The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 39

by Altonya Washington

  “Mick?” Quest pulled away just slightly when he felt her struggling against him.

  Mick writhed amidst the covers, only a few seconds more, before she woke. Then, she was bolting from the bed with one hand clamped over her mouth. Quest rested on his elbow, frowning as he watched his wife race to the bathroom. Slowly, he left the bed and followed her.

  Leaning against the doorjamb, Quest folded his arms across his bare chest and watched Mick heaving and vomiting into the toilet. The episode lasted at least three minutes.

  “Something you ate?” he asked when she was done.

  “I-” a totally unladylike burp interrupted her, “I don’t think so,” she sat on the floor, leaning back against the toilet as she closed her eyes.

  Quest pulled a phone from its cradle on the marble counter top. He pressed the button that speed-dialed the family doctor.

  When Mick realized who he was speaking with, she waved her hand to get his attention. “Quest no!”

  “Just a minute, Doc,” Quest held his hand across the mouthpiece and fixed his wife with a slightly humored, slightly ticked-off look. “Hush,” he said.


  “When was your last period, Michaela?” Dr. Lucas Sims asked.

  Mick blinked and then flashed a quick glance toward her husband. “I don’t… I don’t remember,” she crossed her sneaker shod feet one over the other while wringing her hands in her lap. “But it’s usually irregular,” she saw fit to share, “especially when I’m stressed or under the pressure of a deadline.”

  “Is that the situation now?” Dr. Sims inquired.

  Mick shook her head and then rolled her eyes toward Quest when he cleared his throat. “Not exactly, but I am working on something it…it’s been pretty demanding.”

  “I see,” Dr. Sims nodded.

  When the doctor reached into his bag; Mick and Quest watched as though he were about to extract a magic antidote. When the man produced a home pregnancy test, Mick backed away as though it were a poisonous snake.

  “Doc? What is this?” Even Quest sounded a bit unnerved as he spoke.

  Dr. Sims only waved his hand. “I only want to cancel out the obvious first. Michaela, humor me,” he held the box in her direction.

  Quest was right on his wife’s heels once she’d taken the box and was shuffling toward the bathroom.

  “Quest, what if-”

  “Shh…let’s just get the test out of the way first,” he suggested even though he was just as rattled as she.


  In the bathroom, Mick handled her business and finished up while Quest placed the test strip on the counter. The only sound in the room was the click of the second hand from the wall clock and Quest’s wristwatch, not to mention the methodic tapping from the sole of Mick’s shoe as she sat on the toilet cover. She was seconds away from voicing her impatience, when she saw Quest reach for the test box. He read the back and then looked at the test lying on the counter. Then, it appeared as though his legs were about to give and he braced his hands around the rim of the sink.

  “What?” Mick called in a frantic whisper. Both her feet tapped as she practically bounced on the porcelain toilet cover.

  Quest turned, responding to his wife’s query with a brilliant smile.


  Quay and Ty had already spent three weeks together. It was at times tense-filled and uncertain and other times easy and quiet. Through it all, their emotions strengthened and solidified. The problem? Neither wanted to verbally admit to what those feelings were. Quay had taken to coming home later in the evenings, hoping he’d find Ty sleeping when he went to check on her. Knowing she felt he wasn’t a man who could flourish in a meaningful relationship, was like a knife through his heart every time he looked at her. The irony? He’d never given a damn about whether a woman thought he was that sort of man or not. If he wanted a bed warmer, he had one. Now, he wanted more and it was becoming painfully clear that his ‘want’ would not be fulfilled.

  Music touched his ears the moment he left the foyer. He followed the lilting sounds of the violin concerto drifting from the speakers. He found Ty snuggled on what had become her favorite lounge. Quay’s dark eyes narrowed as he watched her on the cushioned chair, her fingers toying in her lengthy locks, her toes wriggling where they appeared at the opening of her cast.

