The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 92

by Altonya Washington

  “Allegedly,” Marc corrected.

  “Kidnapped almost twenty years ago has been found and is prepared to testify?”

  “Accusations of such heinous crimes aren’t the way to acquire my cooperation, Mr. Elam.” Marc noted still maddeningly calm.

  “We know you did this, you son of a bitch. Your brother’s got his own confession riding against him and you,” Detective Days announced.

  Marc smiled once more. “Good day gentlemen,” he bid, pulling the newspaper before his face again.

  The DA waved his hand, preventing the detectives from further comment. “We’ll be expecting your call Ramsey,” he said, while hustling the men from the room.

  “We’re done here, Elam,” Marc called. “The next person you’ll speak with will be my attorney,” Marc warned.

  Elam cast a sour look across his shoulder. “So be it,” he agreed, before he and the detectives left the room.

  Alone, Marc came down off his pedestal and allowed his unease to show. Leaning forward, he shuffled around in his briefcase until he located his cell.

  “Where do we stand?” he was asking once the connection was made.

  “We’re on target.”

  “Really? That can’t be when I’ve got DAs and Detectives paying visits to my hospital room.”

  “Which is as far as this will go. This won’t go to trial, Marc.”

  Marc massaged his aching forehead. “This plan had better work.”

  “It will. Everything’s in place. The bait simply has to be taken and it will be.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “It’ll be too good to pass up.”

  Still unconvinced, Marc only shrugged. “I hope you’re right,” he sighed.


  “I’d say you’re gonna need two or three more of those before you tackle that shipment of paper waiting in your office,” Carlos McPherson noted, watching Moses down a long swig of Killian’s Red. “You really think you’ll find a lead in all that stuff?”

  “Right now, it’s all we have to go on,” Moses acknowledged.

  Carlos folded his arms across his wide chest. “And you really think Jo will help you with it? This is a friend and co-worker while you’re a former…former and enemy.”

  Moses’ long brows rose in a nonchalant manner. “Yes, he’s a friend-a friend she wants to help and she’ll do that in any way she can.”

  Carlos lowered his gaze to the table and briefly debated his next question. “What was it like to see her again?”

  “Unreal,” Moses said, once he’d sat in silence for a few moments.

  Carlos unfolded his arms and turned to follow Moses’ line of gaze. He saw Johari waltzing into the restaurant, where she greeted her cousin with a kiss and hug.

  “Still incredible,” Carlos noted.

  “Still incredible,” Moses confirmed, through his expression grew clearly murderous when he noted the glances of other men who seemed to share similar opinions of the leggy beauty.

  “Serves you right for letting her go,” Carlos criticized, seeing the cold daggers from Moses’ onyx stare. Before his friend could respond, Carlos stood. “I’m gonna go speak, you comin’?” he politely asked, receiving a sinister glare in return.


  “Do you ever stop working?” Mel asked her cousin once they’d pulled out of the hug.

  Jo moved to her side of the table. “I know you ain’t talkin’?” she retorted, placing her purse and portfolio on an empty chair.

  “Touché,” Mel said, one their laughter dwindled.

  “I’ve got so much going on with Zara and all, but this is a job I may take,” she confessed, idly toying with the small row of emerald beads that lined the V-neck bodice of her coral sundress. “With the way things are at the studio, we need all the business we can get.”

  Of course, Melina was concerned and Jo gave a quick explanation of Ken Shaw’s alleged embezzlement. She decided to omit Moses’ involvement, however.

  “I’m so sorry sweetie,” Mel whispered, leaning close to squeeze her cousin’s hand.

  Jo shrugged. “I don’t even want to talk about it anymore. Besides, I came here expecting to hear something happy. Was that laughter I heard in your voice when we talked earlier?”

  “It was,” Mel confirmed her smile as brilliant as the poppy and lilac mosaic print blouse she wore. “Yohan and I are gonna renew our vows,” she shared.

  Jo uttered a tiny squeeze and in seconds, the cousins were hugging again.

