The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 117

by Altonya Washington

  “It’s alright.” Nile said to ease the worry on their faces.

  “Thanks for coming.” Taurus clasped one of Darby’s hands into both of his.

  “No problem.” Darby’s voice sounded uncharacteristically hushed as she took note of the fierce looking man standing off from the group. She managed to stop gawking in time to greet the woman who stood close to Nile.

  “Moira Bradenton. I trust my husband didn’t drive too outrageously on the way out here?”

  “Oh-oh no. The drive was just fine.” Darby said with laughter filling her words as she shook hands with Moira. Her ease tapered off a bit then when she saw Taurus drawing the man close.

  “Darby Ellis, my good friend Kraven DeBurgh.”

  Again, Darby tried not to gawk which was virtually impossible given the man’s dark incredible looks. She cast a quick glance at Nile; who smiled knowingly. Nodding, Darby extended her hand toward Kraven. “Nice to meet you,” she said and was thankful that her voice didn’t waver.

  Subdued wasn’t a term one would use in reference to Kraven DeBurgh. Subdued however, was a perfect description of his manner. “I trust you’ll enjoy your stay Ms. Ellis.”

  “Thank you.”

  Taurus’ face held the same knowing smile as Nile’s. He stepped forward and clapped Kraven’s back. “Let’s give these two some time to talk.” He suggested.

  Alone, Nile and Darby hugged again and tried to catch up in the span of a few moments. Nile told Darby that everyone was rushing to and fro in preparation for that evening’s ball. Of course, Nile was most interested in hearing about her kids. Darby was pleased to announce that it was business as usual-the studio was in the very capable hands of the staff.

  “Word spread very quickly about the Montenegro event,” Darby shared folding her arms across the scoop neckline of her gray Henley sweater. “The studio’s been flooded with requests for shows.”

  Nile shrugged and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Well that’s pretty standard after I’ve put on a show, you know?”

  “Mmm but rarely are we invited to take part in charitable events with corporate giants like the Ramseys.”

  Nile’s expression signaled the request for more info. Darby filled in the details as they ascended the staircase in route to a guest room. When Nile seemed to seriously consider the idea of a show sponsored by the Ramseys, Darby allowed her happy surprise to show.

  “Not only is Taurus Ramsey gorgeous as a god, but he’s got the unique power to convince you without even asking.”

  “Please,” Nile rolled her eyes toward the tapestries lining the walls, “it’s got nothing to do with him. The Ramseys are well known for their devotion to these causes. Since their interests surround the welfare of children, I don’t see how I can say no.”

  “Of course,” Darby conceded with a curtsy.

  Nile’s responding wave was comical enough but Darby could sense her friend needed her very much.


  “Alright look, why don’t you sit down and tell me why Taurus felt he had to call and get me out here?” Darby was asking once she’d gotten past the momentary shock over her stunning room. “And please don’t tell me that you don’t know,” she interjected while tightening the barrette that held her curls in a high ponytail. “I could see it on your face when you opened the door.”

  “He wants me,” Nile admitted, toying with the fringe hem of her mauve sweater. “He wants all of me. Wants me to be his wife, have his kids…”

  Darby sat on the bed and let her legs dangle over the low cherry wood footboard. “Honey how do you feel about him really? I mean…” her green eyes sparkled as they looked out over the room, “he’s almost unreal-physically.” She shrugged. “Is it only about his looks? Skills in bed?” She asked in a softer voice while leaning back to brace herself on her elbows.

  Smiling, Nile shook her head and took no offense to her friend’s questions. “It should be about that.” She laughed shortly. “Mon Dieu, it’d make things so much easier…” She fixed Darby with a resigned look. “It’s not though, it’s not. There’s so much more- so very much more…I love him so.”

  Glee added a deeper glow to the rich honey tone of Darby’s face. “Thank God, because the man is completely gone over you.” She breathed her elation. “And you should be thrilled! It’s clear as day that you two are fools for each other.”

