by M J Sweeney
Meditate = +66% (+100% out of combat)
Total Mana Regeneration = 30 per round or 10 per second
(36 Charisma +100% = 72 per round out of combat)
Athletics 53
Stamina 1090
Base Regen: 25% Athletics = 53x.25 = 13.3 per round
Meditate: +33%
Socks of Warming: +50%
Total Stamina Regeneration: 24.3 per round or 8.1 per second
(53 Athletics +83% = 97 per round when resting)
Alchemy: 15
Armour (light/leather): 71
Astronomy (three moons): 23
Athletics: 53
Awareness: 44
Bargain: 42
Blindfighting: 19
Find Traps: 19
Camping: 48
Climbing (tree): 56
Combat Expertise: 49
Cooking: 25
Creature Lore: 27
Divine Cosmology: 26
Divine Favour: 52
Enchanting: 12
Exotic Biology: 21
Herbalist: 22
Hide: 31
Hunting: 41
Intimidate: 29
Skinning/Harvesting: 43
Language (Alya): 47
Language (Arhun): 31
Language (Ilya): 74
Language (Latin): 21
Language (Trade): 81
Lore: 35
Medicines: 29
Mapping: 38
Orienteering: 51
Persuade: 40
Play Instrument: 41
Politics (local): 17
Problem Solving: 50
Repair (blade): 39
Repair (cloth): 33
Repair (leather): 48
Riding (horse): 16
Singing: 17
Spellcraft: 22
Stealth: 36
Storytelling: 39
Tracking: 31
Wagoneering: 17
Weapon (Throwing Knife): 29
Weapon (Staff-Spear): 69
Woodland Travel: 55
Magic Items
Primary Weapon:
/ Staff-Spear of the Piercing Strike / Elite Ghost-Steel and Hickory
[+10% Armour Piercing, +10% Attack Speed, +5% Deflection]
Secondary Weapon:
/ Staff-Spear of Light / Elite Mithril and Ironwood
[+10 % Accuracy, +20% More Damage vs Undead and Deepers, Light +1 (1200 Mana)]
/ High Elf Skull Cap / Elite Albino-Leather
[+1% Damage Resistance, +3% Elemental Resistance, +2% Movement Speed, Bonus: Adds Flat 5% Mental Resistance]
/ High Elf Chest Guard / Elite Albino-Leather
[+1% Damage Resistance, +3% Elemental Resistance, +2% Movement Speed, Bonus: Adds Flat 1% DR and 5% ER]
/ High Elf Shoulder Guards / Elite Albino-Leather
[+1% Damage Resistance, +3% Elemental Resistance, +2% Movement Speed]
/ High Elf Bracers / Elite Albino-Leather
[+1% Damage Resistance, +3% Elemental Resistance, +2% Movement Speed, Bonus: Adds Flat 5% Attack Speed]
/ High Elf Leg Guards / Elite Albino-Leather
[+1% Damage Resistance, +3% Elemental Resistance, +2% Movement Speed]
/ High Elf Boots / Elite Albino-Leather
[+1% Damage Resistance, +3% Elemental Resistance, +2% Movement Speed, Bonus: Adds Flat 5% Movement Speed]
/ Ring of Elemental Resistance / Rare Darksteel and Opal
[+10% Elemental Resistance]
/ Greater Ring of Fire Resistance / Elite Gold and Ruby
[+20% Fire Resistance, -15% Burning Status Duration]
/ Greater Ring of Shock Resistance / Elite Silver and Sapphire
[+20% Shock Resistance, -15% Stun and Palsy Duration]
/ Greater Ring of Poison Resistance / Elite Platinum and Emerald
[+20% Poison Resistance, -15% Poison Duration]
/ Minor Ring of Fire Resistance / Copper and Ruby Chip
[+5% Fire Resistance]
(Not worn)
/ Unique Socks of Warming / Elite Wool
[+20% Cold Resistance, Wearer suffers no ill effects from mundane cold ailments, +50% Stamina Regeneration]
/ Small Bag of Holding / Elite Miscellaneous
[Can hold up to 2x2m cube of equipment, at 10% of the original weight—all equipment is automatically preserved and neatly ordered, and can be summoned at will when one hand is placed inside]
/ Elven Cloak / Common Cotton and Wool
[+10% Resistance to Mundane Cold Ailments, +10% Hiding in Outdoor Terrain]
Eragdas Alfar Upper Ruins
