Undone by Her Two Masters [The Wolf Masters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Undone by Her Two Masters [The Wolf Masters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Berengaria Brown

  York and two other men were loading boxes into the body of the helicopter and Trenton was removing the chains that held the chopper down on the roof.

  “Where’s Andorra?” Nevis asked, not seeing her friend around.

  “I had to take a row of seats out to fit all the luggage in, so with five of you there wasn’t room for her today. Do you want to sit up front with me?”

  “Oh, yes, please.”

  “Climb in then.”

  Nevis clambered up into the copilot’s seat and stared at all the dials and switches in front of her, glad it was Andorra learning to fly and not her. But she had a fantastic view through the big glass window in front of her. Actually, likely it wasn’t glass. But whatever it was, see could see so much more from here than from back in the rear of the machine. And Trenton had said five of them so that meant he was bringing the two men helping York load all his gear to help unload it as well. That was great.

  Nevis really enjoyed the ride back to Pine Corner. Already she recognized some of the scenery on the way and the shape of the river north of the town. Once they arrived, she stayed in the helicopter as the men unlocked the warehouse and the trailer. Bronx told them where he wanted York’s gear stacked and the men began work. She thought if she was at all competitive she’d be there carrying the boxes as well, and supposed she was lazy in addition to not being pushy. But seriously, there were five big, brawny, muscular men, counting Trenton, and she’d only be able to lift the smaller boxes, so why get in their way?

  One thing she could do was check out the auto dealerships in town, so she opened up her laptop and did that, pleased the Internet came up instantly. She didn’t really know all that much about cars, but thought making a short list of vehicles available might be helpful, so she did. She looked for a while at a glamorous sports car, and thought clients might like being driven around town in that, but seriously, a small car was all they needed for chores and driving the occasional client around. If a family came to visit, they’d obviously be in their own vehicle. In fact almost everyone who came to their door would already be driving their own car.

  She bookmarked a few images and thought some more. What else might be of help to them? A restaurant or two perhaps? Once again she began searching and was soon engrossed reading the reviews for various eateries. The Pine Plantation sounded perfect to her so she bookmarked it. Perhaps they could go there for a meal tonight and check it out.

  Nevis looked over her shoulder and noticed most of the boxes had been emptied out of the helicopter. Quickly she shut her laptop down and climbed out of the machine.

  They thanked all the men then Trenton lifted off, and Nevis stood looking at York and Bronx. Well, she was here now to stay. Alone with her two new Masters.

  * * * *

  “So what’s first, Bronx? Taking our overnight bags to the hotel or buying a car?” asked York.

  Bronx wished he knew. There were good arguments for both but he really didn’t want to leave the property just yet. “The fence people are coming this afternoon and it’d be just my luck they’d turn up at one if I wasn’t back until ten after,” he replied.

  “Yeah, but if you sit here on your ass all day they won’t come until five,” joked York.

  “Why don’t you two call a taxi, drop off our bags at Pine Corner Plaza and get our room keys, then go and do some research on vehicles. Until we get our wheels we’ll be hampered in whatever we do. And bring back some food,” he added, as his stomach reminded him he’d eaten breakfast very early that morning.

  “I already looked at cars. What do you think of these ones?” Nevis opened her laptop and held it one handed as she called up the Internet then hit a bookmark. Bronx half expected her to have chosen some pink, girly, frilly toy of a car, but the ones she showed him looked like the sort of thing he might have chosen himself.

  He pulled the company credit card out of his wallet, handed it to her and said, “Take each car for a test drive before you buy it and demand to drive on a dirt track as well as on the road.”

  She gave him a long stare, and then put the card in her wallet. “Okay.”

  York got out his cell phone while she put her laptop away again. “Do you know what the local taxi company is called?”

  Bronx shook his head. “Try Pine Corner Taxis.”

  Nevis laughed then laughed again when York said, “Pine Corner Taxi Service.”

