I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!)

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I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!) Page 15

by Sable Hunter

  Skye’s eyes got big at the ‘sweep’ notion. She knew they didn’t mean with a broom.

  Roscoe looked at Noah. “Once we land, let’s get some food and place the phone call to see when Tomas Delgado will see you.”

  Micah and Kyle had several questions for both Noah and Roscoe. They knew the same details of Aron’s disappearance as told by the news media, but there was some information the family had managed to keep under wraps—some leads, the wedding ring and the dive suit. None of those things were ever made public.

  “Noah, I have some news for you.”

  Roscoe had his attention, immediately. “What news?” After so much had happened, he didn’t think anything would surprise him.

  “Your brother, Jacob, has offered a reward for anyone who has any information on Aron’s whereabouts.”

  “Really? I had no idea.” He wondered if the rest of the family knew. Not that Jacob needed to ask their permission, he had his own money. But, like Noah, the rest of the brothers would want to be involved too. “He doesn’t know about Jaxson phoning me.”

  “I’m sure your cousin didn’t call for that reason.” Skye injected.

  Noah nodded his head. “No, Jaxson didn’t know about any reward money and wouldn’t take it if he did.” Considering that new bit of information, his eyes met Roscoe’s. “You’ll get the chance to review any claims before he pays off, of course. I’d hate for him to have to pay for information we already possess.”

  “True.” Roscoe got up to get himself a bottle of water. “We’ll just have to play that part by ear.”

  Micah had been quite for a while, with a guarded look on his face, like he was analyzing the situation and seeing a problem. “On the way to the airport, I called Saxon, our team’s computer expert. If there’s anything to be found on these people on the net, he’ll find it. He’s going to be checking things out and told me he would call tonight. But what he did say was this, Martina Delgado is deadly. She works with her uncle Esteban Rodrigo and together they run a conglomerate which pulls in about 2.3 Billion dollars a year. Esteban is the brains behind the outfit to some degree, but Martina is the clear-cut leader. She’s the one the people develop a loyalty for. She is the deal-maker and when someone displeases her or betrays her, she has no compunction about ending their life. At least five hundred deaths have been attributed to her, a few by her own hand.” All eyes were on him as he spoke. “Saxon also said, to the best of his knowledge, the cartel operates out of an estate just outside of the town of Cananea.”

  “How do these cartels keep such a stronghold on the country?” Skye asked. She’d heard a lot of talk during the time she’d spent in Eddie Warrior. The violence was spilling over into the United States, especially in the border towns of Texas.

  Kyle Chancellor spoke up. “I can answer that,” he offered. “The cartels are essentially organized crime, they are Mexico’s mafia. They offer an illegal substance to those who can pay for it. Unfortunately, most of their customers live in the U.S. and Canada. So, they are the supply, but we are the demand. It’s crazy. And in order for them to be successful, they have to be protected to a degree. So, they bribe the police, the government, even the military.”

  “Is there no one who is fighting to stop them?” Chills of apprehension covered Noah’s skin. To think his brother might be exposed to this amount of danger made his belly ache.

  Kyle shook his head, sadly. “A few have stepped up, but they usually don’t live very long. Although at the moment, Mexico has a new Chief District Attorney, Cisco Salazar who is determined to make an impact and bring some of the cartels down. He is calling for help. One of the things he’s asking for is a list of the suppliers and snitches. They can’t do a lot about the users from this end, but if they could eliminate the source, that would mortally wound the beast.”

  Skye listened at them talk. She was glad they weren’t alone. Micah and Kyle seemed knowledgeable.

  Roscoe and his partner, Vance, had been traveling extensively through Mexico following leads about Aron, but none had been up in the state of Sonora. It sat just below Arizona and they’d been concentrating their efforts on the territories which bordered the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. She was so worried for Noah, not so much about the danger they faced, but for what he might discover. He’d spoken to her about his fears and his doubts. Was Aron dead? Had he stayed away from home on purpose? She knew he idolized his older brother and what Skye knew of him only reinforced the opinion everyone else had. If there was any way in the world it was possible, Aron McCoy would come home. She held his hand, listening and looking around the Lear jet. She’d never been in one before and its sleek elegant interior was entrancing.