  Nile’s laugh was short…humorless. “Right and a fool is just what he’ll believe I’ve taken him for when he finds out who I am.”

  “You know, you never really told me the full story.” Darby recalled and set aside her overnight case to give herself more room on the spacious bed. “Now, here in this perfect place seems like a perfect time, don’t you think?”

  Nile nodded accepting that the time had come long ago and her friend deserved to know it all-consequences be damned. “Well you know all about France,” she groaned, leaning back in one of the mocha suede armchairs flanking the fireplace. “And about my real mother passing away…I spent a couple of years being raised by my grandmother. Then one day my father shows up,” she shrugged, “I was about seven and happy enough to see him I guess. He always brought me pretty good presents. But the visits were always brief and I’d gotten used to it. I think I preferred it. But on this particular day he tells me I’m coming to live with him. True childhood after that was a distant memory.”

  Nile noticed Darby flinch and shook her head. “He didn’t touch me. There were too many other little girls around for him and his sick friends to take their pick of.” Leaning forward, she buried her face in her hands and inhaled before looking up. “Remember all that press with the Ramseys and their connection to a man named Cufi Muhammad?”

  Darby’s expression reflected knowing just as Nile announced that Cufi Muhammad was her father.

  “Now what’s Taurus supposed to think of me when I tell him that? The fact that I tried to get every branch of the law to believe what I had to say and failed, won’t matter a bit once he finds out what I came from.”

  “That’s got nothing to do with you.”

  “Right D,” Nile sighed and massaged her neck. “That might play out if my father were a jewel thief or evil scientist but this is a man who kidnapped, sold and exploited children for profit.”

  “Fair enough,” Darby agreed with a smirk. “But regardless of the fact that Taurus looks like an angel, I sense he’s a good man. Something won’t let me believe he’d hold you responsible for a thing like that.”

  “Not knowing for certain is why I can’t tell him. He looks at me like-like I’m the best thing…like he’s seen beneath the meaningless surface appeal to who I really am-who I could be if I didn’t have the blood of a monster.”

  “Shit Nile,” Darby left the bed then. “Taurus sees what everyone else sees. The only person who can’t see the good in you is you and baby no one-not Taurus, not me, not even the kids can make that happen.” She knelt before Nile’s chair and gave her a shake. “I think we can help though. I don’t think shutting us out or shutting out Taurus is the answer. I don’t want to see you hurting anymore than you are now and I think pushing that man away would do just that.”

  Nile smoothed her hands across Darby’s where they’d come to rest on her knees. “Odds are he’ll find out soon enough.”

  “Then tell him dammit! Tell him before it comes out another way-which may very well have him thinking that you hid it because you are in league with your father. Oh honey,” Darby pulled Nile close when her eyes grew impossibly wide. “The things he said to me on the phone-his feelings for you…he loves you so deeply I’m surprised he can stand beneath the weight of it. Tell him. I don’t think you’d be sorry.”

  Nile kissed Darby’s forehead and then leaned back in the chair and fixed her with a look of amused doubt. “Why don’t you save that prediction until I tell you the rest?”


  “Wow! And I thought I put in some long hours.”

  Moses turned away fr
om locking the door to his building and found himself staring at Michaela who leaned against the passenger side of his Hummer.

  Hissing a curse, he bolted toward her. “What are you doin’ on this end of town at this time of day?” He demanded, glancing around the deserted street. “Q with you?”

  Mick grimaced. “I waited ‘til after hours so I wouldn’t run into anyone.”

  “What the hell are you doing here?” He pushed open the building door and pulled her inside Ramsey Bounty.

  “I need your help,” she told him simply once they stood in the front office. “You’re the only person I know who’s as good as or better at this than I am.”

  Moses set Mick to one of the cushioned chairs in the lobby’s living area. “And what exactly is this?” He asked while leaning against the receptionist’s desk.

  Mick rubbed clammy hands across her jean clad thighs. “I need you to find someone or as much about them as you can. I’ve done my best and I’m against a brick wall now-a brick wall I’m assuming would take the expertise of someone with your skills to break through.”

