The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 82

by Altonya Washington

  “At least she’s got Quest to keep her halfway in check,” County was saying when they entered the study and took seats on the sofa.

  Fernando sat silently for a while, watching County as she grazed her nails along her bare arms. “Yeah,” he sighed and nodded slowly. “It’s good for a woman to have a husband…if she wants one.”

  “Yeah, she-“ County stopped and turned to look at Fernando more closely. “What does that mean?” she inquired almost uneasily.

  Frowning as though he were focusing, Fernando moved his hands across his thighs. “Do you want one?” he asked in a purely adorable manner. “A husband?”

  Contessa held her breath, her mind going completely blank for a second. “I-I suppose um…if the right man were to ask.”

  He nodded once, and then eased his hand into the breast pocket on the front of the short sleeved pine shirt that hung outside his jeans. County pressed her lips together and watched him open a small, maroon velvet box. Inside, there was a gorgeous round diamond set on a silver band.

  “Would you please wear this until you decide whether I’m the right man?” he asked, pulling her hand into his.


  “I’m asking you to be my wife Contessa,” he interrupted, his translucent brown stare focused on his ring adorning her hand. “I pray you’ll say yes.”

  County knew exactly what she wanted to say. Sadly, she just couldn’t get the words to form on her tongue.

  Fernando smiled and leaned close to brush his mouth across her cheek. “You relax and I’ll see you later.”

  Contessa watched him heading out the study. Her eyes were wide and she couldn’t believe he was just leaving. She couldn’t even open her mouth to tell him to wait, or yes, or I’ll marry you. When he’d left, she studied the ring again wondering when he’d gotten it-when he’d decided that he wanted her to marry him. She was so deep in thought that it took her some time to register that something was very wrong with the chuckling and clapping that rose unexpectedly in the room.

  Relaxing in a chair hidden in the shadows of the massive study was Stefan Lyons.

  “Damn bravo. Bravo Fernando. My man’s finally takin’ the leap,” Stef commended, standing from the arm chair. “You know, I always figured I’d get hitched before Fern.” He shrugged, looking as though there were nothing out of the ordinary about him being there.

  County’s fingers curled into one of the throw pillows nearby. Clutching the pillow was the only thing that prevented her from screaming.

  “My man Fern,” Stef still raved as a telling smile curved his mouth. “But I guess being a Ramsey’s always given him the jump on things.”

  “Well you’re a Ramsey too,” County finally found her voice, smirking at the surprise on Stef’s face. “Yeah, we know,” she confirmed. “Too bad your sick daddy didn’t own up to it when it could’ve made a difference.”

  Stefan’s expression hardened into a cold mask. ‘I’m glad Fern finally found a freak he wanted to lock down.”

  “What the hell do you want?” County hissed.

  Stef’s smile looked even more menacing in light of the busted lip he sported since the tussle with Fernando. The grin sent a frightening wave through County and she wasn’t sure she wanted an answer to her question.

  A shrill sound shattered the silence. It was Stef’s cell which he answered before the ring tone could pierce the air again.

  “Pop,” he greeted Marcus Ramsey.

  County leaned forward on the sofa, trying to pick up as much of the conversation as she could. Unfortunately, Stef’s end of the discussion was mainly a series of mmm hmms and uh-uh’s. When he turned to look at her, she felt that sick feeling overtake her again.

  “I know you got a dime waitin’ on me over there, but she can’t be better than what I’m lookin’ at right now.” Stef boasted, yet the easy look on his handsome face tightened. Clearly, Marc was issuing a scolding response.

  “It will be quick Pop.” Stef assured, his gaze narrowing towards Contessa again, “but I’ve been wanting some of this for a long time. I’ll be in and out-literally.”

  County didn’t need to hear more and intended to make a dash for the door. Stefan was there, blocking her way before she could leave the sofa.

  “Gotta go Pop,” he said, clicking off the phone and pushing it into his jeans. “You’ll like it, don’t worry,” he promised.

