Wicked Times Two

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Wicked Times Two Page 7

by Tina Donahue

  His legs juddered.

  She turned her face into his cock. The damn thing rested against her cheek, the crown towering above her eyebrow. She licked the base and tugged at his pubic hair with her teeth.

  He laughed and sucked in a quick breath at her open-mouthed kisses on his shaft, her tongue gliding over his length, leaving a wake of moisture and heat.

  She reached the crown and lapped the tiny depression.

  His legs wobbled again. He locked his knees to keep from bumping into Kyle, who moaned like a celibate finally discovering sex. What in the fuck was she doing to him?

  Noah glanced over but couldn’t focus. His mouth fell open at Jasmina taking his cock into her mouth. Not just the crown or a few inches of his shaft but the whole nine yards and more. The tip of her nose pressed against his thatch. She suckled and licked, the intense heat of her mouth caressing his rod like her cunt would, only different, possibly better because of her tongue.

  She worked him in and out of her mouth, laving every inch of his cock, suckling the crown, licking the back where he was most sensitive. Noah shouted, not caring if Alice, all of West Palm Beach and every officer alive heard. This moment deserved recognition. He cupped Jasmina’s head, unwilling to share her with Kyle until she tended to him fully. His pulse pounded in his temples and throat. He couldn’t drag in enough air. Colors faded, becoming indistinct. Sounds did too. Only his harsh panting and her pleased moans registered.

  Damn. Fuck. Shit.

  She’d cupped his balls with her free hand and worked his nuts lightly yet thoroughly, dragging her nails over one then the other.

  He gasped, ready to cry he wanted to come so badly. Crap, he had to hold off, for ten minutes at least. Okay, maybe five. Jesus, he’d settle for two. He released her hair and grabbed his own, tugging the longer strands.

  She licked the back of the crown again and released him from her mouth.

  No—fuck, no. Was she trying to drive him nuts?


  The world stopped. His knees buckled. Didn’t stop her in the least. She sucked more of his right ball into her mouth, generating heat he hadn’t known existed, sensations too outrageous for words.

  He made noises that didn’t sound human. Sweat poured from his face and chest. His bellow filled the room at her taking his cock back inside, all the way to the base while she stroked his boys.

  Too much. Even a comatose man couldn’t endure her sweet torture for long.

  Noah surrendered on a howl of delight, his cum spurting into her mouth for what seemed like minutes. Instead of releasing him and moving away, she licked him clean, accepting this part of him.

  Breathless and stunned, he swayed.

  She fondled his balls. “Gonna live?”


  “You need to lie down?”

  Unable to speak, he nodded and backed up to the bed, ready to fall onto the mattress.

  “Wait.” She reached out. “Your tat.”

  Shit, he’d forgotten. At the last moment, he twisted his torso, landing on his side. Grunting, he rolled over, face down on the comforter, eyes closed, consciousness slipping away.

  Kyle would have looked over to see what had happened to Noah, but at this point he didn’t much care. His rod was about to split from being hard for too long. His balls had practically crawled up to his tonsils.

  Jasmina ran her nails lightly down his thigh. “Ready?”

  “Yeah. Please. Don’t stop or I’ll—”

  The rest of his words dried up in his throat.

  She’d eased his left ball into her mouth and took his nut deeper now, tonguing the contours, her hand still sliding up and down his rod.

  He gritted his teeth, praying he wouldn’t come until she had his cock in her mouth. If he blew his wad before she’d even tasted him… He’d never live down the humiliation. Already, he was shaking worse than a wet dog, his face and chest drenched with sweat, and she was still working on his ball.

  Never had he experienced anything as sweet. He’d thought his cock had the corner on righteous feelings. Fuck no. Each of her licks on his nut registered in every part of his body, including his fingernails, toenails and teeth. Her mouth was magic, her tongue…

  She’d moved to his other ball, virgin territory for her. He tried not to cry out but couldn’t help the sounds bursting from him. He needed to come but didn’t want her to stop what she was doing, the sensations too much to resist.

