CAPTIVE ON THE FENS a gripping crime thriller full of twists

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CAPTIVE ON THE FENS a gripping crime thriller full of twists Page 22

by Joy Ellis

  ‘I don’t recall mentioning that she was dead?’

  ‘It’s a figure of speech, DI Galena,’ said Dooley slowly, ‘as you well know. “Why kill the goose that lays the golden egg?” And I have to ask the same question, because it seems to me that my client had a very good reason to keep her safe, don’t you think?’

  Nikki glowered, but was forced to agree. She didn’t for one moment think that Ash was snowy white. In fact he probably had two strings to his bow — looking for real talent, and finding girls for Freddie’s sex work. But she wasn’t convinced that he had abducted Dina, and although the thought of going back to the drawing board was a depressing one, it looked like that was where they were heading.

  ‘Okay, you are free to go. But do not leave Greenborough. I want you to book straight back into the Alma and stay there until I say you can go. Is that clear?’

  Ash nodded furiously. ‘Yes, I’ll do that.’

  ‘You’d better, Mr Ash. This is not a polite request, it’s an order.’

  Outside, Joseph asked, ‘You trust him to stay?’

  ‘No, but he might surprise us. And there’s something about his story that rings true, isn’t there?’

  ‘I think he did want out from Carver’s clutches, and what better way to go than on the arm of a beautiful girl who could make him rich.’

  Nikki leaned back against the corridor wall. ‘So, they were planning a trip to London for an audition, they did hang out together, and he did ferry her around in his car. Mmm, and he did fancy her.’

  ‘But he came to a grinding halt at the suggestion of anything more than a kiss.’ Joseph pulled a face. ‘Because she already had someone else?’

  ‘Or more likely because she was a virgin.’ Nikki raised an eyebrow. ‘She’d held out for all this time, maybe she wanted to be absolutely sure that this young Lothario was not just going to have his wicked way and then bugger off.’

  ‘But what if someone else was lurking in the background? Someone who was not happy about her hanging around with a well-heeled and charming villain with a flash car? Someone who maybe wanted her for himself?’

  ‘Perhaps we should talk to her three suitors again — Robby Lyons, Arthur Kirkby and the diarist himself, Keel Chandler.’

  Together they walked back up the stairs to Nikki’s office.

  ‘Let’s see what the team have found out about those three guys, shall we? Then maybe we’ll pay them another visit.’

  ‘I should ring and check on Dominic Jarvis. I guess the officer watching him would have rung if he didn’t make it, but I’d like to know what the score is.’

  ‘Definitely, and I’ll see how arrangements are going for apprehending Carver.’

  ‘I hope Ash wasn’t right about not knowing what Freddie is up to. This grass of a chauffeur with a tracker thing does seem a bit convenient, doesn’t it?’

  ‘I know, but we have to go along with it. Freddie’s men are falling like flies, and the driver could be kosher. We’ll soon see, and the worst that could happen is that while we are chasing one car, Freddie does a bunk in another one.’

  ‘Any news from Jessie?’ whispered Joseph.

  ‘No, and you know what they say about no news being good news.’

  * * *

  As soon as Niall had delivered the tracker to Freddie’s driver, he returned to the station and caught up with Yvonne. She was still immersed in Keel Chandler’s sketchbook.

  ‘There’s something here that I ought to understand,’ she said pensively. ‘But for the love of Mike, I can’t think what it is.’

  ‘It will come to you, it always does. It’s what you do best, sifting through information looking for connections.’

  Yvonne rubbed her eyes. ‘I suppose we will all be on high alert to take Carver down, but I’d really love to talk to the author of this tome.’

  ‘There are enough troops on the ground to bring down a small country, let alone one man. I’m sure they won’t miss us. Go have a word with the DI or the sarge.’

  ‘Don’t you want to be in on the action?’

  ‘You know me, I love a good scrap, but as it’s my engagement party this weekend, I rather think I should protect my boyish good looks for my bride to be.’

  ‘You muppet! She’d love you just as much with a black eye!’

  ‘Ah, but I really need to impress my future mother-in-law, don’t I? She’s coming to the engagement party and I don’t think she’s too happy about her daughter marrying a copper,’ he added, with feeling.

