Wolves of Wrath

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Wolves of Wrath Page 30

by Quinn Loftis

  “Mom, drop your eyes,” Anna said as she slipped her hand into his. “Staring into the eyes of a dominant wolf is a challenge.”

  “I will do whatever it takes to make her smile every day. She always knows she is the only female in existence that holds me captive because she can see into my mind and feel my emotions. And I can do nothing other than look out for her best interests. She is the other half of mi alma. She is my light, my peace, my beloved, and she is mine.”

  Jezebel stared silently back at him though her eyes where now on his shoulder. “Good.” She walked over and hugged Anna. “Just a mom being a mom,” she said as way of explanation.

  Anna smiled. “He’s a big boy. He can handle it. Though next time you might want to wait until his eyes aren’t glowing.”

  “Good to know,” Jezebel said. She waved to them as she walked down the hall, leaving them alone.

  “You okay?” Anna asked him, though she kept her eyes averted.

  Gustavo put a finger under her chin and raised her face. “Anna, you are the only one who can look me in the eyes. Look at me, mí amõr.”

  She finally did. Her face softened immediately as she raised her hand to his cheek. “Why so worked up?”

  Gustavo pressed his cheek into her hand, and his wolf rumbled. Her touch was amazing, and he would always crave it. “Room,” he managed to get out. He wanted to wrap her in his arms, tilt her head back to reveal her beautiful neck, and sink his teeth in so his mark would be on her for all to see that she was his.

  She led him by his hand into the room. Her scent was all over the place, and his wolf reveled in it. There wasn’t much in the way of personal stuff here, no pictures of friends on the walls or posters. It was a bed, a dresser, a chair, and a desk.

  “Are you upset about what Peri said?”

  “You mean what she ordered.” He growled. “I’m sorry,” he said quickly. “I’m not growling at you. My wolf, well, both of us are upset. You and I should be the ones to decide when the Blood Rites ceremony is performed. Not her.”

  Gustavo pulled her to the bed. He sat and lifted her into his lap. It was one of his favorite places for her to be.

  “Is it difficult for you to wait?” Her question was hesitant.

  “It is, but that is not the reason we should choose to do it. It should be because you are ready. For you, I can wait. But I do not like being ordered by someone, no matter who they are. I understand her reasoning. And if it’s the best chance for this spell to work, then we will wait.”

  “Do you think we should turn the other girls into witches?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. I want whatever is going to keep you safe and get you out of Volcan’s clutches. But I know you wouldn’t want to hurt your friends. Sometimes, there is no good solution. There is only the lesser of bad ones.” Gustavo’s wolf was a little calmer now that he was holding Anna, but he was still disgruntled about the Blood Rites. He wanted his scent in her and hers in him. He wanted his mark on her.

  She dragged him from his pouting when she stood up. He reached for her, but she held up her finger. “I need to see if I have a brush. My hair will get tangled if I sleep with it like this.”

  She turned her back to him but had only taken two steps when Gustavo moved. His canines lengthened as he stared at her flesh. He wrapped his hands around her biceps and held her still.

  “Gustavo? What’s wrong?”

  When Anna had stood up from his lap, her shirt had risen up, revealing only her lower back, but it was enough for him to see. “Your markings, the ones that match my own. They’re on your back.”

  “Seriously?” Her voice was nearly a squeak. “Let me see.” She pulled from his hold and walked over to her dresser where a mirror was hung above it. Anna turned so her back was facing the mirror and looked over her shoulder. Reaching back, she pulled the shirt up as far as she could. Her eyes widened. “Wow, they’re beautiful.”

  Gustavo’s hand shook as he reached out to touch them but then stopped just before he would make contact with her flesh. “May I?”

  Anna met his eyes in the mirror. “Of course.”

  She took his breath away. She said it as if he didn’t have to ask to touch her.

  “Gustavo, you don’t have to ask,” she said as she picked up on his thoughts. “If I’m not comfortable with something, I will tell you.”

  When he started to kneel down, she stopped him.

  “I want to see your face.”


  “While you look at it, I want to see your face,” she clarified.

  “For you, my Anna, anything.” He remained standing as he raised her shirt up and up. He paused when it reached the strap of her bra. The rest of the mark was still covered. To his surprise, Anna slipped her arms out of the shirt but kept it around her neck and pulled down in front. It didn’t matter what else might have been showing because the only thing he had eyes for were the beautiful markings that started on her lower left back. He’d had to tug the waist band of her skirt down a little to see where it started. Gustavo traced the black lines diagonally up her back to her right shoulder. She shivered, but he knew it wasn’t because she was cold.

  Taking her at her word, he leaned down and kissed her shoulder without asking for permission. Her skin was silk against his mouth as he continued to kiss her. He paused and looked up at the mirror to see if she was okay. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth was open slightly. He looked back down at her back and continued to kiss the markings while tracing it with his fingers.

  When he reached her hip, he gently nipped her, causing her to gasp. He liked that sound.

  “You look quite proud of yourself,” she said as he stood back up.

  “I like making you gasp.”

  “At least you’re honest.”

