The Fallon Brothers: Kinney

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The Fallon Brothers: Kinney Page 10

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “Nics,” I snap. “Move.”

  He instantly stands and moves back to give me the room to snatch Aspen’s arm and lift her off the chair to push her into the direction of church. Nics and Chance are both suddenly blocking my path.

  “Don’t do this man, you’re gonna regret it,” Nics says.

  “She’s not hiding shit. I was going to tell you when you got back how she doesn’t so much as glance at any other dude. And anyone can see how she looks at you. She gave you the truth the second you walked in the door. Pissy mood or not, she didn’t wait, Pres,” Chance says and he’s ready to take me on.

  This woman. Fuck. She’s even gained the loyalty of my brothers, and rightfully so.

  I lock eyes with Aspen over Nics and Chance’s shoulder and growl out my words, “Get out of my way. I need to fuck my old lady, and I wanted to do it in church where loyalty lies in the club decisions we make.”

  Both men now wear a smile and step aside but my anger doesn’t fade. And maybe I’m fucking it all up because I’m bound to give her the truth when I point at the safe and say, “That safe holds something that was done behind your back.”

  “Oh, fuck,” Nics mutters from behind me but I step inside church and slam the door shut behind me. This is something between me and Aspen.

  She doesn’t even glance at the safe but keeps her eyes pinned on mine. It’s hard to get a read on her because she’s managed to shove her emotions completely off. I started this and I’m ending it too. I won’t let her get away and I sure as fuck don’t want anything in between us so this means I have to get it all out now.

  Squatting down, I open the safe and get what I want—the hard copy of the video along with the ice pick—and place both items on the table. Aspen takes in what clearly states what we have on her and still there isn’t a damn twitch of emotion on her face. I step closer to her but she takes a step back.

  My hands clench and unclench. I want to drag her into my arms and yet I have no right. I have to get it all out and then hope I haven’t underestimated our underlying connection. It needs to be strong enough of a foundation to overcome these obstacles in between us.

  “There wasn’t a choice. It’s not just me when I claimed you as my old lady. A huge damn risk though my gut feeling was right when I looked you in the eye the first time I saw you. You came at me to fight but dropped a weapon that could have ended my life. Then you kept on proving who you were without any doubts or signs of underlying betrayal. But like I said, it’s not just me.” I take a deep breath and hear the words Shea threw at me a moment ago echo in my brain. “That fucking asshole reminded me again of this.” I point at the stuff on the table. “Asking me if I followed through. As if he’s in fucking charge. I know there was a risk and yet you always gave all and never held back. You showed me the real you while I was the one holding back and for that I’m sorry. Everything is out in the open now and with this I will also tell you I won’t ever let you walk out of here. Not because of a high fucking risk with everything you know, but because you’re mine. I need you with me. Your feisty attitude keeping me on my toes while you also have my brothers’ backs and stand up for what you believe is right. Like your friend, Mira. You fought for her. Dropped everything. I owe you. My anger and frustration when I walked into this clubhouse wasn’t aimed at you, it was the whole situation because of the face-off I had with Shea. About you, but also Leon and Mira. I didn’t lie to him and decided to jab him how he jabbed me by using you against me. I told him his son fucked it up with the woman he impregnated. How she’s been through enough and didn’t want to have anything to do with him so he should back off and leave her be.”

  Her face softens a bit and my damn chest expands a fragment, making it somewhat easier to take my next breath. “You back me up, I back you up. This shows it’s you and me, darlin’. And I’m not just showing you this shit because you came to me about Lanshes. I basically told my half-brother to go fuck himself. Or rather to get some random chick to screw, but what I’m trying to say here is—” I dig my fingers into my hair and pull it as I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

  Fucking hell I’m screwing this up and have no idea what to say to get passed this point.

  Something knocks into me hard enough for me to take a step back and brace myself. Not something; someone. Aspen. Her arms wrap around me and she rubs her damn cheek on my chest. I swallow hard and squeeze her tighter against me.

