Heartthrob (Bennett Brothers Series)

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Heartthrob (Bennett Brothers Series) Page 25

by Ahren Sanders

  I pull her to my side, dropping my lips to her head. “It’s fine.”

  The icy hatred firing my way dissolves, and the air becomes clear. Flores’ mask of defiance falls, and he looks warmly at her. “Nice to see you, Miss. Dixon.”

  “I know you need to talk to me, but it’s going to have to wait. I have a lot of necks to hug, cheeks to kiss, and worries to squash, which undoubtedly will lead me to whipping ass because one of these lightweights is bound to go sissy on me.” She points a finger at all the men in the group, earning a few chuckles. “Then I have to once more talk my loving and unbearably protective fiancé off a cliff of madness, ensuring him I’m okay since he’s riled up again. After that, we have to visit a sick young man upstairs, who’s scared out of his mind and heartbroken, and introduce him to his new world-class doctor. Following that sure to be emotional meeting, I’ll have to endure my whole department fawning over me like the hero I’ve proven to be.” She’s ticking off items on her fingers, and every face in the crowd is grinning.

  “I can see you are a busy woman, Miss—”

  “Oh, I’m not done,” she continues. “This fawning upstairs is sure to bring tears from my boss, who is dry as a desert when it comes to tears, and it will probably set off the weepy wimpsters over here.” This time, she gestures to Bizzy and Grace whose eyes are shining bright with amusement. “If that’s not uncomfortable enough, I’m going to have to face a gaggle of women who slept with the man who took me and deal with their overwrought emotions as well.”

  Detective Flores side-eyes the other detective, whose chest is vibrating, and the officer guarding the door, who’s staring ahead with twitching lips.

  “Whipping sissy ass, talking off a cliff of madness, visiting a sick child, hero obsession, an uncomfortable boss, and facing an overwrought gaggle of women… Seems like your schedule is full.”

  “You have no idea.” She sighs dramatically, propping her hand on her hip. “It’s a full-time job being awesome.”

  Just as I suspected; spark, sass, and humor, proving she’s unshaken at this point.

  Nobody can hold back anymore, and the hall booms with the uproar. Roy bustles through, yanking Claire from my hold, lifting her like a ragdoll, and burying his face into her neck. I open my mouth to object when Mitch steps in, and I’m forced to watch her being transferred from man to man.

  Flores steps around the scene and offers me his hand. “I’ll touch base in a few hours to see if she’s up to talking. Right now, I’m going to handle the press.”

  It’s not an apology, but it’s all the more satisfying, shaking his hand as my acknowledgment then watching him leave.

  Kelly surprises me by wrapping her arms around my middle, cheek-planting to my shoulder, and speaking loud enough for me to hear over the men taking turns with Claire. “You will never understand what a mother goes through, even when you have a child. But I’m woman enough to admit you knew what she needed. My instincts were to smother her, but she needed normalcy. Thank you for guiding me.”

  I glance down at her, draping my arm around her shoulders, and give her the most honest answer I can. “I was blinded by rage and concern until I had her in my arms again. She’s the one who guided me, and I can only guess she inherited that skill from you. Thank you for giving me Claire, who knows when to pull out the stops.”

  She smiles proudly, and both our faces spin when there’s a hysterical shriek, my heart stopping. Claire’s sandwiched between Shaw and Bizzy and his mouth is moving at Claire’s ear. Bizzy is smiling, her cheeks wet, and squeezing tight to keep them connected.

  “Help me, Mathis! These two have lost their minds! The sappiness won’t stop! They think I need to join the Bennett Babe baby revolution cult! You have to get me away from these crazies.”

  My eyes drift to Nick who’s holding Grace’s stomach, then to Mom and Dad who are smiling widely, to Mitch who looks agreeable, then down to Kelly who’s nodding her approval.

  Finally, I find peace and burst into a loud howl, bending over as I send a message to Claire with my reaction… I’m on board with that plan.

  “Will you get your ass in bed?” Claire slaps her hand on the empty space beside her.

  “Be right there.” I stare at my phone waiting for a response from the security officer assigned to us tonight.

