I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!)

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I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!) Page 1

by Sable Hunter


  Hell YEAH! Book Eleven

  Aron’s Homecoming


  “I’ll Remember You - Hell Yeah! Book Eleven is not meant to be a stand-alone book. It ties loose ends together from previous books and brings Aron McCoy home. There will be references to earlier events.”

  Continuing the Hell Yeah! Series with Book Eleven – Aron’s Homecoming!

  Aron and Libby McCoy became husband and wife. No woman could desire a more perfect love. But tragedy struck... while diving on their honeymoon, Aron does not come up from beneath the blue waters off the Cayman Islands. A massive rescue mission is launched, but the only clues found were his wedding ring and later a shredded wet suit covered in blood. The McCoy family is devastated. Libby is heartbroken - but none of them are willing to give up.

  At the end of Skye Blue, Noah McCoy receives a phone call from his cousin, Jaxson, that he has spotted a man who is the mirror image of Aron working at a ranch in Northern Mexico. Noah, determined to make his family whole again, takes off with Skye to see for himself. But on the way, he calls their PI, Roscoe, and finds out that there is more at stake - Aron may be alive, but he may be in more danger than the family ever thought possible.

  ‘I’ll Remember You’ will give the reader a chance to see the whole McCoy clan and friends come together to right a wrong that is tearing apart a family. There is action, adventure, a wedding, babies being born, a Christmas family reunion and enough love and tenderness to make you grab your heart and wish you could be a McCoy.

  *Content Warning: This version of the Hell Yeah! Series contains Explicit Content.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © Pending Sable Hunter

  All rights reserved.


  Six brothers. One Dynasty—


  Meet the McCoy brothers and their friends— men who love as hard as they play.

  Texas Cowboys – nothing hotter.


  Take a moment to check out Sable’s current and upcoming projects.

  Visit her on:

  Website: http://www.sablehunter.com

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorsablehunter

  Email: [email protected]

  Check out all of Sable’s books on Amazon


  Cover and Technical Advising by Added Touches


  Chapter One

  Aron and Libby’s Wedding Night

  “Come back here, Libby, you’re wiggling all over the place.” Aron tried in vain to pin her to the bed, but she was scooting around beneath the sheets like a little gopher. “What are you doing down there?”

  “I’m on an undercover mission.” He heard her mumble about the time he felt his underwear being tugged on.

  “Ah, now I know what you’re up to. You’re prowling around down there after my manly business.” He teased as a muffled giggle met his ears. Soft breaths fanned against his swelling cock. Every time Aron heard Libby laugh, it was as if he were seeing a rainbow for the first time.

  “We’re married now, Mr. McCoy.” Her tongue twirled around the tip end of his rod. “This is community property.”

  In spite of the mind-boggling pleasure, Aron laughed. An overpowering wave of love swept over him. He flung the sheet back and exposed his gorgeous wife.

  His wife.

  “God, I’m going to love being married to you.”

  She looked up at him, all the love in the world shining in her eyes, and he thought his heart would burst. “Mrs. Aron McCoy.” Libby beamed. “Who would’ve ever thought it?”

  Biting her lower lip, she concentrated on the task at hand, intrigued by the thick thrust of his cock pushing into her palm. Rubbing her lips across the wide crest, she purred to find it was hot to the touch, slightly damp with his excitement. A waterfall of tingling sensations cascaded down her body. She became wet, the intimate muscles of her sex opening and closing, longing to be filled.

  Libby ached, lord, she ached. Loving Aron was more than a want; it was a necessity.

  “Always and forever, Libby.” His next breath caught in his throat as she slid her tongue over the thick head with one slow, luscious lick. “Mercy!” Incredible heat flamed through his loins as she took him into the honeyed recesses of her mouth. Her kisses captivated him. They were pure magic. Aron wove his fingers through her silken hair. Watching her love him, seeing his cock disappear between her lips was amazing.