  When they began their descent, she watched out the window, seeing quite a bit of desert, barren land. But the city of Hermosillo was quite large, seeming to her to be about the size of Austin, or a bit smaller. She liked that. She wanted them to be able to blend in rather than sticking out like a sore thumb. After they’d exited the plane, the promised car, a dark SUV awaited them. Roscoe called Vance and got the directions to Cananea and the house which had been reserved for them. He’d said it was in one of the better neighborhoods. Skye didn’t know what to expect, but when they pulled up to a white stucco home, what she would classify as a ranch house, but with arched windows and a circular drive. She was impressed. The interior was quite barren, just the required furniture, but it was spacious. The kitchen was fully equipped and all the bathrooms had linens. It wasn’t 5 star, by any means, not that she’d stayed very many fancy places, but this wasn’t really a vacation. This was a rescue mission.

  After putting their things away, they met in the living room to discuss their plan of action. Big cloth couches covered in dark red material flanked a white brick fireplace. There was a fully stocked wet bar, but no one helped themselves, they all wanted to be sharp and alert. Much to Skye’s surprise, they checked and cleaned their weapons, even arming Noah. The guns of choice were a Glock 40 caliber and Colt 45’s. He wasn’t unfamiliar with guns, and neither was she, but she wasn’t about to volunteer that information, not unless she had to.

  “All right, let’s go into town and get some food. While we’re there, we’ll keep our ear to the ground. After dinner, Micah will call Tomas Delgado and see about arranging a visit.”

  Loading up in the SUV, they drove into the main part of town, looking for a promising place to eat.


  El Duro Cartel Headquarters – Cantanea, Sonora, Mexico

  “It’s good to meet you, Mr. Wade,” Esteban Rodrigo greeted Aron. Martina held her breath, anxious to see both of their reactions. Since returning from Emily Gadwah’s, Aron had been almost docile. She smiled to herself. The pink haired chemist would have to be rewarded accordingly. It was early, but for all extents and purposes, her injection of the Zip peptide seemed to have worked. Aron/Austin hadn’t mentioned his wife or family anymore. Nor did he seem dissatisfied. Today on the drive over, he had laughed and joked with her about eating hot foods. Now that wasn’t to say he’d made love to her yet, he hadn’t, although it certainly wasn’t for lack of trying on her part. There still seemed to be something holding him back. Nausea and sickness had been a factor at first, but surely that reason was mute now that he was feeling better.

  Sometimes she felt as if it were her, her lack of sexual appeal. Men rarely came on to her. This bothered her until Alessandra had explained that most men were afraid of her. She was the Diosa, the Queenpin of the Duro Cartel. She held the power of life and death in her hand. That idea made her laugh. Until Aron, she hadn’t really cared whether men were drawn to her or not. When she felt the need for sex, there were two or three of her lieutenants who would perform upon demand. They pleased her, but she felt nothing for them, not like she did for Aron.

  “Mr. Rodrigo, it’s a pleasure.” Austin shook the other man’s hand. “Martina has told me so much about you.”

  “Oh, really?” Esteban looked mildly shocked.

>   Martina smiled. What Aron said wasn’t necessarily true, but it was about to be. Now that the procedure had been completed, she felt like it was time to introduce him to the family business. “I hope to share everything with Austin, soon.” She rubbed a bit of imaginary lint off the sleeve of his black shirt. “Nothing would please me more than for him to work alongside me one day very soon.”

  “I see,” Esteban said dryly. “Do you think this is wise?” He directed his question to Martina.

  “Of course.” She gestured broadly. “Once we are married, he will share in all aspects of my life.”

  Austin wanted to protest. He knew they were engaged, but his memory hadn’t returned yet and the feelings newlyweds were supposed to have for their spouses were missing. The night before, he’d tried to talk to her about it, but it was like trying to have an argument with a stump, she was less than cooperative.