  She gave a start when she heard him clear his throat. She looked up and greeted him with a lazy wave.

  “You and that chair are becoming inseparable,” he stepped into the living room.

  “Mmm yeah, I’ll miss it when I’m gone.”

  Quay winced, his hand flexing into a fist. His expression turned fierce at the mere mention of her leaving.

  “Bad day?” Ty noticed the look darkening his striking features.

  “It’s not that,” he commanded his mood to cool, “things are going pretty smooth actually.”

  Ty sat up a bit on the lounge. “That’s what I’ve heard. The guys have sort of been keeping me in the loop,” she smoothed both hands across her arms bared by the thin straps of her black tank top.

  “What’s that tone for?” he watched her roll her eyes.

  “I get the feeling they’re trying not to make me feel left out and pitiful because I’m stuck at home with a broken ankle. I got a call from Louie Danoue earlier and he even sounded like he felt sorry for me.”

  Quay’s grin revealed his right dimple and he shrugged. “Come on Tyke, they’re just tryin’ to look out for ya.”

  “Well I guess, I’m just not use to it.”

  Eyes narrowed, he found her words strange. After all, he’d been protecting her for over a decade, hadn’t he? The question lodged in his mind and caused him to ponder it for a moment. Maybe he hadn’t been protecting Tykira at all. With that loaded possibility, he went to fix himself a drink at the pine wall bar and then went to join her at the edge of the lounge.

  “Having a man look out for you can’t be that extraordinary, can it?” he braced elbows to his knees, while cradling his glass in both hands.

  Ty rested back. “Pretty much.”



  “Ty…look at you.”

  She followed orders and did just that; looking down at her black tank and comfy white cotton sweats. Then, she shrugged and fixed him with a bewildered expression. “What?” she prompted.

  He grimaced, that perturbed by her confusion. “Woman, do you even look in the mirror? A man would do almost anything to have you on his arm. Hell, I swore off tall women when I lost you. You were that deep in my system.”

  Ty blinked, her cool expression turning to something more inquiring. “When you lost me?” her gaze faltered when he set down his glass.

  “Yeah, when I lost you,” he faced her fully on the lounge.

  She was silent for several moments as though debating on whether to speak her mind. “Quay, in losing me, you would’ve just been making a mistake. You pushed me away and that was a choice.”

  “By choice or mistake, I was an idiot for letting it happen.”

  Bracing her hands on the arms of the lounge, Ty angled her legs over the side. “I’m heading up,” she said.

  Quay looked on helplessly as she stood and prepared to hobble out of the room on her crutches.

  “I love you, Tykira. I always have,” he said, watching her stop mid-stride. “I know you don’t believe me, but I have no intentions of stopping. Ever.”

  She turned to face him, shaking her head as though in utter disbelief. “You don’t know what you- what you’re saying.”

  “Why can’t I say it, when you feel the same?” he challenged.

  “For all the good it’s done me,” her sparkling browns appeared more brilliant in the wake of unshed tears. “You say you’ve always loved me? Do you realize how hard it is for me to believe you felt that way back then? To not be scared out of my mind that…”

  “What?” He moved closer, stopping when she backed away.

  “I’m going hom
e tomorrow. I won’t be here when you get back from work,” she said.

  Quay commanded himself not to stop her. He’d taken a huge step in telling her how he felt. He watched her until she was gone from view and prayed for the strength he would surely need to make her believe in him.


  The following weeks went by in a blur. Tykira had her cast removed and had made a full recovery. The family was ecstatic to discover that Quest and Michaela would be delivering the newest Ramsey in the summer of the following year. Of course, Quay was already behaving like the proud uncle and everyone loved the show he put on. When he was alone however, his every thought centered on Ty.

  He hadn’t seen or spoken to her since the emotion-filled discussion so many weeks prior. He’d decided to wait until all the work was completed with the rail and had remained absent from several of the meetings. He kept abreast of things through Quest, and was grateful for his twin’s silent support.