  This was his woman. The knowledge of what they’d been through and the miracle of their love only made the experience sweeter. This was more than sex; this was a celebration of their commitment. Aron had to bite his lip to keep from moaning. He didn’t know what was better, the ecstasy of the act or the wonder on her face as she brought him pleasure.

  “I never thought this day would come. You’re mine, Libby. Mine.” She didn’t speak, but she was listening. He could tell because she petted him, caressing his thigh, his sac, holding the base of his dick as she sucked him deep, that hot, pink tongue laving the sensitive underside of his shaft.

  “Uh-hmmmmm,” she agreed, making him gasp anew. His Libby had been innocent. He was her first and he’d have it no other way. But she sure as hell knew how to drive him crazy. With lips and tongue, she stroked and sucked hungrily, hollowing her cheeks and taking as much of him into the wet velvet of her mouth as she could.

  “Hell yeah.” Aron couldn’t contain the growl. “Perfect.” And she was—perfect for him. She came into his life when he’d given up on love and showed him what it really meant. Words weren’t sufficient to describe the exquisite pleasure sizzling from his balls, to his shaft, and right up his spine. It was like being bathed in ecstasy, a euphoria which intensified, building, filling him with desperation to claim her body as surely as he’d claimed her heart. When he’d given her his name, he’d also given her his devotion, his future—his life.

  Aron’s thighs tightened, straining to hold back his release. It felt too good to let go so quickly. Beads of sweat were popping out on his forehead, his shoulders. He was awash in heat, trying to stem the rapture, to give her time to play all she wanted. “Fuck…” he groaned when she let his cock slip from her lips, as she moved down to lick and suck at his balls. Aron was quaking, his control was slipping. Staccato bursts of sensation flowed through his body, making his dick throb as he strained to relish a few more moments.

  One more kiss. One more lick from that velvety tongue.

  Aron was holding Libby, his fingers tangled in her hair, the other hand rubbing her shoulder. His hips were flexing upward, pushing his cock into her mouth in short, sweet strokes. Barely hanging onto the precipice, Aron sought to stem his release. It was torture, but he didn’t want their first sexual act as man and wife to end by his cumming between her sexy lips. He needed to be inside of her when he came, driving deep and hard. Her mouth was amazing, but her pussy was tight, sweet—and it was home.

  But he had priorities. The first orgasm of the night belonged to Libby.

  “Up here, baby.” She whimpered her objection when he pulled out of her tender grip. “It’s my turn.” Guiding her to lie beside him, he stole a kiss. “I want to push my tongue deep inside of you, suck that cherry clit and make you cum all over my face.”

  The smile she gave him was worth a million dollars. A rosy blush stained her cheeks. “You’re
determined to make this honeymoon perfect. Aren’t you?”

  “I’m determined to make your life perfect.” Taking one of her hands in each of his, he held them next to her head while he straddled her small body, kissing her lips, sucking her neck, licking those luscious tits before making a place for his shoulders between her thighs. “Beautiful,” he whispered as he gazed at the pretty pink flesh before him. She was hot, glistening with arousal, and the noises she made as he kissed the tender folds gave him as much satisfaction as when she’d been pleasuring him with her tongue. Sucking her clit into his mouth, he licked it, twirled it, worshiping her in the most intimate way he knew how.

  Libby closed her eyes, drowning in the attention her husband was giving her. He knew exactly what to do. The man was a master. Waves of bliss were swamping her. She couldn’t be still. Opening her legs wider, she invited him to do anything he desired. Threading her fingers in his hair, she raised her head, hypnotized by the sight of the wide shouldered cowboy whose every intention was to bring her joy.

  This was heaven. Every kiss, suckle, lick or nibble made her hips buck. “Aron. I love you so.” The admission was wrung from her lips as ecstasy commanded the attention of every cell in her body. He didn’t speak. He didn’t have to—he showed her he loved her with every kiss, ever lick, pushing his tongue deep inside of her as she lifted her hips wanting more.