  If she’d only give him a few seconds to calm down. A minute at most, no more than five tops. That’s all he’d need to hold off a moment longer than Noah had. Hell, Noah had blasted off too damn soon. Kyle didn’t want that happening to him, but by God it might now.

  She’d taken his cock in her mouth from the crown to the root, his shaft burrowed fully inside, halfway down her throat.

  His head swam and his body ached so much from tension he didn’t notice his tat any longer. The ink could have been devouring his flesh for all he knew.

  He pressed his toes into the floor.

  She released his rod until only the crown remained between her lips, and lapped the back, his pleasure zone.

  He gagged out a cry, the sound a mixture of delight laced with agony, his cock ready to explode, his nuts beyond sensitive. One more caress on his sac and he’d die.

  She did the deed, stroking, fondling.

  He pulled his shoulders up, clenched his teeth and growled like a feral animal, his cum shooting into her mouth, his climax barreling into him like a gargantuan linebacker on a steady diet of steroids. Flashes of light burst behind his lids, blood pounded in his ears. His balls and cock seemed twice their usual size, weighing him down. He wavered.

  “You all right?” She settled her hands on his ass. “Need to lie down?”

  Kyle stepped back and dropped to the floor, resting on his back. He wheezed out what air he had left. “Yeah, thanks.”

  “The bed’s softer.” She rubbed his thigh.

  He captured her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. “Too far.” At this point, he had everything he needed. Her close and smelling so fine, her heat and presence the best comfort he knew. “Rest your head on me.” He patted his stomach and yawned. “Get comfortable.”

  He’d take care of her now. As soon as he could open his eyes and move again.

  Chapter Five

  Noah stirred first, lifting his head, opening one eye. “Dinner?”

  “Yep.” She’d nuked their meal, except for the cake with whipped cream, and had spread out the feast on her bed.

  “Smells good.” He dropped back to the comforter, remaining there.

  She hunkered next to Kyle on the floor. His upper lip fluttered with his snore, his strong features relaxed, making him seem like a little boy exhausted from too much play. Smiling, she ruffled his hair.

  He made a pleasured sound. “Feels good.”


  Blindly, he reached for her, his hand knocking her boob. “Shit. Sorry.”

  “No harm done.”

  He patted her tummy and searched for her mound, grinning when he reached her folds, still moist from his and Noah’s attention. “Yeah, I could eat.”

  She grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles. “Food. I’m dessert. Come on.”

  Groaning, he pushed to his elbows but didn’t move farther.

  “Everything all right?”

  “Your floor’s hard. Give me a sec.” He sucked in more air and made a face as he pushed to a sitting position.

  She reached for his other hand. “I’ll help you get up.”

  He gave her a look.

  “Or not.” She let go of him and lifted her hands in surrender.

  “I’m good.” He jumped to his feet, tottered and grimaced. After rubbing his ass and shoulder, he sank to the bed and sighed.

  “Dig in.” She handed him a fork and smoothed back Noah’s hair. “You want to eat?”

  “Food,” Kyle said, his mouth filled with a bocad
ito. “She’s dessert.”

  Noah lifted his head. “Says who?”

  “Me.” She ran the tines of the fork down his arm. “Civilized people leave pussies and cocks for last.”

  He laughed and accepted the utensil.

  She sat cross-legged, facing him and Kyle. They wolfed down the food faster than she did, replacing the calories they’d burned. Noah grabbed a beer off the nightstand and handled the bottle to her. He gave the next to Kyle, taking the last one for himself.

  Kyle finished his sip, wrinkled his nose with his belch and regarded her wall. He padded to the frame hanging there, her diploma from community college. “Hey, congrats.” He turned and grinned. “You’re a new graduate.”

  Since last month. She shrugged. “I only have an associates.”

  “Only?” He frowned. “That’s great.”

  An MBA from Harvard it wasn’t, but she was the first woman in her extended family who’d even gone to college. “A bachelor’s would be better. Too expensive though.”

  “Tell me about it.” Noah licked chimichurri sauce off his fork. “I’m still paying back my student loans.”