  County began to punch his chest and was about to call out when his hand covered her mouth. She bit into his palm and he retaliated with a vicious backhand slap. Dazed and feeling murderous at once, County lost her verbal skills again.

  Stefan’s sinister expression oozed a confidence. She’d not cry out again, he was sure. Unmindful of her gasp of pain, his hand tightened harshly about her arm and he jerked her close.

  “That damn jackass Fernando always walkin’ around like a god. Him and his punk-ass brothers,” he breathed against County’s dark close-cropped hair. “I hate ‘em, always have, but had to play nice. Those days are over,” he wore, his other hand closing over her breast. “Marc needs me now and since his sons turned their backs…well I’m damn well gonna benefit and that’s gonna start with me enjoying one of my half-brother’s goodies,” he decided and lowered his face to the scoop neck of her halter.Terrified, Contessa’s breathing was heavy, much to Stefan’s delight. Her chest heaved against his mouth.

  “You know how I like it,” he commended, settling himself against her. “After I’m done with you I’ll have a taste of Yohan’s toy and then her cousin…too bad you won’t live to talk about how good it was.”

  At last, County found her voice and screamed with all her force. In the same moment, Stef was literally ripped off her. She heard him breathe the word ‘you’, but didn’t look up to see who had come to her rescue. She escaped through a side door, screaming as she ran.


  “I can’t believe you just left without finding out if she’d say yes,” Melina noted. She’d joined Michaela in the kitchen to talk when Fernando had returned from the study.

  Fernando took another swig of his Heineken. “She may not say yes,” he warned.

  “Why wouldn’t she?” Mick challenged, trying to maintain a serious expression instead of smiling at the little-boy uncertainty on Fernando’s face.

  Mel sat close, rubbing her hand across his knee. “She wants to marry you very much, trust me. You should’ve stayed in the study until you got an answer.”

  Fernando set aside his beer. “I felt like I was gonna faint in there,” he groaned, holding his head down and rubbing his fingers through the silkiness of his brown hair. “I think I needed to get out of there more than she needed me to leave.”

  Mick and Mel exchanged dreamy looks and fawned even more over Fernando. His uncharacteristic show of unease endeared him to them both. Mick was pressing a kiss to his cheek and Mel was hugging his neck when Quest, Quay and Tykira arrived with Yohan.

  “Hey, hey what’s goin’ on in here?” Quest demanded playfully.

  “Yeah, break this mess up,” Quay ordered.

  “Oh hush,” Mick urged with a wave. “Fernando just proposed to County.”

  “Oh!” Ty gasped and went to fawn over Fernando as well.

  Amidst all the love and laughter, Melina and Yohan’s gazes held. Clearly, they missed one another and Mel couldn’t hide the longing in her exotic slanting stare. She turned away, missing Yohan’s hazel gaze soften as a smile began to tug at his mouth.

  A heavy boom resounded over all other commotion when County burst into the kitchen crying Fernando’s name. Everyone turned, in slow motion it seemed. Their expressions went from happy, to confused to stormy when the group took in Contessa’s disheveled appearance and the trickle of blood oozing from her lip.

  “What happened?” Fernando growled, already on his feet and catching her as her legs gave way.

  County’s fingers curled into Fernando’s shirt and she took several moments to catch her breath. “Stef-the study-he-he tri
ed to-“

  She didn’t have a chance to say more. The guys went charging out of the kitchen, headed for Quest’s study. When they burst into the room, it was in shambles. There was a

  body lying on the floor. Fernando grabbed the man by the back of his shirt and turned him over.

  “What the hell?” Fernando breathed, his eyes widening in disbelief.

  The group watched, stunned as Wake Robinson regained consciousness. The women came into the study just as Fernando was tugging Wake to his feet by the collar of his shirt.

  “What the hell are you doin’ here?” Fernando demanded.

  “And alive,” Quay added, his fist clenching reflexively.

  “Wait!” County blurted, when it appeared the guys were about to render Wake unconscious again. She rushed in, pulling Fernando’s hands away from the man’s shirt. “If I’m not mistaken, you just saved my life,” she said, watching as Wake smiled.


