Undone by Her Two Masters [The Wolf Masters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Undone by Her Two Masters [The Wolf Masters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Berengaria Brown

  “I’d do all the setting up of the branch and drive the first truck until we’re on a businesslike footing. All I’d need is one of the personable young wolves with some decent computer skills to take bookings, make nice with the customers—or potential customers—and get involved in community activities when I’m on the road. That sort of thing.”

  Raleigh spoke slowly. “Instead of a young wolf, I think you’d do better with a mated couple. A woman to talk to the wives and the businesswomen in town, and a man to help you with the physical work. Small towns like couples. They’d see several unmarried men as more likely to cause trouble.”

  “I agree. Is there a couple you’d like to work with?” asked Kingston.

  Bronx wanted to stomp his foot. This was not going the way he’d planned. “York and I have talked about the possibility of sharing a woman, but he hasn’t mentioned anyone to me. We certainly aren’t dating anyone right now. And since York’s your IT man, I’m guessing you wouldn’t want him at Pine Corner anyway. You’d rather he stayed right here.”

  “Not at all. As the IT tech he can go anywhere as long as there’s Internet. Most tasks can be done remotely these days. Someone else can crawl along the floor, plugging cords back in or clearing viruses from hard drives. It doesn’t have to be him.”

  Bronx nodded then answered a bunch more questions from Kingston and Raleigh. Finally Kingston said, “Perhaps you’d better go talk to York now. But I do think a taking a woman with you might be worthwhile, so you fit better into the town.”

  Great. A woman. A fucking millstone around my neck more like.

  * * * *

  York had been attracted to Nevis Greenway from the time she’d arrived on the mountain, but was certain it was just lust. A lust he had no intention of doing anything about, since she was only there for a short time. Had she been planning to stay, he might have taken it further. He and Bronx, one of the company branch managers, had talked some about sharing a woman. That sounded like a mighty fine idea to York.

  All over the world shape-shifters of all descriptions were dying out. Two-thirds of all shifter babies born for the past few generations were males, and since many packs completely banned any association with humans, that meant half the young men never had a mate. For their pack, hidden high up on the mountain, the problem was compounded by their lack of opportunity to meet other women of any species. But a year or so ago the Supreme Alpha of North America had decreed that interspecies marriages, and several men sharing a woman, were acceptable, so some of the wolves had been looking for a human partner to share. And, in this case, Nevis was most deliciously human.

  The problem was, would it be fair to expect her to stay on the mountain with him and wait until some unnamed future time when Bronx was reassigned back to live there, too? And the short answer to that was hell, no.

  So he rubbed his blue balls and jacked off morning and night, wondering what she looked like naked. Naked in bed. Naked in bed sandwiched between him and Bronx.

  He was buried deep in a coding problem, when his office door slammed back against the wall, and Bronx marched in saying, “We need to talk.”

  “That may be so. But I’d prefer you not to put divots in my drywall when you open the door.”

  Bronx ignored him, slamming the door shut, and saying, “I want to open a new branch. The town is ideally situated and there’s no competition. I told the Alpha all I needed was a strong, bright young man to take care of the paperwork and help keep the place running when I was away driving the truck, but no. He says I have to take a married couple because that’s what people expect in a town. Where the fuck am I to find a married couple I won’t want to strangle within ten minutes of meeting them?”

  York smiled. His big friend wouldn’t really strangle anyone. Smash a hole in the drywall? Yes. But actually hurt people? No. “So who are you taking with you?”


  “Which mated pair are you taking to establish this new branch with you?”

  “Oh, yeah. Kingston said he wouldn’t mind if you went with me. That you could do stuff for him remotely, and that other people could take over the hands-on tasks here. But we need a woman. The Alpha said small towns think men alone are going to be troublemakers but that if we have a woman with us we’ll be accepted better. Personally I think he’s crazy but—um, what I mean is, I’m sure the Alpha is correct, but where the fuck am I to find a woman?”

