
Home > Nonfiction > 9781618851307WitchsBrewShayNC > Page 39
9781618851307WitchsBrewShayNC Page 39

by Unknown

  Oh, yes, she’d been taught chants. She’d been taught spells by the best. She’d been taught everything and tricked in every way possible. It had been a conspiracy between two people to teach her everything they knew.

  And then her memory had been blocked.

  She swallowed hard as it suddenly dawned on her that she knew what had happened between her and Talon when they’d mated. She knew why there had been so much pain, and how she’d been reborn. He hadn’t known what would happen because he hadn’t known who she was. But there had been others who did know, waiting to help.

  Yes, she was an Impure, but damn it, she was a royal-blooded Impure.

  Maybe she wasn’t a very good witch, but she suspected Talon had a few things to learn about being a good waken, along with things to learn about the nobility of her bloodline. Her bloodline was every bit as rich as his, if not richer. Yes, he had a few things to learn about her.

  And she was just the witch to teach him.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  As accusations of witchcraft spiraled, even Governor Phips’ own wife, Lady Mary Phips, was named as a witch.

  ~Salem Witch Trials

  Early-October, 1692



  City of wakens

  Talon knelt beside the dry, withered husk that was all that was left of his mother. With exquisite tenderness, he held the queen close in his arms. His body shook. He rocked back and forth. Tears dampened his eyes and spread across Helayne’s bruised face. Tenderly, he pressed a kiss against her lifeless cheek.

  “Mother, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to protect you.” His chest tightened with pain. Gently, he brushed a dark curl back from her brow. “I’ve met someone. You would love her, Mother, because…” his voice quivered and broke “…because, I do. You’d love her because I do. I’m going to spend my life making her happy. She is right for me. She’s kind, gentle…” A strangled laugh escaped him. “Though she’d deny it, fiery tempered as hell. I need that fire. I need her.”

  Talon touched a purple bruise on her throat with a trembling finger. “You’re going to be a grandmother.” He sobbed, holding her close to his chest. “Oh, Mother, just as you wanted, a grandmother.” Cradling his mother in his arms, he drew a deep, shuddering breath, bowed his head, and wept. “Forgive me, for I will never forgive myself.”

  * * * *

  Outside the closed door, Topaz glanced uneasily at the large cobra reared up in a striking pose in the corner. For the past half-hour the snake had hissed warnings. Losing patience, Topaz did some hissing of his own. “For the gods’ sake, I liked you better as a rat. I promise not to eat you. Change back.”

  Banjo shifted back into his more natural form and grinned. “I can change back if you’re lying to me,” he taunted.

  Topaz stiffened, sounding offended as he said, “I do not tell lies. Hush. Prince Talon is coming.”

  Talon closed the door softly behind him. He titled his chin, his eyes red and swollen. “Do you know where my father is, Topaz?”

  “No, Prince. I haven’t seen him the entire two days I’ve been here. I was in the dungeons.” Topaz hesitated, then sighed. “I am sorry about the queen. She was a beautiful and gracious lady.”

  Talon inclined his head. “Thank you. I need to find Father.”

  “He is with a witch named MeLora Haven,” Banjo said, speeding toward Talon while keeping a wary eye on Topaz.

  Talon picked up the rat. “MeLora? Where have I heard that name?”

  Banjo twitched his lips, sniffing the air. “I don’t know, Sire. I only know she seems to have taken control of King Darak. I learned this but a short while ago. I wonder if this is the reason Captain Koran T stole the princess?”

  “Black Drayke murdered my mother.”

  “How do you know it was Black Drayke, sire?” Banjo inquired.

  “His scent lingers in the chamber, and he left his calling card.”

  Talon held up a silver ring in the shape of a snake. “This is his.” Talon slid the ring inside his jeans’ pocket. “I think it’s his way of saying, ‘Come and get me!’”

  “What are you going to do, Sire?” Topaz followed Talon into the corridor.

