Cherry (A Taboo Short)

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Cherry (A Taboo Short) Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  “I’m sorry.” What else could I say?

  “I’m going to touch you now, and I want you to have a little faith.” He leaned in close, and his breath fanned across my face. The scent of mint met my senses, and I was surprised. I thought he’d smell heavily of alcohol, not of mint.

  I could really do with a hard drink right now, but I wasn’t about to ask.

  His hand moved down my stomach, cupping my pussy.

  I stared into his sharp eyes, and was shocked by the wave of arousal that washed over me.

  Chapter Three


  I watched him walk away from me, leave me standing there naked, shivering from arousal and from the fact I didn’t even know why, but I wanted him badly. He sat in a plush leather chair and, for what seemed like forever, just stared at me.

  “I’m Felix, lovely, and tonight, you’ll do what I saw when I say it. Understand?”

  I nodded, my throat thick and dry from nerves.

  “I understand the first time will hurt, and I’ll be as gentle as a man like me can, but I also expect obedience.”

  As gentle as a man like him can be?

  God, what did that mean?

  “Come closer so I can see you better,” he said, his voice a deep, guttural sound that had goose bumps popping out along my flesh.

  I moved over to the section of light in the center of the room, nervous, my hands shaking, my palms sweating. There I stood, in nothing at all, feeling like my heart would jump right through my chest.

  “Turn around.”

  I did as he said.

  “Spread your legs, bend at the waist, and grab your ankles. I want to see that pretty cunt that I’ll own tonight.”

  My heart was pounding so fast now, not because I was scared or embarrassed, but because I was aroused. I closed my eyes. I hadn’t seen him at the auction, but I could visualize what he looked like, sitting there, watching me ... getting hard.

  When I was in the position he had ordered, I waited for him to respond, or order me to perform some kind of lewd, sexual act. I might be a virgin, but I still felt aroused at that very thought.

  I stood there for several seconds, but it felt lie forever, bent over, showing him the most intimate part of me.

  “Remove your hands from your ankles, grab your ass cheeks, and pull them apart. I want to see what I’ll be fucking tonight.”

  My throat constricted, but I didn’t hesitate to obey. I reached behind me and did what he said, and to say it was uncomfortable being on display was an understatement. With my ass and pussy now on display, and the chill in the air moving along my exposed cleft, I forced myself not to shiver.

  “Good girl,” he said in a thickly deep voice. “Stand and face me again,” he said with that bass voice that did something to my insides, that had chills racing up my spine.

  When I was facing him again, I swallowed hard, trying to appear calm, but knowing I was far from it.

  Felix beckoned me forward with a crook of his finger, and my pussy clenched at that act alone. I took a step forward, and another, but when he leaned forward, I stopped.

  “You understand you’re mine, in any way I see fit?”

  I nodded.

  “Although I own you tonight, I will not force you.” He smirked. “Not unless you beg me to.”

  I didn’t know what to say, what to do. I was at his mercy, and it felt exhilarating in a way. But did I really know what I was getting into?

  “Good girl.” He stared at me for a second, and then shifted on his seat, as if he was growing impatient. “Now, sweetheart,” he said and leaned forward another inch. “Get on the fucking floor and crawl to me.”

  I stared at him, not sure if I had heard him correctly. He can’t actually get off on that ... can he?

  “Do it without thinking about it,” he said huskily. He leaned back and rested his forearms on the edge of the chair, waiting for me to comply, to obey.

  I was aroused right now, wet and needy and being ordered to crawl to him like an animal. That should have pissed me off; instead, it made me wetter. On my hands and knees, I took a steadying breath and started to move toward him. The floor was cold beneath my palms and knees, but that discomfort only seemed to fuel my desire.

  The hard floor was cold and unforgiving, but I blocked out the discomfort and focused on the man in front of me, the one that had me wet, needy, and begging for more, yet keeping those pleas to myself.