  All is well, Dr. Bennett. Things are covered.

  It’s not much, but it’ll do for now. I climb into the bed, hauling Claire partially on top of me. She drapes an arm across my chest, her thigh across my hip, and nestles her head into my neck. Even with no space between us, she’s not close enough.

  “Leave the man alone. This is the third time you’ve messaged him.”

  “It’s his job.” I can’t hide the irritation in my voice.

  “Maybe coming home wasn’t a good idea,” she whispers.

  “I’ll be better when the alarm is installed tomorrow.”

  “Will you?” Her fingers glide lazily over my ribcage in a random pattern. “You’ve been tense since we left the hospital.”

  “It comes and goes, but more than anything, I’m worried about you.”

  “And vice versa. Do you want to talk about it?”

  “I should be asking you the same thing.”

  “You’ve heard all I have to say. Everyone has heard all I have to say. My story is out in the open. It’s your turn.”

  She doesn’t push when I don’t speak right away, giving me a chance to think. Finally, I decide to let loose. “There’s no simple explanation. For days, I was in a deep, dark, twisted place barely holding it together. The unknowns were unthinkable, and time stood still. Shaw, Nick, and Dad were the only people who knew my exact state of mind; I think that’s why they took shifts staying here around the clock. When Carlos called, it was my natural instinct to offer myself. I didn’t think of the impact it would have on my family if he took me up on my offer and I ended up at the mercy of a madman. I’d do anything to get to you. Logic and rationale vanished. When Jay called to say he’d found you but the situation was bad, my first thought was my worst fear. For a split-second, I thought I was dying; the panic was so severe. The next half hour is a blur until you stood up in the back of that transport van, and I saw you for myself. Even with you here in my arms, I can’t shake that feeling.”

  She shifts on top, her thighs closing around my waist, her elbows on my chest, and her hands moving to frame my face. Her eyes are full of sadness and pain. “How do I make it better?”

  “Cut me some slack.”

  “He told you himself I’m safe.”

  “He’s a crazed lunatic who can’t be trusted,” I ground out harshly.

  She tightens her grip on my cheeks and skims her lips over mine before pressing her forehead to mine.

  “I promise not to argue with the over the top security measures you’ve put in place on one condition.”

  “It’s not an ultimatum.”

  “Go with me to my psych evaluation.”

  “I was going with you regardless.”

  “I mean go in with me. Sit while I retell the story again. Listen to it until you’re convinced I’m okay.”

  Her thighs clamp to my waist when I try to slide from under her. “Say yes.”

  I remain quiet, my jaw clenched tight. She places her hands to my shoulders and presses up, pinning me with her glare.

  “When Bizzy got hurt in her accident and we didn’t know anything for that short period of time, I was petrified out of my mind. Then, as the details came out, I became angry with her. Livid, actually. The first chance we had alone, I let her have it big time.”

  My efforts to remain stoic falter, and I arch an eyebrow.

  “I said ‘Bizzy what the hell were you thinking helping that demented, cracked-out bitch and putting her in your car? You could have called the paramedics and waited for them to handle the situation!’ She pierced me with a glare that sent chills down my spine and said ‘Claire, that was Shaw’s baby, and he was my first priority. B
ut, even if it wasn’t, I am a caretaker, a nurse, and a human by nature. There was no way I could let her collapse on a cement floor in a parking garage and not help.’”

  It dawns on me where she’s going with this story, and I open my mouth to argue, but she places her finger over my lips.

  “You once told me a similar story. One weekend you visited Nick at school, and I walked up to the tail end of a conversation where you were explaining having to visit the prison in medical school and treat a convicted rapist. Do you remember what you told me when I questioned you?”

  “Even criminals need medical care,” I mutter against her finger.

  “Tying this all together… like Bizzy, I’m a nurse, a caretaker, and a human by nature. That boy relied on me for medical care.”

  “I’m not sure these two instances are relevant, baby. Your character was never questioned. We knew immediately you would care for Carlos.”

  “You’re missing the point. I did what I had to do. I hate Stefano for what he did and how he went about it, but I’m here now. The question is are you here now? With me? Or are you so lost in your hatred that you’re missing this?”