  She started to move her shirt so she could slip her arms back in the sleeves. He sighed.


  “I like seeing the markings,” he told her honestly. “It pleases my wolf, too.”

  “I’ll remember that,” she said cryptically. “Feeling a little better?”

  He nodded. “Thank you, Criña. That was a gift, and I am honored you trusted me to touch you, kiss you, and love you.”

  She turned to look up at him. “You love me?”

  “Very much. But I do not expect you to reciprocate. I understand this is different for you. I can wait to hear the words.” He motioned to the bed. “You need rest.”

  Once she was in the bed, he slipped in beside her and wrapped an arm around her. Her face was pressed to his chest, and his hand was on her back. He couldn’t help himself as he slipped his hand under her shirt and ran his fingers over the markings. He couldn’t see them, but he knew where there were. The image of them was forever burned in his mind.

  “That feels good. It’s making me sleepy,” she said with a yawn.

  “Sleep, mí amõr.”

  She yawned again. “Bossy.”

  He smiled as he continued to touch her skin. His wolf was too stirred up for sleep. They’d waited centuries to see their markings on their mate. Finally, she was with them, in his arms, tucked close into the safety of his body. Taste, his wolf rumbled in his mind, and Gustavo chuckled. His wolf wanted to lick the markings the way he had kissed them.

  One day, but not today. Today it was enough to touch her. He closed his eyes and slipped into her mind. He saw the memory of her looking at him through the mirror as he kissed and touched her markings. The look of adoration on her face took his breath away. She cared deeply for him already. It wouldn’t be long, he thought. She would love them.

  He felt her stirring and a groggy presence in his mind before he heard her voice.

  “Kind of already do.”


  Peri glared at the three male wolves. She’d returned to see if she could talk some sense into them, but they were being just as obstinate as they had been the first time she’d explained her plan.


How can you expect us to be okay with you wanting to put Volcan’s blood into our mates?” Nick asked, his eyes cold and calculating. He may be playful when he was with Kara, but in defense of her, he was downright deadly.

  “If it will save their two friends and help us defeat Volcan, how can you not be okay with it?” she snapped. “I realize that it’s hard for you to do the opposite of what your nature urges you to do. You need to protect your mates, I get that. But what if the only way to protect them is to first put them in danger.” She paused. “Okay, that didn’t come out totally right. What I’m trying to say is that this is the best way to keep them safe in the long run.”

  Lucian stepped up next to her. “Have you spoken to your mates about it?”

  Kale laughed. “Absolutely not. My lass would do it in a heartbeat, with a smile on her face and all the while cracking some joke about witches.”

  “They know they would all do it,” Peri said. “That’s why they haven’t told them. It has to be their choice.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” Ciro said in a cool voice. “We are mated. Bonded or not, we are a pair. That means we make decisions together. You cannot go to them behind our backs, Perizada. That would be extremely disrespectful to us and our relationship with out mates. Relationships that are new and still fragile.”

  She knew he was right. But it irked her royally. “Fine. I’ll give you a few days. But you have to talk to them about it. Not telling them is essentially making the choice for them. The only way you can make a decision together is if you both have all the information.”

  Ciro nodded. “I agree. I will admit I do not want Stella to have to endure such darkness inside of her. She’s been surrounded by enough darkness. If I could bear this for her, I would.”

  “All of you would. And that is the one thing that overrides all your other crappy qualities.”

  “Thank you … I think,” Nick said frowning at her.

  “I’ll see you in three days.” Lucian took her hand, and she flashed them back to Jezebel’s apartment.

  “You don’t have to say it.” She sighed as they stood in the quiet living room. It was dark, and everyone had gone to bed. The beauty of being a fae is the ability to add space where there wasn’t any. Peri had assisted in giving Jezebel’s home a couple extra rooms for her guests.

  “Say what?” Lucian asked.

  “That what I’m asking of them isn’t fair.”

  “I wasn’t going to say that.”

  “But you think it.”

  “I think that, once again, we find ourselves in a position where we will all have to make sacrifices. That is what it means to stand on the side of good. It won’t be easy, but I think they will realize that what you are asking of them is necessary.” He pulled her to the couch and picked her up, laying her down on her back.

  Peri smiled up at him. “Are you trying to distract me?” He simply stared down at her until she waved her hand and made the couch big enough for the both of them.

  Lucian laid down beside her and pressed his hand to her cheek. “We are going to sleep, after I kiss you. And then tomorrow we will deal with you offering to sacrifice yourself without first talking to me.” He pressed his lips to hers, and she could feel his anger, but it was wrapped up in love. He was angry because he loved her so much and couldn’t stand the fact that she might be placed in danger.

  She reached into his mind as he continued to kiss her, deepening this kiss by biting her lip and forcing her mouth open. “I love you.”

  “And I love you. You’re still in trouble.”

  “I should have discussed it with you first.”


  “You would have supported me.”

  “Of course. That’s not the point. Respect is the point. I need you to respect me as much as you love me.”

  He pulled back from her lips, leaned down, pressing his face into her neck, and nipped his mark.