  “I like spanking and restraining,” he all but purred, not in a gentle, coaxing way, but in a purely predatory tone. “I want to hear my female screaming her orgasm out and begging me to hit her harder.”

  I couldn’t lie and say that the thought of Felix spanking my ass until it hurt, or fucking me until I cried out and came, didn’t arouse. It did. God, it did.

  “Do I frighten you?”

  “Yes.” I didn’t bother lying.

  “Keep moving.” There was a hard bite in his voice.

  I did as he said, feeling this thrill move through me as I obeyed him. Was that fucked up? If so, I didn’t care. When I was finally right in front of him, I swore I had to tell myself to breathe. My mouth went dry when he went for the belt, his focus right on my face, his expression hard. I wanted him so desperately, I couldn’t breathe, and that scared the shit out of me.

  Chapter Four


  She was even more perfect than I ever fucking imagined. My cock was rock hard, and I wanted inside that pretty cunt I’d seen seconds before. Her tits hung down, and swayed with every effort of her crawl. She moved close to the desk, and I just couldn’t resist. “Now crawl away from me, Cherry.”

  When I was balls deep inside that pretty pussy, I was going to spank that ass. One night she belonged to me. For the money I paid for her, she should have been mine for a hell of a lot longer, but one night was long enough for me to fuck her out of my system. Cherry crawled away from me, and I got the pretty vision of her asshole and pussy. I was going to take both of them tonight. She was a virgin, and I’d have to use plenty of lube, but I was going to pop every single cherry she possessed.

  Cherry paused near the door, and I made her crawl right back to me. Once she was near me again, I made her turn.

  “Push your ass up, and show me that ass. Spread your cheeks wide.”

  She did as I asked, and I have to say she did as I instructed the first time. I listened to her gasping and smiled. Her pussy was giving away how damn aroused she was. She wanted to be fucked, and she didn’t even know it. But I was only going to give it to her when I was ready.

  “I want you to touch yourself. Slide your fingers across your clit and then circle that cunt.”

  Cherry paused, but she didn’t argue. Instead of asking her, I climbed out of my seat. Moving to her side, I flipped her over, and forced her to lie on her back, and spread her legs. “Look at this pretty cunt. This is what I want you to do.” I slipped my fingers between her thighs, touching her engorged clit. “You’re so swollen and wet, Cherry. Do you want to get fucked?”


  The word was a mere whisper, but I heard it.

  “Oh, Cherry, you’re in for a treat.” I stared at my fingers, teasing them through her slit, and watching her clit swell even more. I moved down from her clit to circle her cunt. Her untouched pussy and I couldn’t wait to taste her. Sliding past her cunt, I moved down the crease of her ass, and pressed against that tight puckered hole. Damn, she was tight all over, and my cock twitched. I wanted inside her. Forcing my needs down, I focused on her. Pressing my finger into her ass, I kept on pushing against her tight ass, which was slick with her cream, and with my other hand, I stroked her clit.

  “Oh, God,” she said, screaming.

  “I’m not God, baby. Now, tell me your name, Cherry.” I was more than happy with knowing her as only Cherry, but seeing her naked body, I wanted to know her name. I wanted to know the name of the virgin I was about to fuck all night long.

  “Sasha,” she said, her v
oice breathless.

  “Sasha. I like the name. It suits you. Tell me, little Sasha, do you want to get fucked really hard?”


  “Are you saying that because you want me to hear that?”

  “No and yes.”

  I worked my finger into her ass at the same time I pinched her clit, and then I stroked out the sting. “Explain.”

  “I want this, but I’m scared. What if you hurt me?”

  “Oh, baby, I’m going to hurt you, but once I’ve claimed that sweet little cunt, I’m going to give you the most amazing kind of pleasure.”

  Leaning down, I claimed her sweet little nub, sucking it deep into my mouth. Her ass gripped my finger tighter, and I groaned. Pumping in and out of her ass, I knew it was only going to be a matter of time before her tight heat was wrapped around my straining dick.

