walked through his quarters to his bedroom and settled her on the covers. He folded the blankets from his side over her and stroked her hair.

  She was a calm exterior and a wave extraordinary abilities beneath it. A true treasure had been hauled out in front of him, and he was not stupid enough to ignore it. If she was here, she was here for a reason.

  Chapter Four

  Jewel felt hands caressing her skin, rubbing up and down her back and stroking her inner thigh. She jolted upright and looked around. She was all alone in a bed large enough to use for gymnastics.

  Her skin was covered with goose pimples, she was still dressed. Whatever she had been dreaming, it had been fascinating and she wanted to get back in that dream to find out what happened next.

  She got out of bed, tugged the bedding flat and noted that the other side of the bed had been slept in.

  A slight noise from the open doorway had her shuffling down the hall and into the dining area. Stormyo was at the dispenser, and he smiled as he retrieved a platter that he brought to the table.

  “Did you sleep well?”

  She rubbed the back of her neck. “I think so. Odd dreams though.”

  She glanced at his head. “I guess you sleep on your back.”

  He chuckled and did another trip with more food. “I do.”

  She patted the flat waist of her clothing and the high neck. “I slept in my clothing?”

  “You did. We began watching a Nyal Imperium documentary on the legal system and you were out.”

  “And you put me in your bed.”

  “It seemed more comfortable than both of us staying on the couch. You tilted toward me, and the only way for me to move was to take you with me.”

  They settled at the table and he forked some slices of fruit onto her plate.

  She smiled. It was the same fruit she had been snitching off his plate the night before.

  Jewel brushed her hand over her suit and a deep purple leaf pattern emerged on her top and the leggings.

  “That colour makes your eyes green and gold.” He smiled.

  “My sister was devoted to making me look like I could fit in. We spent hours with me learning how to look, act and dress to be unremarkable.”

  “How could that be?”

  Jewel sipped at her water. “Because, on Earth, having brown hair, brown eyes and a calm demeanour makes you blend into any wall you get near. Social interaction is difficult.”

  He worked his way through the meal with enough speed to make her fondly remember her older brothers making all the food at the table disappear.

  Her own meal was an organized mix of fruit and protein, with some bread twists on the side. She finished her plate at around the same time that he completed his ten.

  “Do you always eat that much?”

  He shrugged and started clearing up. “I burn a lot of calories in the ring and on the practice field. That means I eat a lot.”

  She helped him gather the plates, and when they had all lowered into the recycling slot, she got a damp scrubber and cleared the table of crumbs.

  “Will you come with me to warm-ups and the interviews?”

  Jewel looked around. “Sure.”

  He grinned and held out his hand. “Come with me. I will show you the fighter side of the station.”

  She put her hand in his and walked with him out through the living area and into the hall. Another fighter came out of his own quarters, and he paused when he saw Jewel.

  “Stormyo, I didn’t think you were the type to hang onto a companion.”

  “She is a friend, Raffix. Jewel, this is Raffix. He is also a Champion but not a master.”

  Raffix chuckled and bowed low. “Not yet, but by the end of the week, I will be.”

  Raffix had deep blue skin with small white marks reminiscent of stars. His hair was white with a hot purple streak that waved back from his forehead. He shared Stormyo’s fashion sense in a sleeveless wrap shirt, exceedingly snug trousers just thick enough to hide contours below the waist and soft boots that laced up the front.

  Jewel inclined her head toward him. “Pleased to meet you, Raffix.”

  “Where are you two headed?”

  Stormyo sighed. “We are headed to the practice floor. I am taking Jewel on a tour before my bout in three hours.”

  “I will join you.” Raffix grinned.

  Jewel looked at the other man as he fell into step with them. He was handsome enough, but he seemed annoying, like a puppy that was just about to make a mess on the floor. There was an excitement in him that she reached out and calmed down.

  Stormyo snickered as Raffix calmed down. “You will release him eventually?”

  “Of course. Or I could just move out of range.”

  “Not quite yet. I am enjoying this.”

  She laughed and blinked in surprise. Few things made her laugh. The spear of amusement was unmistakable; it came out of her soul and lit up her mind.

  Stormyo squeezed her hand and they continued on their way.

  Standing between two fighters was a good way to keep the guards away from her. They watched her intently, and she got the feeling that if she strayed too far from Stormyo, she would be back in her cell.

  The practice arena was sparsely occupied, but their trio gathered enough attention to make her ease closer to her protector.

  “I have to change for practice. Do you want to remain out here or come in with me?”

  It took half a second for her to decide. “With you. The guards want to take me.”

  He looked around and nodded. “I do not think you are wrong. Raffix, if anyone tries to grab Jewel, even the guards, please intervene.”

