The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 52

by Altonya Washington

  “Well the girls told me they weren’t even sure at first,” he shared, skepticism creeping into his dark brown eyes. “They were told not to say a word about the offer because it was so secretive. They were finally approved after forwarding a portfolio and resume.”

  “Portfolio and resume?” Chase Shefford, another manager, asked.

  Mbeki grunted. “Sounds shady,” he said.

  “What are they doing?” Fernando asked.

  “That’s the strange part,” Barry leaned forward to brace his elbows on his knees. “The job hasn’t even started yet and they’re already getting paid. Tell you the truth, Fern, I don’t even think the girls know what they’re doing.”

  This began another round of discussion amongst the managers. While their voices were raised in debate, Fernando caught Barry’s eye and waved him close.

  “Do what you have to and find out exactly what type of position this is,” he ordered.


  Contessa didn’t realize she’d been crying until she’d closed the door to her condo, removed her gloves and touched her face. Obviously, she’d been trying to remain cool in front of her employees. She’d looked disappointed enough when Fernando didn’t show for his weekly visit. When someone mentioned that it was Valentine’s Day and they were all excited to see what he’d do for her, she felt her heart drop. Clearly, he wasn’t ready to spend time with her on such an emotional holiday. County told herself she was fine with that. After all, she wasn’t ready either, right?

  “Get it together,” she ordered herself shortly and hefted one of the huge Ramsey files she’d asked Spivey to give over before she left the office. She’d have plenty of time to go through it this weekend, she noted grimly and dropped the file to the credenza.

  Unbuttoning the fur-trimmed leather trench, she was about to remove it when something stopped her. There was an infrequent flashing originating from someplace deep within the condo. It moved in a frantic flashing and flickered in the most mesmerizing way. The effort beckoned her closer instead of commanding her to turn and race out of the house.

  In the living room, she found a beautifully set table for two before a roaring blaze in the fireplace. Roses had been sprinkled upon the floor where the table sat. The room smelled slightly of the scent. Her curiosity mounting, she stepped closer, observing the romantic scene. Soft music drifted about, something lovely and unrecognizable. Oriental perhaps? Whatever the genre, it only intensified the allure of the environment.

  “I’m sorry I missed you at the office.”

  His voice resounded below the music. Contessa turned to find him leaning against the living room’s entryway.

  “I had a meeting that ran late,” Fernando explained, easing his hands into the pockets of the gray nylon sweats he wore, “I wanted to get this done before you got home.”

  “What is this?” County breathed, her hand raised to wave weakly toward the room.

  Fernando chuckled and smoothed his knuckles across his beard. “You so hard you don’t even think about Valentine’s Day?” he mused.

  County’s lashes fluttered as she turned to observe the table again. Swooning was a definite possibility as she was thoroughly affected by the seduction surging in the air. She jumped, feeling Fernando behind her as he moved to help her out of her coat. She prayed for her breathing to slow, as the action only caused her breasts to nudge his hands when they curved around the lapels of the trench. Of course, Fernando made a point of touching every part of her body he could reach. His fingers stroked the underside of one breast while his thumb softly manipulated a firming nipple. The caresses were so deliciously subtle, she could feel every part of her weakening in response.

  “Are you hungry?”

  County opened her mouth to say yes, but no words were forthcoming. She heard him utter another chuckle and knew he was both aware and pleased by her reaction to his closeness.

  “Go change,” he instructed, having removed the coat and unfastened the oversized buttons on her short-waist tweed blazer. “It’ll be time to eat when you come back,” he promised.

  Like an obedient child, County nodded and headed out of the living room. Sadly, once she approached her bedroom door, her feet refused to move one step father. Her mind was racing. No...actually it was more like she was in a hazy state of mind. Her entire body shook and she could barely press a hand to her forehead, it trembled so. There had never been a man who made her feel so out of control, so wondrously light-headed. He’d accomplished this by doing the most minute things. She couldn’t get her bearings and felt as if she were being led by some invisible thread.