  “Accept his invitation. There are no guards, at least, no live ones outside the palace walls. This place is no longer safe. I’m going to find Father and get him out of here.” Talon choked on grief and rage. “I have to find out what has happened to Stry and Kali, then we’ll try to make sense out of what the hell is happening and stop it.” He raised his head. “And I’m going to kill Black Drayke.”

  Talon had barely taken three steps down the corridor when the inner palace guards surrounded him.

  “Sire, you must come with us,” Sergeant Nyka said in a voice that wasn’t quite steady.

  The sergeant made a point of keeping his distance. “I know your reputation for having an unpredictable temper, Sire. I’m just an old, worn-out waken who has served as a guard for many years. I have no real desire to do battle with you.”

  Talon frowned at the older male. “What’s going on, Sergeant? What the hell happened to the outer guards?”

  Sergeant Nyka’s dark blue hair hung past his shoulders, and was streaked with threads of white. His dark brows beetled together, thick and bushy over faded brown eyes. His front teeth were slightly crooked when he smiled.

  However, he wasn’t smiling now.

  Actually he looked terrified. “I apologize, Prince, but your father has sent us to bring you before him. I don’t know what’s going on, Sire. The king hasn’t seen fit to confide in me. All I know is that sometime last night or early this morning, the outer palace guards were annihilated. There has been no rebuttal from the king or from the guild.”

  Talon lifted a brow. “I hardly believe my father sent you with weapons drawn to bring me to him, Nyka. I’ve done nothing to upset my father.”

  The sergeant hesitated and then replied, “But he did, Sire. We were instructed to use force. I believe the king holds you responsible for the death of the elite guards. He believes you are attempting to take over the crown.”

  Talon’s jaw dropped. “What? That’s absurd.”

  “Sire, please. I believe you, but I have my orders.”

  “Very well. Take me to my father. I want to talk to him, anyway. Mother is…never mind. I need to talk to my king first.”

  * * * *

  King Darak sat upon the gold-encrusted throne, a vacant expression in his black eyes. Talon hardly recognized the man who was his father. The witch seated upon his mother’s throne beside the king held one of his father’s hands and smiled, an icy, lusterless smirk that left Talon feeling frozen to the bone.

  His lips curled. “Father? You sent for me?”

  Darak barely glanced toward him.

  “Kneel before your king and queen.” The command came sharply from the witch.

  “When he acts like a king then I will kneel before him.” Contempt threaded Talon’s voice. “I kneel before but one queen, and it isn’t you. Who are you to order me to prostrate myself before you?”

  The woman gave a sharp hiss between her teeth and nodded at the guards. The men immediately pushed Talon to his knees and held him in place there.

  “I am your queen, King Darak’s new bond mate. I am MeLora, a witch of royal blood, descendent of Queen Shy-Ryn. Who do you think you are?”

  Her tone was haughty. She stared down her slender nose at him, her gaze hot and burning with lust as she eyed him from head to toe and settled her stare on his crotch.

  Sheeahta! Talon glared at MeLora, shock spreading across his face. “If you’re a descendant of Queen Shy-Ryn, reveal your royal witchmarks. I demand to see them as proof.”

  MeLora rose, arching a dark brow as she sauntered toward him. Stopping a few feet in front of him, she sneered. “I will grant you this proof, but only because I desire that you see them.”

  She nodded toward the guards. “Bring him to his feet. I have nothing t
o hide.”

  The front of her gown drifted to her waist, baring her breasts for all to see.

  Talon’s lips parted in stunned surprise. Across her left breast lay a sprinkle of stars, confirming her royal birth.

  Did this mean she was related to Saylym? Her sister, perhaps? Saylym bore the same cluster of stars on her shoulder. It was a family trait and shared by all female members of royal blood. There was no doubt this woman and Saylym were related. But how?

  MeLora took his hand and rubbed it against an engorged nipple. “Is it your desire to touch, as well as to see if the marks are real, Prince?” she whispered for his ears alone, taunting him with her nudity. “I assure you, everything about me is real and delicious. Would you like a taste?”

  Talon felt heat crawl up his face as the guard behind him gave a startled gasp. He jerked his hand away from her breast. “And evil,” he shot back at her.

