Mogul (Price of Fame Book 3)

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Mogul (Price of Fame Book 3) Page 5

by Elizabeth Lynx

  I wasn’t falling for any of it this time.

  I folded my arms and pushed the flowers to the center of the table so I couldn’t see his face. There, that was better.

  His auburn hair popped up and around, but he couldn’t get a clear view of me.

  “What are the flowers for?” Niki asked, clearly confused by Jon’s desperate attempt at an apology.

  The last thing I wanted was for my friend to not only find out I was a virgin, but that Jon thought it would be too much work to have sex with me.

  “He wants me to hire a client of his,” I spit out before he had a chance to speak.

  “As long as it’s not about his movie idea,” Niki said with a snort.

  Jon threw his hands in the air. “For the last time, it’s not a porn. That was Tucker’s idea of a joke.”

  “What?” Willa said, her eyes wide as a smile grew on her face.

  “Nothing. Just another reason I need to stay clear of Tucker,” Niki said.

  I lifted my brow. “You have a movie idea?”

  I may have lost my taste for sleeping with Jon, but I was in search of scripts for my burgeoning film production company. Jon knew a lot of Hollywood insiders. Working with him on a movie might not be such a bad idea.

  His head bobbed around the flowers a few more times before he let out a growl. My thighs tensed and as much as I didn’t want to be turned on right now by his animalistic sounds, I totally was.

  He grabbed the vase and turned, placing it on the table behind him.

  “Yes.” Jon turned to face me, his smile smooth as silk. “It’s about a woman, forced to raise herself and her baby brother because her parents are addicted to drugs.”

  “So, a comedy,” Willa added with a smirk.

  “Always the jokester. No, a drama, but it’s more coming of age than down on her luck with deadbeat parents.”

  It sounded good. Real good. But I wasn’t about to let him know that.

  “I was thinking of Niki for the part of the mother.”

  Niki’s eyes widened and she nodded. “Yes, a thousand times, yes. All I’m being offered right now are boring America’s sweetheart roles. All the character’s flaws are silly and superficial. A drug addict, now that might be juicy.”

  It wasn’t hard to miss Niki salivating.

  “My production company’s new. We can only do indie films. One’s that don’t require a big budget.”

  “It wouldn’t require much. I could bring the script over tomorrow and you can see for yourself.” Jon cocked his head with a curve of his lips.

  I wanted to smack that grin off and kiss his mouth at the same time. Why was my vagina so greedy?

  “I’m afraid this week isn’t very good. Try next week.”

  I kept my eyes on Jon as his were locked with mine and I knew this moment was a battle of wills. Who would back down first?

  Both Willa and Niki knew it, too. Their gazes were bouncing back and forth as if they were watching a tennis match.

  He sighed and lifted his hand, studying his fingernails. “I’m afraid I’ll be in LA next week. Meeting with a few production companies there. Perhaps this isn’t a good fit after all.”

  “I feel uncomfortable enough that I think I should leave, but at the same time, I have the strong urge to request some popcorn and settle in for this match,” Willa said before giving me a wink.

  I had Jon and he wouldn’t realize it until it was too late.

  I held tight, unwavering. “You’re making your client very uncomfortable, Mr. Harrington.”

  “Oh, she used your surname. Ouch.” Apparently, Willa decided her role in all this was as commentator.

  “Look, if it’s money, then I could wave my fee—” Niki was swiftly cut off by Jon.

  “You may be Tabitha’s client, but I work with her. She’d kill me if I let you wave your fee. No fees will be waved.”

  I got up and grabbed my coffee. “It’s been fun, ladies. Love our weekly coffee dates. But I do have to get back to work.”

  “But we haven’t finished,” Jon sputtered as I turned my back and made my way to the large trash bin by the front door of the café.

  I turned to find him standing and making his way over to me while Willa and Niki watched from their seats.

  “Emmie, where are you going?”

  “I told you, back to work.”

  He reached out a hand to my arm, and I felt the heat through my wool coat. I gazed at his touch until he removed his grip.

