The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 115

by Altonya Washington

  “And you really don’t believe that?” Kraven tilted his head to study his friend more closely. “Could it be that she’s so beautiful and the sex was so lovely that you’ve got yourself thinking there’s more?”

  “I thought about that,” Taurus tapped his index finger to the cleft in his chin. “But we had a week together and spent two days of it in bed. I wanted to know her…no Krave, it’s about a lot more.”

  “And now you’ve got her here to…what? Convince her? Get her to come ‘round to your way of thinking?”

  Taurus shrugged. “She’s already in love with me. She’s just not sure she can trust me.” He leaned against the trunk of a massive tree. “She’s holding something back-something horrible for her. Maybe she thinks I won’t feel the same once I hear it.”

  “How do you know that you would?” Kraven asked, resting against the other side of the trunk.

  Taurus could only shake his head.

  The silence was enough for Kraven, “A bit of advice mate, enjoy this time, enjoy her and let her come to you.”

  Taurus pushed off the tree and walked around to face his friend. “What about you? Could you be so patient if you knew the woman you loved was keeping something from you?”

  Kraven’s grin was devilment personified and he narrowed his eyes. “See, that’s where we differ my friend. I’m far too gorgeous and persuasive,” he declared resting a hand flat against the front of the cotton sweatshirt emblazoned with the name of his favorite hockey team. “My woman would never be able to resist telling me her life’s story and secrets the minute I ask her.”

  Laughing, Taurus relished his friend’s ability to push all cares to the fringe. The two of them shared a hearty hug and then Kraven clapped a hand to Taurus’ shoulder.

  “Let’s go meet your lass, eh?” He decided with a sly wink.


  The next several days were filled with as much wonder as the previous ones. Nile knew the trip would soon reach its end, but for now she would content herself with what was. What-in a perfect world-could be.

  She’d taken to having her morning coffee out on her favorite hillside. She stood there enjoying the serene overcast and fog-capped view that morning when she felt Taurus behind her.

  He pulled her back against his chest slipping his arms about her and making her feel even cozier beneath the folds of her beige cashmere robe.

  “You done?” he asked once she was sealed next to him.

  She nodded, allowing him to take her coffee mug. He set it at their feet and then turned her to him. The moment she saw his face, Nile knew something was wrong.

  “I owe you an apology.” He said, smoothing his hands along her arms.

  Nile could only watch him in confusion.

  “I haven’t been very careful with you.”

  “What? What do you mean?”

  “Back in Montenegro,” he twisted the belt of her robe between his fingers. “And here…”

  She stepped closer, patting her hands against the denim shirt he wore outside dark carpenter’s jeans. “Taurus what are you saying?”

  He cleared his throat and looked uneasy. “We’ve been here enjoying each other-a lot of um spur of the moment… a lot of times we haven’t used…protection.”

  The expectant look in Nile’s dark eyes began to gleam with understanding. She managed a smile. “If it helps to know, I’m tested each year.” She shrugged. “It’s important for my older kids to see that sort of responsibility for one’s health.”

  “I understand.” He whispered. “I’m tested regularly myself,” he shared with a gallant nod. “But that’s not the only concern I have.”

  The expectant look returned to Nile’s face.

  “You could get pregnant this way.” He informed her softly.

  Nile felt her entire body weaken and wished she was sitting on the ground with her empty coffee mug. “Oh…” was all she could muster.

  “Have I upset you?”

  Nile could only shake her head.

  Again, Taurus smoothed his hands across her arms. “It’s just that I know there’s something weighing on you. I can sense it even when we’re having the best time together. I’m trying not to press you about it but I thought I’d speak on it hoping this might be the problem even though I don’t really believe it is.”

  “You don’t have to worry.” She kept her eyes downcast. “You don’t have to worry about getting me pregnant.”

  Taurus’ fair features hardened with instant regret. He raged silently for once more saying the wrong thing.