  York was struggling not to laugh. Poor Bronx. He wanted to rant at Master Kingston but his innate allegiance to his Alpha wouldn’t let him. Best to put the poor man out of his misery. “Sit down, relax and let me tell you about Nevis.”

  “Who’s he?”



  “Nevis is a female speech therapist, a human. She’s been staying here for a couple of months to relax and plan some changes in her life. She’s not a college student. She’s maybe five, six years younger than me.”

  “How did she get here if she’s human? Is one of her parents a wolf?”

  “Not as far as I know. She said she was good friends with one of Kingston’s ex-girlfriends. She also likes BDSM, has a voluptuous body with rich curves, and has a great sense of humor. My dick has been wanting inside her pants since the moment I saw her.”

  “Did she say no to you?”

  “Nope. I didn’t ask her. Because she’s only here for a short break I thought I was wasting my time talking to her. For a start you weren’t here and weren’t likely to be here either. But now, if we’re going to start up some new branch and you need a woman, she’d be perfect. If I have to be dragged away from my nice apartment here on the mountain I’d like to be mated first. As a speech therapist presumably she’ll find some work in town or nearby, I’ll work online for the pack and do your front office stuff, and you can set up the new branch.”

  “York, she’s a woman. What’s she going to say when she finds the place I want to buy as our base is a disused warehouse and her new home is a double-wide trailer?”

  “We can clean it for her, let her buy curtains, and whatever girl stuff she craves. The only thing we need is a great big bed for us to fuck her on, and a front room with Internet and a table for me to use as an office. This town has got Internet, hasn’t it?”

  “Yes, it has. I checked that. I’m not stupid.”

  “Good to know.” York grinned at his big friend. Poor Bronx looked quite stunned at the thought there might be a woman around who could partner with them. He’d gotten to know Nevis some during their card games each week, and didn’t think she’d panic at the thought of having to clean up an old trailer and turn it into both an office and a home, at least until the business was up and running properly. Not that he knew much about establishing a transportation business. His skills were more in computer technology. But he could follow instructions well enough.

  “All right. So where is this woman? And how do we convince her to come to Pine Corner with us?”

  Fuck! That was going to be a tricky question to answer.

  Chapter Two

  Nevis had spent several hours online, but there weren’t any jobs she really wanted. Several speech pathologists were looking for a new partner to buy into the business, but a couple of the advertisements looked dodgy to her and the rest were out of her price range. She needed a practice in a town big enough to have enough clients for her to work full-time, but she didn’t want to be in a major city where too many clients were likely to be adult victims of accidents and violence.

  “You’re too fussy. That’s your problem,” she told herself, standing up from her laptop and wiggling her shoulders.

  She shrugged out of her T-shirt and pulled off her jeans, putting her bathing suit on, then getting dressed again and grabbing a towel. She’d go do her absolute favorite thing. Sit in the hot spring and relax.

  Sometimes there were other people there to talk to, other times she was alone. Either way was fine by her. The hot, bubbling water relaxed and soothed her the
way nothing else had done in years. In fact, the only thing better than a soak in the hot spring was a damn good orgasm, and she hadn’t had one of those in so long it was a distant memory. If only she could have found herself a Master she might be chained up in a dungeon right now, getting her ass whipped and reaching orgasm that way.

  She sighed and headed down the stairs to the lowest basement where the hot spring bubbled up from the rock of the mountain.

  One of the other women, Katie, was just leaving as she arrived, and they exchanged a quick, “Hi, How are you?” before Nevis settled into her favorite spot in the pool. Because it was a natural hot spring, the pool was an organic shape, not square or rectangular, surrounded by rock, with rock sides and a rock base. Fortunately, the water bubbling over the stones for millennia meant the base was perfectly smooth to stand and walk on and surprising comfortable to sit on and rest her head back.