  The taxi arrived less than five minutes later, and Bronx was just watching it and his partners disappear down the road, when a truck with “Sam’s Fencing” painted on the door pulled up in his parking lot.

  “Hey there, I’m Sam. We’re a bit early but we saw the whirlybird go over so we knew you’d arrived already. Now, show me where you want this fence.”

  Bronx was really glad he hadn’t decided to risk going with York and Nevis. “I was thinking to enclose the entire property with a fence say, nine feet high. I don’t want kids climbing in thinking it’d be fun to drive a big truck, then wrecking it for me.”

  “Nine foot ain’t going to stop nobody. Now a nice bit of razor wire at the top, that’d be a deterrent,” said Sam.

  They walked the boundaries of the property, worked out where the gates would be, and Sam quoted him a price that was less than he’d feared the fence might cost. They shook hands on the deal, and Sam said he’d start work in two days.

  “I have to go pick up the big rig, and clean out my old apartment. I’ll be here tomorrow then gone for a few days to do that,” said Bronx.

  “Not a problem. I’ll buy the materials tomorrow, then get the post-hole digger in the day after. By the time you get back with your truck it should be near enough to done. Having your business here will be good for the town. Right now, any time we want to ship something we’ve got to go to Jerseyville. It’ll be much better with you right here. My sister has an antique furniture business. She’s been talking about advertising on the web, and with you here that’d solve all her shipping issues. Her name’s Cherice. Go talk to her once you’re open for business.”

  “Thank you. I will.” Bronx shook Sam’s hand and waved as he pulled out of the parking lot. He scribbled Cherice’s name on the back of the fencing paperwork, and then walked over to the trailer.

  Bronx flung the door open wide and then opened all the windows as well to air the double-wide. He paced out the first room. By the time he got his desk, file cabinet, a table for the printer and other gear, and a couple of customer’s chairs in there, there wouldn’t be a lot of space left, but it would do. On the right was a large closet and on the left a small bathroom. Next came the living area with a functional kitchen and plenty of space for a couch, TV, and a small dining table and chairs.

  The final room was the bedroom. It was big enough for a large bed and had a closet that extended the entire length of the side wall, which should hold all their in-season clothing. Storage wasn’t going to be a problem because they had an entire warehouse, but as a combined living area and office, the trailer wasn’t particularly large.

  He walked outside pacing around the back of the building. A large concrete square, adjacent to the living area, attracted his gaze. He’d noticed it when he and Sam were walking the fence line, but he hadn’t really paid attention to it. However, it was the obvious place to extend the trailer, effectively doubling the size of the living room. And if he laid concrete to the end of the building he could double the size of the bedroom as well. Then their home would be more than adequate.

  Of course, the office was still going to be small, but that was really just for show anyway. He liked the way Mike did business in a local café. Likely he’d do that too. Although not in the French cake shop. Hell, he’d be fatter than Mike in a week if he did.

  Bronx sat on the front step of the trailer.

  Would Nevis feel on edge if she was in the trailer and there were customers in the office? This was going to be her home and he didn’t want her to feel she had to be out of it all day. He really needed to check the local restaur

  Bronx walked back inside and stared at the short hallway from the office past the closet and bathroom. The bedroom opened directly out of the living room. What if he put a door across the hallway to close off the living room? She could lock it from the other side if she wanted to. That would solve any privacy issues.

  Next he looked at the closet. They didn’t really need that. They had an entire warehouse to store their things in. If he pulled down the hall wall and closet wall on the office side, that would make the office much less cramped.

  Happy with his thoughts and decisions, he walked out of the trailer again to wait on the front step. Before he could sit down again a white Ford Galaxy minivan, closely followed by a metallic green Dodge Dart, pulled into the parking lot and drove slowly toward him. Uh-huh. It looked as though the Pine Corner Branch of the Hot Springs Transportation Company now had vehicles. He only hoped Kingston didn’t start yelling at him when the credit card bills began arriving.

