The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 77

by Altonya Washington

  “And he lived in Savannah?”

  “Mmm hmm with his wife.”

  Mick rubbed her tummy with quick strokes she was so enraptured by the story. “Well? Who is he?”

  “My boss,” Mel said, getting up to fix herself another glass of iced tea. “Crane Cannon.”

  “’Scuse me?”

  “Crane Cannon, the man I went to work for in Memphis. He didn’t know who I was when we met,” she told Mick.

  “Hmph, she’s as shocked as I was,” Ty mused, watching as Mick shook her head in wonder.

  Michaela; however, wasn’t as much shocked as she was stumped. She’d heard the name Crane Cannon before but she had no idea where. “And you’re wanting Quest there when you tell Yohan about his father?” she asked, turning back to Mel and Ty.

  Melina sent Ty an uneasy look, then smiled at Mick. “We know he’s got issues with Marc too, but we need muscle in addition to a cool head. Quest may be our only choice.” She said with a shrug.

  “Is it at all possible that you could be overreacting?” Mick asked, inching forward on the sofa she occupied. “I mean, given the way Yohan feels about Marc, he may be happy about this, you know?”

  “Mick, Yohan as much as told me that the only thing keeping him from going after Marc is the fact that he’s his father.” Mel’s slanting gaze held no trace of doubt. “Mick, he’s not bluffing. I think he’d kill Marc and worry about the consequences later.”

  “And we can’t let that happen,” Ty, trailing both hands through her lengthy tresses. “Yohan’s too good a person to ruin his life over a piece of trash like Marcus Ramsey.”

  “Exactly,” Mick said, pushing herself off the sofa just as her guests rushed over to help. “I know Quest will do whatever he can. I’ll talk to him.”

  Mel slapped her hands to her thighs. “The only question is when.”

  “Probably after Stefan Lyon’s has his meeting. Maybe you and Yohan could come out to the house?”

  Twin expressions of joy illuminated Melina and Tykira’s faces. They hugged Mick and thanked her heartily before heading out. Mick escorted them to the front door and leaned against the polished oak when it closed behind them.

  “Crane Cannon,” she whispered, “where have I heard your name before?”


  “This calls for a celebration. Dinner, maybe a party…no dinner-you, me, Mick, Ty-”

  “Q, hold up man. It’s not a done deal yet,” Quay tried to calm down his brother who was ecstatic over the news of the adoption.

  Quest waved off his twin’s words of caution. He strolled the main room of their office suite, stroking his jaw as he contemplated ways to celebrate. “I think dinner out somewhere is best. Someplace where we can all kick back for a few hours. Maybe a place with dancing and live music.”

  Quay laughed. Usually, he was the one jumping off the walls when the smallest reason to celebrate presented itself. He loved Quest more then for being so happy for him.

  “Fernando said County was coming out in a few days-they could join us. Hell, we could invite Yohan and Mel too,” Quest went on.

  Quay shook his head. “I still can’t believe those two found their way back to one another after all these years.”

  “Yeah,” Quest acknowledged, a smile spreading across his face as he thought about his cousins. Then, he fixed his brother with an adoring look. “What I can’t believe is that you’re about to become a father.”

  Quay closed his eyes, looking as though he couldn’t believe it either. “It feels unreal Q, you know what I mean?” He asked, smiling when Quest nodded. “Unreal in the best way,” he added, and then sent his twin a sly grin. “Is this how you feel?”

  Quest rubbed his hands together. “Every day. Nice, huh?”

  “Damn right,” Quay replied without hesitation.

  “So how’s Ty?” Quest asked, leaning against the back of a sofa and rolling up the sleeves of his heather blue dress shirt. “She jumpin’ off the walls too?”

  “Hell yeah, I think we’re vying for the title of who can be more excited,” Quay teased, before his dark eyes clouded with memory. “I guess we’ve both been thinking if things hadn’t gone so wrong for us before, we’d have a family of our own by now,” he said, easing both hands into the pockets of his butter rum slacks while strolling towards his brother. “We get to live our dream and do what’s right at the same time.”