  “I had to fake it,” Wake said of his death.

  Stefan was long gone having knocked Wake unconscious shortly after their fight began.

  I figured it was the best way to get the goods on Marc,” Wake said, his dark brown eyes narrowed in frustration. “Problem was, he left Seattle before I could put my plan into affect. So I’ve been on Stef’s butt the entire time hoping he’d lead me to Marcus.”

  “So you knew about Stef being Marc’s son?” Yohan asked, watching Wake nod.

  Wake leaned forward, resting his elbows on his jean clad thighs. “Sorry I didn’t tell you guys before,” he said, looking at Quay.

  “Don’t sweat that mess, man,” said Moses who’d arrived shortly after the ruckus had settled. “This is small potatoes next to all the other crap our father is into.”

  Wake smashed his fist against his palm. “I just hate that I didn’t get what I was after-concrete evidence against that man.”

  “Like Mo said, don’t sweat it,” Yohan advised with a slow smirk, “if you hadn’t been here County could’ve been raped and killed and-“

  “Mel,” Contessa whispered, drawing everyone’s attention.

  “What?” Yohan probed.

  County appeared as though she’d just remembered something awful and the full realization of Stefan’s threats hit her.

  Fernando made her face him, his thumbs brushing her cheeks. “What is it, love?” he urged.

  “Once he was done with me…he-he said he’d have a taste of Yohan’s toy and then her cousin.

  “Johari!” Mel gasped, leaning against the doorjamb, her eyes wide.

  Mick and Ty rushed to her, while Moses turned away in deep concentration.

  “Did he say anything else?” Fernando asked County.

  She was shaking her head. “He…he was talking to Marc. I did hear him say his name,” she whispered, trying to ward off shivers as the memories resurfaced.

  “I heard him say something about a dime waitin’ on him over there,” Wake recalled, folding his arms over the front of the black Nike T-shirt he wore. “He didn’t say where over there was,” he added.

  “Oh my God,” County groaned, closing her eyes. “I’m so stupid.”

  “What is it?” Fernando asked, rubbing her back with wide reassuring strokes.

  “I’d forgotten, I’d forgotten that girl.” Her eyes met Fernando’s then. “The girl I met on the ship-on the Wind Rage.”

  Fernando stilled. “What about her?”

  “That night we-we went to dinner. Cufi pulled you away to talk about something…” her eyes drifted across the room. “There was a girl. I doubt if she was even eighteen. She was all excited because Cufi promised to help her acting career, said he was taking her to the house-this great place he had in Nice.”

  “Moses?” Melina called, reaching out for her brother-in-law. “What if Stefan wasn’t talking about Jo?” She asked, once they were holding hands. “What if he meant Zara?”

  Moses’ black eyes narrowed with a sinister intensity. A second later, he was on his cell and telling one of his men to round up the rest of the guys-he wanted everyone on this.

  “We’ll find her,” Moses promised, once the call was done and he was hugging Mel. “We’ll find her,” he stressed, kissing her cheek before joining his brothers and cousins in a huddle around Wake.


  “Runnin’ off halfcocked and without me. We agreed that I’d go with you, but nooo you had to run off and have everyone scared to death you’d done somethin’ crazy.” Rita Hotchkiss spoke without taking a breath as she chastised her boss.

  Josephine relaxed on the lounge near the bay windows in her bedroom. In spite of Rita’s admonishments, a content smile graced Josephine’s face. The smile remained in tact even when Rita let loose a piercing scream. Sighing, she snuggled in more securely on the sofa. “It’s for my own protection,” she explained, knowing what the woman had uncovered in the suitcase.

  “That’s what dogs and security men are for,” Rita countered, looking down at the gun she’d discovered amidst Josephine’s clothing.

  Josephine grimaced. “Those security men work for Marcus.”

  “So you buy this? Woman what in the world do you know about using a gun?”

  “Enough,” Josephine replied without hesitation, folding her arms across the front of the white silk lounging robe. “Became licensed while I was away. I can shoot any gun there is.”