  “Well we knew it’d be impossible getting everyone together with all the family stuff happening before the end of the year,” Mel explained when Jo required details. “There’s Quincee’s baptism, Quay and Ty’s anniversary party…thank God Fern and County haven’t set a wedding date yet and Quest and Mick are going away for their anniversary. So…” she drawled, spreading her hands across the table, “Mick and I came up with a plan to hold Quin’s baptism at the church followed by me and Yohan renewing our vows with a huge party afterwards at Quest and Mick’s.”

  “Impressive,” Jo breathed, closing her eyes in contentment. “I really can’t wait. Lord knows it’s just what I need. If only…”

  Melina didn’t need her to finish. “If only you could prevent running into Moses?”


  “Has it been that rough?” Mel asked, watching Jo’s silver gaze widen.

  “You have no idea,” she confirmed.

  “Does it have to be that rough?”

  Johari knew what her cousin was really asking. “It does for now. I just…I just don’t know how to change things-how to approach certain…things.”

  Mel nodded, needing no further clarification. She could certainly understand the woman’s predicament having been there herself not so long ago. “Just don’t let your cowardice win out,” she advised. “Remember that me and Zara are both here if you need us.”

  Jo threw back her head and laughed fully. “I can’t tell you how good that sounds,” she sighed before her calm evaporated. “I’ll be damned,” she whispered, seeing Carlos McPherson cross the dining room…with Moses.

  Mel turned in the direction Jo stared. “Mmm, so fine,” she complimented in reference to her brother-in-law.

  “Stop,” Jo ordered, rolling her eyes when Mel fixed her with a teasing look.

  Mel stood to greet Moses with a hug. Meanwhile, Carlos approached Johari. The two shared a tight embrace that Jo noticed Moses observing. She managed to overlook that long enough to focus in on Carlos whom she hadn’t seen in months.

  “Thank you Carlos. Thank you so much,” Jo was telling him, smiling when Carlos’ expression was curious. “Moses told me about your undercover work on the boat.”

  He shook his head and focused on the string ties at her shoulders. “I wish I could’ve done more.”

  “You did plenty,” Jo assured her friend, patting a hand against his rough honey-toned cheek.

  “So what about you and Mo? How’s that goin’?” Carlos asked, lowering his tone as he voiced the question.

  “Other than saying ‘it’s difficult’, I don’t really know how to describe it. I’d probably add confusing, tense, overwhelming,” Erotic, she tacked on silently.

  Carlos glanced at Moses, who was still talking with Mel. “Listen, I know we can’t go into specifics,” he said, dipping his head close to hers, “but will you tell him the truth about what happened when you left?”

  “Are you crazy?” Jo hissed.

  “Honey listen now, Mo had his reasons for-“

  “I know. I know his reasons Carlos,” she said, patting her hands against the midnight blue polo shirt he wore. “That’s exactly why telling him about what happened to me and the baby would be too much for him to handle. You know him, he’d hold himself responsible. He didn’t know a thing about the baby, but I did. I did and I didn’t care.”

  “But honey, if you just-“

  “Stop,” she whispered, noting that Melina was done talking with her brother-in-law and
was taking a call on her cellular.

  Moses meanwhile, simply stood near the table. Both his hands were pushed into the pockets of his pearl gray trousers. While his stance was casual, the affect was belied by the intensely unwavering dark stare.

  “You ready man?” Carlos inquired, only receiving a wave in turn. Hiding his grimace, he turned back to Jo. “You goin’ back to the hospital? I’ll see you there,” he added when she gave a slow nod as confirmation.

  Johari hoped her sigh of relief couldn’t be heard as the men walked on. She could scarcely look in Moses direction as he passed by without a word or another glance.


  Mick smiled, watching as Taurus gazed down into Quincee’s face while he held her. Like every other man who met the bubbly infant, Taurus was entranced. The youngest Ramsey was indeed a beauty, with her perfectly round dark face, complete with a left dimple and hazy gray eyes like her father. She’d inherited her mother’s blue black curls which framed her face like midnight halo.

  “Quest better start buying his rifles,” Taurus noted in an awe-filled voice.