  Quest’s left-dimpled grin appeared. “God is good.”

  Quay nodded. “All the time,” he agreed chuckling when he and his brother hugged.

  “I’m proud of you, man,” Quest said.

  “I’m proud of myself,” Quay sighed.


  Yohan’s already dim office appeared darker and mellower with the drapes drawn and the sound of the central air system cooling the room. On one of the long, overstuffed black sofas, Yohan held his wife a willing captive. They cuddled and kissed slowly. Melina was having a delightful time, but pushed against her husband’s chest when he began to unbutton her blouse.

  “We can’t…” she mused, arching closer when his lips suckled her earlobe. “I have to um…get back to the gallery. Yohan I have so much to do,” she said, gasping when her blouse parted and cool air brushed her bare skin. “Yohan please…”

  “Mmm hmm,” he agreed, his tongue tracing the shape of her breasts covered with the lace of her bra. Then, he expertly unsnapped the front hook and buried his handsome face in the valley between. His thumb brushed repeatedly across one nipple as his lips and tongue began to feast upon the other. The intermitted nibbling and suckling almost drove Mel crazy with desire.

  “I really do need to get back.”

  “And I really do need you.”

  Mel trailed her fingers through his gorgeous hair and winced at the pleasure of his mouth on her body. “You have me every night.”

  “And it’s not enough,” Yohan complained in a growling tone. He settled his massive frame more securely between her thighs. “It hasn’t been nearly enough.”

  Mel refused to give in and pressed more firmly against his chest. “Come on now, enough. I’m serious,” she tried to sound firm.

  Yohan groaned, bathing her nipples with one final stroke before straightening her bra and her poppy colored blouse.

  Mel smiled and would have thanked him, but his mouth crashed down upon hers and he proceeded to kiss her deeply. A new wave of desire filled her as she suckled his tongue amidst its heated thrusts. His fingers grazing the edge of her panties beneath her khaki skirt provided an unexpected yet incredible sensation.

  “I said no,” she pleaded, this time bumping her fists against his chest.

  In response, Yohan captured both her wrists in one hand and held them above her head. Of course, the positioning moved her breasts to a more prominent and vulnerable location.

  A devilish smile sharpened his fantastic looks. “Damn, why didn’t I think of this before?” he asked.

  Melina braced against his hold, but couldn’t hide her smile. “This isn’t fair.”

  “But it’s fun.”

  “Mmm,” Mel replied, when their lips connected in another kiss. She arched into his chiseled torso when his fingers disappeared beneath her panties and sank into the wealth of moisture he found there. Eventually, she broke the kiss while crying out her pleasure as his thumb and middle finger assaulted the most sensitive areas of her womanhood. The phone ringing on the table closest to the sofa they occupied could barely be heard above her moans.

  “Yohan,” she called when he clearly made no indication of going to answer.

  His perfect teeth fastened to her earlobe again as his thrusts grew deeper inside her. The phone rang three more times.

  “Don’t you have voice mail?” Mel snapped, now agitated that anything was interfering with her pleasure.

  Yohan continued to suckle on her earlobe. “Must be the private line.”

  Mel cursed when her better judgment overruled her desire. “There could be word on
your mother,” she cautioned.

  Yohan continued to enjoy his wife until her words began to penetrate his logic. Frustrated, he released her wrists and snatched the receiver from its cradle. “Yeah?” he practically snarled into the receiver.

  “Yohan? Baby is that you?”

  “Yeah,” he said, his voice softening. “Yes ma’am. Sorry Miss Rita,” he said, ignoring Mel’s I-told-you-so expression.

  “I’m so sorry to bother you at work, baby.”

  Yohan smiled and moved to sit on the sofa. “That’s no problem, Miss Rita and no bother. Everything alright?”

  “Well, I wanted you to know that your mother called.”

  Again, Yohan glanced at Mel. “She did?”

  “Yes, she’s at a clinic in California.”


  “Yes, it’s a type of retreat. She’d talked about going down there once before, but it was always understood that I’d be going with her,” Rita explained. “Anyway, it’s water under the bridge. Just wanted you to know she was alright, baby.”