  “Or anyone there is,” Rita warned, propping a hand on her hip.

  Josephine smirked. “There’s only one person I want to share my skills with.”

  Rita slammed the case shut. “He ain’t worth it,” she said, taking a seat on the bed.

  “Oh yes he is. He is very worthy of being shot to death with my gun.”

  Shaking her head, Rita left the bed and went to close the room door. Then she stomped over to the lounge and whipped the cloth from Josephine’s eyes. “Think about what you’re sayin’ dammit,” she ordered, giving Josephine a harsh shake. “Hell, he may deserve that, but it’s not worth you going to jail for the rest of your life because of it.”

  Josephine propped herself up, her expression suddenly appearing tired and defeated. “Rita you know everything-more than my own family. You know the horror I’ve been through with that son of a bitch.”

  “Then leave him Josie. Leave him.” Rita urged her glare stormy. “Don’t waste any more of your life by killing him.”

  “Him being dead is the only way I’ll have a life,” Josephine decided, her tone brooking no further disagreement. Turning to her side, she closed her eyes.

  Rita stood, shaking her head morosely. She cast another wary look upon the suitcase that carried the gun.


  “There can’t be any mistake?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Fernando and Moses watched their younger brother with stunned looks darkening their handsome faces. Yohan had just told them the story of his true paternity. The trio stood in silence, but their thoughts were the same. They were thoughts of hatred for all Marc Ramsey had taken them through.

  Fernando stepped closer, his eyes crinkling adorably as he smiled. “We share the parent who counts,” he said and clapped a hand to Yohan’s shoulder. “Josephine is our mother and even if she weren’t, nothing can change the fact that you’re my brother and I love you.”

  “We love you,” Moses corrected, stepping close as the three brothers shared a tight hug.


  “Man there’s nothing I could say to-to tell you how sorry I am…for everything,” Wake said to Quay and smiled at Tykira who stood at her husband’s side. “If I’d been man enough to step up back then, Quay wouldn’t have felt he had to push you away and lose all those years.”

  Ty shook her head. “We won’t talk about this anymore. We all have futures to look forward to.”

  “Which includes parenthood,” Wake said, watching the couple exchange uneasy looks.

  Ty pressed her lips together and took a step closer to Wake. “We certainly under
stand that you’d want to be there for your sons.”

  “I’ll be there Tykira, but it’ll be as their uncle Wake.”

  “Man? What are you sayin’?” Quay asked, stepping close as well.

  Wake smiled. “Come on kid, you know I always wanted a life like yours. Not because of the money or clothes like my mom and everybody else thought. It was

  because of Damon and Catrina,” he admitted, referring to Quay’s parents. “They raised you and Quest together. Catrina was always ready to listen to your chatter and girl problems-never too tired from working two jobs to support you on her own. Damon was there to show y’all what it meant to be a man. I wanted that.”

  Quay raised his hand, but words escaped him.

  “Wake? What happened to their mother if you don’t mind my asking,” Ty inquired.

  Wake bowed his head. “We met in college, dated off and on and then more steady once we graduated. We lived together…things were rough with neither of us having jobs in our major so we decided to call it quits. Then a few years ago, she came back strung out on…cocaine, crack take your pick. She needed a friend, I couldn’t turn her away. After a while it looked like she was gonna get better, we got close again. Then one day, she was gone-no word, nothing. She was pregnant, thank God she wasn’t back on the stuff but it’d done so much damage to her body…she died in labor. They found me from the information she put down when they checked her in. Ma and I did our best, but we both knew they needed more and now with Ma sick…”

  Ty stepped closer. “You can still be a real father to them Wake. They can still have a very good life. ”

  “I damn well want my boys to have that life,” Wake continued, “I see Damon and Catrina in you both and knowin’ my guys will be loved and educated in matters of the mind and heart makes me proud to give you my children to raise.”

  Ty was crying then, while Quay stood frowning to keep his own tears at bay. Soon, another three way hug was commencing in the study.



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