  Michaela laughed. “Why they’re purchased and loaded. He shines them daily in case you didn’t know.” She said, folding her arms across her denim shirt.

  Laughter filled the room and mingled with Quincee’s attempts to join in.

  “You know you have to be there for your father?” Mick said when the glee began to disperse a bit.

  “Don’t ruin this Mick,” Taurus urged, leaning closer to kiss Quin’s forehead.

  “Honey I know Houston’s done terrible things, but you’d never forgive yourself if you weren’t there,” Mick predicted.

  “I don’t know what difference I could make,” Taurus replied in a sing-song voice as he continued to fawn over Quincee.

  Mick rolled her eyes. “It’s not about making a difference. He’s your father and I don’t think you could live with knowing he had no one in that courtroom that cared about him,” she said, shrugging a bit. “Besides, you’re an attorney. I think you’d want to be sure his council’s doing a fair job.”

  Taurus; who served as Ramsey Enterprises legal director, groaned and shook his head. “I’m a corporate attorney Mick, I don’t represent criminals.”


  Finally, Taurus raised his unsettling amber stare to Mick’s identical one. “You’re incredible, you know that?” he noted, standing to place Quin in the lavish peaches and cream bassinette that sat in the corner of the sitting room. “After what he did, how can you give a damn about whether or not he’s got someone there who cares about him?”

  “I don’t care about Houston,” Mick corrected, perching on the arm of the navy sofa Taurus had just left. “I care about you and how this will affect you. Houston’s been there for you your entire life,” she said, her voice harboring a melancholy tone.

  Knowing what Mick had been through-losing her mother at such an early age-Taurus softened a bit and walked over to squeeze her shoulders. “Listen, I’ll be affected just fine as long as I’m not there.”

  “I still-“

  “I need to go,” Taurus cut in, his gaze twinkling devilishly when he kissed her forehead. “I have a meeting and Quest’ll have a damn fit if he walks in and finds me here.”

  Mick shook her head, curious amusement in her eyes. “One day you’re gonna have to tell me why the two of you hate each other so.”

  For only a moment, Taurus’ expression was a reflection of regret. It disappeared as quickly as it arrived and his sly, gorgeous grin returned. “Well, it won’t be today,” he promised, pulling her into a hug. “We still on for lunch Friday?” he asked.

  Mick tugged at the knot of his medium purple tie. “Can’t wait. Neither can Damon or Catrina who’ll have Quin for the whole day,” she sighed, looking over at the bassinette. “Think about what I said?” she urged once more, smiling when he simply kissed her cheek and strolled out the room.


  Johari returned to her hotel suite at the Montgomery later that evening. Kicking off the emerald green wedge sandals she’d worn that day, Jo relished the solitude. After such a full day, it’d be nice to unwind, she decided. Of course, she wouldn’t have traded the last few hours for a thing. It was still so unreal seeing Zara-talking and venting with her after a lifetime apart. The bond was still there and evident by the way she confided her every secret with no fears of being harshly judged.

  Leaning back on the crimson sofa, Jo thought of Carlos McPherson. Aside from Zara, he was the only one who knew of the baby. With the use of bulky clothing, she’d successfully hidden the pregnancy from her parents.

  Carlos never judged her, but he’d always encouraged her to tell Moses everything. Somehow, he believed all would be magically wonderful once the truths of the past were revealed. Jo shook her head then, casting Carlos off as a hopeless romantic and loyal friend to a couple of fools. Although, only to herself would she admit she’d harbored those same beliefs on occasion-telling Moses and having him understand why she let things happen as they did.

  Still, it was as she’d told Carlos earlier that day. Moses would simply chalk this up to another one of his faults-his mistakes. Josephine Ramsey had done a true number on him in the guilt department, Jo thought fidgeting with a lock of her bright hair. Moses would assume responsibility for all the pain she’d lived with over the years. They would never have a real chance. A chance? Is that what she wanted for them? Before she could contemplate that loaded question, the bell sounded. Heading for the front, she pulled open the door and found Moses on the other side.