  Is this what it feels like to be swept off your feet? She wondered. Is this what it feels like to fall in love? She cleared her throat at the thought and forced herself into the bedroom.

  There, she received another shock. The room had undergone a serious transformation. The place was alive with candlelight. Her bed teemed with rose petals and the exotic melody she’d heard out front was playing steadily.

  Slowly, County reached for one of the petals and pressed it against her nose. The beautiful cream and coral drapes had been drawn to reveal the view of snowfall past the windows. She was both relaxed and energized by the cozy aura and the sensuality coursing through her. Then, she knew she wasn’t alone and turned to find Fernando leaning against the doorframe.

  “How?” was all she could ask.

  He needed no further clarification. “You’ve got the sweetest landlady. She remembered me from the times I’ve visited before. When I told her what I wanted to do, she let me and my team come in and work our magic,” he explained as though it was no big deal.

  “Why?” she felt like a dope only capable of producing one-word questions.

  Fernando had shortened the distance between them. “I’ve told you why,” he said, cupping her oval face in his hands. “Now let me show you.”

  County pressed both hands to the concrete wall of his chest and resisted what she wanted most. “Is this because you want to have sex with me?” she watched his eyes crinkle when he began to smile.

  Fernando moved his hands to her hips. “No, it’s because I want to make love with you.”

  Contessa knew she had never once in her life moaned because of something a man said. That night, she did. Any thought of resistance or reason why this was right or wrong fled her mind. She eagerly surrendered to the massive caramel god who held her so gently in his powerful embrace.

  Fernando trailed his mouth from her temple to the curve of her cheek before deciding her earlobe was his preferred spot. Contessa felt herself trembling all over again as he eased her down to sit on the bed. Kneeling before her, he removed the mocha stilettos and briefly applied massaging pressure to her heels. Strong fingers began a possessive ascent up her calves and thighs to find the waistband of her sheer stockings. He paused at the junction of her thighs and County’s lashes fluttered closed when his thumbs assaulted the extra sensitive flesh that guarded the entrance to her womanhood.

  A second or three passed and the nylons and panties were gone. Fernando drove his thumb deep inside, his gorgeous browns narrowing when she cried out her appreciation. County relaxed a bit on her bed, allowing him more room to explore her body. She moved to undo the fastening of her skirt, but he stopped her by closing his hand over hers. His thumb still plunged madly inside her while he took her mouth in a feverish kiss. County made deep breathless sounds as her tongue dueled with his.

  “Get me out of his thing,” she begged, desperately wanting out of her skirt.

  Fernando chuckled. “In time,” he promised, deciding to relieve her of the form fitting blazer first.

  County curved her hands around his neck, her fingers rubbing through the luxurious softness of his hair. She wriggled out of the blazer when he pulled it from her shoulders, along with the black camisole beneath. His hands cupped beneath her arms to settle her to the middle of the satin covered queen-sized bed. He would not remove her bra, and instead nibbled at the flawless
honey-toned skin that bubbled over the tops of the lacy garment. Contessa arched her back and begged him to see to the nipples straining for attention. She felt an overwhelming amount of moisture against her thighs and knew she was seconds away from becoming orgasmic.

  “Please Ramsey, please…”


  “I can’t,” she cried softly, tugging on the edge of the black T-shirt he still wore.

  Fernando took her wrists and held them above her head. She had the power to satisfy him too soon if he lost control. He’d waited long enough to have her again to let the moment pass in a blur.

  County flexed her fingers against the covers where her hands were trapped. After a while, Fernando removed her bra and then scooped a handful of the rose petals that still littered the bed and sprinkled them across her bare skin. County shivered, feeling the tufts of silk next to her breasts. Fernando cupped the mounds and buried his face between them, inhaling the floral fragrance and the intoxicating scent of her perfume.

