Angel Ink

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Angel Ink Page 8

by Siobhan Muir

  I meant to go slow, seducing her with the skill of lovemaking honed over centuries, but I was lost in her, feeling more than I’d felt in decades. I rocked my hips and raised my gaze to meet hers. She was there with me, focused on me, her eyes blazing with pleasure, and I couldn’t resist pulling her close as I sat up.

  “You’re mine, Haley.” I held her tight against my chest as I rocked my cock into her. “Say you understand. Say you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours, Michael. Oh glory, fuck me.” She grasped my shoulders and held on as she rode my cock.

  My orgasm wouldn’t wait, no matter how much I wished it otherwise and I reached down to strum her clit with my thumb.

  “Come for me, my beauty.”

  Whether it was my words or my thumb, she clamped down on my cock and exploded in pleasure. I followed her over the precipice, my release exploding from my bollocks all the way up my spine to shoot out the top of my head. I let myself go and my wings appeared, closing around the woman in my arms without my say-so.

  Warmth, protection, safety, and love hit my system all at once and I never wanted to be without her. She was my one and only, and I’d never be the same again.

  I floated in that space of comfort for a long time, my sense of the world outside my cabin fading away to nothing. I had my woman in my arms and my wings protected us both.

  Wings…holy shit!

  It took some concentration, but I managed to stuff the appendages back under their glamour. Of course that made my dick wilt. I carefully laid Haley back down on the bed and kissed her neck and chest as I backed away.

  “Wait, where are you going?”

  “Nowhere, love. I’m just going to clean you up before we rest.” Yeah, and make sure my bloody wings were back where they were supposed to be. “Sleep now. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  “Okay…” She shot me a languid smile as she closed her eyes and my heart fluttered with exquisite joy.

  I made sure to grab a soft washcloth before stumbling into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and stared at my reflection. My dark hair was mussed and I had an unusual glow to my skin. While angels can glow after they’ve received grace from some source, usually it didn’t show.

  I glowed like a bloody spotlight and had to blink at my own reflection. Thank glory I shut the door. After my eyes accustomed to the light, I scanned my body to make sure my wings were completely hidden and noticed something on my chest.

  A small heart with an old fashioned writing quill stabbed through it sat below the tattoo I’d gotten for being a fighter. Unlike humans, my tattoos arrived after I’d accomplished something. Something important to leave a mark as a memory.

  I stared at the heart with the quill and swallowed hard. Haley truly is my One-and-Only. Which meant I’d bonded myself to my beloved, and that was great. But I hadn’t told her who or what I was, and that wasn’t great at all.

  How in the Goddess’s name am I going to tell her?

  I ran the hot water over the wash cloth and returned to the bedroom. Haley lay curled on her side with her hair spread out over my pillows. My heart squeezed with both sexual desire and unbearable tenderness. She’d captured my heart and didn’t even know what she had.

  I mentally slapped the back of my head and bent to run the cloth over her. Unfortunately, it’d grown cold while I was woolgathering and Haley hissed awake.

  “Sweet glory! Did you fill it with ice cubes?”

  “I’m so sorry.” I skittered back to the bathroom and ran the cloth under the hot tap again. “I didn’t mean to wake you, but the cloth got cold and…” I stopped before I dug myself a deeper hole. “I’m sorry. Try this one.”

  She watched me with suspicion until I slid the hot cloth over her mound. I’m a sodding wanker. Nothing like making a post-coital impression with an ice-cold washcloth. I tossed the wet cloth back in the bathroom and crawled into the bed, hoping my body hadn’t cooled too much to keep from snuggling up to her.

  Because I’d found my mate completely by accident, and there was no way I’d let go of her now.



  I sighed with pleasure and snuggled back into the blankets and the man holding me. Normally, I had to be at work at eight, but the snowstorm ensured that wouldn’t happen. Hell, I didn’t even know what time it was. Not that I was complaining. Michael was a fantastic lover, attentive and responsive. It’d been a long time since I’d been with someone who both gave and received. And damn, he’d received very well.