Eragdas Alfar Level 1
Eragdas Alfar Level 2
Eragdas Alfar Level 3
Glossary of Terms
Acc: Accuracy
AoE: Area of Effect
AS: Attack Speed
Att: Attributes
CHC: Critical Hit Chance
CHD: Critical Hit Damage
CM: Critical Multiplier
Do: Dodge
Df: Deflection
DPS: Damage per Second
HoT: Heal over Time
LoS: Line of Sight
MS: Movement Speed
RNG: Random Number Generator
RPG: Role Playing Game
Rez: Resurrection
XP: Experience
/r: Per Round (3 seconds)
Resistances and Damage Types
DR: Damage Resistance
(Cleaving ClR, Crushing CrR, Slashing SlR)
MR: Mental Resistance
(Stun StR, Charm ChR, Taunt TtR, Fear FeR, Confuse CoR, Enrage EnR, Dominate DoR)
ER: Elemental Resistance
(Fire FR, Shock SR, Cold CR)
PDR: Poison and Disease Resistance
LR: Leech Resistance
(Life Leech LLR, Mana Leech MLR, Stamina Leech SLR)
SDR: Statistic Damage Resistance
(Strength, Intellect, Agility, Vitality, Charisma, Luck)
ISR: Interrupt, Knockback, Entangle, & Slow Resistance
CHR: Critical Hit Resistance (check specific damage type)
SoR: Sonic Resistance
SE: Status Effects (applied from specific attack type)
(e.g. Bleeding, Broken Bones, Deep Wounds, Slow, Stun, Burning etc)
Attributes: Basic characteristics or statistics that define each person’s effectiveness in all environments—physical, social, psychological.
Strength (STR): Muscular Power, Brawn, Might
⦁+1% Base Weapon Damage per 1.5 Strength
⦁+1% Accuracy per 4 Strength
⦁+1% Interrupt, Knockback, Entangle, and Slow Resistance (ISR) per 4 Strength
⦁+ 2% Carry Capacity +/- (x size) per 1 Strength
⦁Bonus to Strength Skills
⦁Warriors and Archers can choose Strength or Agility as their primary statistic
⦁Barbarians and Knights can choose Vitality or Strength as their primary statistic
⦁Monks can choose any statistic other than Luck as their primary statistic
Intellect (INT): Knowledge, Reasoning, Concentration
⦁+20 Mana per 1 Intellect
⦁+1% Spell Accuracy per 2 Intellect
⦁+1% Elemental Damage per 4 Intellect
⦁+1% Mental Resistance (MR) per 4 Intellect
⦁+1% Faster Learning Rate on Skills over 75, per point over 50
⦁Bonus to Intellect Skills
⦁Priests and Mages can choose Intellect or Charisma as their primary statistic
Agility (AGI): Dexterity, Grace, Hand-Eye Coordination
⦁+1% Accuracy per 2 Agility
⦁+1% Dodge Chance per 2 Agility
⦁+1% Base Weapon Damage per 4 Agility
⦁+1% Movement Speed per 10 Agility (reduced by encumbered status effects)
⦁Bonus to Agility Skills
⦁Warriors and Archers can choose Stren
gth or Agility as their primary statistic
⦁Rogues can choose Agility or Luck as their primary statistic
Vitality (VIT): Health, Fitness, Constitution
⦁+20 Health per 1 Vitality
⦁+10 Stamina per 1 Vitality
⦁+1% Poison and Disease Resistance (PDR) per 4 Vitality
⦁+.25 Health Renewed per 1 Vitality over 50 per round (3 seconds)
⦁Bonus to Athletics and Survival Skills
⦁Barbarians and Knights can choose Vitality or Strength as their primary statistic
Charisma (CHA): Personality, Charm, Lifeforce
⦁+.50 Mana Renewed per 1 Charisma per round (3 seconds)
⦁+1% Increased Spell Duration per 4 Charisma
⦁+1% Leech Resistance (LR) per 4 Charisma
⦁+1% Faster Learning Rate on Skills over 75, per point over 50
⦁Bonus to Social Skills
⦁Priests and Mages can choose Intellect or Charisma as their primary statistic
Luck (LCK): Fortuitous, Random, Accidental
⦁1% Critical Hit Chance per 10 Luck
⦁1% per 10 points over 50+ bonus to all skills which require a “roll”