  “How can I have fucking missed you when you’ve been right here?” I croak.

  Dammit, this woman has wormed her way underneath my skin and unexpectedly tainted my heart to beat in a rhythm to adore her. I don’t give her an option to answer my question because I might not be ready to hear why all these emotions and feelings are ripping through me, making me fucking go head to head with my half-brother for the first damn time.

  I bury my fist in her hair and pull her head back to slam my mouth over hers. Her lips part and I slide my tongue between them to taste her. I damn well love the taste of her, how she feels in my arm, melts against me, wraps around my cock perfectly, or just knowing she’s there when I need her.

  I walk her back until her ass hits the table. I easily lift her and push her backwards so I can stare at her while she’s draped over the table. She’s wearing a faded orange T-shirt but it’s blocking me from enjoying her amazing breasts. Fisting the hem with both hands, I place it at my teeth to make a tear so I can easily rip it apart.

  The needy as fuck gasp falling from her strawberry colored lips makes my dick harden some more. My fingers work fast to pop the button of her jeans, the zipper, until I’m finally able to grab both her jeans and her underwear and drag them off.

  The only thing on her naked body is the sexy lace bra and it needs to stay on because I’m very aware of the place I’m claiming her as mine to make a damn statement. For me. For her. For everyone so they all know she belongs to me; the president of The Fallon Brothers.

  But this doesn’t mean I’ll give anyone a glimpse of her naked body, so the lace bra stays on and the only thing they see is the back of her head. Because my body is blocking the vision of her naked pussy.

  Sliding the zipper down I take my cock in hand and place it at her entrance. Hot. Wet. And ready for me without any foreplay. Another wave of emotions slam into me, knowing this woman welcomes me into her body at any damn second and craves me with the same ferocity as me.

  Her pussy sucks the tip inside and I lean forward to connect our foreheads as I slowly slide inside her with gentle thrusts. I could have filled her up in one stroke but in this moment, there is no damn rush. Our eyes are locked and there’s only me and her.

  Every push inside connects us further while our breaths mingle. There’s a huge difference between fucking for the sake of getting your rocks off and to what’s happening now. It’s as if feelings mingle to make you feel grounded, a purpose in life to treasure this person who completes you.

  I take her lips and feel how her pussy squeezes around me as I lazily bury myself inside her tight heat over and over. Her arms circle my neck, her legs wrap around my waist and her mouth is ripped from mine as she screams my name and treats my cock to a wave of rapid clenching.

  “Fuuuuuck,” I bellow and bury myself deep, grunting the only name rooted in my heart, “Aspen.”


  — Aspen —

  His body shudders above me and the way my name falls from his lips is as if he’s reaching out to capture my soul and place it into his heart.

  Catching our breath while we stay this close together adds to the intimacy between us. Eventually Kinney lets his nose slide up my neck, placing soft kisses as he starts to trace my jaw.

  “No more bullshit from the outside getting in between us, yeah?” he murmurs but the underlying tone is a soft demand.

  “Open and honest, Kinney,” I whisper, and feel his dick twitch when my words flow hot against his ear.

  He starts to harden inside me but Kinney groans and pu
lls out. “I’m not giving them another show, one time was enough. Now, I need to get your pants on without you moving. Those fuckers can’t see what was made for me.”

  I can feel my own eyes widen. How could I forget the fact that there are large windows in church and there were a handful of bikers in the main room? A wide-open invitation to see what we were doing in here.




  He cups my face with both hands. “Breathe, love.”

  I would like to wipe the smirk off his face with my fist.

  “Did you know I never even gave any thought to having an old lady? A future with a woman or kids, a happy fucking ever after? Never. Until I saw you, murder weapon in hand with your bright eyes full of life all fierce and with determination. A feeling, instinct, whatever...right then and there I knew we’d be good together.”

  My heart skips a beat at his swoon worthy words. Though, I have to say, “You can sweet talk all you want but you can’t ignore the peanut gallery we gave quite the show.”