  Her uncle didn’t comment about the marriage. Instead, he gestured them toward the garage. “Well, let’s celebrate. We never had an engagement party for you. Why don’t we begin by having a nice dinner at my favorite seafood restaurant? Champagne is in order.”

  Martina almost balked. “Is it wise?” Going out in public was always a risk for them.

  “It will be safe, I promise.” Esteban looked confident. “I have a plan.”


  Maricos Fresco Seafood Restaurant – Cananea, Sonora, Mexico

  “This looks good.” Kyle Chancellor stared at the menu. “I think I’ll have the lobster.”

  “That’s what I’m thinking.” Micah studied the selections.

  Skye and Noah held hands under the table. He casually rubbed his thumb on the back of her hand. “The grouper looks good to me. How about you, baby?”

  “I think I want a salad,” she answered.

  “A salad?” He looked at her with a frown. “You’d better eat more than that.”

  A waitress came and they placed their order, Skye added a bowl of soup to her salad which appeased Noah somewhat. After she was gone, Micah leaned toward Noah. “Let’s talk about what I’m going to say to Tomas. He had bulls for sale, right?”

  Noah took a drink of beer. “Yes, but they also sell straws of semen and young heifers for breeding stock. But the easiest to discuss would be the semen, and that way if we got so far as to actually having to make a purchase, it would be easier to deal with.”

  They were deep in discussion when Skye punched Noah so hard in the ribs, he hollered.


  “Look, on my God, look!” she whispered, then when they started to follow her instructions, she said, “Don’t turn around, for god’s sake, don’t turn around.”

  Of course, they all turned around and Noah almost fell out of his chair. His brother, Aron McCoy came walking through the door in the flesh. His breathing became labored, his heart was pounding ninety to nothing and every muscle in his body was clenched. It took sheer determination to remain in his chair. Every instinct Noah possessed demanded he get up and go to his brother, throw his arms around Aron’s neck and hug him. He was alive! “Easy, Noah, easy,” Roscoe muttered. “Let’s be steady and see what happens.”

  The tension at the table was palpable. Everyone held their breath. Aron wasn’t alone. He was accompanied by a beautiful young woman. Skye was shocked at her grace and elegant way of dressing. “Look at her.” She marveled. Compared to this woman, Skye was plain stuff.

  He also led in a gentleman who looked to be about fifty with longer hair, wearing a light grey suit. Four men walked beside them and Skye was shocked to see they carried guns—big guns.

  Austin had seen the guns. He’d asked if they were necessary and was told they were. He didn’t really understand what was going on. Things were always dangerous in this part of the world, so he didn’t belabor the point.

  Noah watched Aron’s every move and once, when his brother had glanced toward Noah, he had held his gaze. They had looked into one another’s eyes for a couple of minutes and there was absolutely no recognition. At all. “He doesn’t know me.” Noah marveled. “He looked right through me.” He started to get up, but Tyson and Skye both pulled him back down.

  Roscoe spoke, “Realize who he’s with. You can’t just go over there. In fact, quit staring, we don’t want to show our hand.”

  “Look at all of the muscle with them.” Micah observed. “That man isn’t Tomas, I take it.”

  “No,” Roscoe answered. “He’s an older man. I think this is the uncle.”

  “Look at that.” Kyle observed. “What the heck is going on?” Two of the armed men went to the front and back door, effectively closing it. The others milled through the crowd, checking every table.

  Noah grabbed Skye’s hand. “What the hell is going on?”

  “You have to be calm,” Roscoe warned. They watched as the armed guards covered the room, obviously taking control.

  “No one will enter or leave,” they announced. The owners of the restaurant looked nervous, until the man in the grey suit rose and began to speak.

  “Please, please, everyone remain calm. We wish to cause no one any distress. Everyone continue with your meal. I am Esteban Rodrigo and today your meal is on me. No one will be allowed to come and go while my family and I have our food, but when we are finished and depart, all of you will be free to go with no one paying for anything. So, please, order what you’d like, and champagne for everyone!”