  Sweet Sasha was panting and screaming as I sucked and flicked her clit. I worked my tongue down to her entrance, and the temptation to shove my tongue in deep was strong. I resisted the temptation though. I didn’t want to spoil my chance to feel a hymen give beneath my cock. I restrained myself; I would wait to take what I fucking wanted.

  “Feels so good,” she said, moaning.

  Her pleasured sounds echoed throughout the room, and I wanted her hoarse by the time I was through with her.

  Sucking on her clit, I released her long enough to press my tongue to her nub. My cock was so fucking hard. With my free hand, I pulled at my aching cock. The temporary pressure off my dick, I was able to think, and it was pure sweet pleasure.

  “Oh shit,” Sasha said on a final scream. Her body bucked underneath me as she came.

  Pulling my finger out of her ass, I wiped them on my nearby trousers, and stood up. My cock pulsed with pre-cum leaking out of the tip. Her gaze was on my hard length, and I wanted her lips on me. I wanted to fill that mouth and watch her swallow my cum.

  “Get on your knees.”

  She rose to her knees, and I saw she shook a little.

  “Put your hands on your thighs, and don’t move them until I tell you.” I waited for her to comply before giving her another instruction. “Now, open your mouth.”

  Sasha opened her lips, and I pressed the head of my cock against them. “Lick the tip.”

  Her tongue pressed against the tiny slit, and she licked up the cream.

  “Fuck baby, that is amazing. Open wider.”

  How the fuck was I going to let this woman go when she was the perfect little submissive? I knew she would be the perfect submissive. I couldn’t wait to teach her everything and to make her mine.

  Chapter Five


  I was done with the foreplay, done with teasing and tormenting both of us. “Follow me,” I said, and started moving toward my bedroom, but stopped when I noticed she wasn’t coming. When I fucked her, it wouldn’t be on the floor in the living room, although I knew it wouldn’t matter where I took that sweet cherry of mine.

  She started to stand, but I tsked. “No, baby. Stay on your hands and knees.” I bent down so I was on my haunches, my dick so close to her face now; I ached to have it back in her mouth. “Tell me it turns you on to be mine, to do what I say.”

  She licked her lips, tore her gaze away from my cock, and nodded. “Yes. I like being yours.”

  “You like doing what I say? You get wetter over it?”

  She nodded again.

  I grinned. “Of course, you do. You’re perfect for me.” I continued moving toward my bedroom, hearing her following behind.

  She followed me to a bedroom, still on her hands and knees and looking hot as fuck doing what I said. I stopped and turned to look at her.

  “Get ready to know what it means to be owned.”


  Felix stood there, looking at me, not moving, not saying anything for several seconds. I could only sit there on the floor, watching him, waiting for him to continue. My mouth was dry, my throat tight. He stood there naked, his cock hard, huge, I knew he’d stretch me so good. But then he turned and went over to his dresser, grabbed a belt, and curled it around his hand. He took another step toward me.

  I was getting more aroused with every second that passed, and with every glance I took at the belt. My pussy and ass felt enflamed, my cells aroused from what he’d done to me in the living room. I knew before the night was over, my flesh would be red and hot to the touch, erotically abused.

  But the crazy thing was I looked forward to it, wanted whatever he gave me.

  “Stand and move into the middle of the room.”

  I did as he said. Glancing around, I was surrounded by lavishness.

  “Go over to the bed and bend over.”

  I was starting to get nervous, knowing he planned on spanking me with the belt, but not sure how far he would go. He might have said he would try and be gentle claiming my virginity, but I didn’t know this man. He was frightening in a sense, big powerful; and I was at his mercy.

  When I was in the position he wanted, I looked over my shoulder and saw him looking at my ass. He stepped closer, slow and steady, like a predator. When he was right behind me, I tried to stop myself from shaking in nervousness and anticipation.

  I swore I could feel his hands on me even when he wasn’t touching me, and the sensation was incredible. His presence was so intense that I couldn’t help but hold my breath. It felt as thought his broad shoulders blocked out everything behind him.

