The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 107

by Altonya Washington


  Mick was leaving the study after her talk with Taurus who wanted more time alone. She was turning from the closed door and a smile brightened her face when she saw yet another Ramsey heading towards her.

  Sabella Ramsey leaned down to kiss her cousin-in-law’s cheek. “Girl thanks so much for putting me and mama up with you, Quest and the baby.”

  “Hush.” Mick whispered with a wave of her hand. “You knew we wouldn’t think of having you two stay in a hotel when we’ve got all that room. So how is Miss Carmen? I haven’t had time to chat with her much since you guys got here.”

  Sabella’s lovely face brightened with a smile which seemed more content than humor-filled. “Better every day,” she sighed, her almond brown gaze settling on her mother across the room with Damon and Catrina. “I can’t figure out why she’s so… jubilant lately, but I’m not about to complain.”

  Mick slapped her hands to her sides and grinned. “I think everyone’s happier with Marc gone.”

  Sabella turned back to Mick. “You think?” She asked, her slanting stare narrowing further.

  “He’s escaped,” Mick reminded her in a matter-of-fact tone, “he’s…a wanted man and that alone is repugnant enough to keep him out of Seattle. I’ll bet with any luck the man isn’t even in the country. Hopefully he’ll keep it that way.”

  “Yeah…hopefully,” Sabella agreed and then shook her head as if she’d remembered what she’d found Mick for. “Have you seen T? Dena’s looking for him.”

  “Yeah he’s in the study,” Mick waved a hand across her shoulder, “we were just talking-”

  “My Lord Michaela, you’ve been at Taurus’s side more today than your own husband’s.”

  Mick’s expression took on a humorous glean when she rolled her eyes and turned to face Georgia Ramsey the second eldest child of Quentin and Marcella Ramsey. The woman had never approved of her nephew marrying an ex-reporter with no proper roots. Mick would never tell the overbearing woman how much delight she took in bringing her down a few pegs.

  Georgia stood looking down at Michaela. Her back was as straight as the grim line of her mouth. “I wouldn’t expect you to know how inappropriate it is to flit between two men that way. Especially when one is your husband.” She studied the diamond bracelet that seemed to accentuate the gray silk of her blouse. “You’ve been practically hovering over Taurus all afternoon.”

  “Aunt Georgie…” Sabella warned.

  “No Belle, it’s fine,” Mick assured before crossing her arms over her chest. “I guess we’re just two of a kind George and me.” She drawled, smiling wider when Georgia winced over that particular shortening of her name. “You’ve been hovering over Miss Carmen all weekend-not to mention butting into conversations that don’t include you.” Mick tapped a finger to her chin as though she were concentrating. “Or are you-are you trying to ignore the fact that no one really wants to talk to you George?”

  Thoroughly exasperated and embarrassed, Georgia clenched her fists and stomped off. Sabella didn’t bother to smother her laughter.

  Mick shook her head, watching Georgia stomp all the way out of the spacious sitting room. “Give my apologies to Sabra for talking to her mom that way.”

  “Are you kidding?” Sabella cried, blinking tears of laughter from her lashes. “My cousin’s gonna hate herself for missing that!”


  “You should remember we’re at the reading of a will-a somber occasion.” Johari Frazier murmured, her lashes fluttering close as she surrendered to the delightful shrills of sensation stemming from Moses’ lips brushing her jaw.

  Moses fiddled with the row of buttons lining the back of Johari’s dark dress. “You being here is the only thing getting me through this,” he growled and inhaled the cocoa-mango fragrance clinging to her skin. “Family gatherings have never been my thing.”

  “Well I’m happy to help,” Jo crooned, linking her arms about his neck. “I’m also happy that you’re having a change of thought regarding your family. They really need you now.”

  Moses grimaced knowing Jo was referring to the death of Houston and Daphne as well as Marc’s disappearance. He, of course, knew it went far deeper than a shoulder to cry on.

  Jo tilted her head and noted the sharpening of his striking dark features. “Ram?” She whispered, tugging on the knot of his black tie.