  Everyone had been looking forward to the party to celebrate the rail’s completion. The event would take place aboard the Holtz Destiny. The train would be taking its maiden voyage to Banff, Canada. Arrangements to accommodate the group had been in place for months. Around four p.m. one chilly autumn afternoon, the passengers began to arrive. For a while everyone, simply marveled at the finished result. The majority of the Ramsey clan was in attendance, as were several members of the executive staff and their significant others. County had even made a special trip from Chicago to enjoy the festivities.

  Tykira felt like a proud parent as she accepted all the accolades which were bestowed upon her. She almost couldn’t believe it herself as she gazed upon the stunning bi-level rail. A luxurious glass-domed gallery overlooked a gracious lounge that could be used as a ballroom. An adjoining dining car would offer passengers fine cuisine in luxurious ambience. Ty couldn’t fathom that such a creation had first taken shape in her mind and had developed from simple sketches. Nothing she’d ever done compared to this and it was quite a feeling to be part of such a grand accomplishment.


  Porters rushed to and fro, taking bags and directing passengers. The quarters were all spacious, fully equipped cabins that offered breathtaking views from the widest windows.

  Ty decided to head to her own cabin, but stopped just short of taking the steps into the car when she saw Quay. Weeks of not seeing him, were like losing a part of her. She’d missed him terribly, but knew it’d been best to leave when she had. Staying would have been far too costly a price for her emotions. He loved her. He’d said it with no coaxing. For a while, Ty allowed herself to imagine that it was real. That he was real and that the things she’d always dreamed they could share together could really happen. Then, the more no-nonsense side of her persona reminded her of the hurt Quay was capable of invoking with his confusing behavior. From that moment, she could only focus on when he’d turn cold again.

  She wanted to move on, but her feet seemed to have a mind of their own and refused to budge. Quay caught sight of her, his steps drawing to a halt when he saw her. He dropped his bags where he stood and looked ready to bound toward her.

  “Ms. Lowery? Ms. Lowery?”

  Ty pulled her gaze from Quay to look down at the young woman calling to her. She could barely hear the girl’s voice for the ringing in her ears. “I’m sorry?” she said.

  “No, Ms. Lowery, forgive me for stopping you. I’m Corin Forest. I’ve been hired by Holtz to conduct tours of the train.”

  “Yes, yes of course, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Ty stepped down from the train to shake hands with Corin.

  “The pleasure is mine, Ms. Lowery. I can’t tell you how proud I feel to be working on this train, a train designed by a woman.”

  Ty’s smile was genuine. “That’s so sweet of you. Thanks Corin, I know you’ll have your work cut out for you.”

  Corin’s expression seemed to dim with a shade of unease. “Actually, that’s what I’d like to speak with you about. The train is so enormous,” her brown eyes widened as they scanned the creation. “I only have a few questions if you could spare a few moments?”

  Ty was glancing toward Quay again, noting that he was speaking with the conductor of the train.

  “Ms. Lowery?”

  “I’m sorry,” Ty cleared her throat. “Of course you can ask me anything. Why don’t we discuss it on the way to my cabin?” she asked, smiling at Corin’s delight as the woman began to ramble off questions while they made their way onto the train.


  Quest and Mick were already squared away in their luxurious cabin suite. They relaxed on the king bed nestled in the far corner. Dressed in burgundy and green plaid linens with green quilting and a matching comforter, the bed released an aura of cozy comfort.

  “For the fiftieth time, I’ll be fine,” Mick snuggled back against her husband while they enjoyed the dazzling view from the window.

  Quest pressed his face into his wife’s unruly mop of blue-black curls and inhaled. “Just so you know,” he said upon exhaling, “if I see you stumble, get nauseous, dizzy or-”

  “Sweetie please, give it a rest,” Mick turned to face him on the bed.