  I wanted to stay in the warm cocoon forever, but my body had other needs and wasn’t going to wait. I wiggled my way out from under Michael’s arm and padded to the bathroom, naked. I snorted. If this had been a TV show or movie, I would’ve been tastefully covered in a long T-shirt or nightie. Thank goodness we weren’t on TV.

  I finished in the bathroom and took a moment to savor the dim light coming from outside. There was a quality to “snow light” that always made me want to snuggle in bed with a cup of coffee and a good book. And having a hot man to share the space with wouldn’t be bad either.

  Michael was a hot man, but I knew so little about him. Despite that, he made me want to spend as much time with him as possible. Dangerous addiction, Haley. Yeah, it was, and I’d have to be careful I didn’t imagine stuff that wasn’t there. But it felt so good to be wanted instead of needed for a change.

  “Are you coming back to bed?” Michael’s sleep-roughened voice reached my ears and I turned to meet his slitted gaze.

  “Yeah, I was just enjoying the snow light.” I drifted back to the bed and crawled in beside his warm body.

  “Snow light?”

  “Yeah, it’s a weird quality that happens when it snows. It’s damn near light enough to read outside, even in the dead of night.” I scrunched up my face. “It’s dark but light, and for just a moment the world feels in balance. I makes me want to snuggle in bed and just rest in the moment.”

  “I can help with the snuggle in bed part.” The amusement and arousal in his voice left no doubt of his interest. “I’ve never noticed that quality to the light when it snows. I should pay better attention.”

  I shrugged. “We all have our shortcomings.”

  “Oy, that’s enough of that, you wicked woman.” He wrapped his arms around me before he rolled on top of my body. “I’ll have to kiss the snark right out of you.”

  I snorted. “Good luck with that.” Although I did enjoy his persistent efforts to do so.

  When he rolled off of me again, he pulled me close to his body and we enjoyed the early evening silence. The snow muffled any sounds of people moving around outside and I liked the sense of solitude.

  “You know, I wish I could stay here forever.”

  I meant the words, surprisingly enough, and I loved the idea of always having something like this to come home to. But I also understood it was a fantasy, the rough edges and misunderstandings of life glossed over and shined up.

  “Here at the compound or here in this moment?” Michael didn’t pretend to not understand. I liked that about him.

  “Here in this moment with the quiet and the snow and the lack of responsibility.” I sighed. It was a lovely daydream, but I’d grow bored and have to go find something to do. I wasn’t much for sitting around doing nothing.

  He snorted. “How long would that last, Haley? You don’t strike me as a woman who relaxes much.”

  It was like he’d read my mind. I laughed. “No, I don’t. There’s always something to do or something to report on.” I turned my head to scan his face. “But I might be convinced to relax if you waited with me. You definitely keep my mind occupied.”

  He smirked. “I do my best.”

  I lost my own smile. “But pretty soon here I’m gonna have to go back down to Fort Collins.”

  Michael shifted beside me and his jaw tightened. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I don’t think it’s safe.”

  “Oh come on. The big bad biker can’t drive in the snow? H
ow long have you lived in Colorado?”

  He didn’t take the bait. “It’s not the snow, Haley. There’s another reason I brought you here.”

  My gut settled into cold unease. “What are you talking about?”

  But he shook his head. “I can’t really explain how I knew, but I brought you here because my gut said you wouldn’t be safe at home.”

  I stared at him, trying to figure out if he was joking, but his solemn expression made my unease ramp up. I’d been on my own since I was about sixteen. Or may as well have been. I often walked the train tracks home from my job in the setting sun, balancing on the individual rails, no cares beyond getting home to do the last of my homework and chores.

  I’d known a few cops and always felt safe because they protected me. My dad had been the janitor at the police station and had made friends. Most of the cops I’d known had been good people, honest, and hometown heroes who took care of others.