  ‘Oh right, I see.’ A wide smile spread over Yvonne’s face. ‘So we actually get to see the sarge’s ex-wife. Now that will be something, won’t it?’

  ‘She’s not a patch on the DI.’

  ‘Niall! Don’t even go there!’

  ‘Well, they are so well-suited, I just thought . . .’

  ‘Don’t think. You know how dangerous that can be in your case.’ She looked around. ‘Are they back from the Ash interview?’

  ‘They are in her office, I think.’

  ‘Then I’ll see if I can organise a trip to Carter’s Fen. Nothing should happen to that pretty face of yours out there.’

  * * *

  She was lying on the kitchen floor. She had tried to get out of the cottage, but found that the doors were locked from the outside and the keys had gone. She knew that she didn’t have the strength to get back to her bedroom, and she had been so exhausted by her efforts that she simply lay on the cold tiles and closed her eyes.

  The reason she had been trying to get out was to look for food.

  Animals and birds ate berries and fruits. Cows ate grass. Maybe she could do the same. She had discovered some stale bread in a bin in the kitchen, and then some dry cereal, but she would need to supplement it. All she had in abundance was brackish water. And brackish or not, she knew that water would keep her alive for some time. It was just the hunger that tore at her stomach — oh yes, and the pain. She gave a short cackling laugh. But she could actually do something about that now, because she had found his stash of her tablets in the bread bin. She wasn’t sure which was which, but they were all painkillers of some sort, so it didn’t matter really.

  As soon as she felt a little rested, she would get herself up, eat a crust of bread, then take some of the stronger pills. That would give her just enough respite to get back to her bedroom with her rations. She grimaced. And that’s what they were, rations to keep her going until . . . what? There were several possibilities, but she held onto her belief that he would come back. Come back with proper food, chocolates and even flowers perhaps? He’d tell her he loved her and get her a hot water bottle for her aching back and fluff her pillows to make her comfortable. He had never meant to leave her, she was sure of that. Something had to have happened. He’d cared for her for so long, he’d never abandon her now. He would come for her. He would.


  After lunch, Nikki called together an impromptu meeting of her team. She had a feeling that they were very close to finding out what had happened to Dina Jarvis. She also needed something to occupy her mind until they knew whether Freddie Carver had been apprehended.

  ‘Has anyone got anything interesting on the three musketeers — Lyons, Kirkby and Chandler?’

  ‘Lyons was really taken with Dina at the time, and doesn’t seem to have settled with anyone else since. A few casual girlfriends, but nothing serious,’ Dave said. ‘I think he had his heart set on Dina and no one else has matched up to her.’

  ‘So he would have been pretty pissed off when she was sweet-talked by Ash,’ added Nikki. ‘Angry enough to confront her about it, do you think?’

  ‘He does have a temper,’ said Joseph. ‘I saw that when I interviewed him. He was extremely reluctant to speak to the police. He could have done as you said, and maybe lashed out and hit her too hard. I don’t think he would have intentionally hurt her, but if he saw red, who knows?’

  ‘And Kirkby?’

  ‘He was much more laid back, al
most flippant, but I got the impression that he was also deeply hurt by her.’ Joseph frowned. ‘This has probably got nothing to do with anything, but I don’t think he liked Dominic much. Apparently Kirkby, who loved her singing voice, had been urging her to make a demo in a mate’s studio. Dominic wasn’t keen, and Dina turned down the offer.’

  ‘I’ve found out something else about him,’ volunteered Cat. ‘Kirkby worked with Dominic Jarvis for a year or so, and my enquiries tell me that you are probably right, Sarge. He didn’t get on with Dominic at all.’

  ‘Where was that?’

  ‘The psychiatric hospital at Needham Hall. They were both nurses there and both specialised in caring for the elderly. After a time, Kirkby threw in the towel and went for the job at the nursing home where he is now.’

  ‘And Dominic?’

  ‘He had to give up after his sister disappeared. He was off sick for ages. The Jarvis twins weren’t badly off, by the way. Apart from the mortgage-free property, there was some kind of legacy a while back, they were left a considerable sum of money. He’s not working anywhere at present.’