  “Me too.” Kyle returned to the bed. “School’s a racket. If I’d opened up my own for-profit institution rather than going into law enforcement, I’d be a zillionaire now.”

  Noah nodded.

  “But you guys love being cops.” She couldn’t imagine them as corporate drones, no longer carrying heat. “Wouldn’t you miss what you do?”

  Noah speared a piece of steak. “I’d always thought about going into law until I saw what the program cost.”

  “No shit.” Kyle scooped a wad of beans off her plate. “I flirted with the idea of being a vet. I like animals. Horses mainly. My dad nearly had a stroke. Everyone in my family’s a cop, even most of the women, except for my mom. He said it was bad enough the departments make everyone go to college now, rather than a training academy like the old days. But at least a public safety degree wouldn’t keep me shoveling out cash to a school until I was ninety.”

  “Smart man.” Noah stabbed part of a boiled egg from her plate.

  Jasmina pushed her dish toward them and took a piece of both their steaks. “Do you guys even like what you do?”

  “Most of the time.” Noah shrugged. “Mouthy kids are the worst.”

  “If murder were legal.” Kyle took some of her rice this time. “For the most part, I enjoy the job. At least my parents don’t freak out every time I put on my uniform. If I get shot, hell, comes with the territory. Now, Noah’s parents…”

  He elbowed Kyle.

  She rested her hand on Noah’s knee. “Your folks worry about you? Should they?” She frowned at Kyle. “Why aren’t your parents concerned you might get shot? Don’t they like you?”

  He stopped chewing. “I was only kidding. They’d go ballistic if I was in any real danger, but hell, this is West Palm Beach not Miami.”

  “Or L.A.,” Noah said.

  “No shit. Talk about a hellhole.”

  “Chicago too.” Noah made a face. “Working there would be like going to a warzone. Not what we face.”

  Until now, she hadn’t considered the risk involved in their work. Damn, how stupid could she be? She’d had a front-row seat to the trouble they faced when they’d arrested Ethan. At the time, he’d only thrown a punch but he could have had a knife or a gun. God, Florida was concealed-carry heaven, the NRA’s most favorite place on earth next to Texas.

  She tapped their knees. “What kind of trouble do you guys face in your work?”

  Kyle nibbled on one of her cheese bocaditos. Noah took more of her sausage. Neither of them looked concerned.

  “Minor stuff mainly.” Noah lifted his shoulders. “Public drunkenness, fender benders, noise complaints, traffic stops, domestic disputes like with Marnie.”

  “How can you think those are no big deal? They’re the worst.” Jasmina had read about husbands or boyfriends blowing cops away when they’d arrived to settle arguments. Marnie had her own horror story about her dad’s abuse, him nearly killing her when she’d tried to protect her mom from him. “What if Ethan had been armed?”

  Noah smiled. “I would hope you would have told the dispatcher when you called for help.”

  She slapped his thigh. “Don’t make fun. If you’re not in any danger, why do your folks worry?”

  “Noah didn’t do well in the program.” Kyle licked crumbs off his fingers. “If I hadn’t tutored him, he would have flunked out.”

  “He’s full of crap. I graduated top of my class.”

  “No kidding? Me too, even though I was working full time.” She turned to Kyle. “You’re his friend. You should be proud of him. Are you jealous? Where did you rank?”

  Kyle’s eyebrows kept inching up. “Wow, you should be a cop. Talk about an interrogation.”

  Crap, she was being too blunt again. “Sorry.” She rubbed his calf. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

  Noah laughed. “You haven’t. He was top of the class too. We shared the honor.”

  Kyle dismissed the comment with a wave of his hand.

  She leaned in. “So you guys aren’t in any real danger ever?”

  “Sure we are.” Noah frowned. “So are you and everyone else by simply being alive and going about daily business. Take here for example. You haven’t thrown any locks on your door. We could have been murdered as we slept.”

  “Not me,” she said. “I didn’t close my eyes once. Didn’t have to.” She smiled smugly. “Women don’t need to recharge after sex like guys do.”