  Her words slam into me, sinking deep, and an unconscious haziness disappears. Once we left the hospital, the high we shared has been gone. Driving home, the elevator ride to our condo, walking in, it’s all a blur. The only thing on my mind was locking every window and door and constantly checking on our assigned security.

  Now, it’s clear what’s in front of me. Claire’s wearing an old threadbare medical t-shirt of mine, her hair is hanging in waves from being braided while wet, her eyes now bright and completely free of worry. The scent of coconuts, citrus, and mint linger.

  “I’m not missing this.” I knife up, flipping her onto her back, and lace my fingers through her hair. “I’m right here with you.”

  “Finally!” she huffs with a grin. “I thought we’d need the handcuffs to make you see reason!”

  I reach under the mattress and pull them out, grinning wickedly. “Actually, that’s a brilliant idea…”

  Chapter 23


  “Rachel, I need you to make this happen,” I plead.

  “As I told you the last three times you’ve called, it’s happening. And to let you know, you’re on the cusp of being bridezilla.”

  I cringe, slinking back in the chair, gasping for effect. “Nooooooo, say it ain’t so!”

  “Did your kidnapper turn you southern?”

  “No, my up-the-duff, sweet peach, soon to be sister-in-law, is rubbing off on me! Dammit!” I glare at Grace, who’s scrunching her nose.

  “Everything will be on schedule. You need to stop worrying.”

  “I’m not worried, I’m in full planning mode now. Everyone is waiting for me to break, so I’ve got a daily list of things to do, and your name is at the top.”

  “I like being on top,” she cracks a joke, and I burst out laughing, startling everyone in the room.

  “Me too, sister. Me too.” I scrunch my nose back at Grace.

  There’s a muffling sound on her end of the line. “I’ve got to go, but we will talk soon.”

  “Gotcha! It’s time to torment others.”

  I hang up, toss my phone on the end of the hospital bed, and check the next item on my list. “Rocket, what do you think of chocolate cupcakes with raspberry filling?”

  He groans dramatically, glancing at the ceiling and dragging his hands through his hair. “I think I’m going to hurl if you keep this up.”

  Ina laughs loudly, patting his hand. “You reap what you sow. You’ve been asking her to visit.”

  “I didn’t know we’d be stuck doing girly things,” he protests.

  “You’re right. These things can wait until I get home.” I toss the notebook in my purse. “Mathis will be back soon anyway.”

  “I’m surprised he’s let you out of his sight for this long.”

  “It’s only because there’s an armed guard at your door, and he knows Grace is babysitting me.”

  “Hey! That’s not true. I’m not babysitting. I’m your companion today,” she argues.

  I do an exaggerated eye roll at the term companion. For three days, Mathis has barely left my side, only leaving me for two hours a day to visit Carlos. When he’s gone, someone is always with me, including the police guard still assigned to us. He’s set up a home office, working with his team virtually. Every doctor in our department has taken over patient appointments and rounds; even Dr. Andrews has jumped in. The only patient Mathis is personally overseeing is Carlos. It’s an unusual situation, but Dr. Andrews has been extremely accommodating to us.

  “Babysitter, companion… same thing.” I shrug.

  “Do you have any idea when you’ll come back to work?” Ina asks.

  “Hopefully, after my psyche evaluation tomorrow.”

  “You’ll never pass… As a fairy, they will never understand you,” Carlos jokes.

  “Let’s hope I can fool them.”

  He swipes the cards from his bedside table and shuffles them. “Let’s play poker.”

  “Oh, I love poker,” Grace chirps, grabbing her wallet. “Let me see what kind of change I have.”

  “Save your quarters, Prego. We play for bragging rights. Get ready to be humiliated.” Ina slaps his arm playfully, and I snort at his reference to her. He’s definitely picked up on my nicknames.

  The door opens, and Mathis walks in with Dr. Cross, both grinning.

  “How’s it going, Rocket?” Mathis addresses Carlos but comes to my side, kissing my temple.

  “It’s awful! All these women want to do is talk about wedding planning.” He waves the cards in the air. “It’s time for my revenge. I’m going to cream them in poker.”

