The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 94

by Altonya Washington

  Jo smoothed a hand across the seat of her white crop pants and eased past the door. Zara’s head whipped round when she heard the rustle across the room.

  “They shouldn’t have called you,” she told Johari, before turning back to the window.

  “Doctor Cannel said you’ve been asking about Quay.”

  Zara rolled her eyes and gave a tug on the collar of her pink and purple striped sleep shirt. “They didn’t have to call you for that. I was just out of it,” she shrugged and tugged the ankle-length shirt across her knees. “I know he’s probably long gone from Seattle by now.”

  Jo smiled and removed the powder blue duster she wore. “No Sis, I’m afraid he’s still right here in Seattle,” she shared, watching her sister’s gaze become wholly focused on her. Johari spent the next fifteen minutes bringing Zara current on Quay Ramsey’s actions from high school to present. She decided to omit Tykira Lowery from the run-down. No need to go into that just yet. Besides, Jo had hoped the already lengthy overview would remind Zara of how much time had passed. No need to go barking up that tree again.

  “He’s still in Seattle?” Zara whispered, having heard little else besides Jo’s beginning announcement that Quay was there-he was near. She wanted to see him. She wanted…him. “Where?” She asked.

  Jo fidgeted with the buttons on the powder blue camisole she sported. Her mind raced- searching for ideas on how to sway Zara’s thoughts from Quay and keep her calm at the same time. How she’d prayed her sister could be at peace-finally. But like most women eventually discovered, getting over a Ramsey wasn’t an easy thing to do. Unfortunately, the Ramsey Zara wanted was already spoken for and sadly her sister had known that before she ever disappeared.

  “Honey why don’t you get some rest?” Jo suggested, already fluffing the pillows on the bed.

  “I want to see him Jo.”

  “Let’s talk about it later, okay?”

  Zara leaned forward, her gaze narrowed. “Baby sis? In case you forgot, it is later. I want to see him.”

  Jo let her hands falter. “I’ll make some calls,” she said in a simple tone and smiled weakly when the promise seemed to pacify her sister.

  Jo decided to leave Zara alone, realizing that she needed out of the room herself. Outside, she leaned against the wall and took several deep gulps of air. A few minutes passed, when she felt her phone vibrate and cursed for not remembering to turn it off per hospital rules. She took solace in a quiet waiting room and set out to shut down the cell when she noticed the name on the face plate.

  Glancing across her shoulder, Jo pressed the phone to her ear. “Kennedy?” she whispered.

  “Hey Jo, got time to talk to a friend on the run?”


  “Ken! Thank God you’re alright! Where are you? What’s going on?!” Jo pleaded, taking no heed of the other visitors in the spacious waiting room. “Lou’s put a bounty hunter on your tail and since I assume he wasn’t the one who posted your bail, I’d say he’s pretty bent on finding you and making you pay for this.”

  Ken responded with a sigh and the conversation silenced for a few seconds.

  “Ken?” Jo called when the quiet lasted a bit too long for her liking.

  “Jo listen, Luke and Floyd have every right to come after me since I did exactly what they accused me of.”

  A puff of air expelled from Jo’s mouth as though it were forced out. “You? You did this?” she just managed to ask. She sat on the nearest chair, knowing she was stunned enough to pass out. “What were you thinking?” she hissed, rolling her eyes away from a woman who flashed a disapproving glance. “How could you do this to them? To me?” she asked Ken in a softer tone.

  “Sweetheart, I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you with this. But you have to believe that I had no choice,” he swore.

  “What the hell does that mean?” Jo turned her head to hiss into the phone again.

  “Jo listen, this is all too complex to go into now-“

  “Don’t you dare hang up on me Ken.”

  “I have every intention of explaining this, but I need to see you.”

  Jo glanced across her shoulder again. “That is not a good idea,” she advised, tugging voraciously on the lone curl dangling from her chignon. “The bounty hunter Luke and Floyd hired is an old friend of mine and he’s based right here in Seattle.”

  Ken was silent for a moment. “You trust him?” he asked finally.