  The farthest corner of the pool had a curtain on a wire which could be pulled across for privacy. Apparently sometimes Masters used that area with their subs, but Nevis had never been here when it was in use. It seemed to her that the people who lived here didn’t visit this amazing pool nearly as much as they should. She was going to miss it when she left, that was for sure.

  She sank in the water and closed her eyes, relaxing. Maybe she should look for an office job instead of one as a speech therapist, she thought. She’d had plenty of experience with paperwork. Even a speech therapist had hours of that to fill in each week. She was reasonably competent with computer programs. Maybe a nice brain-dead job in an office entering data or shuffling paper would suit her. But no, it wouldn’t. She liked to keep her mind active. A paperwork job would need some challenges or she’d be bored to tears in a couple of days. Well, damn. That was another good idea she couldn’t use.

  A little while later she heard male voices and opened her eyes again. York was standing in the doorway, talking to the huge man who’d just arrived on the helicopter this afternoon. Maybe he was a visitor and York was showing him around.

  “Hey, Nevis, I’ve been looking for you,” called York, coming into the room.


  “Yes. This is Bronx. He wanted to meet you.”

  She wondered what the etiquette was here. Should she stand up? They were both fully clothed. She decided perhaps she ought to rise, so she stood and waded across the spring to the side nearest the men. “Hi.”

  Bronx took her hand, and instead of shaking it, he turned it over and kissed her wrist. And oh, what a kiss it was. He nibbled and licked at her skin, raising her blood pressure until her honey began to drip from her pussy. And she was only wearing a swimsuit. She hoped neither of them would be able to tell.

  Bronx gazed deep into her eyes—his were gray, she noted—and said, “I very much need to talk to you but I didn’t bring any swimwear with me. If I draw the curtain, will you step behind it with us?”

  “Of course,” she agreed, even though she had no idea why he’d asked her. It was a curtain. It wouldn’t block his voice and what he had to say if anyone came in there. They’d still hear him.

  She walked back across the pool and into the small area that would be hidden when the curtain was closed. Both men were taking off their shoes and socks. To pull the curtain? Instead of lying back in the water as she’d been doing, she sat on the rock base and crossed her legs, wondering where they would stand. Or would they drag one of the chaise longues over to sit on while they talked to her? And why did Bronx want to talk her to her? What could he possibly have to say? Unless he knew of a job perhaps? But then why draw the curtain?

  Both men moved over to a chaise longue, but instead of pulling it up closer to the water, they began undressing, dropping their clothes on it. Bronx was naked very quickly and he strode across to the pool, undid the tie holding the curtain, and pulled it around to hide them. Nevis blinked at his body. Damn, he was amazing. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him and his tan extended over every inch of his skin. Nakedness obviously didn’t bother him at all. And his cock was huge. And aroused.

  York apparently wasn’t shy either. He was leaner than Bronx, and not quite as tall, but his muscles were well defined and he walked with the loose-limbed grace of a runner. His cock was aroused as well, standing out from his body. He stepped into the pool and sat on the edge, within touching distance of her.

  When Bronx had drawn the curtain closing off this corner of the room, he sat in the water in front of her. “York was right. You are very beautiful.”

  Nevis felt herself blushing, but mostly she was surprised. She had no idea what he wanted to say to her, and a naked man telling her she was beautiful looked very much like she’d be flat on her back in bed really soon. Not that she’d complain about that with two such spectacular men as these, but it wasn’t what she’d been expecting when she came down here today.

  “And your point is?” she challenged him. Then she looked down at the water. That was rude. She shouldn’t have said that. She looked up again at his face but he didn’t seem disturbed by her rude remark. He simply smiled at her and said, “The Hot Springs Transportation Company is establishing a new branch office at Pine Corner. I am being sent to set it up and York is coming to help me. Master Kingston said small country towns expect men to be accompanied by a woman.”

  Bronx picked up one her feet and began stroking her toes. His big hands were gentle as he played with each toe in turn, sending erotic shivers running from her foot right up to her cunt.