  “What’s this about Mick?” Moses’ voice was low, his frown deep as he watched her reach into a jacket pocket. “Charlton Browning?” he read the name off the folded sheet of paper she passed him. “Who is he?”

  Mick pressed her lips together and turned to face him more fully. “Before I tell you, I want you to promise me something.”

  Moses remained silent.

  She lowered her eyes and continued. “Don’t tell Quest you’re doing this.”


  “Moses please!”

  “Hell Mick what is this about? You tell me everything here. Now.”

  “Moses please-please just help me here, alright?!” She shuddered once and broke down into a desperate cry that seemed to shock her as much as it did Moses. “Damn tears,” she grumbled and rubbed at her eyes.

  “Jesus,” Moses whispered, leaving the desk to pull her close. “I promise, alright? I won’t say a thing but you’re scaring me here.”

  “Sorry,” she managed with a shaky nod.

  Moses cupped her chin and made her look at him. “Save the apologies and tell me everything.”


  “I don’t know about this.” Nile said watching skeptically as her hair was pulled up and back away from her face.

  “Give it a rest,” Darby argued and continued securing the elaborate array of pin curls about the high chignon she’d styled. “You keep it in your face enough and this is a special occasion-a ball with the man you love. Hell, how dreamy is that?!”


  “What are you gonna do?” Darby asked, taking note of the unease still clinging to her friend’s voice.

  Nile met Darby’s gaze in the mirror. “I’m going to enjoy the ball and then head back with you to L.A. You don’t agree?” She asked, noticing the way her friend’s face changed in the mirror.

  Darby shook her head. “I still think you should tell him everything.”

  “Even after I told you the rest?”

  “Especially because of the rest,” she emphasized and propped a fist to her hip. “Have you forgotten about all the powerful men Taurus knows? Surely they-”

  “Wouldn’t lift a finger to stop this. Many of those powerful men were also clients of my fathers. You don’t know how long…how many times I tried. Finally I had to accept the fact that those authority figures were as corrupt as the rest…” Nile shook off the agitation of it all and put happiness in place. “I wish you’d come with us tonight.”

  Satisfied with the lovely chignon, Darby moved from behind Nile and headed to the closet. “So sorry but I forgot to pack my steamer trunk full of elaborate evening gowns.”

  “Oh please, I’m sure there’s something in all that stuff Taurus bought me.”

  “Yes love, but how ever would it fit across all this?” She teased and waved toward the ample bosom that outsized her friend.

  “Show off,” Nile hissed following Darby to the closet where she pulled her into another hug. “Thanks girl.”

  “Anytime,” Darby sighed, rubbing Nile’s back before setting her away. “Alright, enough of this sappy stuff. Let’s get you dressed.”

  Twenty minutes later, Darby marveled over her best friend. The ball gown was the stuff of princesses with its train following gracefully. The gown itself was a gorgeous champagne satin creation with a blazer style bodice and up-turned collar that emphasized the elaborate style of Nile’s hair and the dangling gold earrings that glimmered against the light.

  The two headed downstairs where Taurus waited. Of course, he was no less dashing in the almond brown tux he wore. The three quarter length jacket accentuated the stunning breadth of his back and shoulders while the color accentuated his fair skin, eyes and hair.

  Darby urged the devastating couple to have fun and kept her smile in place until the door shut behind them. Alone then, Darby sat there on the huge stone steps and worried for her friend.


  Kraven DeBurgh’s home was the manor house that stood on the vast acreage that had been in his family for centuries. The great castle that eclipsed it had been deserted ages ago, but had become the source of much conversation since Kraven’s announcement that he wanted to turn it into a hunting lodge. Kraven met with as much opposition from the townspeople as he did from members of his own family. They had no wish to see their land overrun with overzealous tourists and their guns. Not to mention the many unsavory elements from Kraven’s past. In their opinion, it was simply Kraven’s way of appeasing the blood lust that had fueled his actions since boyhood.