  “I do,” Jo responded without hesitation. It was true. She did trust him-completely.

  “Then I may need to trust him as well and you’ll know why once we speak,” Ken interjected, when she was about to question him further. “But I have to see you face to face Jo.”

  Jo nodded then. “Of course. Of course,” she chanted, easily deciphering the fear in her friend’s voice.

  “I need you to go to your bounty hunter friend and get him to back off until we talk. I give you my word that I’ll explain everything.”

  “I’ll take care of it. When will I see you?” she asked.

  “Soon,” was Ken’s only response before the call ended.


  “Well Quest, I’d say that does it. Come September we’ll be breaking ground on Phase II.”

  Quest shook his head at the announcement made by Chief Contractor Jason Calloway. “I gotta admit it J.C. it doesn’t seem like three years ago since we were breaking ground on Phase I and the damn thing isn’t even at capacity yet,” he noted, fiddling with the pen he held.

  “Doesn’t matter,” J.C. said with a shrug. “Every single one of the units is sold-only thing holding up the folks from moving in are the customizing packages they chose for their homes.”

  “Yeah Quest, once the interior of the house is just what they want, the place’ll be a neighborhood with real tenants and all,” J.C.’s assistant, Fritz Haily added.

  J.C. chuckled. “And let’s not forget those big yards!”

  The table of architects and contractors chuckled at the well-meaning dig directed at their boss’s wife who’d insisted their residential projects make that a more important part of their designs. Of course, that was when Michaela Sellars was simply Quest Ramsey’s girlfriend.

  “So how is Mick?” One of the contractors was asking.

  Before he could response, Quest spotted the topic of conversation. “She um…she’s incredible,” he said, his gray stare as soft as his absent tone of voice when he caught sight of his wife across the room. She was dressed casually in light blue jeans, white sandals and a matching white cotton sleeveless shirt. The V-neck cut emphasized her full breasts. The contrast of the white against her chocolate skin held Quest entranced. The end to their six weeks of abstinence couldn’t come soon enough, he confessed silently. His thoughts were delving into dangerous territory as he indulged in a few moments of fantasizing about all the X-rated things he wanted to do to his wife.

  Someone at the table asked about Quincee but Quest was still a million miles away. The softness in his gaze was turning harder as he watched his wife’s smile grow sunnier when she stepped into the waiting embrace of another man. His features tightened noticeably when he realized the man was Taurus Ramsey.

  “Quest? You alright, man?” Someone was asking. Clearly, everyone at the table noticed he’d zoned out.

  “Yeah, why?” Quest asked finally, focusing on the group when no one answered. He saw that they were all looking at the pen he’d been holding. The instrument was now a mass of crushed shards spilling from his hand.

  Quest hissed a curse and assured everyone he was fine. Still, silent decisions were made that the meeting had reached its end. Quest waved off everyone, but remained behind to observe his wife and cousin.


  “I am in absolute Heaven-absolute Heaven,” Mick raved, once the waiter left. She clutched the menu to her chest as if it were a prized jewel. “You have no idea how good this feels!” she practically squealed, her luminous gaze wide with wonder.

  Taurus could sca
rcely hide his humor. “You better cool it. Folks’ll think you never get out.”

  “I don’t!” Mick argued, her brows rising in challenge. “To be part of the real world for just a half hour feels like…”

  “Heaven?” Taurus teased, raising his hands defensively when Mick slapped his arm with her napkin. “I only meant to say we should make the most of this.”

  “Mmm hmm,” Mick gestured, propping her chin to her palm. “So since it’s obvious how good I’m doing, let’s talk about you.”

  Taurus shrugged and opened his menu. “What about me?”

  “Have you thought more about what I said? About going to Houston’s trial?”

  “Now why do you want to ruin our lunch talkin’ about that?”

  Mick leaned forward to place her hand across the sleeve of his champagne suit coat. “I think this is important and I think you’re keeping a lot inside that you need to talk about with someone.”

  Taurus set aside his menu. “Well maybe that someone isn’t you.”