  His sharp features grew sharper still with the onset of male desire. “Call me that again and I take you home,” he threatened, drawing her into a kiss.

  “Mmm…Moses,” she just managed to whisper during the kiss. “Baby you’re vibrating.”

  “Damn right.”

  Laughing, Johari angled out of his embrace and managed to push him off. “It’s probably your phone.”

  Muttering a curse, when he realized their kiss had reached its end, Moses pulled the cell from his side trouser pocket. “Yeah? Yeah Linc, what’s up?” He greeted Lincoln Cooper one of his detectives at Ramsey Bounty. While Lincoln gave his report, Moses only absently listened. He pulled Johari close again and focused on nibbling her earlobe and drawing her obscenely close as that nibbling gained intensity.

  “What?” He hissed into the pencil-slim phone.

  Johari’s heart rushed to her throat as she leaned back to watch him.

  “Say that again…no, the name.” Moses ordered. “No, no I got it. Thanks. Thanks Linc, I’ll be in touch.”

  “What is it?” Jo asked once he’d put away the phone.

  “Jesus,” Moses whispered, smoothing a hand across his jaw while his mind raced.


  Wincing, he pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. “Nothing. Business. It’s nothing.” Or everything, he acknowledged in silence. “We need to go.” He decided. The look on his face and tone of voice brooked no argument.


  Dena Ramsey was on her way to the study in search of her brother. She found Carlos McPherson instead. She was speechless, having not seen the man; she once thought she’d marry, in over ten years.

  “I’m sorry,” he said and closed a bit more of the distance separating them.

  It was several seconds before she locked in on what he meant. “Thank-thank you,” she managed as the sorrow re-asserted itself. Greedily, her dark eyes feasted on his handsome face. Then, catching herself she rolled her eyes and tried to move past him.

  Carlos wouldn’t allow it and simply blocked her way with his imposing frame. He was just as greedy to stare at her-absorbing every aspect he’d missed after all the years.

  “How are you?”

  Dena bowed her head and savored the sound of his voice. “T and I are on our way out of town.” She said mostly to let Carlos know that she wouldn’t be around for any of the many detailed conversations they could surely use.

  He didn’t seem to care and simply moved closer. Clearly he wanted to do much more than look at her.

  Every part of her ached to have him touch her. She resisted. “Please,” she breathed.

  “Why?” He challenged.

  “You know why,” she countered, snapping out of the spell he’d cast so quickly.

  Carlos didn’t try to stop her when she brushed past him. “No Dee,” he watched her race down the hall, “no but it’s damn time I found out.”


  Taurus decided to confirm airport transpo to the Hotel Brillante before he left the study. When the call ended, he replaced the receiver and stood before the desk with his head bowed. God, when Dena told him she wanted to take him to Montenegro, he almost collapsed. If just the name stirred such a reaction, he’d surely collapse once they got there.

  Of course, Taurus knew it was more than just a name. It was a woman-the dark beauty he’d met and who wasn’t out of his system even after a year. He’d cursed and criticized himself for much of that year for not following his own desires and at least pressing her more about her name. Just some hint and he’d have found her. Still, he remembered the fear in her eyes when he tried to uncover
more. She was hiding yet it was unclear from what or who. He knew he’d give anything to know and protect her from it.

  He’d accepted her need for anonymity because he was just as wary of telling her who he was and witnessing the shock and disgust in her eyes when she recognized the name Ramsey. He’d accepted her plea for anonymity because what they’d enjoyed over the course of that week-not to mention the two days spent in his bed-had been worth it. More than worth it. There was a part of him that still yearned to hear his name on her mouth. If fate smiled upon him once more and gave him another chance with her, he’d fill that desire. Whatever it took.

  Shaking away the cluttering thoughts, Taurus tuned into Moses calling him.

  “T? You alright, man?” Moses patted Taurus’ shoulder when he nodded.

  “Gangin’ up on me?” Taurus asked when he noticed Fernando walking into the study.

  “Got a call from one of my detectives,” Moses headed to the bar for a drink. “We may have a lead on the daughter-nothing concrete yet though. I know you need to go with Dena so I asked Fern to come along.”