  MeLora’s dark eyes narrowed. “I can make things very uncomfortable for you, Prince.” She slid a palm up his stomach, pausing to toy with one flat nipple through his silk shirt. She allowed her breasts to brush against his chest. “Or I can make you feel very, very good. I can make you my king.”

  She licked her lips in wanton invitation. “Kiss me, Prince. See how good it can be between us. See how good I can make you feel.” She slid her fingers toward his crotch.

  Talon clamped a hand around her wrist and squeezed. “Do not go there, witch! There is but one female who has the right to touch me intimately, and it isn’t you.” He laughed deep in his throat at the surprise that spread across her face. “You’re pathetic. I have my queen, and she doesn’t have to steal the throne to prove her royalty. You are witch trash!”

  MeLora slapped him.

  The force of her blow snapped his head back. Talon tasted blood inside his mouth. “How are you descended from Queen Shy-Ryn?” he asked, ignoring, for the moment, the fact that she’d struck him. Talon frowned. Damn if she didn’t resemble Saylym in an odd way. There was something about the shape of her eyes and her mouth.

  MeLora took her time refastening her gown. “I am the daughter of Queen Shy-Ryn, therefore, the rightful heir to her throne in Sanctuary. However, I’ve set my goals a little higher. I will rule Ru-Noc and there’s not a thing you can do to stop me.”

  A gasp shot through the room.

  Talon shook his head. “If you’re Queen Shy-Ryn’s daughter, then what happened to her? You, above all others, would surely have this knowledge.”

  MeLora lifted her chin. “She died, burned at the stake by heathen illumrofs.”

  “You’re not the only royal-blooded witch related to Queen Shy-Ryb, nor the only heir to her throne.”

  Talon watched her expression harden, become dangerous, and could have bitten his own tongue off for revealing there was another of royal blood.

  MeLora threw back her head and laughed. “If you’re talking about that foolish witch operating her pathetic little shop of magic, she’s no threat. Her powers are weak. She’s untrained and unskilled in the ways of magic. Who do think you are? Do you think me as big an idiot as that bungler of magic?”

  “I know who I am, witch. I’m Prince Talon, younger son of King Darak and Queen Helayne. I’m bonded to a royal witch who even now carries my sons. Identical twins, something that’s never happened in the history of our world. And one day, my sons will share the throne as ruling kings.” Talon raked her with disgust and hatred. “You are the abomination who sits upon my mother’s throne, but you will never be Ru-Noc’s queen.”

  She arched a brow. “It will come to pass. The Oracle has declared it so, and it is never wrong.”

  Talon shook his head. “I’d sooner kill you as have you claim my mother’s throne.”

  Her lips twisted with rage. “I already sit on her throne. I have taken everything that was hers.”


  “Silence! You will not insult my queen with such names. You aren’t my son,” Darak growled. “You have never been my son.” King Darak rose and stood beside MeLora. Reaching out, he gently massaged her belly. “This is my son and heir. Lucifer.”

  “Lucifer? How appropriate,” Talon replied with a sneer. He clenched his fists. “By the gods! What have you done? You’ve betrayed us all. Mother is dead. Did you allow Black Drayke to kill her just so you could have this…this…creature?”

  “Careful what you say, Prince,” Sergeant Nyka hissed softly. “She is the queen. More so than ever with your mother’s death and this witch’s proof of royal blood.”

  MeLora flung back her head. “You will get back on your knees before me.”

  The sergeant motioned for Talon to return to his knees. Talon shook his head.

  “Please, Your Highness. Don’t make this difficult. She will order your death and I will have no choice but to comply.”

  Talon stood there, defiance stamped on his handsome face. “I will not kneel before one who seizes the throne by murder. She is not my queen and no child she carries will ever be accepted by me or any of my siblings.”

  “Please, Sire. We cannot afford to lose you, too. She will have her way and the king…the king will honor her wishes. He is infatuated with her.”

  Talon snorted. “He is hexed by her. She’s evil.”

  “Please, Sire. Whatever has happened, she is now his bond mate and his queen.”