  “Oh, my God!” Skye muttered. “Can you believe this?”

  “I’m confused,” Noah muttered, almost feeling sick to his stomach. To sit this close to his brother and have to pretend he didn’t know him was torture.

  At the other table, Austin Wade was putting two and two together. His fiancé and her family were more than just rich people. Commandeering the restaurant was something a celebrity like Elvis Presley would do. But they weren’t movie stars. Something was niggling in his brain, information, things he felt like he should know, but couldn’t put his finger on.

  “This is new,” Martina murmured, glancing around at the shocked patrons who stared at them openly. Of course, men with AK-47’s always commanded attention.

  “Mind telling me what’s going on?” Austin asked casually.

  “Lunch, Rodrigo style.” She smiled coolly.

  When asked what he’d like to eat, Austin chose shrimp even though he had very little appetite. He might not be the smartest cowboy at the rodeo, but he wasn’t dumb either. Things were beginning to stink to high heaven. Austin wondered what in hell he had gotten himself into.

  Micah and Kyle looked at one another, then at Roscoe and Noah. “Can’t deny they have a pair of balls,” Kyle said.

  “Even the woman.” Noah grimaced, watching her rub Aron’s arm. Fury for Libby just washed all over him. “He doesn’t know who he is or he’s the best actor I’ve ever seen.” There was little doubt in his mind.

  “What are we going to do?” Skye felt so sorry for Noah. She could see the pressure he was under.

  “Look, he’s getting up,” Micah whispered as they watched Aron make his way to the restroom. One of the guards took note of him, and trailed him slowly.

  “I’m going.” Noah threw down his napkin.

  Roscoe put a hand on his arm. “Hold on a second, don’t draw attention to yourself.”

  He waited a few more seconds, then he rose and walked across the crowded restaurant. With a casual nod, he passed the sentinel, anxious to see Aron up close and personal.

  Austin stood at the urinal, taking care of business. He heard the door open and close. Looking into the mirror he saw a young man with longish blond hair enter. He was dressed in requisite cowboy gear; jeans, hat and boots. Austin didn’t speak, but he did raise his head in a nonchalant greeting.

  Noah’s hands shook as he unzipped his pants. He observed his brother closely in the mirror, noting that he had lost weight. What to say. Noah struggled with the possibilities. But before he could open his mouth, Aron zipped up and went to wash his hands.
Closely following suit, he just jumped in. “Aron.”

  Austin stopped and turned. “What did you say?”

  “Problema, Señor Wade?”

  “No, no problem.” He looked at the young man one more time, then patted the big guard on the shoulder. “I appreciate your concern, but I think I can handle my bathroom trips alone.” With that, he left.

  The bodyguard gave Noah a calculated glance, then left. If the situation hadn’t been so serious, Noah would have laughed. At least he knew Aron’s sense of humor hadn’t changed. After he’d returned to the dining room, he watched Aron reseat himself, never once looking around.

  “What happened?” Skye was anxious.

  “Not much. I called him by name and he asked me what I said, but there was no emotion in his question. We didn’t get a chance to say more. That armed gorilla interrupted us.”

  “Well, what’s the verdict?” Micah spoke, then stuffed a piece of roll in his mouth. “There’s no use making that cattle viewing appointment. We don’t need to verify Aron’s identity. That’s definitely him.”

  “Hell, I don’t know what to do.” Noah sighed. He was torn and disappointed. “We have to get him back, one way or the other. But, there’s one thing for certain, however we handle it.” They all looked at him. “We’re gonna need bigger guns.”


  Los Banos Ranch

  God, he had indigestion. Aron dug in the medicine cabinet for some antacids. He took two and chewed them up. He didn’t know if it was the seafood making him feel like shit or the unanswered questions. What he’d seen tonight wasn’t normal. People, no matter how influential, didn’t close down restaurants and hold the customers hostage. Something crazy was going on. He had struggled with the possibilities, and nothing he could come up with was good. Yet, he had no proof.


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