  “Hungry?” He asked then, stepping close to press a quick kiss to her forehead. “I’ll get us some breakfast,” he decided and set off before she could say anything.

  Nile watched him go. She waited until he’d ventured down the hill before she tilted back her head and allowed a tear to slide from the corner of her eye.


  “Wow,” Mick noted while she and Melina studied plates of Nile Becquois’ work. “This’ll certainly guarantee you a full house.”

  “Damn right it would.” Mel toyed with the half moon that dangled from her earring. “I’ve tried before to get her for events at Crane’s other galleries but it’s real hard considering she doesn’t do many showings. I wouldn’t even be thinking of having an exhibit now if it wasn’t for Dena. She and Taurus just took in a show of hers in Montenegro.” She leaned over the table to shuffle through more of the plates. “The proceeds went towards the art studio she runs for kids in L.A. Maybe we could get her to come out for a charity event. I know Quest and Quay haven’t decided on this year’s cause.” She gave a one-shoulder shrug. “Maybe you could run it by Q if you think it’s got merit.”

  The mention of her husband’s name brought a grimace to Mick’s face. “No, no sure Mel I’ll-I’ll talk to him. It’s a great idea.”

  Melina chewed her lip and debated before speaking. “I um…I noticed you and Quest were barely talking when he was in here earlier with Yohan.”

  Michaela seemed to wilt and hunched over the desk.

  “Sweetie what is it?” Mel asked.

  “Quest and Fernando stomped down the book. I have a feeling it’s a done deal this time.” She buried her face in her hands and groaned. “I haven’t been speaking to him and I don’t think he even has a clue about how angry I am. He’s acting like it’s nothing-like he’s amused by it all, like it’s a game to see how long I can take his taunts before I break down and beg him for sex.”

  Mel sat perched on the edge of the desk. “Well he is a Ramsey Mick. They thrive on sexual attraction, power…sometimes aggression. It’s what makes them all so infuriating and sexy and so damned adorable.” She said and rolled her eyes.

  Mick slammed her fists to the table. “It isn’t about that, dammit!”

  “Well what then?” Mel snapped, frightened by Michaela’s strange mood. “What’s wrong?”

  “What’s wrong is I’m losing myself.”

  “Losing yourself-”

  “A part of my…I don’t know…my essence-the part that makes me who I am,” she combed shaking fingers through her curls. “The part of me I felt I had to become.” She confided, not resisting when Mel made her sit on the edge of the desk. “I feel like I’m losing my strength because Quest is so…Quest-the man who handles things, takes care of it all-takes care of everyone.”

  “He loves you and you love him.” Mel said pulling curls from the collar of Mick’s sweater.

  “And that just gives him all the reason in the world to keep right on doing things his way.”

  “And he fell for you because you weren’t a woman who’d allow him to do that. You remind him of that.”

  Mick smiled and nudged her elbow in Mel’s side. “Sounds good, but I’ve got no idea what words to use. For once in my life, I don’t know what the hell to say.”

  Mel shrugged and folded her arms across her gray suit coat. “Sometimes the way isn’t always in the saying but in the doing.”

tiny buzz interrupted the moment.

  “’Scuse me,” Mel whispered moving to take the call from her assistant. “Yeah?... Yeah, yeah alright give me a sec. Mick? Sweetie, I’ll be right back.” She said before racing out of the office.

  Alone, Michaela strolled over to the windows lining Melina’s office. “Not in the saying but in the doing,” she murmured and then nodded and reached for her cell. “County,” she called once the connection was made. “It’s Mick-call me when you get this message. It’s time to stop screwin’ around and get “Royal Ramsey” on the shelves.”


  Nile’s chocolate spiked heels echoed in the massive entryway as she rushed down the wide stone steps on her way to answer the bell. She was checking the backs of the gold studs adorning her ears while pulling open the door to Kraven DeBurgh.