  “D will understand if I cancel out.”

  Moses was already shaking his head. “She’s suffering man. She needs this-needs to get away.”

  “But not without the proper escort in light of the dangers now lurking.” Fernando cautioned.

  “You need time away too,” Moses noted while Fernando nodded his agreement. “You’re still ragged over what happened to Aunt Daphne-don’t try to deny that man.”

  Taurus wouldn’t put on airs for his cousins. “You let me know the second you find somethin’,” he told them.

  “You got it.” Moses agreed and then joined Fernando in giving Taurus a tight hug.


  “You wanna slow up on those?” Taurus asked without opening his eyes. He’d overheard his sister across the cabin of the jet as she whispered a dainty ‘thank you’ to the flight attendant. Then, there was the barely audible clink as she exchanged an empty glass for a full one.

  “Just settling my nerves,” Dena said and sipped at her gin and tonic. “You know I don’t like flying.”

  Finally Taurus opened his eyes and twisted the black swivel he occupied. “Who are you tryin’ to fool?” He asked, fixing her with his unnerving light stare.

  “You know I don’t like flying.” Dena reiterated while frowning at the taste of the drink. “Even if we are on a Ramsey jet,” She pointed out and set aside her glass.

  Taurus leaned his head back against the chair. “You should’ve thought of that before thinking of this trip idea.”

  Dena smiled, knowing he was goading her to keep her mind off her woes. “You’re gonna kiss me when I tell you my surprise.”

  “I thought the trip was the surprise?”

  “Part of it.”

  “Lord help me.” Taurus sighed and began to massage his eyes. “If you love me, you’ll spare me from the waiting.”

  Dena toyed with a lock of her wavy shoulder length hair and shrugged. “Stop being so dramatic,” she drawled and decided to give in when he glared her way. “Remember back when I came out for Quest and Mick’s wedding? We had lunch one day in your office and I noticed all the artwork and complimented on how incredible it made the place look?” She smiled and tugged on the cuff of her plum blouse. “Your assistant Minyon told me most of the pieces were by the same artist and that you were on a mission to acquire as much as you could. I commented on the uh…raciness of the work and she said you keep the most erotic pieces in your home office.”

  Taurus was sitting up straight then, his attention riveted on the story. “What are you up to Dee and what the hell does it have to do with my art collection?”

  Dena looked out over the never ending sea of clouds past the jet window. “I tried to get more information on the paintings-anything that I could find on them or the artist but there wasn’t much luck at first. Then just over a year ago, I found out that there had been of showing at this Hotel Brillante in Montenegro. I called and asked about it but they couldn’t give me any specific dates other than telling me the occasion was part of a week long cultural soiree for their guests. So…I asked to be put on the guest list in hopes of being notified should the artist make another showing.” Dena cleared her throat as her eyes clouded over with some solemn emotion. “They called last year and told me Nile Becquois was to be there but well…with everything going on…”

  Taurus moved to sit next to his sister and they hugged tightly for the longest time.

  “Why’d she have to die?” Dena asked, crying softly into the sleeve of her brother’s winter blue polo shirt. “Why couldn’t she have just killed him?”

  “Shh…” Taurus urged, kissing her temple.

  “God,” Dena moaned and drew back a bit. “I’m sorry. That was a terrible thing to say.”

  Taurus shook his head. “No need for apologies-not for that.”

  Silence descended in the elegant cabin and then Dena seemed to order herself out of the mood for she suddenly smiled. “We’re gonna have a great time. I guarantee it.”

  “I believe it,” he spoke against her forehead and looked down to find light in her eyes. He felt his own mood improve ten-fold.


  Becici, Montenegro~

  Nile ordered her mouth to close lest it hit the plush honey wheat carpeting that covered the grand expanse of the living area. The Hotel Brillante was well deserving of its name for its lavish allure was evident in everything from the stunning lobby to the gold fixtures in its massive bathrooms.

  Darby was tipping the bellman and thanking him for placing her bags in her own room. When he left, she turned to see her friend watching her in disbelief.

  “What is this?” Nile breathed.