  “Quite the show,” he repeats and his smirk grows. “Right in the center of the Fallon Brothers’, where the gavel swings to take crucial decisions for a solid future.”

  I roll my eyes. “You might normally swing the gavel in here, but I’m pretty sure this time it was your dick doing the swinging.”

  His laughter fills the air as he shrugs out of his leather cut and places it on the table. He grabs the hem of his T-shirt, takes it off, and throws it over my head to cover me completely.

  He puts his cut on and steps back to tuck his dick back inside his jeans. There’s no need to get dressed with the whole “have sex in front of the window” thing because I’m heading straight for our room for a hot shower.

  Besides, before I do as much as get up from this table, he has covered me with his shirt to make sure no one got a glimpse of my personal bits. And now I know why he didn’t rip away my bra; he didn’t want anyone to see my breasts but wanted me almost naked underneath him.

  Kinney grabs the two items off the table, the ones they saved to hold a crime against me. I know I should still be pissed but these guys put a lot on the line by taking me in. But if they only knew how Lanshes ruined everything and made sure I didn’t have any other career options they wouldn’t have kept a murder weapon with my fingerprints. They would have trusted me. Though the not knowing brings doubt, not just for Kinney but for the whole MC.

  And for Shea. That asshole. I’m pretty sure he riled Kinney up before he came home. Asshole. From what I’ve read about him he’s disreputable, and always pushes people to get his way. And yet I had no idea Kinney and Shea were half-brothers, but most of all, I didn’t know Kinney worked with him. For him. Damn. I realize I still don’t know the dynamics between them, but to be honest, it’s none of my business.

  “Come on, let’s dispose this shit and get a long shower and then I’m ready for bed. I know it’s still early, but I’m fucking beat,” Kinney grumbles.

  He opens the door and the handful of bikers all have a knowing smirk while a blush spreads my face.

  “Yo, Pres, can we make it a thing? Break in an old lady on the table in church. You gotta admit, it gives one hell of a statement to claiming your woman.” Nics grins and shoots me a wink. “No worries, Aspen, I didn’t see shit except for your old man clearly taking you. And Pres here made a clear statement by this that you’re not to be shared, but protected by all.”

  Warmth spreads through me and I feel Kinney place his hand on my lower back and his lips touch the top of my head as he guides me forward.

  “Build a fire out back, Nics. We need to dispose this shit,” Kinney orders.

  Nics rushes off in front of us and when we walk out back, he’s already started the fire in one of the barrels. Kinney pulls me close in an effort to keep me from getting cold I’m guessing, but there’s no need. With his actions and words, he’s managed to warm my heart and body from the inside out.

  Kinney throws the items into the fire and stares at it for a few breaths before he connects his gaze with mine. “Shower?” he questions, and I nod in agreement.

  We leave Nics standing near the fire and head inside for our room. After taking a shower the both of us fall into bed and instantly drift away. It’s been a long day for all of us but a few hours later I wake up really thirsty. Kinney isn’t in bed. I reach out and find the sheets cold. He must be in the main room of the clubhouse or in church.

  Needing to know if he’s okay—and knowing there isn’t any water here in the fridge—I put on the new robe I bought and head for the kitchen. When I hit the lights, I come face to face with Mira.

  I smack a hand on my chest and feel my heart beat out of control. “Dammit, woman, what the hell are you doing sitting here alone in the dark?”

  Her shoulders sag and she’s looking at me with a sad face. “I can’t sleep and I’m craving peanut butter and marshmallows. I really need marshmallows with peanut butter. It’s the only thing I can stomach. Can we get some, please?”

  “Any other time I would hop in my car and drive around until I find a store that’s open, but we can’t, sweetie.” I check my watch and see there’s about three more hours until the normal stores open.

  “Sit tight, let me see what I can do,” I tell her and quickly scan through the cabinets but I’m pretty sure she already did since I don’t find anything she is craving either. Damn pregnancy hormones.

  And seriously, “Were you going to mix those marshmallows with peanut butter?”

  She nods enthusiastically. “Kier accidentally dropped a spoon with peanut butter in the marshmallow bag and it was sooooo good.”