  ‘And I suspect he won’t be working for some time, if ever.’ Joseph’s voice was grave. ‘He’s in ICU and they are still saying that his chances of survival are poor.’

  Nikki felt a chill of recognition at hearing those words. It was what they had said about her lovely Hannah. They had been right, it had been a very long time with a lot of heartache, until she finally gave up. She blinked and moved the conversation on. ‘So, do we think Kirkby is a possible candidate?’

  Joseph sounded reflective. ‘I’d be surprised, but I got the feeling that I wasn’t seeing the real Arthur Kirkby. It was almost as though he was putting on an act for us. Good bloke, and all that, but underneath, well, I’m not sure what was going on. I think he’s deep, that one.’

  ‘And deep can be dangerous,’ added Dave.

  ‘And then we come to Keel Chandler,’ continued Nikki.

  ‘Yvonne and I have been studying his book, and we both agree that he needs to be interviewed again. We are quite certain that this diary is telling us something, but we don’t know what.’ Joseph shook his head.

  ‘Is he actually mentally ill? Could he have been so infatuated with Dina that he killed her rather than let Gibson Ash take her from him?’ asked Nikki.

  Joseph frowned. ‘He certainly has learning difficulties and psychological problems, hence we can’t rule that thought out, but my personal impression of him tells me no. I don’t think he would hurt anything or anyone, especially not someone he cared about.’

  ‘Then we should go talk to him again.’

  ‘Can I take that one, ma’am?’ asked Yvonne. ‘I’d really like the chance to speak to Keel.’

  ‘Me too,’ chipped in Joseph.

  ‘Okay. As I’m getting really jumpy about the Carver takedown and I don’t want to wear my carpet out, I’ll drive you. It’s my old stamping ground, and I don’t want you two wandering aimlessly around the fen lanes for hours on end.’

  Yvonne grinned. ‘That’s a relief. I know this area like the back of my hand, but Rainer’s Gowt and that part of Carter’s Fen are still a mystery to me.’

  ‘So, anything else?’

  Cat stood up. ‘One thing, ma’am. I’ve had a text from Derbyshire and it seems that the Met have identified something buried beneath the flooring of the garden room at Freddie Carver’s old property. They are probably firing up the Kango drills as we speak.’

  ‘If they find the remains of his first wife, he’ll be looking at life.’ Nikki smiled grimly.

  ‘Apart from all the other crimes that his men are fessing up to,’ chuckled Dave, rubbing his hands together.

  ‘Don’t want to put a downer on proceedings, folks, but we haven’t caught him yet,’ Cat said.

  ‘A mere formality,’ said Dave. ‘This time that villain is ours! And he can kiss goodbye to his sunshine home on the Costa del Crime.’

  * * *

  Nikki parked the Land Rover outside the Chandlers’ cottage and looked around. A strong wind was blowing salty ozone in across the marsh. She sighed. She had always loved this desolate spot. Once upon a time the Chandler family had been her great aunt’s nearest neighbours. She wondered if old lady Chandler would recognise her.

  ‘Well, well. Little Nikki Reed! My, how you’ve grown, duck!’

  That answered her question. ‘Mrs Chandler, how are you?’

  ‘Good enough, all things considered.’

  ‘Is Keel around? We have returned his notebook and we’d like a quick word, if it’s no trouble?’

  ‘No trouble at all. He’ll be back any minute. I’ll get the kettle on.’ She looked at Joseph and Yvonne. ‘Three of you? You’re not planning on taking him away, are you?’ She cocked her head and smiled.

  ‘You’d probably like us to — give you a break.’

  ‘Oh aye! But the lad’s got a good heart and he does his best, even if he sometimes drives me to distraction.’ Mrs Chandler poured water from a big jug into the kettle and placed it on the range. ‘I’m guessing it’s about the missing lass?’

  Nikki nodded. ‘We have to find her, Mrs C. It’s a mystery that has gone on for too long now, and her brother is beside himself.’

  ‘It’s not good when you are left with no answers. One of my sons got washed out to sea, and the sea took a very long while to give him back to me. We dint know what had happened to him. He just dint come home one night. It was a bad time and no mistake.’