  York leaned forward from the edge of the pool, his body now only a few inches away from hers. “As soon as Bronx told me this, I thought of you. Ever since you arrived here I’ve been attracted to you, Nevis. Long ago, Bronx and I decided we would share a woman, if we found one who appealed to us. I know you’ve said you’re open to the idea of ménages and BDSM. Are you also open to the idea of moving to Pine Corner with us as our woman?”

  Nevis’s mouth was ready to say, “Yes, yes, yes,” but her brain was trying hard to force her gaze away from these two magnificent, naked men, and to think about what they were saying. She looked from Bronx to York, and back to Bronx. There were just a few gray flecks in his hair, matching the gray of his eyes. Determinedly she closed her eyes and concentrated. “Let me get this straight. Bronx, you’re going to some place called Pine Corner. There you’ll open a new branch of the transportation business.” She turned slightly to look back at York. “You will remain in the office complex at Pine Corner running the business side of the new branch. Which means Bronx will be somewhere else, talking to customers, or potential customers. So what will I be doing?”

  “At first we’ll all be at Pine Corner together. The building I want to use is an old warehouse with a large parking lot. Plenty large enough for a couple big rigs. There’s a double-wide trailer home on the land as well, which will be the office and our home. Mostly I’ll be in the office or around town, finding customers, and quoting for prices, and also renovating the premises. I expect I’ll need to drive the trucks at least at first, until we can afford to hire a driver. Likely one of the men from the pack would be happy to work for me. It’s not all that hard to get a license to drive a B-Train. As for what you’d be doing, that’d be up to you. Decorate our home, work as a speech pathologist, help out in the office. Whatever you might want to do during the daytime. Then at night, you’d be ours, and I can promise you more orgasms every night than you’ve ever had before.”

  Bronx lifted her foot up to his mouth and sucked each toe slowly, one after the other. By the time he reached the last one Nevis had to place both hands on the base of the pool to support herself she was so weak with lust. She had no doubt he’d give her orgasms. She was within an inch of coming right now.

  “When were you planning to go there?” she asked, her voice breathy with the need to come that was racing through her body.

  “In a day or two, I suppose.” Bronx lifted her onto his lap and pulled the straps of her swimwear down her arms. Both of his hands gripped
her back as he sucked a breast into his mouth. He held her against him, sucking hard on her nipple.

  She clutched his head and wrapped her legs around his big body, hardly able to breathe from the tension building inside her. He was going to bring her to climax just by touching one foot and one breast. She could scarcely believe this was happening. Then she felt York moving behind her and pushing her swimsuit farther down her body. York’s lips traced along her shoulder and her spine until both his hands were massaging her ass. The second he thrust a finger into her ass she came, shaking and shivering in their arms. Bronx stood up, still holding her, and York pulled her swimwear off her legs.

  Before she could work out what was happening she was flat on her back on the side of the pool and York’s mouth was on her cunt, sucking her clit, biting her nether lips, licking along her seam, and tongue-fucking her.

  Bronx’s big hands pushed her breasts together and he was sliding his damp cock between them, somehow still managing to tease and tug on her nipples while he fucked her breasts. Then his lips possessed her mouth and all the air was sucked out of her lungs in a long, passionate kiss.

  “That was a little nothing of an orgasm. You can do much better than that. Come again for me,” Bronx ordered in a deep, husky tone.

  York’s tongue was deep inside her pussy, his fingers stroking the delicate skin of her inner thighs, and then he lifted one leg high in the air and began teasing behind her knee. It sent a surge of carnal lust through her and once again she was about to climax.

  She stuck her tongue out and on Bronx’s next thrust between her breasts she flicked it over the head of his cock. It was damp with pre-cum and he tasted of salt, spice, and moist earth. It was a heady combination and she wanted more of him, much more of him.

  But it was too late. York thrust two fingers into her pussy and scraped a fingernail over her G-spot, and she shattered again, harder this time, shaking and shivering until she was just a limp wet puddle on the side of the hot spring.


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