  “Thank you Miss Rita. Thanks for letting me know. If you talk to her, ask her to call?”

  “I sure will, Sweetie. Kiss Mel for me, you hear?”

  “Yes ma’am…yes ma’am…I will. Bye.”

  “See?” Mel challenged, when Yohan put down the phone.

  “Ma’s at some retreat in California. She and Miss Rita talked about it a while back.”

  Mel nodded, happy there’d been word on Josephine. Still, the news was bittersweet. She was thrilled to know her mother-in-law was safe. Unfortunately, with Josephine gone, it pretty much sealed her fate that telling Yohan about his true paternity would be her responsibility.

  “Thank God,” Yohan groaned, bracing his elbows on his knees and burying his face in his hands. “I won’t have to ask Moses to help look for her again.”

  “You say that like he wouldn’t do it.”

  “Hmph, I have my doubts that he would.”

  Mel fixed him with a curious expression. “But she’s his mother…Yohan?”

  “Listen,” Yohan said, turning to take one of her hands in both of his. “Mo and our mother have drama that dates back to his childhood. The fact that he does and has always looked so much like Pop has made his life pure hell with her.”

  Mel sat straighter on the sofa. “How?” she whispered.

  Yohan shook his head. “It’s not worth goin’ into,” he decided, and then forced a refreshing smile to his face. “At least he’s got another crusade to keep him busy. He’s gonna find your cousin. He says he’s gonna find Zara.”


  David McNeil had stopped taking notes long ago. He was thankful that the recorder was still doing its job. Hearing the tale told by his client just then in the cold confines of the cement-walled room, almost gave him a case of the shivers. “Are you sure about this Houston?” David asked for the tenth time since his client began the confession.

  Houston laced his fingers together atop the chrome table. “Do you really think my brother concealed all that evidence because he loves me so much?”

  David massaged his forehead in hopes of preventing pain from forming at his temple. “An admission like that won’t do a damn thing to help your case.”

  Houston grimaced, his honey-toned face appearing gaunt and ashen. “I don’t care about that. Seeing Taurus…the look in his eyes-cold; no feeling…no love. You know the sad thing Dave?” he asked his attorney, wiping away tears with the sleeve of his orange jumpsuit. “He’s always looked at me that way I just never saw it before. There’s no way I could ever make up for all I’ve done, but I can at least own up to it.”

  “And what about your brother?” David asked, as he stood from the table. “If Marc’s as dangerous as you say aren’t you rattled about calling him out?”

  A smile that was cold and hate filled, yet desperate at once came to Houston’s face. “The man stood and watched me rape his daughter. No David. No way in hell am I afraid to call him out.”


  A few days later, Michaela was hugging County after she and Fernando arrived at her home that afternoon. Quest took his cousin to the den for drinks while Mick caught up with her best friend. Once the small talk was out of the way, Mick made sure her husband was out of ear shot.

  “Now let’s talk about the book,” she decided, pushing her hands into the side pockets of her yellow housedress.

  Contessa rolled her eyes. “Not this again,” she breathed “don’t do this to me Mick,” she begged, pulling off her white open-toed heels as she headed for the living room.

  Mick wasn’t about to give up. “I want in.”

  “I’m not discussing this.”


  “Shut it.” County urged, with a raised hand and a furious glare at her friend. “What the hell am I gonna say to Quest when your name shows up on the front of a book he forbids you to write?”

  Mick extended her hands in a pleading gesture. “If you’d just let me tell you-“

  County raised both hands then. “Save it. I don’t even want to know how you plan to make this happen.” She softened in response to the disappointment on Michaela’s face. “Don’t worry girl, the book will be well written and well produced. I promise it’ll make both you and Johnelle Black proud.”

  Mick blinked and stood staring at Contessa with a closed expression plastered on her face.

  “Oh God,” County gasped, jumping off the sofa. “It’s time, isn’t it? It’s time, you’re going into labor aren’t you?” she panicked.