  “I thought we were deciding when to meet for the script.”

  I nodded and lifted my sight from his lips to his eyes. “We were, and we decided next week. I’ll pencil you in for a week from Tuesday.”

  Patting his chest, I began to turn when he grabbed my wrist. “I never agreed to that. I told you, I’m traveling next week.”

  My eyes flickered over to the table where my friends sat. They were my rock in life, along with my sister and to an irritating degree, my mother, too. Willa and Niki and I had been friends since before pre-school. I had their back, and I knew they would always have mine.

  I nodded toward Willa. “Perhaps you should give those flowers to your client.”

  “What? Sure, whatever you’d like, but what about our meeting?”

  Was this meeting really about the script or did he realize he was a fool for turning down this virgin?

  “We both know you aren’t traveling next week, Jon.”

  His grip on my wrist loosened, and I pulled it away.

  “Fine, I admit it. I’m not, but how did you know—”

  “Don’t play the player, Jon.” I turned and walked out the door. I had to remember to thank Willa for the wink. She was his client after all and knew his schedule.

  “Give the flowers to Willa. She deserves them,” I said as the door closed behind me.



  “You got this, Jon.” I gave myself a little pep talk as I rode the elevator up to meet with Emmie about my script.

  I was an idiot last week in the café when I thought I could get the upper hand when it came to Emmie and business. The woman was the CEO of her own company at the age of twenty-eight. Her company made more money in a day than I made in a year.

  I got cocky since she had been so nervous when we spoke about sex. Like a dimwit, I assumed that uncertainty would play into her negotiating. I was horribly mistaken.

  The elevator dinged and the doors swooshed open. Cynthia was seated at her desk and glanced up. Today there was no smile waiting for me. Just a quick glance before she lifted her phone.

  The leather folder in my hand felt slippery, and the room grew a bit humid. I pulled off my scarf and, in the process, I dropped the folder. Papers flew everywhere.


  I got down on my hands and knees, frantically grabbing the sheets. After a few seconds, a pair of black strappy heels wrapped up past the ankles of gorgeous legs stepped on the sheet I was reaching for.

  Looking up, I saw Emmie. Her hair was tied back in a sleek ponytail. She wore a red wrap dress that looked like it was made for her.

  “Do you need some help, Mr. Harrington?” Emmie asked.

  “No, no . . . I got it,” I said as she lifted her foot and I grabbed the last sheet.

  After I stood, Emmie turned and made her way into her office. I followed, giving Cynthia a nod as I went. She scowled as she turned back to her laptop.

  I wondered if Emmie told her about me turning her down for sex? I wouldn’t expect her to do that as it was personal, and Emmie came across as a person who kept personal and business separate.

  If she didn’t tell Cynthia about that, then what had she told her?

  I had thought a lot about what she said in her bathroom. I was being cowardly when it came to sex with her. And the more time I spent going over it in my head, the more I realized I had made a terrible mistake.

  But it’s not as if Emmie would reconsider the offer now. A week of sending her favorite flowers and her dig
ging her heels in about the meeting date for the script, I felt about as welcome in Emmie’s life as a badger in a chicken coup.

  Once I was inside her office, I set the folder down on her desk. Emmie sat in her desk chair and opened the cover.

  “This is the script?”

  “Yes. Dandelion Dreams.”

  She frowned and shook her head. “We’ll have to change the title, but I’ll have my script editor take a look.”

  “Oh, you aren’t going to read it?”

  She glanced up and closed the folder. “You mean while you sit here?”

  “No, obviously not . . . but I thought you’d at least read the first scene.”

  Her brow lifted and she sat back in her chair. “Oh, you did? Tell me more about what you thought I was going to do.”

  It hadn’t even been five minutes into this meeting and I’d already fucked it up.

  “Emmie, I didn’t mean that.” I blew out a frustrated breath. “To tell you the truth, this is my first meeting about a script I wrote. I’m used to dealing with casting directors and maybe a few producers about an actor or actress or singer but never about turning my work into a movie. This is all new to me.” I gave her a smile as her eyes bore into mine.