  Quest nodded his compliance, before focusing his attentions elsewhere. Easing out from behind her, he moved down to brace his weight on an elbow and smooth a hand across Mick’s tummy. “You’re having my baby,” he leaned down to kiss her stomach.

  “That’s what they tell me,” Mick stroked her fingers through the gorgeous cropped silk of his hair. “Quest?”


  “I’m scared. Good parenting doesn’t exactly run in my family, you know?”

  A muscle danced in Quest’s jaw at her words. “I won’t let you do that to yourself,” he fixed her with his extraordinary eyes. “That is precisely why you will be the best kind of parent. You know all too well what bad parenting is really like.”

  Mick gave into the smile begging for release. “Don’t you ever get tired of making me feel better?” she curved her fingers around his jaw.

  “Just trying to get you where I am,” he said, “no one could feel better than I do right now.”

  “I love you,” she leaned close to brush her lips across his.

  “I love you,” he simply mouthed the words and treated her to the deepest of kisses.


  Ty gasped when she entered her cabin suite. Though she pretty much knew what to expect, she was still awed by the completed product. She hadn’t visited the site since before her accident and; after recovering, decided it would be better to be dazzled once the project was finished. Pleased she’d made that decision, she inspected the area.

  Unconventional comfort was what Holtz wanted. They didn’t want their passengers to feel cramped or lacking any convenience during their voyage aboard the Holtz Destiny. In addition to plush, big beds, all the cabins featured full showers, toilets, storage cabinets, TV, DVD, desks and telephones with beautiful throw rugs and matching pillows on the sofa and desk chairs. The effect was topped off in a rich, cherry-wood finish.

  Surrendering to the feel of total contentment, Ty removed her boots and took a seat cross-legged on the bed. With the folds of her beige, suede skirt surrounding her, she indulged in staring out at the view. Of course, at the moment the view from her side of the train mainly consisted of the conductor, engineers, porters and members of her crew seeing to last minute crises before the train departed. Ty looked past them, staring up at the sky and imagined gazing up at the stars over rivers and between mountains as the train chugged along to their destination.

  A clicking sound tugged her attention away from the view and she saw a lever turning on one of the doors. When it opened and Quay stepped inside, Ty was stunned. Her legs went immobile and she couldn’t have left the bed had she wanted to.

  “Quay?” she managed.

  “Um,” his deep voice seemed to vibrate in the area. “My room…connects…I was just exploring and decided to try the door. I had no ide

  He trailed off and Ty knew he was just as stunned as she was. “Probably Quest and Mick up to something,” she predicted in a wistful manner.

  Quay smoothed one hand across the front of his long-sleeved mocha polo shirt. “I fully agree,” he muttered.

  “I was only teasing.”

  “I wasn’t. I’m pretty sure my twin and his wife are responsible for the…coincidence.”

  “Sorry,” Ty whispered.

  Quay waved a hand. “It’s not your fault my brother and sister-in-law are such pitiful matchmakers.”

  The word forced Ty’s breath to catch in her throat, but she offered no comment. Quay left it alone as well.

  “This place is incredible, Tyke,” Quay decided instead to compliment her work.

  “Thank you,” the words caught on a breath, his approval pleased her very much.

  From the overhead speaker, the announcement was made. The train was set to depart. Ty finally left the bed and joined Quay where he stood at the window to watch the disembarkation.

  As they enjoyed the sight, however, Ty could feel Quay’s smoldering ebony stare wholly fixed on her. She would have turned and moved away, but he held her upper arm fast. Every part of her then was highly sensitized to his touch and she trembled noticeably in his hand.

  Quay gave himself over to the ruthless side of his demeanor and offered no escape where he kept her against the window. He cupped his hand beneath her chin, holding her still for his kiss. His mouth slanted across hers and he took her mouth tenderly at first, then bolder as his tongue plundered deep. He feasted on the sweetness of her mouth as though drinking in the very taste of her. Moans sounded, but it was impossible to tell who was more affected.


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