  Contessa’s hands were freed, but she couldn’t move them. She lay there, moving upon the bed as though she were in the midst of fever. The satiny flowers mingling with the roughness of his beard was an indescribable feeling. Her soft gasps waltzed with Fernando’s tortured groans as he suckled and nibbled mercilessly. He finally relieved her of the skirt and took a moment to appraise her form. The low lighting cast more gold to her honey complexion. His fingers trailed every dip and curve as if he were in awe.

  “Please,” she tugged on his shirt and pressed her lips together when his eyes met hers.

  Fernando granted the request, allowing her fingers to splay across the chiseled expanse of his massive chest. He couldn’t look away from the awed expression on her lovely face as she focused on the way his pects flexed beneath her touch. He cupped her chin and kissed her deeply, his hips mimicking the thrusts of his tongue as he relaxed atop her writhing form. He was more than a little concerned about crushing her, but County was determined to feel every inch of him. Her fingers disappeared beneath the waistband of his sweats as she sought to tug them down.

  “Contessa,” he warned.

  “This isn’t fair,” she moaned, shamelessly grinding herself against the incredible erection nudging her body.

  Fernando grinned. “Serves, you right for keeping me waiting all this time to have you again.”

  “Then punish me by showing me what I’ve been missing.”

  Her words threw his arousal into overdrive and together they tugged away the last of his clothing.

  Fernando reached beneath one of the coral silk throw pillows littering the bed and extracted a condom. Once the protection was in place, he drew her against him and invaded her body with the iron proof of his desire.

  Contessa’s nails left tiny red half moon impressions upon his caramel skin. She cried out and arched into the fierce lunges. She was as pleasured by the sensation of his overwhelming size as she was by the way his muscles flexed and glistened from his exertions. A powerful climax raked her body when he pulled both her legs across his shoulders and increased penetration ten-fold.

  Wanting more, he let her legs ease down and recaptured her wrists. Her hands pinned to the bed again, thrusting her breasts prominently upon her chest. Fernando was there to capture one nipple. His perfect teeth grazed the rigid bud, applying slight pressure until she cried out softly. Slowly, he alternated between suckling and bathing the nipple with his tongue.

  County arched up to meet his slow, intense thrusts. Indecipherable words of delight tumbled past her lips only to be silenced when Fernando kissed her again. He brought her to orgasm more than once with his expert skills. County, at times, begged him to stop while she was in the throes of an extreme climax. Fernando delighted in torturing her with deeper thrusts as she screamed her fulfilment…

  Afterward, Contessa could barely keep her eyes open. She wa completely surrounded by Fernando- captive within his unyielding embrace. She could feel his heart beating against her back and willed herself not to fall asleep and be robbed of the memory of such a perfect feeling of contentment and security.

  “I know I rushed you. I’m sorry.”

  His voice vibrated through her and County shook her head against a pillow. “It was no more than I rushed you,” she said, “I wouldn’t expect you to believe that I’d never done that before in my life. I’ve never taken a man home like that,” she explained in a quiet voice.

  Fernando grinned devilishly and kissed her shoulder. “I feel honored.”

  “I felt the opposite.”

  “Hey,” he whispered, turning her over so that he could stare into her eyes. “Do you regret what happened?”

  County looked around the room. “Not this- not us at this very moment, but before... Before I regretted it very much.”


  “It was enjoyable, but in doing it I think it may’ve seriously affected your ability to respect me,” she grimaced, “not that you’re looking for a woman to respect.”

  Fernando bowed his head in an attempt to hide his smile. He knew she was trying to protect herself- still. How could he get her to believe his feelings were turning down the same road as hers? Patience man, she’s yours, don’t worry. Give her a chance. Give yourself a chance.

  “I’m sorry,” County tugged her bottom lip between her teeth and fixed him with a wary look. “I didn’t mean to dampen the moment. It’s just that I’ve been waiting to say that since the day we had lunch at Marvin’s.”

  Making her lie flat on her back, Fernando leaned close and kissed the end of her nose. “You’re my equal, don’t you know that? If I’m going to feel you’re unworthy of my respect because you let me come home with you, then I’d have to feel the same way about myself and I don’t. Not one bit.”