  Darby didn’t pretend to misunderstand. “I booked you an apartment suite,” she explained, pulling off the toffee colored cotton jacket she wore.

  “I don’t need all this.” Nile argued, inspecting her surroundings again.

  “We’ll be here for two weeks-enough time for you to handle your business and enjoy a little pleasure.”

  “I’ve had enough pleasure here to last me a lifetime,” Nile grumbled.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I can’t use all this Dar.” She remarked, running her fingertips along the lattice screens that marked the entrance to the living area. The overstuffed furnishings shrieked comfort and decadence and were only enhanced by the grandness of the stone fireplace. The earth and gold tone color scheme added coziness hard to resist.

  “Well you’ve got two weeks to come up with all kinds of uses,” Darby consoled, pulling her card key from the back pocket of her jeans. “The showing’s tomorrow night and after that it’s fun, fun, fun.”

  Nile rolled her eyes, but Darby knew her friend appreciated it. Besides, she had a sixth sense that Nile would most certainly benefit from two weeks of being pampered. Darby yawned then watching as Nile drifted further into the apartment. “I’m seriously jet-lagged, gonna turn in,” she called already turning to the main door. “Don’t wait on me for breakfast I’m sure I won’t be up before noon.”

  Nile watched as Darby strolled out then she continued the tour of her elaborate digs. The breathtaking terrace/balcony was shielded from the room by billowing floor to ceiling drapes. She had a feeling sleep for her would be a long time coming.


  “They’re gonna kick our asses for this, you know?”

  Quest Ramsey grinned sparking his left dimple when he slanted a glance toward his cousin. “I’ve been married to Mick almost three years and bein’ kicked in the ass by your wife is somethin’ you best get used to cousin.”

  Fernando rolled his eyes. “Forget it. I already been inducted into that club,” he said his thoughts focused on his fiery tempered fiancée just then.

  The provocative and soothing rumble of male laughter silenced when the door opened to Quest’s office. Michaela walked in followed by Contessa. Leaving their seats, both men
greeted their visitors.

  “What this all about Quest?” Mick managed to ask once her husband was done kissing her senseless.

  “Thought this would be a good place to talk,” he said. Intoxicated by the provocative fragrance clinging to her skin, he took a few extra moments to nuzzle his favorite spot behind her ear.

  Mick wanted to say more, but scandalous tingles stabbed her relentlessly and her only thought was God he’s good at this…

  Contessa still had a bit more of her verbal ability left however. “What do we need to talk about? Ramsey?” She called when silence met her question. The next sound she uttered resembled a moan as Fernando suckled her earlobe while his thumb circled a firming nipple beneath the cotton fabric of her antique peach wrap blouse. Biting her lip, County decided her answer could wait.

  In unison, Quest and Fernando left Mick and County standing where they were. The cousins resumed their seats in the office. Fernando waved a hand to Quest.

  “The release of ‘Royal Ramsey’ is to be postponed until further notice.” He announced.

  Mouths forming perfect Os, the women exchanged glances stunned that Quest and Fernando even knew the title which had only been agreed upon a few months prior during a private teleconference with the Chicago office.

  “Spivey’s dead.” County breathed, knowing the leak had come from her Senior Editor Spivey Freeman. “What Ramsey? Did you remind him that you saved my life and that he owed you?”

  Fernando grinned. “I didn’t have to. Spivey is a reasonable man and understands that sometimes things have to be done for one’s own good.”

  “Even when one is an adult and the damn publisher and owner of the company?” County seethed.

  Fernando inspected a tiny imperfection along the sole of the tanned Lugs he sported. “We didn’t have to come to you with this, you know?”

  “The hell you didn’t!”

  In the midst of Fernando and County’s sparring match, Quest could feel Mick’s amber gaze boring holes into the side of his head. Finally he met her scathing glare.

  “We don’t want to get legal with you both.” Quest coolly threatened his wife. “Whether we’d be successful is irrelevant. We can tie that book up in so much red tape it’d be a century before it hit the shelves.” He broke eye contact with Michaela then, knowing she was seconds away from jumping across his desk.


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