  “No,” Mick hissed, catching her friend by the belt of her red sundress before she could run off to Quest. “No I’m fine,” she said before turning away.

  “Then what is it, dammit?” County demanded, not liking the look of Mick muttering to herself.

  Michaela thrust one hand through her curls and held it there. “I know who he is. Oh no…County I know who he is.”


  Melina woke with a jerk and found herself alone in the spacious bed she’d shared with Yohan every night since the first day she stepped foot back inside their home. This, however, was not the room they’d shared as man and wife, but a guest room. Something wouldn’t let her step inside the master bedroom suite and she loved Yohan even more for not pushing her to do so.

  Now, in the wee hours of the morning, she woke confused by the eerie silence and the fact that he was not lying next to her. She shivered, acknowledging her nude state. But Yohan would have her in bed no other way. It had become customary to feel her most intimate parts ache with the sweetest pain once they’d reached the conclusion of a lovemaking session.

  “Han?” she called out to the darkened room, not surprised to receive no response. Concerned, she grabbed his T-shirt that had been tossed across the bench at the foot of the bed and pulled it on as she left the room.


  The house was dark with the exception of the tiny track lights which were embedded into the carpet lining the hallway and staircase. She knew he’d ventured down there, but didn’t call out as she made her way to the first floor. The living room sat just off from the staircase and she checked there first, spotting him the moment she stepped into the spacious area.

  His nude frame was outlined before one of the tall windows where he stood-staring past the spotless panes. His arms were folded across his massive chest while Melina watched, uncertain of whether to disturb him.

  “Come over here,” he said, taking the decision from her hands.

  “You okay?” Mel asked, as she ventured closer on cautious steps. She moved behind him encircling her arms about his waist and smiling when she felt the tension leave his body. “Better?” she asked.


  “Wanna talk?”

  “Do you?”

  Thankful for the darkness; and the fact that she stood behind him, Mel knew her surprise at his tone was effectively masked. “What do you mean?” she lightly probed.

  Yohan didn’t respond
straightaway. He admitted the darkened landscape a moment longer, before turning to sit on the window sill. He pulled her close, his hand rising to brush her jaw. “Do you even understand how well I know you? I guess it surprises me too, considering how much time has passed between us.” His fingers traced her collarbone, moving down to cup her hip. “How well I know every inch of you.” He went on, caressing the small of her back when such soothing, massaging strokes that her most achy parts responded.

  “And how well I can read your reactions,” he added, his deep set eyes finally coming to rest on her face.

  “Exactly what are you getting at, Han?” Mel asked her words breathless with a nervous laughter.

  Yohan cupped her bottom in both his hands, and then gripped her thighs. “I have the strongest feeling you’re still keeping something from me.”

  Mel pressed her lips together, her slanted stare flickering past the windows. “Why would you think that?” she asked.

  “We’ve been enjoying this,” he noted, glancing around the living room, “being together after so long. I’ve been happy about it, have you?”

  Frowning now, Mel brushed the back of her hand across his cheek. “Of course I have. Do you doubt that?”

  “No,” he assured her with a slow shake of his head, “but in spite of all that happiness-in your eyes and your face I see fear. Not always, just every now and then I glimpse it; sitting like a lone star against a black sky.

  Mel forced a laugh over his assessment. “Han-“

  “I don’t like it,” he said. “I don’t like it one bit.”

  “Why are you doing this?” she whispered, bending a little to look directly into his dark eyes. “There’s no reason for you to think this way-not now not when things are so nice.”

  Yohan rose to his full height and squeezed her hands to his chest. “Just so we understand each other Meli, my anger growing is the only thing you’re accomplishing by keeping anything else from me.”

  Mel forced laughter past her throat. “You’re really fishing!” she teased, determined to veer from a far too dangerous topic; at least until she had back up. “You’re upsetting yourself unnecessarily,” she said and linked her arms about his neck. “I don’t want to waste time at odds with each other. We’ve been apart too long for that.” Her head tilted as she followed the trail her nails grazed along his neck and chest. “Come back to bed,” she urged.


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