  * * * *

  York was feeling really thrilled at how much they’d achieved in one day. He liked all Bronx’s ideas for the trailer and Bronx was content with his and Nevis’s choice of vehicles. “Also, the car dealers told us they sometimes get asked to ship vehicles around the country but haven’t been able to because there was no easy way to do that. Now we’re here they’ll accept a few contracts and ship with us to see how it goes.”

  “That means you’re going to need ramps to drive the cars up into the new truck, but that’s what we’ll be doing with Kermit here anyway, isn’t it.” added Nevis.

  York nearly choked when he saw Bronx’s face as Nevis innocently said “Kermit.”


  “That’s right. His former owner named him that and it really suits him, so I said he wouldn’t have to learn a new name. The car shop man was really pleased about that.”

  They ate their hot beef sandwiches and talked some more, planning the next few days, then Nevis got out her laptop again and they searched for builders to talk about alterations to the trailer. York looked at the three of them squashed onto the front steps of the trailer and said, “We need a deck out front as well. Big enough for a table and a few chairs so we can sit out here and talk on sunny days. Maybe even with enough space for a grill so we can have a few friends over for a barbecue, and entertain clients here sometimes.”

  “Oh, good idea.” Nevis smiled at him and his heart turned over. Everything she did and said impressed him. She was kind and friendly, but smart as well. Everyone they’d spoken to today had ended up as Nevis’s friend.

  York was filled with admiration for her. And also lust. Oh how his dick ached to get to know her better. He wanted—no, needed—to fuck her hard until she came screaming in release and he filled her with his cum. Him and Bronx both.

  Likely a motel room wasn’t the right place to test that out BDSM. But one day soon they would. He knew Bronx had a very extensive toy box designed to bring any woman to her knees begging her Masters for release. He wanted that for Nevis. To see her naked, with her ass red and her tits engorged, her body bent over a spanking bench, or stretched up by chains, as they both fucked her until she orgasmed over and over again.

  York stared at Bronx and said softly, “So, Nevis. Are you going to let us both fuck you tonight?”

  Chapter Four

  All the breath left Nevis’s body when York spoke. Her jaw was open and she pulled in a big breath through her mouth. Her nipples were pressing against the soft cotton of her bra in a way that more than answered York’s question. Her damp panties were a mighty big hint as well.

  “Jen’s Cleaning team is going to be here at eight. Someone needs to be here to let them in.” She knew it wasn’t answering the question but it was the best she could do right now.

  “Yeah, I know. I also need to talk to some builders, contact Chandler, and plan a route for picking up your belongings and mine, but none of that will be happening after dark tonight. In your bedroom,” said Bronx, his gray gaze focused on her face.

  Nevis felt her cheeks blushing under the combined stares of the two men. “I am,” she said softly, finally answering York’s question.

  “Good. Well let’s go do that,” said Bronx, standing up.

  “But it’s only six. Not even nighttime,” she replied.

  “When York and I fuck a woman it’s not all over in five minutes.” Bronx went inside the trailer and she saw a window shut, then another one. York collected their trash and put it all inside one bag. So Nevis stood up and collected her purse and laptop before crossing the parking lot to Kermit. It looked like she was about to be fucked. And she wanted that. Very much. She knew these men would give her a good orgasm. Hell, they already had. But she trusted them to pleasure her thoroughly. She wondered if one or another of them might spank her or something, but sadly decided not in a hotel. If she screamed the owner would be likely to call the police on them all, which would not be good for their new branch office business.

  Bronx locked up the trailer, and York brought out their suitcases from the warehouse and locked it, then both men climbed into the minivan and followed her back to Pine Corner Plaza.

  Once again, she let the men carry the luggage to their rooms. Bronx dropped all three suitcases in the first room, then looked at all three rooms. Hers was the last one on the floor, looking out over a garden, with York’s next to her and Bronx across the hallway.

  “This one is the most private, said Bronx transferring the luggage to her room.

  “And what will the maid say when only one bed is slept in and only the towels in this room are used?” she teased them.

  “We can fix that up later,” said Bronx dismissively.