  “I don’t think they are going to grab her with you standing there.”

  “They will try when I am not.”

  Raffix looked around. “Right. Fair enough.”

  Jewel followed Stormyo into a changing area where he removed all his clothing with efficient movements.

  She had to use her own calm as she watched the flat plane of his belly flex when he bent to unlace his boots. As he peeled off the snug trousers, she fought the blush that rose in her cheeks, drawing on the calm that was so much a part of her.

  This was not a position she had ever found herself in. Normally, a male came on to her and she shut down. It was a practiced response. With Stormyo keeping her close but not pursuing her, it gave her a chance to react, and her body was starting to wake up. That had never happened before.

  He hopped as he slid into a skin-tight uniform. It was a one-piece bodysuit that he accented with knee-high boots and some heavy wristbands. The colours were gold and bl

  When he finished, his neck appeared even thicker and his horns had widened at the base. He grinned. “Shall we go for a workout?”

  Jewel smiled shyly. “Me?”

  “You mentioned you were a peacekeeper. You have training in hand to hand, don’t you?”

  “I do. Won’t they make fun of you for fighting with a girl?”

  He chuckled. “I am willing to risk it.”

  “If you don’t mind, I would enjoy it.”

  “Then, come this way and choose a weapon if you wish to.”

  She was almost hopping with eagerness. She followed Stormyo onto the sanded floor of the practice arena, and she went to the weapon rack, pulling two eighteen-inch batons out and twirling them for balance.

  Jewel turned back and smiled at Stormyo. “Are you sure you want to do this? You have a fight later.”

  He nodded. “I do. It will just be a little light sparring. Five-minute time limit.”

  Raffix started the clock. “This looks tremendously unfair.”

  Jewel looked at Stormyo and she inclined her head. He did the same and then charged her.

  She sidestepped and tripped him, sending him skidding across the floor. She brought the sticks down on his back as she twisted.

  He stumbled and turned on her, gripping her wrist and twisting. She hissed and brought her other baton down on his inner elbow, breaking his grip. They stood back and she charged him. He grabbed for her, and she went to her knees between his legs, elbowing the back of his knees and dropping him to the ground. She came behind him and braced the batons across his neck, but he pulled her forward, flipping her over his head and into his arms.

  The kiss shocked her more than the sudden change of position. Her eyes were crossed with the proximity, and she tried not to open her mouth when his tongue teased across her lips. He stroked a hand down her spine and the small gesture stopped her panic. She enjoyed the touch and parted her lips to find out what happened next.

  Raffix whistled sharply and Stormyo lifted his head. He got to his feet, setting Jewel on hers as he faced the incoming men.

  She checked and her batons were still surprisingly in her hands. She squared her shoulders and watched as five fighters entered the practise area and approached them.

  Raffix wandered over and casually stood next to Jewel. The five men broke from their formation and moved off in two teams, sparring with each other.

  “What was that about?” Jewel broadcast calm throughout the room and the fights began to lose enthusiasm.

  “Trajus and the others keep trying to catch Stormyo off guard, and he was very off guard for a minute. You might want to keep your sexual interaction to a more private and secure venue.”

  Jewel blanked her emotions.

  Stormyo sighed. “I believe that might be sound advice. Let’s go to the simulator and I can continue my workout there.”

  Raffix sighed. “I suppose I have to come along and watch your back.’

  “Please.” Stormyo grunted.

  “You owe me for this.”

  “Yes, yes, I do.”

  Jewel sighed and let her escort direct her around the fighters’ area for two hours until Stormyo had to get dressed for his fight.

  While Stormyo got dressed, Raffix shocked her by fussing with her hair. “Why are you doing that?”

  “You will be the focus of attention. You need to be calm, poised and stunning. So far, you have all three going without any trouble. Keep it that way.”

  He looked her over from head to toe. “You would be better in a red gown.”

  She changed the colour of the uniform to a deep burgundy. “Better?”

  “How are you doing that?”

  “Stormyo spared no expense.”

  He grinned. “Well done. Now come with me. I will get you situated in the fighters’ section.”

  She surprised Stormyo by kissing his cheek while he did up the cuffs of his brighter, fancier uniform. “I will see you afterward. If you need healing, make sure that you tell them to get me.”

  He winked. “Stay calm.”

  She sighed. “Like I have a choice.”

  Chapter Five

  Jewel came to the conclusion that Stormyo had either been very distracted or had been taking it easy on her. He moved at dizzying speeds and struck with enough force to send his opponent flying back against the wall. Jewel kept her calm to herself, and she watched the audience to see how far her radius extended. She only affected one row in any direction.