  “Kier or the weird combination?” I mutter and she flushes adorably.

  “Mira,” I fake a scold. “Are you telling me you’re getting some in between the sheets action with a hot biker while having a sexy pregnancy belly?”

  She bites her lip. “Maybe.”

  “Good for you,” I tell her in a proud voice and point my finger at her. “Stay put. I’ll be right back and then we’ll talk some more.”

  I stalk into the main room of the clubhouse and notice Chance sitting at the bar nursing a beer. Kinney is nowhere in sight and the lights in church are off too.

  “Hey,” I quip.

  His head turns slowly and a grin spreads his face. “If it isn’t the President’s old lady. What can I do for you, doll?”

  “You don’t sound drunk.” I point at his beer. “It’s either very late at night or very early in the morning and you have beer.”

  The corner of his mouth twitches. “I have a high tolerance for alcohol and I’m still celebrating even when others who’ve had their fair share of alcohol have either gone to bed or have gone out to the titty bar we own. I wasn’t in the mood for titties. I might not seem drunk but my dick has worked hard disposing the beer I’ve consumed. Too much info, right? Well, that’s why I’m still here and so is the prospect serving me beer and who also needs to keep watch. Since…you know, guys being drunk or out watching titties.”

  “Celebrating,” I muse and notice his leather cut, more like noticing the added patches. “Oh, right. No more prospect, huh? Good for you. Mind telling me where Kinney is?”

  “Out with Kier and Nics. Kinney had a prospect keep an eye on Shea’s house for any activity. Well, he reported back how Shea was having some kind of meeting with six guys and Kinney suspected Shea was going to take matters in his own hands. The fucking idiot.” Chance shoves his beer away.

  I rub my temples and think things through. “Mira is in the kitchen. She needs peanut butter and marshmallows and there aren’t any in the clubhouse. And Shea’s—”

  “Whatever gave you the impression there isn’t any peanut or marshmallows in the clubhouse? I happen to have two jars of peanut butter and I’m pretty sure I have some marshmallows left. Not much, but still, I have some.” He shoots me a grin. “I have weird cravings sometimes.”

  “Yeah, cravings like a pregnant w
oman.” A chuckle slides out and I add, “You’re a lifesaver, Chance. Can you please get them so I can make sure Mira heads into Kier’s room after she’s done eating?”

  Chance rushes off and comes back with a huge jar of peanut butter and a bag with maybe a little more than a handful of tiny marshmallows.

  “Good enough, come on,” I tell him and grab his shoulder to drag him in the direction of the kitchen.

  Mira sees the items in Chance’s hands and practically rips them from him and rushes out of the kitchen, throwing a quick, “Now I’m able to properly enjoy some cartoons in the main room. Thank you, thank you, thank you,” over her shoulder.

  “Pregnant chicks are weird,” Chance mutters.

  I roll my eyes. “Says the beer drinking biker who supplied the stuff himself.”

  His eyes are filled with mischief and then widen a bit. “Don’t you dare tell the others. ‘Cause if you do those fuckers will come knocking on my door for stuff and I’m not into sharing.”

  “Your secret is safe with me,” I tell him and add on a whisper, “Weirdo.”

  “Heard that.” He grins, totally not offended.

  “Good, otherwise it was a waste of breath.” I stick out my tongue and love how easy interaction is with this guy.

  I’ve never felt at home anywhere and certainly never connected with colleagues or friends this way. Except for Mira. That’s why we didn’t back away when we discovered each other’s background. We could look past it and didn’t let it interfere with our friendship. Until it did with me being held back by Lanshes. Hence the reason I quit and chose friendship above anything else.

  That reminds me. “How long ago did Kinney and the others leave?”

  Chance’s eyebrows scrunch up and he checks his phone. “Almost three hours ago. Something ain’t right. Fuck. Most guys just turned in and were quite drunk. I can’t wake them and even if I could it would be useless since they have loads of alcohol in their belly and can’t ride.”


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