  “Poker, huh? Are you any good?”

  “The best, my brother taught me to play. We played a few times last week…” Carlos’ voice trails off, and his face falls, his eyes drifting to me.

  I tense, expecting Mathis to do the same at the mention of Stefan and our time in seclusion. Instead, he laughs, his arm going around my shoulders, and tugs me to him. “My big brother taught me to play when I was your age. I was unbeatable.”

  Carlos’ dark eyes light up with excitement. “Maybe you could play with us.”

  “Maybe I can.”


  “We have some positive news to share.”

  Ina leans in closer to Carlos’ side, giving Mathis a hopeful gaze. Grace gets up, lugging her huge purse off the floor. “I’ll wait outside.”

  “No, don’t go.” Carlos sits up, laying his fingers on her arm.

  “Are you sure?” She directs her question to Ina who immediately nods.

  “Okay, but my tear ducts are acting up today. I may need a tissue.”

  “Your tear ducts are broken from what I hear.” He tries to sound macho, but I notice his hand curling on her wrist.

  I nudge Mathis to get going before we have an all-out bawl from this boy’s newfound adoration of Grace.

  He takes my hint. “Your reports are looking well. I’m pleased with the treatment plan and your body’s response. We’re going to continue to fight the leukemia aggressively. Nothing is set in stone, but I think you can go home in a few days. I’m going to continue to oversee your care and monitor your treatments.”

  Typically, when any doctor delivers this news, there is a wave of excitement and relief. However, there’s a quiet stillness that hangs on. I catch the quiver of Ina’s lips right before she presses them into a tight line, her expression a mix of fear and dread. Carlos is staring ahead, his own expression blank.

  “Talk to them, baby.” Mathis is barely audible, gripping my shoulder encouragingly.

  “Ina, this is terrific news,” I speak softly. “This is the best news.”

  “I suppose,” she replies flatly.

  A rush of understanding hits me. Since the day Carlos was misdiagnosed with meningitis, he’s had nothing but inconsistent care and me
dical upheaval. He and Ina have no idea what this means.

  I slip out of Mathis’s hold and scoot to sit next to Carlos on his bed, taking his hand. “The reason why this is the best news is that your body is fighting hard. There’s a ton of medical mumbo-jumbo that goes along with that, but the point is, you are stronger. Being in the hospital was never a long-term option. When you’re discharged, you will continue to have the same care without being hooked up to all these machines and IVs. It’s a progressive step.”

  His eyes slice to mine, and I know he’s fighting something deep inside.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “Stefan’s gone.” His voice cracks, and I know what he’s thinking without vocalizing it. Stefan stepping in was the catalyst to getting him the correct diagnosis and right care. There has been no trace of Stefan since he fled. The police did find a ton of legal paperwork and discovered the house we were in was paid in full, and Ina’s name is on the deed. There was also an account opened in her name with an absurd amount of money for her and Carlos. She took the news hard, calling me last night and crying through her mixed emotions. Ina loves her sons and felt she failed when Stefan got mixed up in the drug and gang world. She tried her best to make him see reason but lost him for many years as he progressed in the ranks. It was when Carlos became sick that he stepped back into their lives, almost full time. Ina had no idea what he was planning, but she resisted his ideas, thinking he was going to drag them down.

  There’s a lot of missing information, but the police are pretty certain Stefan knew what was coming with Carlos’ illness. He’d already made plans to disappear the morning I begged him to get us to a hospital. Whether or not he knew about Jay beforehand is a mystery, but obviously, he somehow figured out Jay was in the building to save me.

  The pieces are still fitting together. Ina shared most of this with Carlos, who is also torn. Regardless of the monster people think of Stefano Martinez, to Carlos, he’s his big brother and his hero. Going home and facing this without his brother by his side is terrifying.

  I choose my words carefully, moving my gaze between Ina and Carlos. “Stefan may be gone, but he didn’t leave you helpless. He knew you’d have what it takes to fight this. He brought me into your life for a reason. You’ve lived in hell for a long time, but now, you’re in a new place. The most important thing is you are no longer alone.”


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