  “You know I’m just trying to help.”

  “I know and I love you for it and this isn’t the way, but I’ll tell you what is.”

  Mick shrugged.

  Taurus’ expression was pensive as he tapped his fingers on the table. “You can get that damned book on the shelves.”

  Mick smiled and shook her head. “I promise you, I’ve thought so much about it.”


  “But, so much has happened…maybe it’s best left in the family.”

  “What about all that material-all that work and time you’ve put into this thing?” Taurus reminded her, wearing an incredulous expression on his handsome face. “You can’t let this go. I know you Mick, it’s gonna nag at you until you see it through. Besides, stuff like this never remains in the family and unless someone sets the record straight, the world is gonna think all the Ramseys are as sick as my father and uncle.”

  “Honey I’m sure no one would think-“

  “Hmph, sure they will love. It’s the way of the world,” he teased, fixing her with a mischievous smirk. “If people don’t know the facts, they assume. Hell, sometimes they assume anyway.”

  Mick fidgeted with a stray curl. “Are you talking about the world now?”

  Taurus waved his index finger in her direction. “You know, you’re smart for a girl?”

  “So?” she probed, leaning back to judge his reaction.

  The chuckle Taurus uttered was far from humorous. “You know my father always made me and Dena be smarter and better-a step above everyone else.” He massaged his nose. “In turn, my cousins treated me like a pariah. The man was my father. What was I supposed to do? Tell him to take his demands for me to play chess and polo-when all I wanted to do was play ball with my cousins-and tell him to shove it all up his ass?”

  Mick shrugged. “Maybe.”

  Contagious laughter rolled forth then. Mick couldn’t help but notice the three females at the next table practically devouring Taurus with their eyes. “So is that why you and Quest don’t get along?” she got around to asking.

  Taurus’ amber stare dimmed a bit more. “Actually Quest was the only one who didn’t treat me that way. In fact, we were pretty tight once.”

  “And you’re not gonna tell me why that changed?” Mick guessed.

  “Not a chance in hell,” Taurus confirmed. “The reasons why aren’t things I’m proud of and I’m sure that’s just as true for your husband, so I think he should be the one to tell you.”

  Michaela pursed her lips and returned to her menu. “Fair enough,” she decided. “So what’s good here?” she asked, while looking up. “Quest!” she gasped. He was already pulling her into his arms and Mick forgot about everything else. Standing on her toes, she kissed her husband as passionately as he kissed her.

  “Taurus,” Quest said, barely acknowledging his cousin once he was done kissing his wife.

  “So baby what um, what are you doing here?” Mick asked, smoothing her hands under the lapels of Quest’s olive green suit coat.

  “Ground breaking meeting for Phase II,” he said, his voice calm in the most unsettling way. “Are you done here?” he asked, though he was well aware that she’d only recently arrived.

  Mick chewed her lip and began to wring her hands. “We were just about to order. Would you like to join us?” she invited, chewing her lip again when Quest’s eyes began to darken.

  “I’m done. Did you drive?” he asked in the same breath, tugging on her curls when she nodded.

  It was clear to Mick that her husband didn’t want to leave her. She could feel the silent rage rising in him and knew she’d give her right arm to know what had caused such a rift between the two Ramseys in her presence.

  Quest brushed the back of his hand across her cheek. “I guess I’ll leave you to your lunch.”

  “Well um are you going back to the office?” Mick asked, relief surging through her. “I can stop by after,” she suggested when he barely nodded.

  Quest pulled her close again and focused completely on kissing her thoroughly. “I’ll see you later,” he spoke against her temple.

  “You should go,” Taurus advised, once his cousin had walked on.

  “Why?” Mick asked, reclaiming her spot at the table.

  Taurus grinned. “If you can’t see the man is mad as hell, then you need to stop and have your vision checked on the way to his office.”

  Mick simply rolled her eyes and pulled the menu before her face.