  “No, she’s right,” said York. He ducked back into the other rooms and returned to Nevis’s room with an armful of towels and bath soaps.

  “Okay, tomorrow morning we’ll mess up our rooms a little, especially the beds, and take our luggage back there,” conceded Bronx.

  “First things first. It’s been a long day. Let’s shower.” Bronx and York both stepped right up to her and began undressing her, just like that. Nevis stood still, bemused, as item by item her clothing disappeared. Finally she reached out to the buttons on York’s shirt and unfastened them, and then unbuckled his belt. But that was all she had time for before she was naked and being carried into the bathroom.

  It was a typical hotel bathroom, which was to say, small. All three of them in there at once was quite crowded, but neither of the men seemed to notice. Bronx turned the shower on, and York kicked his shoes off. Nevis felt the water and stepped into the tub. It was warm but not quite hot enough yet. At least with her in the tub the man had a little more space to get undressed. She altered the faucet until the water temperature was just right, then moved under the spray. Almost instantly York was behind her, his hands full of bath gel, which he smoothed over her back and sides.

  Bronx joined them, wrapping his big arms around them both and turning them so York’s back was against the tiles, Nevis was in the middle, and Bronx was now behind her. He kneeled on the base of the tub, took one of the little bottles of body wash, and massaged her legs and feet. Nevis sighed. The two of them together were an unbeatable team. She wasn’t sure whether or not this was supposed to be sexy, but it was as sure as hell arousing her.

  York’s hands were on her breasts, cupping the globes and teasing her nipples while he whispered carnal comments about her body in her ear, every now and then kissing her neck, her jaw line and the lobe of her ear.

  Bronx moved her again, then placed his big feet on the inside of her legs, forcing her into a wider stance. Once she was steady again, he kneeled back down in the tub and began massaging around her anus. “Have you been fucked here before, Nevis?”

  “Not for a long time,” she replied.

  It was embarrassing to think how long. She was thirty-five and hadn’t been in a relationship for so long it seemed almost like ancient history.

  “Did you like b
eing fucked in the ass? It’s very tight,” Bronx continued.

  “I didn’t dislike it. I mean, I usually came.” Once again Nevis could feel her face heating into a blush.

  “Usually? You usually came? Sweetheart, I can promise you Bronx and I will ensure you always come. And always come more than once. A woman like you is built for multiple orgasms. You deserve to be fucked in a way that lets you enjoy much pleasure,” said York.

  Nevis’s eyes closed as she rocked backward and forward on Bronx’s thick finger in her ass. Then there were two fingers and the need to come was growing inside her. York’s mouth was on her shoulder and his fingers tugged and pinched her nipples. Bronx’s other hand covered her pussy and two fingers slipped inside her slit. The men’s fingers were pumping her harder and harder, and when Bronx pressed the heel of his hand over her clit Nevis had to fold her lips tightly together as an orgasm crashed through her. She sagged in release, held up only by the men’s hands. Someone turned the water off, and Bronx lifted her out of the tub, holding her on his lap as he sat on the facilities. York wrapped a towel around her and began patting her dry.

  “Well done not to call out. When we move into our trailer I’ll delight in making you scream, but here it’s not such a good idea,” said Bronx.

  It was York who carried her into the bed and laid her on her side. “You understand we’re going to claim you now? We’re both going to fuck you together?” he asked.

  Or maybe he wasn’t really asking. Why else would Bronx have opened her ass and questioned her about anal sex?

  “I know. I want that. I want you both.”

  “We want you, too. It’s been hard waiting these few days to get you into our bed. But we’ll make it worth the wait. We’re going to love you most thoroughly now,” said Bronx.

  “You already have.”

  “It only gets better, sweetheart.” York kissed her, his lips soft but firm as he gradually increased the pressure until his tongue entered her mouth, at exactly the same time as his cock penetrated her cunt. Nevis gasped at the erotic timing and then at his skill as he continued tongue-fucking her while wiggling deeper into her cunt until his balls rested against her skin.


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