  The corner of her mouth ticked up. “So, you’re a movie script virgin? I don’t know.” She shook her head. “I’m flattered you want me to pop your cherry but I won’t be your yes-woman. A virgin might be out of the question.”

  A small chuckle escaped my lips. “Ha, ha. Using my words against me.”

  She stared at me the same way she did last week, and I hoped I didn’t have the same hard-on I did back then. The way she dealt with me at the café was hot.

  I never saw any woman I had been with sexually outside of the bedroom. I rarely dated and since I usually discussed an exclusive sexual relationship ahead of time, I knew there would be no emotional entanglement.

  The women were usually too busy with their jobs to date, so it worked out perfectly. But witnessing Emmie at work was like witnessing a goddess.

  “I’m glad you’re being honest with me. And therefore, I wish to be honest with you. I need my script editor to look over this as I have several other things on my plate at the moment. Once she explains if this is something that might work with Delarosa Pictures, then I can read it.”

  I nodded.

  “So, I guess that’s the end of the meeting.” I gave a light laugh as I stood.

  “I’m afraid so, but there was something else I wished to discuss with you.” She waved a hand toward the chair I was just sitting in.

  I sat back down. “What was that?”

  “The flowers.”

  I shook my head and held up my hand. “I know, I went a little overboard.”

  There was a deep blush on her cheeks as she smiled. “Just a little. But it was sweet. Do you still consider me too much of a challenge?” Emmie sucked in her bottom lip as she waited for my response.

  “No. I mean yes. I mean, not how I meant before.” My words came out in a rush.

  “What changed?” Emmie sat back and watched me like she was negotiating a contract.

  “I realized you were right. You are a challenge, Emmie, and I pushed that away. And I knew I made a mistake the moment I left your bathroom two weeks ago.”

  “You still want me?” Emmie’s words came out breathless.

  I wanted to run to the other side of the desk and untie that dress so I could spread her legs. Show her how much I wanted her.

  “Yes, so much.”

  Emmie leaned forward and picked up her phone. She pressed a button and said, “Cynthia, hold all my calls for the next hour and don’t let anyone interrupt me.” She hung up and stared at me. I loved that she owned her own company.

  “I’m always up for negotiations. If we are to have sex together, what do we negotiate first?”

  I stood and wanted to take her in my arms. Instead, I walked over to her side of the desk and reached out my hand. She took it. Once she was standing, I cupped her cheek. She shuddered to my touch as she released a sigh.

  Despite how intensely she reacted to my touch, this woman wasn’t going to be easy to catch. I had to walk a very tight rope in order to please her and that was my goal. If she wasn’t satisfied, I never would be.

  “First order of business would be a kiss. Would you like that? For me to kiss you?”

  I leaned closer, nuzzling my nose against the nape of her neck. She answered, but it was barely a whisper, “Yes.”

  That was almost too easy but what I had learned from Emmie was what appeared simple was more complex than I could ever imagine.

  My lips pressed against her soft skin and she gasped. I inhaled deeply as I peppered her with kisses. That sweet springtime scent was more pronounced, and I couldn’t get enough.

  Her fingers curled into my hair. I felt the sting all the way down to my cock as she pulled my hair. These simple, innocent kisses were about to turn ravenous if she didn’t stop touching me. Emmie was startled when I lifted my head. She hadn’t expected me to stop.

  I tugged on her wrists, sliding them away and said, “We haven’t discussed touch yet. Would you like to now?”

  “You touching me or me touching you?” she asked and licked her lips.

  “Me. You can only touch me when I say you can.”

  Emmie straightened and stepped back. “But why? Wouldn’t you want me to touch you? Are you that sensitive to touch?”

  Yes. And from what I’ve noticed from just her fingers scratching through my scalp, her touch drove me wild.

  “Of course, I wish you to touch me but on my terms.”