  “What, you think my home is compromised?”

  Michael raised a challenging eyebrow. “Why were you ducking the cops in the coffeeshop last night?”

  I shrugged to try to throw him off his questions. “I dunno. A gut feeling. Those cops made me feel uncomfortable.” Yeah, because they might have figured out I was the one to call in the murder. “It’s not like I thought I’d be stuck in some cop hell and wouldn’t be safe at home.”

  “Cop hell doesn’t exist. Believe me. I know from first-hand experience.” Michael rolled his eyes. “But I also know when to trust my gut and when it’s just a feeling. Last night was a big-time gut check. Sounds like it was for you, too. Want to tell me why?”

  No, I didn’t, but I had to tell him something because he struck me as a man who intuitively knew when something was wrong and wouldn’t rest until he understood what it was. Oh, I could work on him and divert him for a while, but I suspected it wouldn’t be worth the effort.

  I sighed and snuggled closer to him, listening to his heartbeat. “My cousin Jeff is the only family I have who really gives a shit about me, and vice versa. Recently, he got involved with some bad people, and when I say bad, I mean so bad they make mob bosses look like saints.”

  Just thinking about Jeff’s appearance after his ordeal was enough to make me roll out of bed and look around for the t-shirt and sweats Michael had given me. I threw them on and rubbed my arms, wondering what time it was. Midafternoon? Evening? Whichever, I was hungry and needed some tea to get through this story.

  “Do you think we can get something to eat? I’m starving.”

  Michael nodded slowly and rolled out of the bed. I couldn’t help but enjoy his magnificent body. It was damn near angelic the way he moved. The muscles slid over the bones in perfect rhythm and ease, and I shamelessly watched him until he threw on a shirt and another pair of sweats.

  “I think there’s some food left in the kitchen. We’ll make a carpet picnic and settle on the couch.”

  I nodded, glad for a short break. I followed his sexy ass into the kitchenette and helped him put together a meal before we sat down in the living room. He even started the kettle so we could have tea.

  “Eat a little before you finish your story.”

  I piled things on my plate before I found my seat on the couch with one foot curled under me. He sat down beside me and leaned back with an expectant look on his face while he waited for me to stuff my face. I put some cheese and crackers together with tomato and tried to ignore my stomach growling. Yeah, I’d worked up a bit of an appetite fucking him.

  We ate in silence for a few moments until the kettle whistled. He rose and headed for the kitchenette while I gathered my thoughts. This was the first time I’d told this story to anyone other than Tori, and I’d even left out details with her. But I wanted to tell it to Michael. Some inner voice suggested he might understand better than anyone else.

  He returned with two cups of tea. It smelled like green tea. I took the cup and sipped as he settled on the couch.

  “Good?” He raised an eyebrow. I nodded. “Continue when you’re ready.”

  I held the tea and tried to remember where I’d left off. “Jeff met a guy who seemed really into him. We’ll call him Dick, because he turned out to be a huge one and I don’t mean what he carried around in his pants.”

  Michael snorted but didn’t interrupt.

  “Dick was rich, or at least had more money than Jeff, and seemed really sweet at first. He paid Jeff lots of compliments, bought him clothes and gifts, took him out to clubs, etc.” I let my lips curl in a smile, even as sorrow tugged at my heart. “Jeff didn’t get that kind of attention from family much. Being bisexual made my aunt and uncle very uncomfortable, and they made it pretty clear they were a “don’t ask don’t tell” family. So Dick’s attention and apparent kindness were a temptation Jeff couldn’t walk away from.”

  I took a fortifying sip of tea, shivering. Michael tugged a fleece blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it over us.

  “Thanks. Jeff told me all about this guy and how happy he made him. We really thought there was something real there. But Jeff didn’t realize until it was too late that Dick was actually grooming him to be a pretty boy sex slave.”

  Michael didn’t move or say anything, but his expression filled with sorrow and compassion.