  Johari thanked the two men who’d practically come to blows for the sole right to escort her to the boss’s office. They settled for partnering up for the honor and left Jo with Daysia-the only one who knew the identity of the tall, sandy-red haired beauty.

  “I swear I once thought your picture came with the frame.” Daysia blurted, before closing her eyes and cursing her misspeak when Jo laughed. “Forgive me,” she whispered.

  Jo was already waving her hand. “It’s alright. I’m sorry to barge in. I’m Johari Frazier. I don’t have an appointment, but if Moses Ramsey’s free I’d like to speak with him.”

  Daysia rolled her eyes. “Honey even if he wasn’t free, there’s no way I’d remain an employee if I didn’t tell him you were here.”

  Jo burst into laughter for the second time that morning. Daysia escorted her further down the corridor. The path seemed to dim the longer they trekked. Eventually, Jo was taking note of the drastic change in ambience. Instead of warmth and comfort, there was a distinct hard chill to her surroundings. At the end of the hallway, they took an elevator which descended to a floor that looked as if it could have led them to a morgue.

  “It’s not as bad as it seems,” Daysia remarked, apparently sensing Johari’s unease. “This is where he spends the majority of his time when he’s here.”

  The explanation did little to reassure Jo and she pulled the powder blue duster a bit more snuggly around her body. Spent the majority of his time down here? “Not a very cheery place to spend hours upon hours of work time,” she noted.

  “Humph, you’re tellin’ me,” Daysia agreed, giving a quick knock to the chrome door they stood in front of. Without waiting for permission to enter, she cracked it open. “Look alive handsome, you’ve got company!” she called.

  The focused, pensive expression Moses wore vanished when he saw Daysia wave Johari into the room. When they were alone, he switched off the TV monitor he’d been viewing.

  Johari felt her heart leap into her throat when the sparse area was momentarily bathed in black. Seconds later, the harsh fluorescence from an overhead light filtered the room.

  “I um, I didn’t mean to interrupt your work,” she said, blinking madly to get her bearings.

  Moses said nothing. He simply closed the distance between them until she was in his arms. Johari uttered a submissive whimper and eagerly met the languid thrusting of his tongue. The kiss was deep and turning her nipples rigid with desire while her moans were smothered ami
dst the onslaught of the act. Jo cupped the back of his head, her nails gently grazing his shaved head. The resulting growl Moses supplied seemed to vibrate right through her body.

  A tiny pout curved her mouth when he broke the kiss. But it was only so that he could focus on undoing the row of tiny buttons along the front of the cami top she wore. A teasing look crept into her silvery gaze as she watched him tug the duster from her shoulders before going back to work on the spaghetti-strapped top.

  “So you’ve been keeping my photo around, eh?” she teased, biting her lip when he froze.

  “Damn that Daysia,” Moses hissed with a knowing smirk.

  “It just slipped out,” Johari excused, laughing softly when he gave her a playful jerk. “She said she thought my picture came with the frame. I think she just couldn’t believe I was real.”

  Moses’ onyx stare narrowed at the sound of her words. “I know how she feels,” he said.

  Johari wanted to swoon when the intense stare refocused on her mouth. His hands were already halfway inside her top and the delightful tingle had begun to stir. Reminding herself why she was there, Jo eased her hands from his shoulders and pressed them against the front of his burgundy shirt.

  “I heard from a friend,” she said before he could lean down to kiss her.

  The narrowed stare grew more probing.

  “I don’t think it’ll be necessary for us to go through those files.”

  “He contacted you.”

  “Called me.”


  “Today,” she said, shivering a bit beneath the penetration of his stare. Clearing her throat; she continued. “Today when I was visiting Z at the hospital.”

  “Where is he?”

  Again, Jo cleared her throat. “That’s why I’m here actually. He-“

  “Already ran some game on you,” Moses interjected his guess. His expression was now suspicion mingled with fury. “He already conned you into helping him, didn’t he?”

  “Don’t do that,” she whispered, her hands curling into fists. “That’s not the way it is.”

  “Really Twig? Hell, he’s on the run so trust me, that’s exactly how it is.”


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