  “I’m going to make you scream for more, and make your flesh glow a delicious red.”

  I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t even think, because I knew I didn’t have any kind of control over what was about to happen. I looked down at the belt still wrapped around his hand, and wondered how far he’d go, how much pain he’d give me before he actually fucked me. Was this what men in BDSM looked? I knew nothing about that scene, but I was curious to experiment.

  “I know you’re wondering how far I’m going to go,” he seemed to mutter to himself while looking at my ass and pussy, which were both spread obscenely. He took a step back, and lifted his gaze to mine. “Are you afraid?”

  I licked my lips and nodded. I couldn’t help but watch the hard, huge muscles of his chest flex with even the smallest of moves.

  “Good, you should be, darling.”

  My heart beat hard and fast, and my fear climbed. I was so aroused, so wet and needy for him, and I knew he would torture me before he gave me pleasure. The air around us was heated, and there was a glint of excitement in his eyes.

  The man standing before me was hard in appearance and attitude, but I found that arousing, and excitement moved through me. Was there something wrong with me because I would enjoy getting beaten with his belt? Was I sick in the head because I ached for more, even though I was a virgin? I couldn’t lie and say a few times I’d wondered what it would feel like to be dominated, restrained, and have pain with my pleasure. Virgin or not, I did have desires.

  I hadn’t realized what I might be missing until this moment, until the promise of what Felix could give me.

  “I’m about to give you far more than you think you can handle, Sasha, and it’ll be so fucking incredible.”

  And I couldn’t wait to experience it all, because what would life be life if I just played by the rules and towed the line? If I was going to do this, then I was going to go all the way, no questions asked, no worries clouding my mind. Tonight wouldn’t just be about Felix finding his pleasure, but about me getting to know what I liked, and how to experience it all.

  Chapter Six


  Bringing the belt down on her ass, I was careful not to hurt her. I had to keep reminding myself that Sasha was a virgin. She wasn’t used to this kind of possession or dominance. It was easy to forget with how damn horny she was. Her pussy was drenched and she never once looked away from me. I kept forgetting that I had purchased her on a stage while a bunch of horny millionaires stared at her.

  Sasha gave a little yelp, and I stroked
over the red mark. It wasn’t a scary red, just a heated red that would fade within a few minutes. I brought the belt back down, hitting her other cheek. She kept moaning, and I continued to whip her ass with the belt. Sasha wriggled around, trying to find my dick. She didn’t even have a clue what she was doing, but I knew it, and I knew how to deal with her.

  Throwing the belt to the floor, I gripped her hips, and pulled her toward me, so close for my waiting cock to slide inside her. If she moved back a little, she’d fall to the floor in a heap, so I made sure I held on tightly to her. Sliding my fingers in her aching cunt, I once again pressed my finger against her hole, but I didn’t pierce that hymen. No, that tiny bit of flesh is what I paid a fortune for. However, with Sasha on my bed, I was starting to wonder if I was after more than her virginity. Did I want the woman who owned that virginity?

  No other man had stuck his cock inside her pussy or ass or mouth. I liked the thought of having a woman who belonged all to me and no one else. I’d never been so possessive before over a woman, but when it came to Sasha, I wanted her. I was going to own every part of her. Wrapping the fingers that had been teasing in her cream, I smeared my cock, getting it nice and slick and ready. I couldn’t wait to be balls deep inside her, and that was exactly where I was going. Nothing was going to stop me from taking what belonged to me.

  “Sasha, baby, I’m going to enjoy every second of this.”


  This was it. He touched my clit, stroking over the tiny bundle of nerves, and I knew it was only a matter of seconds before he shoved that large dick deep inside me. I wanted it; I was scared of it, but I wouldn’t stop it. I wished it wasn’t just about the money in exchange for sex. At that moment, I tried to believe that this was something more, that Felix was more than just the one night owner of my cherry.

  He moved in close, and I closed my eyes.


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