  Her adorable brow creased as she considered my words. After a moment, she nodded. “Makes sense. It’s your body. I guess the same would apply to me.”

  “Yes. I will always ask before I touch you. Before I kiss you. Before I eat you, and before I fuck you.

  Her cheeks grew red and Emmie bit her lower lip. “About the sex part . . . Since I’ve never had sex, what if I want to wait?”

  I closed my eyes. The thought of waiting to push my cock deep inside her wet pussy shouldn’t be a turn on, but my dick twitched at the thought.

  When I opened them again, she was staring at me and nibbling her finger. She was nervous I might turn her down again. But after witnessing her strength and intelligence over the past few weeks, it only made me want her more.

  “Whatever you want. It’s your body. There are other things we can do.”

  “Like kissing,” she said with a shy smile.

  I leaned down, resuming my kisses on her neck, moving closer to her ear, before I whispered, “I can kiss you anywhere on your body you want. Even your pussy.”



  “I’d like that.” I barely got the words out before Jon’s hot breath slid like silk over my neck.

  “Can I touch you? Between your thighs?” His voice rumbled down my neck and chest. My nipples spiked from his words.

  I moaned before nodding my head. But I realized he couldn’t see my head, as he was too busy kissing to notice.


  His hands gripped my hips, squeezing for only a moment before he pushed me back against my desk. His fingers skid across my stomach before he lifted back the opening of my dress. I gasped at how sensitive my skin felt as his hand pressed flat against my stomach.

  Jon lifted his head. His eyes darkened as he watched me. Maybe he was unsure of how I’d react as his fingers slipped past my panties and settled between my thighs.

  His jaw twitched, and I wondered if he was disappointed by how wet I was. And when he jerked his hand away, I decided the answer was yes, I wasn’t what he wanted.

  But then Jon slipped one of his fingers into his mouth and sucked, tasting me. My core spasmed when he groaned, and I wished he’d put his hand back between my folds.

  “You’re so sweet, Emmie. I want to do more than touch you.” He slipped his hand back down, past my panties, and I sighed
in relief. “I want to eat you.”

  I didn’t have time for shock from how bold but intimate his words were as the rush of pleasure hit me. His fingers began to circle my clit, causing me to whimper.

  And when one slipped past my soaked folds and inside me, fucking me with his hand, all I could do was moan as he worked me.

  His other hand reached for the tie of my dress and pulled. It unraveled and my dress fell open. Heat lit up his gaze as he stared at my body.

  “You are a dream come true.”

  He tugged at my white lace bra until my tits spilled out. Jon watched me as one hand worked my pussy and the other pinched my nipples.

  “You like that, don’t you?” he asked.

  I nodded and began to reach for his arm, but he shook his head. “Grab hold of the desk and sit back.”

  Jon stopped working my pussy to pull down my lace panties. I sat upon the desk and he lifted my legs until I was spread before him.

  “Now hold on because I’m about to devour you.”

  He rolled up his sleeves but kept his jacket and tie on before he fell to his knees. His hot breath was on me for only a second before I felt his mouth capture my clit. I yelped and prayed Cynthia couldn’t hear.

  If she had, she wasn’t interrupting. I made a mental note to give that woman a raise.

  “Fuck, you taste good, Emmie,” Jon said before his lips kissed the inside of my thighs.

  I wanted to reach over and slip my fingers through his hair, but he said for me not to touch him. Instead, I kept a firm grip on the edge of the desk.

  I nearly jumped off the table when he slid a few of his fingers inside me—it felt so good.

  “Yes. Jon. Please, don’t stop.” I barely got the words out before a deep, guttural moan pushed past my lips. I thought only wild animals made those sounds. But apparently, Jon turned me savage, and I never wanted to go back.

  “That’s it, Emmie. Come for me.”

  I felt myself tighten and knew I was only moments away from climaxing. Would he pull away when I did? I only had a guy go down on me once and it wasn’t a very good experience—he was terrible and I never came.


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