  “Kraven,” she greeted breathless, smiling and silently pitying the woman who would capture the man’s heart. Though that woman would be a lucky girl, she’d be doomed to life with a man she’d never be able to resist. That was quite a weapon for a man to have-an enjoyable weapon but a weapon just the same.

  Kraven stepped past the door and peeked across Nile’s shoulder. “Is he near?”

  Nile glanced down the hall. “Just in the den.”

  “Well then,” Kraven decided and leaned down to kiss Nile’s cheek and joining in when she laughed. “I’ve been looking forward to this all week.” He told her.

  Nile easiness faded somewhat. “I can’t say I’ve felt the same.” She confessed and noticed the hurt shadow Kraven’s handsome face. “I can’t wait to have dinner together but…it’s just knowing everyone will be there observing-judging…it makes me nervous.”

  “Ah,” Kraven sighed and pulled her close. “The people here are some of the finest I’ve known,” he smoothed her arms bared by the chic jersey dress she wore. “They’re only curious. Everyone here loves T like a brother or son or…future husband.” He winked and earned a shove in the side from Nile. “They only want to meet the love of his life.” He went on and pretended not to notice Nile’s stunned expression. His grin was as devilish as the glint in his jade stare. “If they haven’t run me out of town, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  Nile tugged on the lapel of his salt and pepper suit coat. “Miss Moira said that you were involved in an… uneasy business.”

  Kraven’s laughter was full and deep when it echoed down the hall. “Ah Miss Moira…talk about curious. I believe they’d all give their finest properties to know what my uneasy business really is.”

  Nile squeezed her hand more tightly about his arm. “I’m not so sure about that. According to Miss Moira, you could tell us but then you’d have to kill us.”

  Again, the full deep of Kraven’s laughter resounded through the corridor. They entered the den to find Taurus frowning fiercely as he stood near the fire. He was battling with a pair of silver cuff links. Nile just barely smothered her gasp when she saw him. Talk about being doomed to loving a man you couldn’t resist, she thought. She wondered if he had a clue of how lost she was over him.

  At Kraven’s bellow, Taurus grinned and met him in the middle of the room for handshakes and hugs.

  “I’m just going to finish getting ready guys,” Nile left the two friends staring after her.

  “Jesus,” Kraven breathed, “how’d a fool like you find an angel like that?”

  Taurus shrugged. “I guess after a lifetime of hell, God finally saw fit to smile down on me.” He pondered, smiling when the cuff link snapped into place.

  “If we could all be so blessed,” Kraven breathed.

  Taurus did a double take. “What’s this? The die hard Casanova speaking wishes of monogamous love at long last?” he teased.

  Kraven remained serious. “Only if I was blessed with an angel like that and I’m afraid God doesn’t see fit to reward monsters such as myself with angels.”

  Taurus fixed his friend with a deep set stare that was both stern and honest. “I know monsters. I see none here.” He clapped Kraven’s shoulder before they shared a hug.

  The Baird Pub was a rustic looking two story establishment located right in the heart of the borough. For its rustic appearance, however, the interior shrieked charm and elegance. The Irish proprietors Reese and Margret Baird decided; when they opened the business, that Invernesshire had enough rough and tumble dives and needed something that gave their simple environment a bit of posh.

  This night, however, the Bairds put on even more of a gloss. After all, it wasn’t every night the notorious and intriguing Kraven DeBurgh and; his equally intriguing and undeniably gorgeous chum Taurus Ramsey dined out. Word had already spread that the two men would be escorting Taurus’ lady friend. The two story restaurant was filled with so many patrons-some had to be turned away.

  “Still got a table for us Lou?” Kraven asked Lucas Morrisey the pub’s host.

  Lucas grinned checking his bow-tie while stepping from behind the podium. “I swear some of these blokes took their first baths of the season to dine here tonight.” He winked and slapped three menus against Kraven’s arm. “This may be an even bigger event than that ball of yours next week, eh?”