  Peri closed her eyes as the sensation washed over her. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “We are still new at this, beloved. We won’t get it right very often.”

  “I get it wrong more often than you.” She hated that she sounded pouty. But she hated disappointing Lucian. She’d never known she could love someone the way she loved him. And she really had never thought anyone could love her the way he did. She never wanted to jeopardize that by doing something to hurt him.

  “Quit worrying. No matter how angry I get with you, I still love you, I still want you, and I will never give you up.”

  “Thank you,” she told him, meaning it with every fiber of her being.

  “You don’t need to thank me for something that I am honored to do.” He pressed another kiss to her lips, this one soft and sweet. “We will defeat Volcan and save our healers and their mates and then we will help Vasile and the mess they are in. We will rip apart the Order of the Burning Claw, and then there will be peace. Then we can look toward our future together, and you can give me pups.”

  Peri’s eyes, which had been drifting closed, popped open. “Did you say pups?”

  “Go to sleep, my precious mate. Stop worrying.”

  Peri closed her eyes and told herself she’d just imagined him saying he wanted her to give him pups. She totally heard him wrong. She had to have heard him wrong. She continued to tell herself that until she fell asleep. Her dreams were filled with a very pregnant high fae waddling around like a duck. When she woke, she was going to turn him into a duck. Damn wolf.

  Keep reading for a sneak peak of the Grey Wolves novella, Forgotten Silence.

  Forgotten Silence Excerpt

  A Grey Wolves Series Novella

  “When did everything fall apart? I keep trying to figure out when things went from good to crap. No matter how hard, I try, I can’t pinpoint the exact moment I was no longer standing on solid ground. Suddenly, it was just gone, and I was falling. I’m still falling. Part of me wants to hit the bottom, but part of me hopes I never do because I’m scared of what I’ll have to face when I get there.” ~ Sally

  Death. A subject people avoid at all cost. No one wants to die, of course, but people become uncomfortable simply discussing it. We hate the realization that this life is temporary. None of us wants to think about the pain that might come before death, or the pain others will feel once we’re gone. It’s easier just to pretend the pain of death only comes to other people.

  So then, what did it say about Sally that death seemed a welcome topic? In fact, she could think of nothing better than closing her eyes for the last time never to open them again. To leave her defiled body behind, to no longer be trapped in a mind that continues to remember things she longed to forget, to no longer be a burden to the ones she loved so desperately, seemed like the perfect solution.

  Except for the fact that her death would also take Costin’s life because of their true mate bond. It would also destroy Jacque, Jen, and Sally’s own parents, and it would leave Titus without his parents. She was sane enough to admit ending her life would be a selfish way out. She could tell herself all day it would be a blessing to those who were constantly worrying about her, but in truth, it would be only for her to escape the pain.

  Sally sighed as she leaned back against the railing of the gazebo. The indoor garden of the Romania pack mansion had become a refuge of sorts. It was the place the healer retreated to when she felt overwhelmed, which was pretty much every day, all day. It had been a week since she’d been found in Ocean Side and reunited with her mate and her family, a week since her memory was restored even as her life crumbled at the same time. It had been a week, and yet it felt like months—she was exhausted. She fought to get through every minute of the day. There was no rest, not when she sat, doing nothing at all, not when she slept, not when she kept busy in hopes of keeping the thoughts at bay. She felt like a ticking bomb, and any moment time would be up. How many people would be collateral damage when she finally exploded? Or would she simply implode and take all her anguish and misery with
her, leaving those she loved relatively unscathed?

  “I can’t do this,” she whispered, thankful there was no one to hear her. The wall in her mind, keeping Costin from hearing her thoughts, was firmly in place. He would freak out to know she was thinking like this. No, he would more than freak if he knew what was going on in her head. He’d have her chained to his side and never let her out of his sight...not that he let her out of his sight as it was. He gave her some privacy, but he was never further than just outside the door of whatever room she occupied, no matter the reason.

  Costin watched her with an intensity many would have found unnerving and a tad creepy. But Sally knew why he did it. She knew no matter how hard she tried to keep him in the dark about the desolation filling her, he understood. That realization only made it worse because, not only was Sally being haunted by memories that were slowly killing her, Costin was suffering as well. She was hurting him and felt powerless to stop.

  Sally felt her breath catch as she let the bond slightly open. The overwhelming love and worry she felt pour into her was more than she deserved. She slammed the bond shut quickly before he could feel her anguish and disgust. She was dirty, tainted, and unworthy of his affection.

  “Cheater,” she heard the darkness whisper in her mind. “Unfaithful, adulterer,” it hissed like a snake.

  Words that all described her now, though they weren’t adjectives she’d imagined she’ ever be associated with. After all, who grows up thinking ‘one day I’ll cheat on my spouse’, like it was something inevitable and should just be accepted? She’d grown up in a family with parents who loved each other. They weren’t overly affectionate, but anyone could see the adoration in her parents’ eyes when they looked at one another. She’d been taught, for a relationship to work, there must be trust, sacrifice, respect, and love. She’d been taught love was a choice, not a finicky emotion you fell in and out of.


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