  I nodded. “Yeah. I won’t disgust you with the details, but it was a couple of months before I realized he’d stopped communicating with me regularly and that it was strange. Finally, I tracked him down at his job in California just to find out he was quitting. Packing up his stuff and leaving. A job he loved.”

  The sick feeling I’d had then returned to the pit of my stomach and I gripped tea mug in both hands.

  “When I cornered him, he said his boyfriend was going to take care of him now and he wouldn’t have to work.” I grimaced. “Normally, when someone tells me that, they’re excited to have a Sugar Daddy who gives them a luxurious lifestyle. But Jeff only looked panicked and haunted while talking to me, like he was afraid Dick would see him talking to anyone.”

  “What did you do?”

  I rubbed the back of my neck. “I strong-armed him into coming to my hotel so we could talk. When he told me everything, I realized I had to get him help. It took a long time, a lot of counseling, and cutting him off from all his social media, phone, email, and moving him out here to Colorado.” I sighed. “He wanted to escape but he was too afraid to go against Dick, who was rich, powerful, and a “pillar of the community,” especially in the L.A. LGBTQ crowd. But he was just a rich predator and a creep. I essentially kidnapped Jeff and brought him to the Hopeful Heart Shelter for sexual abuse survivors.”

  Michael nodded and laid a warm hand over mine. “You did the right thing.”

  I nodded. “I know. He hated me for a short time because he was always afraid Dick would come for him. And he still has a tough time being around men, even if he’s attracted to them. But I couldn’t let him think no one cared. I’m the only family he has. And now we watch out for each other.”

  “Does he know where you are right now?” A curiously tenseness filled Michael’s voice.

  I narrowed my eyes. “Yeah. I called him to let him know so he wouldn’t worry. Why?”

  Michael grunted and his eyes took on a faraway look. “He’s still worried about you.”

  That was an odd thing to say. He was right, no question, but how would Michael know that Jeff was worried? Because family always worries. I nodded and shrugged.

  “Yeah. He wanted to drive up here and rescue me from the ‘bad bikers of the Concrete Angels,’ but I told him I was safe and I didn’t want him driving in the snow.”

  “Wise of him.” Michael gave a self-deprecating chuckle, almost as if he’d been found out. “But you’re right about being safe here. When the snow lets up, I’ll make sure to get you back to Fort Collins tomorrow.”

  Now why did that make me sad? I’d known this guy, what, a handful of hours? It wasn’t like some paranormal romance novel where he wa
s my one-and-only after one bout of sex. I mentally snorted. Real world love doesn’t happen that way. Despite my love of angel and demon romance, my life never moved along romantic lines, and I doubted it would start now.

  “Great.” I tried to sound happy. It was what I wanted, to get back to my job and my life. This had just been a minor aberration. Right?

  “Come, let’s get a little more sleep before we tackle driving down the mountain in the snow.” He rose and held his hand out to me.

  I took it as I smirked. “Sleep, huh?”

  He grinned. “That’s right. Something tells me you’re far more energetic when you’re on the go and we’ll need all the rest we can get.” He tugged me into the bedroom and undressed while I crawled back into the bed.

  “You sure you don’t want to do anything other than sleep?” I tilted my head and gave him a sly smile.

  He chuckled. “For now, yes.” His smile warmed me in places I didn’t even know were cold as he gathered me into his arms. “Rest. You can tackle the world tomorrow.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I closed my eyes and snuggled back against him, glad of his warmth, and if I was honest, his protection.

  Chapter Eight


  We slept in later than I expected but the dim snowy light made moving out of the warm bed damn near impossible. I still chewed over the discovery I’d made the day before and hadn’t figured out how to tell Haley. I’d learned a lot about her and her love of her cousin, but there was something else she was holding back.

  By the time the snow stopped and Flint had marshaled the Scooters to plow the yard, Haley was champing at the bit to head back into town. The woman was a powerhouse of energy and she’d made coffee, tea, and checked her social media accounts while peering out my front windows more times than I could count.


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