  Johari stepped back, allowing Moses inside without question. They moved no farther than the entry way of the suite. She watched, trying to ignore the dangerously rugged intensity he exuded without uttering a word.

  Moses simply relaxed against the door and appeared to be waiting on her to begin.

  “Did something happen?” she blurted, after only six or seven seconds had passed.

  Letting his long lashes shield his eyes, Moses smiled and focused on the black Karl Kani boots he sported. “I’m not here about that,” he softly reassured her.

  Jo gave a reflexive jerk at the goose bumps riddled her arms. The bass of his voice was more foreboding than any words he could have spoken. “Then why are you here?” she managed to ask him.

  “I’m here to talk about Carlos,” he said, folding his arms across the front of the Supersonics T-shirt he wore. His probing stare seemed to narrow further when he noticed her breasts heave at the mention of his friend’s name.

  “What about him?” Jo inquired lightly. She curled her toes into the Persian rug in a desperate attempt to stay rooted to her spot.

  “About what he knows.”

  Jo’s silver stare flashed in a tell-tale fashion and she stepped close. “What did he tell you?” she demanded without thinking.

  The double-dimpled smirk appeared. “I think you know.”

  Suddenly feeling a shortness of breath, Jo turned her head and blinked rapidly as though that would calm her. “He promised to never tell you anything,” she said as though speaking to herself. She’d taken a few steps deeper into the suite, when she stopped and whirled around. Her expression sharpened as she observed him-the casual stance as he leaned against the door with his hands hidden in the deep pockets of the sagging blue jeans. Too late, she realized Carlos hadn’t told him a thing and that Moses had effectively bluffed her.

  “Jackass,” she hissed, watching as he shrugged. “Don’t you even come here and try to treat me like one of your runners,” she advised in a scathing tone.

  Moses was undaunted. “Then tell me what I want to know,” he challenged.

  “Go to hell,” Jo spat and stomped further into the suite. She retreated to the balcony outside the living area. Soon after her arrival there, Moses’ hand was curving around her elbow.

  “Why won’t you tell me?” he whispered, having made her face him.

  “Dammit Moses
, why?!” Jo raged, barely able to hear her voice over her heart beating in her ears. “Nothing can change what’s happened,” she continued to rationalize. “We can’t just go back!”

  “To hell with that, I don’t want to go back,” Moses argued, as a light sprinkle of rain began to douse them. It was true; he never wanted to go back. He wanted them right there in the present and together with all the ugliness of the past over and forgotten.

  Jo’s hand shook frantically and she smoothed it across her brow. “Then why, Moses? Why do you need to know this?”

  “Because I don’t think I have a chance in hell with you until you share whatever it is you’re keeping from me!”

  The rain was blinding by then. It soaked Johari’s sundress in minutes and Moses’ shirt was beginning to mold to his powerfully defined torso.

  “Go home Moses,” she urged, rolling her eyes and attempting to ignore the tingles of desire his appearance evoked. Gathering her soaked hair, she twisted it into a long rope to wring out the water and headed back inside. She didn’t stop inside the living room, but went right to the door. She’d flung it open when she realized he hadn’t followed her.

  “I won’t be changing my mind,” she promised and her relief mounted when he crossed the room.

  Jo was prepared to close the door behind him when Moses changed his mind mid-stride. She’d barely gotten his name past her lips, when his mouth smothered hers and his tongue plundered deep inside. At once, Johari was affected. She melted into his hardness and thrust her tongue eagerly around his. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut while she summoned the will to break away, from anyplace she could muster. It was virtually impossible with Moses’ tall sexy form fused against hers. He kissed her with a scorching determination that forced low shaking moans from the depths of her throat.

  “Moses no,” Jo finally mustered the strength to wrench her lips from his.

  Still, Moses kept her near. His arms were like steel bars hindering any movement and Jo almost moaned again from the delight of his heart vibrating right through her. Frustration rushed forth then and her fists pounded his chest. It was like fighting with a tree-Moses didn’t move an inch, simply watched her with the unwavering, unsettling black stare.


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