  ‘I don’t remember that.’

  The old woman sighed. ‘Long before your time, lass. And I nivver said owt after. No point, was there? No amount of talking would bring him back.’

  But I need to talk about my girl, thought Nikki. I want her memory to live on forever and you can’t do that if you bury it.

  ‘Hello.’ Keel pushed the door open and smiled warmly at them. ‘I saw your car. I like Land Rovers.’

  ‘Me too,’ said Nikki with an even bigger smile. ‘I’m Nikki. My aunt used to live near here.’

  ‘In the empty cottage down on Carter’s Fen?’

  ‘That’s the one.’

  ‘I hope you don’t mind, I searched it once, to look for Dina, but she wasn’t there.’

  ‘I don’t mind at all, it was very thoughtful of you to look for her’

  ‘I’ve searched everywhere, Nikki.’ He shrugged and frowned. ‘So why do I think she’s still here somewhere?’

  ‘Can my two friends ask you about your book, please, Keel?’

  ‘Oh yes, they are the police so they can ask anything they want.’ He looked over his shoulder towards the door. ‘And you may want to check your car. The radio in it was making funny noises.’

  Nikki frowned. ‘Okay, I’ll do that.’

  Outside, a gust of wind almost took her breath away. She opened the car door and slipped into the driver’s seat. It wasn’t her car radio, it was her police radio that was crackling loudly.

  She listened intently, but the static made it impossible to make anything out. Then she heard one word — Carver.

  Nikki gulped and wondered what on earth was going down. She had to know! Then she remembered that you could get a signal about a quarter of a mile back down the lane. It would take too long to go inside and ask to use the landline.

  Nikki leapt out of the car and ran to the cottage. ‘Stay put, Joseph! I’ll be back, okay?’

  Without waiting for a reply, she jumped back into the 4x4 and accelerated away. After three minutes, she picked up patchy radio contact. ‘Nikki Galena approaching Carter’s Fen. What is occurring? Over.’

  The signal was breaking up but just about intelligible. ‘Carver swapped cars. He is a passenger in the back of a black Lexus. The driver is the only other occupant, and the vehicle is suspected to be making for Salter’s Quay. We believe he has a boat waiting on the river.’

  ‘I can get there on the back lanes. Show me in pursuit.’

  ‘DI Galena! Wait for back up. We b
elieve he is armed. Repeat, he is armed.’

  ‘Sorry, I’m losing you.’ Nikki switched off the radio and put her foot down. She glanced at the clock. The tide would be high now, and on the turn. The perfect time to take a boat downriver and out into the Wash. Then into the North Sea, and speeding towards Holland and freedom.

  If you made it to the boat.

  Nikki set her jaw. Like so many places on the fen, Salter’s Quay was a bastard to find, unless you knew the way. There was a good chance that any pursuing police cars would have one hell of a time finding the right road in. She had a head start, she knew precisely which route the Lexus driver would have to take to get there, and she was approaching from the other direction. If the gods were in her favour, there was something she could do to put a big fat full stop to Freddie’s escape plan.

  She gritted her teeth and took a deep breath. All she needed was perfect timing, excellent driving skills, nerves of steel, and a skip-load of luck! She grinned darkly. Sounded good to her!

  As she flew around the lanes, churning up mud and scattering grit in her wake, she reminded herself of all the evil things Freddie had done. She saw Jessie, tears streaming down her face and condemned to years of living in purgatory. She thought about Graham receiving severed fingers, knowing that young women were being terrorised and probably killed, and unless he sentenced the woman he loved to the same fate, he could do nothing about it. She thought about the killers that Carver had introduced into her beloved Fenlands. Heartless, murdering assassins like Fabian and Venables.

  It was time to put a stop to all of it.

  It was time to draw the line.

  A few minutes later, Nikki slowed down. She was on the road to Salter’s Quay. It was a long, gently winding byroad with two narrow lanes. The turn off to the Quay was about halfway along, and Carver would be coming towards her from the opposite direction.

  She stopped the car and took a pair of birdwatcher’s binoculars from the glove compartment. In the distance she could see a single vehicle, travelling like the wind. Her eyes narrowed. It was black, a big saloon.


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