  Though he had his own money and the support of the authorities, Kraven knew that without the town’s blessing, such an endeavor would be dead in the water. The ball that evening was an attempt to woo and there were few who could resist Kraven DeBurgh when he was in a wooing mood.

  Nile stood staring around the great hall of Kraven’s home feeling much the same way she had the first time she’d set eyes on the home Taurus kept a few miles away. Kraven’s home was made more elaborate amidst the gala décor.

  “Glad you came?” Taurus asked, leaning down to kiss her cheek when she nodded like a gleeful school girl. Before Nile could completely lose herself in the captivating atmosphere, she and Taurus were surrounded and being greeted by residents of the borough.

  “Incredible,” Kraven complimented when he set eyes on Nile in her gown. “And where’s our Ms. Ellis?” He inquired as he looked toward the entryway.

  Nile appeared down for the first time since she’d arrived. “I couldn’t get her to come-said she didn’t have a thing to wear.”

  “Nonsense,” Kraven breathed without realizing how clearly the disappointment was etched on his face.

  “So how are things going?” Taurus asked hoping to lighten his friend’s mood. “You winning ‘em over?”

  “Well,” Kraven sighed while glancing about at his guests. “I believe they’ve been feeling more charitable towards me lately. Perhaps it’s the company I’m keeping.” He said and leaned down to kiss Nile on the mouth.

  “Hey, hey you got her sold,” Taurus pulled Nile against him. “Back to your guests, Lord DeBurgh.”

  Kraven chuckled and slapped the back of Taurus’ head before disappearing into the crowd.


  Later, Nile and Taurus ventured upstairs where the second dance floor was located. There, the music changed from the more classical style that filled the lower level, to something a bit more provocative. They barely moved to the easy tempo.

  Taurus’ expression was steady and unwavering as he held Nile. She wondered if he could feel her heart thudding against the bodice of her gown.

  “Thank you Taurus,” she said once a few moments of silence had passed between them.

  He tilted his head. “What for?”

  “Darby. She told me that you thought I might need her.”

  “Was I right?”

  Nile focused on the sa
tiny mocha tie where it disappeared inside his stylish jacket. Taurus caught her neck in his hand and made her look up at him.

  “When Darby leaves in a few days, I-I’m going with her.” She whispered in a rushed, panicky tone.

  Taurus’ gaze followed the line of his thumb where it trailed her cheek. “I figured on that when I decided to call her.”

  “So you’re not angry?”

  “I’m past angry,” he admitted the muscle jumping along his jaw was proof. “But forcing you to stay doesn’t appeal to me just now.”

  Nile studied a gold chandelier glistening in a far corner while summoning courage to ask her next question. “Are you finally agreeing that it won’t work between us?”

  He set his thumb beneath her chin then. “I’ll never agree with that but I’ve got no problem giving you time to reconsider things.”

  She clasped her hands against his chest. “And if I don’t…reconsider?”

  He gathered her close and looked out over the sea of slow-dancing bodies. “Then I guess the next time I’ll just have to keep you until I change your mind.”


  “I don’t want to talk about this anymore, alright?”

  Nile barely had the chance to nod before he was kissing her powerfully, hungrily and without care for whoever may’ve been watching. Nile clung to him, wishing they were alone but savoring the time they had for such sweetness. The kiss went on, intensifying and outlasting the melody that drifted overhead.


  “Lord DeBurgh?”

  Kraven grinned and shook his head when he heard the summons. He knew it’d make no sense to ask Seamus Hale- the caretaker who tonight was doubling as butler- to drop the title and use something… less stately. Alas, Seamus was a true member of the old school and would stick to formalities until his dying day.

  Instead of answering to the ostentatious tag, Kraven simply bowed his head.

  Seamus bowed as well. “A call for you, Sir.”

  Any lightheartedness Kraven had been feeling over the success of the event, fled when he heard the low gruff voice on the other end of the line.


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