  Kraven smirked. “Funny Lou,” he knew the success of the ball would mirror the support he’d have for his plans to construct his hunting lodge near Stuart Castle.

  Conversation in the golden-lit pub quieted a bit as Lou escorted the newly arrived guests to their table. Beauty radiated from the trio like sunrays but they wore it with an easy grace. Nile didn’t feel as on edge as she’d expected. There were warm smiles and nods directed her way from every angle. Still, she wanted to give a nervous tug upon the twist front of her stunning chocolate frock. Instead, she gripped Taurus’ and Kraven’s arms a bit more tightly as they ventured deeper into the cozy dining hall. Gradually, conversation returned to its previous volume as the crowd settled in to eat and observe.

  “I have absolutely no idea what to order.” Nile admitted, her wide dark eyes focusing helplessly upon the menu.

  “May I?” Kraven pressed a hand to the front of his salt and pepper double breasted suit coat.

  “Oui,” she replied gratefully and smiled.

  Kraven sent her a wink and then seemed to recall that his best friend was sitting to his right. “I’m sorry T unless you’d like to-”

  “No, no by all means.” Taurus urged with a wave, knowing how seriously the man took the enjoyment of cuisine. Of course Kraven’s obvious attempts to show off his ordering skills had Taurus rolling his eyes in boredom.


  “So tell me about this ball you’re having?” Nile asked once Kraven had placed the order for Scotch broth and Smoked Salmon with neeps and tatties. Entranced, she listened to him discuss his plans for the hunting lodge.

  “Are you truly settled on life as a humble proprietor after living a life dealing in uneasy business?” She teased.

  Kraven nodded but couldn’t hide the smile from the lush curve of his mouth. “I’ve had enough of it Nile. I only hope the townspeople believe me.”

  “But they’re good people. Best you’ve ever known, right?”

  Kraven grinned acknowledging her reference to his earlier comment. “It’s true,” he took a sip of his Guinness. “But too much of my presence tends to set them on edge.”

  Nile could see that he was hurt by the fact in spite of the playful wink he sent her way.

  Across the table, Taurus kept out of the conversation and took the chance to observe Nile. He wondered what her reaction would be should he tell her he loved her. What if she didn’t reciprocate? What would his reaction be? Whatever the outcome, one thing was certain: she was his and his she would remain.

  “That will certainly keep me full for a week.” Nile shared complimenting the feast they’d just consumed. “I’ve got no room for the dessert you ordered,” she sighed.

  “Nonsense,” Kraven said while signaling the waiter for a refill on Guinness. “The meal isn’t complete without
it and I think you’ll come to love Clootie Dumpling as much as I do.”

  Nile laughed easily thinking if the name were any indication she wasn’t so sure she’d share Kraven’s sentiments. Her gaze drifted toward Taurus who’d been strangely quiet during dinner. His focused expression would’ve kept her heart wedged in her throat had it not been for Kraven’s presence.

  During the lull in conversation, Moira Bradenton stopped to by the table to speak and asked Nile to meet some of her friends.

  “Oh not you too Miss Moira?” Taurus teased, folding his arms over the front of the amber colored suit coat that enhanced the champagne allure of his eyes. “You’re not getting caught up in all this hype, are you?”

  “Can’t be,” Kraven joined in, “you can see us whenever you like Miss Moira.”

  Moira only rolled her eyes toward the two grinning gods. “Don’t remind me,” she told them. “Come love,” she urged Nile and took her hand to escort her on into the enveloping crowd.

  Kraven slanted a glance at Taurus before taking another swig of his beer. “With all my heart mate, I pray you’ll keep her always. I fear for your future if you don’t.”

  At last Taurus looked away from Nile.

  “No way will you ever look at another woman the way you look at her.” Kraven clarified without being asked.

  “Hmph-am I that bad?” Taurus asked while reaching for his mug of Killian’s Red.

  Kraven shook his head. “Worse, my friend.”


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