  The pleasure was more than she could process. An amazing heat built within her, a firestorm which flared red-hot as she flew apart. “Aron!” With grasping hands, she held on to his shoulders, trying to pull him up. “I need you. Please.” Her sheath was still fluttering amid her orgasm when he thrust inside her with one sure, powerful stroke. “Yes!”

  This was not their first time to make love, but every time was rapture. He filled her so completely, stretching her perfectly as he pushed in and pulled back. The pleasure did not abate as he possessed her; rather it continued and multiplied, making her writhe and scream. Her fingernails marked him as she clung to the man she loved.

  Aron was losing his mind. Holding himself up on his arms, he looked down into her face and then down to where they were joined. God, she was beautiful. He’d worked his way in and now his balls were slapping her pussy with every stroke. She was still cumming, one climax had flowed into another and his cock was being milked with every spasm. He was losing control, no matter how much he wanted to postpone the inevitable. Throwing his head back, he drove deep. His balls were so tight they hurt and his cock was near to bursting. He knew he was either going to cum hard or die. Bending to suck at her nipple, he gave himself over to the mindless sensual pleasure, losing himself in the love he had for this woman—his bride. Undulating his hips in a sensual figure eight, he let his cock drag in and out, watching her face as she surrendered to him, giving herself up to one more sweet release. Closing his eyes, he let go, fucking her with pounding, hammering strokes. Burying himself to the hilt, he groaned as hot jets of his semen filled her. “Libby! God, I adore you.” As she tossed her head from side to side, she held on to him, not only with her hands, but with her pussy, gripping, rippling, milking him of every drop. Aron shook, collapsing onto her, careful not to crush, but needing to feel her all the way up and down his body. “I love you so much.”

  Libby wrapped her arms around him, cradling Aron to her. “I know. I can feel it. And I love you more than anything.”

  “We’re going to be together forever, Libby. Nothing will ever tear us apart. I promise.” He was thinking of her remission, the battle she’d fought and won against leukemia. What would he do without her? Easing off to one side, he pulled her against him, placing his hand between them and over her tummy. “I will cherish you and our family all the days of my life.”

  Libby didn’t doubt him. This was her Aron. “Thank you for marrying me.”

  “Let me rest up, and we’ll do it all over again.”

  “Get married?” She teased.

  “No, silly.” He kissed her. “I did that wedding thing right this time, no need for do-overs.”

  Cupping the side of his face, she looked deep into his eyes. “As long as you do me over and over again, we won’t have any trouble.”

  “I called ‘Tag’, baby. You’re mine forever, you demanding little minx.”


  Honeymooning in the Caymans

  “You owe me one, Libby Pearl.” Aron waded into the water. “And I expect to collect tonight.”

  She ran her fingers down his back, dipping into the waistband of his wetsuit. “What if I promise to pay you back with interest.” Libby playfully pinched his hip.

  “Hey!” Catching her to him, he held her close, loving the feel of the small bump between them. Their babies. “Ah, a sexual incentive program. I can live with that.” The tide lapped up to their waist. Aron put his chin on her head and stared out at the ocean.

  “You really don’t like the water very much, do you?” Taking his hand, she gazed at her husband. To her he was invincible; a superhero who conquered both on the football field and in the rodeo arena. But his greatest accomplishment was holding his family together after they’d lost their parents. He was strong, solid, and compassionate, the best man she’d ever known. The idea that anything gave him pause was unfathomable to her.

  “Nope.” Aron squinted toward the horizon, noting cruise ships in the distance and a beautiful yacht, the Isabella, anchored not too far off shore. “The truth is, I almost drowned as a child on a summer vacation trip to Galveston Island.” He could still remember the clutching horror as he’d slipped beneath the waves. “My folks rented an inner-tube for me to float in just off shore. We’d gone to the Gulf of Mexico often, until this incident. Jacob was just a baby, so I was bobbing around out there all alone.”