⦁1% per 10 points over 50+ reduced critical hit chance received
⦁1% per 3 points over 85+ bonus to specific resistance cap
⦁Bonus to Gambling and Rogue Skills
⦁Rogues can choose Agility or Luck as their primary statistic
Abilities: special powers or spells for specific classes; weapon abilities for warriors, healing spells for priests, manipulation spells for mages, stealth abilities for rogues. Abilities are levelled from 1-4 and ranked by Tier from Apprentice (I), to Journeyman (II), to Master (III), to Grandmaster (IV). The Tiers are also equivalent to player levels 20, 40, 60, and 80 respectivelly.
Aggro: increasing (or reducing) an opponent’s “aggression,” and keeping it locked onto one target, typically a tank-style warrior with high defences. Sometimes also called “hate.”
Class: Fantasy-setting stereotypes that are specialised in certain abilities. For example: Mage, Priest, Rogue, Warrior. In Memory, the adventurer chooses one or two classes to begin, and may specialise into another class at any time in the future if the prerequisites are made and a teacher is available.
Experience (XP): points allocated to an adventurer based on exploring different environments, and encountering exotic aspects of Memory, plus questing, tasks completed and foes vanquished. As experience is gained, levels are added and the statistics, skills and abilities of the adventurer increase.
Health: the number of health points that you have to resist damage and other debilitations. Don’t let them run out! The higher your vitality, the higher your health. Health can only be properly renewed by resting, healing spells, and to a lesser extent, via well-made travel food. Healing potions are rare, and cannot normally be used in combat.
+20 Health per 1 Vitality
.25 Health Renewed per round per Vitality over 50
Level: Level of an adventurer (1-100), level of skill (1-100), and level of ability (1-4). The first is typically increased through combat, quests and discovering new or hidden places. The second is typically increased through training and use. The third is chosen through class selection.
Mana: the number of magic points that you have for casting spells. The higher your intellect, the higher your mana. Charisma strongly affects mana renewal and duration of spell effects.
+20 Mana per 1 Intellect
.5 Mana Renewed per round per 1 Charisma
Race: Typical fantasy racial stereotypes (seelie)—Human, Elf, Sprite, Dwarf, Beast-man.
Skill: specific skills (from 1-100) that with higher proficiency allow greater success at those tasks. For example, cooking, tracking, climbing, persuading.
Stamina: the number of fitness points you have for running, combat abilities, and other physically exertive tasks. Stamina is gained equally from vitality and the athletics skill. Athletics, some magic items, and well-made travel-food affects stamina renewal.
+10 Stamina per 1 Vitality
+10 Stamina per 1 Athletics Skill
+.25 Stamina Renewed per round per 1 Athletics
13 Moons & 39 Divines
1 Argun Spring
2 Dray Spring
3 Dolce Spring—Festival of Masks
4 Bourndas Summer
5 Inzan Summer—Festival of Joy
6 Courpea Summer
7 Felicitas Summer
8 Aspen Autumn
9 Pargun Autumn—Festival of Plenty
10 Imago Autumn
11 Okraithe Winter
12 Yurgen Winter
13 Twill Winter—Festival of Lights
9 Seelie
Deities (Ei)
21 Neutral
Deities (Iss)
9 Unseelie
Deities (Maor)