  A muscle tic flickered violently in Talon’s jaw. Finally, he nodded and slowly dropped to his knees. The sergeant sighed with relief and positioned himself behind the prince.

  Silently, Talon watched his father return to the throne.

  Darak turned his blank look on him. “If it makes you feel better to know, then yes, I gave your mother to Black Drayke to do with as he pleased. I’ve heard he went out of his way to insure he was pleased. You say she is dead? I say good riddance.”

  Talon struggled to get to his feet. The palace guard stepped closer, pressing his shoulders, keeping him on his knees.

  His face flushed with rage, the king pointed an unsteady finger at Talon. “From this moment, you shall be stripped of your waken powers,” he announced. “You are not my son. I despise you. You are no longer to be considered a member of the royal family. This I decree. I renounce you. Disown you. Deny you to all of Ru-Noc. If anyone is caught talking to you, they shall be burned at the stake. Get out of my sight. I never want to see you again.”

  Talon surged to his feet. “The hell you say! You can announce to the entire land of Ru-Noc all you wish, but nothing either of you say will change bloodlines. I am your son, and I shall always be your son. There isn’t a fooking thing either of you can do to change that fact.”

  A bolt of cobalt colored energy punched Talon square in the chest. The vicious force knocked him backward. He staggered into one of the guards. His ears crackled with static. His head buzzed as if a swarm of bees had attacked him. He barely heard the astonished gasp that came from the soldiers in the room.

  MeLora rose, her face twisted with fury. She moved to stand beside the king. Her fingertips sizzled with the currents of energy she’d blasted Talon with. Amusement glittered in her dark eyes. “For that bit of defiance and disrespect, you will be taken to the dungeons, where you will be bound for punishment tomorrow night. At that time, you will be transferred to Sanctuary and flogged before the public in the town square for all the witches to witness.”

  She turned to Darak and kissed his cheek. “This is my wish, my love. Will you grant my heart’s desire?”

  Darak nodded, pulling her against him to press a hot kiss to her mouth before releasing her. “Do what you will to him. I have no care.”

  “You are nothing, Talon,” MeLora gloated. “Nothing, but the son of a dead whore, unworthy of recognition. You’ll never be accepted into this palace again. You’ll never be recognized as royalty again. This is my decree.”

  MeLora spat upon the floor. Her black eyes glittered with the thrill of her power and the glow of success. She moved to stand directly in front of him
. “Should you change your mind, send for me,” she whispered. “I’ll cast away your father and his seed, take you to my bed and accept your child. I’ll make you my king. I have certain needs your father isn’t virile enough to handle.”

  King Darak stood there, his eyes dark and vacant, unhearing of the words she spoke to his son.

  “I’d rather spend eternity in a dungeon,” Talon said tightly.

  “We shall see if you change your mind after the first bite of the Char-Flum-Rope.” MeLora’s face twisted with icy rage.

  “I won’t change my mind.”

  The king remained still and silent as she softly chanted.

  “Full Moon and candles,

  Chains times three.

  I summon the power

  Wrap around thee.”

  MeLora stretched her fingers toward him, wiggled them, then drew them toward herself. Talon gasped as a rush of light shot from his chest and straight into the witch. The sudden loss of his powers and strength made his legs tremble with weakness. Instantly, three layers of enchanted chain twirled around him, binding his arms to his sides like a coiled snake wrapped around him.

  “Take him to the dungeons,” MeLora commanded. “No one is allowed near him. He is to have nothing to eat or drink. No visitors.”

  Talon struggled against the binding chains, but with no powers left to his command, he couldn’t escape the magic links. “I’ll kill you for this,” he spat at MeLora as he was led past her. “Do you hear me? I’ll see you dead!”

  MeLora threw back her head and laughed. With hands splayed on her hips, she strolled toward him. “Will you?” She stroked Talon’s arm. “Hmm, I think not. You still have a brother and a sister…somewhere. Think of them before you attempt to end my life. And remember, I carry the king’s son, your brother. Think about it. Would you destroy your own blood?”


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