  Kyle turned to Noah. “She’s been listening to too much of that crap she’s playing.”

  Roar was on, Katy singing her guts out, making Jasmina’s hair stand on end from the sheer magnificence of the song. She bobbed her shoulders to the beat. “Crap?”

  Noah handed his empty plate and hers to Kyle. He put their dishes on top of his, bringing them and his bottle to the sink.

  “Whoever’s screeching that song will never be Kanye,” Noah said.

  “I would hope not. His stuff sucks.”

  Kyle whistled long and low, shaking his head.

  Noah put Jasmina’s brew next to his on the nightstand. “Sucks? Seriously? Time your master taught you some manners.” He patted his lap. “Come here.”

  Oh yeah? “Make me.”

  He straightened in obvious surprise. “You don’t think I will?”

  “Sure. If you could catch me.” Laughing, she rolled away.

  He grabbed her ankle, pulling her back. She clawed the comforter, dragging the thing with her. Kyle hurried over, grasping her other foot. She shrieked.

  Didn’t faze them. Despite how she thrashed, they picked her up easily, draping her across Noah’s thighs. Kyle held her wrists so she couldn’t cover her ass.

  One, two, three times Noah brought his palm down on her butt, the crack of his hand against her cheeks cutting through Katy’s Teenage Dream.

  The sting surprised, the heat thrilled. “More. Harder. Gag me—blindfold me.” She growled. “Dammit, why didn’t you bring your cuffs?”

  Kyle tightened his hands on her wrists. “Next time.”

  “The whole enchilada.” Noah paddled her again. “Consider this a warm-up for the real deal.”

  She went limp with pleasure. They were coming back for more. However, there was still tonight. “Fuck me, please. Good and raw. Now, before I scream.”

  “Wouldn’t want that.” Noah transferred her to the mattress, trapping her beneath his body, his mouth covering hers. His earlier kisses had been deep. This one traveled clear to her heart, stroking her soul. He fondled her breast with a right she’d given him, taking what he wanted, rewarding her with pleasure.

  Minutes passed as their tongues waltzed. He tasted of beer and spice, their moans and grunts nearly as loud as the music. The last song finally wound down. So did he, rolling off her, catching his breath.

  Kyle tossed him a rubber. Noah saluted him with the foil packet

  Jasmina opened her arms to Kyle, wanting to taste him again. Mindful of his tat, he sat on the edge of the mattress, gathering her to his right side. She slipped her arm over his shoulder, holding tight. Good thing. He kissed her like a man denied too long, his mouth greedy, unable to get enough. He slid his hand from her boob to her clit and back, never lingering in one spot for long. His frantic passion lasted a few minutes then calmed along with hers, allowing them to be tender and exploring, the most arousing intimacy of all. He held her as though she were precious, important to him. When their mouths finally parted, her upper lip stuck to his for a moment. They grinned.

  Noah pressed his mouth to her shoulder.

  She looked over, giving him her best smile, the same as she’d done with Kyle. “I have a thought on how we should do this.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Of course you do. Subs make all the decisions.”

  She pulled in her shoulders, pretending he’d wounded her. “You don’t want to hear my idea?”

  “Let me guess.” Kyle pushed off the bed and rolled on a rubber. “Me on the mattress with you on top and Noah taking up the rear so neither of us hurts our tats.” He lifted his face. “Am I close?”

  Bull’s-eye. “Not even, but we can try your way.”

  “I’d like to hear what you had in mind.” Noah came around to the side they were on.

  His ginormous erection filled every inch of the condom and then some. If he’d been any harder or longer, he would have needed her freezer bag to cover his stuff. Kyle was the same. Nature had certainly blessed them, except for some minor glitches in their personalities. They were back to giving her their hard cop stares, expecting an answer.

  She remained serene. “I thought we might try things standing up.”

  They grew thoughtful. Noah shook his head. “Sorry, babe, I’m no contortionist.”

  “Me either.” Kyle leaned back as far as he could without falling over, bent his legs and pumped his hips, demonstrating how he’d have to enter her if she were already impaled on Noah.


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