  Vid cameras did hover around her a bit, but when her expression didn’t change and she didn’t glare at them, they flew off to take images of the crowd.

  The fight lasted twenty minutes and both men were sweating, grimacing and panting. Blood dripped into the grit of the floor but it wasn’t Stormyo’s.

  When the fight was over, she looked for Raffix, but he was nowhere to be found. Stormyo came into the crowd and held out his hand to her. There was nothing subtle about it.

  She got to her feet and headed to the aisle where he waited. Jewel took his hand and let him lead her through the audience of his adoring fans with the vid cameras watching him place a hand at the base of her bare spine as they walked through to the guarded fighters’ entrance and into the hidden portion of the station where folk actually lived and worked.

  The moment they passed from the public area into the training area, Jewel heaved a sigh of relief and let her calm ripple outward.

  Stormyo chuckled. “You held it in very well.”

  “I know. It kind of hurt.” She wrinkled her nose. “You did well. I thought for sure that that Dhemon had you when you squared off.”

  He snorted. “Hajcik is no match for me, as I proved.”

  Jewel smiled. “Yes. So, you were taking it easy on me.”

  He ducked his head and kept his arm behind her, the skin-to-skin contact warming her spine.

  His horns were stained with blood and he was stuck with sweat and sand, but he still looked gloriously ready for battle.

  Jewel’s brain informed her that he was still kinda hot.

  “Do you have to go to medical for anything?”

  “No, I heal quickly when it is not a slice. If it is just a bruise, it will be gone by morning.”

  “So, my services are not required today.”

  He shrugged. “I believe I could use a neck rub if you are so inclined.”

  She chuckled. “I can manage that.”

  They walked through the station to his quarters, and when they were inside, he triggered the opacity and sighed. “I am off to have a shower and then a hot soak. You can join me at any time.”

  She gave him a four-minute head start before following him into the bath. He was still showering when she entered the bathing room, so she peeled off her clothing, folded it and walked into the tub after knotting her hair up.

  She leaned back against the churning waves of water and unclenched her back and arms.

  Jewel looked up as Stormyo entered the bath, and she thanked the warm water for already bringing a blush to her cheeks. His fawn colouring was natural and from head to toe. Not one area was darker or lighter than any other, including the erection that thankfully disappeared below the waterline.

  When he settled in the water, she cruised behind him.

  He raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing?”

  “I believe a backrub was requested, and since it doesn’t interfere with my schedule, I thought to work on you now.”

  He shrugged and there was a soft smile playing around the corners of his mouth. “Whatever you like. Thank you.”

  Jewel stroked a few easy passes over the thick muscles of his neck and shoulders, getting a feel for any knots or twinges. When she had done her recon, she went back in with enthusiasm, working her thumbs and knuckles into the knotted muscles and working them loose.

  He began to groan softly, and she continued her work with all the enthusiasm she normally saved
for an opponent. When her skin stuck to his, she poured some bath oil onto her fingers and her hands slid easily over his back.

  She worked down his spine and ran her thumbs down and back up the grooves of muscle.

  The noises he was making were happy murmurs. She kept going until her wrists and fingers ached. Finally, she tapped his shoulders. “Scoot down and rinse off.”

  He bent and moved away from her, turning and facing her. He was a little bewildered. “How did you learn how to do that?”

  She shrugged. “I took a course. I thought if I could touch people, I would be able to get closer to them. It didn’t really work out that way, but it is a handy skill to have.”

  Stormyo was staring straight ahead, and when she realized that she was standing with her breasts above the water, she bent her knees and scooted to one side.

  He followed her.

  Jewel watched warily, and she jumped a little when he reached behind her and loosened her hair. He was close, very close.

  Stormyo pressed his mouth to hers softly, waiting for her to respond. Jewel blinked when she realized that he was going to wait for her to react. He simply held his lips against hers until she turned her head and flexed her lips into responding to him.

  Trying to figure out what she should be doing became less of an issue as she began to let herself react to the sensations that he was starting.

  She couldn’t tell if the heat between her thighs was the water or herself until he stroked his hand up her inner thigh and pressed two fingers against her opening. She shivered as he dipped inside.

  He parted her lips with his tongue, and she opened her mouth to let him in. She groaned when his fingers slid into her just a little.

  Stormyo stood up and carried her with him. He lifted his head. “The bath is no place for a first time.”

  “It is in Terran romance novels.”

  He licked her cheek. “It increases friction which is fine for a quick session, but I have no urge to hurry things along.”

  She shivered at the mention of friction. “Why not quick?”

  He grinned. “If you have to ask, then I really need to show you.”


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