  “But, I shouldn’t have just...taken you home for sex.”

  “Didn’t you want it?”

  “Yes, but-”

  “So did I. I wanted it very much,” he swore, taking the hand she nervously raked through her sleek, short cut hair, “but for the tenth time, it’s not all I want. You have to know that, Contessa.”

  She did know, she realized, watching her hand hidden within his. After all, they’d crossed the threshold into the lover’s realm long before that night and he was still there, right? Let him in County. Just a little. Give him a piece of your heart and if it feels right, give him more.

  “County? You okay?”

  She nodded, smiling up into his probing brown eyes.

  “Then, let’s eat,” Fernando decided, preparing to carry her out of bed.

  “Wait,” she whispered, squeezing his biceps as she resisted. “Not just yet?” she suggested.

  Fernando had no argument.


  “Big Den!” Stefan greeted as he shook hands and hugged the tall, rotund man who entered his office that Monday morning.

  Denmark Harrison grinned as well, though a trace of unease rested in his hazel gaze. “Smilin’ Stef, always happy,” he teased lightly.

  Stef rubbed his hands together. “Especially happy today, my man. Let’s see what ‘cha got.”

  “Man, I gotta tell you, I don’t feel so right about this,” Denmark clutched the tan envelope he seemed unwilling to let go of.

  Stef maintained his smile and patted Den’s elbow reassuringly. “It’s harmless,” he promised.

  “Maybe, but I don’t feel right spying on Fern.”

  Stefan glanced at the bulging envelope. “You felt right enough to take a crapload of pictures. But then, twenty bucks a shot is quite a sale.”

  Denmark’s uncertain stare turned cold as he passed the envelope to Stef.

  His smirk still in place, Stef browsed through the photographs. His brows rose, not because there was anything crude or degrading in the collection. This was a Fernando Ramsey that Stefan didn’t know. This was Fernando Ramsey sweeping a woman off her feet. There were pictures showing the two of them out and about all over Chicago. Judging by the
shots, he’d taken her out dancing, to jazz shows, R&B concerts…

  “This a yacht?” he asked Den.

  “A restaurant,” the man explained. “It was hard getting a shot. Seems he had the owner shut the place down for Fernando and the lady.”

  “Life of the Ramseys,” Stef sighed, his gaze narrowing with a touch of envy and spite. “He loves her,” he noted, after shuffling through a few more of the pictures. Not quite believing the discovery, he quickly observed the remaining shots. Absently, he reached on his desk for a white envelope and passed it to Denmark.

  “What’s this about, Stef?” Den asked after the payment was safely tucked away in his jacket.

  “Thanks Den. We’re done here,” Stef coolly dismissed the man without a glance in his direction.

  Alone in the office, Stefan splayed the pictures on his bar and studied them more closely. Fernando Ramsey was the very last man he ever pictured falling in love. Hell, he figured it’d happen to himself before his brooding partner. Of course, he could very well understand the attraction. Contessa Warren was most definitely a knockout. She was also business, Stef noted, his dark face tightening. He knew she had to be the reason Fernando instructed Anson and Graham to back away from the meeting.

  Could there be more to it? He considered, taking a cigar from the silver case on the windowsill. Could his partner simply be turning up the charm? Was he trying to woo the lovely Ms. Warren into selling her publishing house? That had to be it! Sure, she was a beauty and trust Fern to be enjoying every inch of her, Stef mused, grinning as he clipped the end off his cigar. Persuasion was such a dirty business, he chuckled.

  Feeling a little more at ease, Stef buzzed Sheila at her desk. “Fernando in yet?” he asked, when she picked up on his call.

  “Not yet, Stefan. He did call to say he’d taken a later flight out of Chicago. Said he should be in a little after one.”

  “No rush,” Stefan drawled, lighting the fat cigar. “Just let him know I want to see him when he gets here.” Satisfied, Stef ended the call and settled down to review the photos again.


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