  “Aron…” She could tell the memory bothered him.

  “But something happened. Mom and Dad were visiting with another couple and I wasn’t paying attention, just splashing and staring down into the water, looking for fish. The tide was going out and I drifted too far. When I looked up, I could barely make out my parents on shore.” Aron’s voice got distant with the memory. “I panicked, slipping down into the tube and under the water.” He laughed wryly. “Swimming was a skill I hadn’t perfected. You should have seen me. I must have been a sight. Swallowing water, clasping at the rubber, fighting and kicking to get a hand-hold, I screamed every time I surfaced.” The truth was, Aron had almost given up. “But a hand reached down, caught me, and pulled me up and into his arms. My father saved me.”

  “All right, that’s it. We’re not doing this.” Libby was adamant. “We’ll go shopping instead.”

  She turned, starting to tromp out of the water with fins on her feet. Aron thought she looked like a tropical penguin. “Shopping!” He grabbed her arm to halt her exit. “Stop it.” Disappointing her was not an option. “I’d rather dog-paddle to Cuba than go look at girly giggle-gaggles.” That wasn’t exactly true, but he was trying to use his considerable charm, here. “Come on, I want to do this.”

  Libby moved closer to him, close enough she could kiss his chest, licking a few of the tiny water droplets from his skin. “Are you sure?”


  “It’s safe, I promise.”

  “I believe you.”

  “Great!” She bounced in the water. “Come on! Let’s go.” She grabbed him by the forearm and began towing him deeper. “This will be so much fun. I’ve always wanted to snorkel. We’re going to have such a wonderful life Aron. Adventure after adventure.”

  “I’d rather have orgasm after orgasm,” he muttered, envisioning a lifetime of rescuing Libby from one perilous situation after another. Visions of the bar fight where she walloped Sabrina came to mind. And the terror he’d felt when Molly had thrown her after being spooked by the chicken snake. Both times she’d been fine, but every small bruise and scrape he found on her body just made him weak in the knees.

  “How about both? I want to do it all, Aron.” She held her arms up lik
e she wanted to hug the sky. “I’ve been given a second chance at life; and not just any kind of life…” She turned and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him hard. “I have a chance to live and love with you and that’s more than I ever dreamed.”

  He enclosed her in his arms, loving the way she cuddled up to him. Closing his eyes, he vowed he would never disappoint her or let her down. Making Libby happy was his aim in life. “You know I can’t resist you, you have me in the palm of your hand. Let’s go check out the fish, I’m getting pruney already.”

  “Okay!” She perked up, pulled down her mask and dove in, swimming out a few feet. “Come on, slow poke!”

  Aron grunted and followed suit. As soon as he was beneath the waves, he was fascinated. Maybe this wouldn’t be too bad. True, he probably went up for air too often, but he had to get his nerves settled. Watching Libby, he smiled around his breathing tube, swallowing a bit of water. Immediately he went up, so he could cough without choking. What he’d said was true; he would do anything for Libby Fontaine McCoy.

  Even drown.

  He smiled at the thought. Taking a deep breath, he dipped beneath the surface again, searching for her. She’d been right. It was another world beneath the waves. He’d never seen a bluer blue than the color of these waters. And the fish were beyond anything he’d ever seen before - all hues and shapes, darting here and there. But the most beautiful sight was Libby, cavorting and dancing about, obviously thrilled by what she was seeing. She motioned him over and he went to her, watching a school of parrot fish glide by. The look of absolute wonder on her face was worth any discomfort he could ever experience.

  He had to go up for air more often than she did, but they finally got a rhythm and a routine going. She led the way and he followed. Amused, Aron wondered if it would always be like that. Oh, he knew he was the man and he was alpha enough to have no doubts on his masculinity, but where Libby was concerned, he was weak. He loved her beyond reason. As long as he had breath in his body, he would turn heaven on its side to make all of her wishes come true.


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