The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 130

by Altonya Washington

  He obeyed but only in order to cup her neck, tilt up her chin and slide his tongue past her parted lips. Mick’s resulting gasp merged into a groan and seconds later she was eagerly and wickedly kissing him back. Her slight tug on his jacket lapel had grown tight as she gripped them both. She was moments from pulling him down to her so she wouldn’t have to stand on the toes of her chic black cherry pumps in order to meet him.

  What sounded like a tiny shriek flew past her lips when; without warning, Quest ended the kiss. He caught her wrist covered by the clinging sleeve of her dress and led her from the restaurant.

  Cane Sanai was already starting the car when he saw the Ramsey couple returning. His heart flew to his throat when Quest Ramsey knocked once on the driver’s side window. Rarely did Cane’s passengers bother to spare him a glance, only rushed orders regarding their next destination. For one to rap on the windows, clearly meant something was wrong and that he was to blame. Rolling down the window, he cleared his throat.

  “Mr. Ramsey?” Cane greeted. Nothing prepared him to see the man press a $50 bill to his palm.

  “Have a drink on me.” Quest urged.

  “Sir?” Cane knew he must’ve mistaken what he thought he heard.

  “Nothin’ alcoholic Cane,” Quest grinned. “Just give me about thirty minutes out here, alright?”

  Cane cast a glimpse at the curvy beauty standing behind the man and smiled. “Yes sir, Mr. Ramsey.” He moved from the driver’s side of the car and tipped a non-existent cap toward Michaela. “Mrs. Ramsey.” He greeted and nodded when she waved.

  Quest followed Mick to the rear of the car; watching her ease inside, sit on her knees and begin to unbutton her dress.

  “Cane?” He called before the driver had ventured too far. “Make that an hour.”

  Inside the spacious, elegantly crafted vehicle, Quest pushed away Mick’s hands and finished the unbuttoning job himself. When she wore only a seductive yet simple cream bra and panty set, he smothered her into the long back seat.

  A shaky whimper lilted past Mick’s throat when he covered her with kisses from neck to abdomen. Next were the throaty cries that filled the car when his nose nudged against the middle of her underwear. She reached down to tug away the lacy obstruction and was thwarted when he grasped her wrists, holding them to her sides. With his perfect teeth, Quest tugged aside the desire moistened material and thrust his tongue inside the fragrant canal that existed beneath.

  Mick arched, moaned his name and flexed her fingers against the hold he kept on her wrists. His name tripped from her mouth on a sob when he stopped making love to her with his tongue and started nipping at the silken petals of her sex with his teeth. Infrequently, he treated her to a few more lunges of his devilish tongue.

  She could hear him chuckling arrogantly when she tried to ride on the plundering organ to find release in the act. He prevented that. Maintaining the grip on her wrists, he brought them over her head while rising above her. A deep shiver coasted through her when he treated her mouth to the same oral skill he’d used below her waist.

  As though starved, Mick kissed the proof of her desire from his tongue all the while rubbing against his fully clothed form like a mad woman.

  “Quest please… I need something…”

  “Such as?” He tongued her ear while making the inquiry.

  “You inside me.”

  He grinned. “But I have been.”

  “Please,” she almost sobbed. “Yes…” she laughed in the next moment feeling his fist nudging her as he undid his belt and trousers.

  With her freed hand, she struggled to unbutton the black shirt he’d worn with no tie. Lathering his neck with soft grazes of her tongue, she stilled at the feel of him entering her. Her body began to tremble as though it were the first time again.

  In response, Quest dropped his head to her shoulder as memories of that time revisited him as well. He groaned her name as if it were a litany and spoke it in sync with the moves of his hips while he took her.

  “Mine,” he swore, bathing her neck and shoulders with soft open-mouthed kisses. “Mine, no matter what,” his nose outlined the mole at the corner of her lips.

  Mick could only mouth the word ‘yes’ while staring into his passion darkened eyes.

  The hour spent in the darkened confines of the car was all too blissful and passed all too soon…


  Mick never dreamed she’d enjoy being bored out of her mind nearly as much as she’d been over the course of the last week. Three to four hours of seemingly endless dry conversations about production ratios, stock projections, profit and loss…Still, it was all a pleasant change from the ugliness that had clouded the first meeting.

  Thankfully, there were elaborate mid morning breaks and lunches that offered the most delicious cuisine. Additionally, Mick considered it a bonus that every now and again while the executives bowed their heads to read through yet another lengthy report, she could look up to find Quest watching her. The intensity of his gaze would almost stop her heart. Life was good.

  They took advantage of the quaintly designed villages. The structures somehow managed to maintain their old world appeal in spite of the state of the art products they sold. Michaela was grateful they were travelling in the Ramsey jet. That in itself was a thing she had yet to become accustomed to. After all a good old fashioned seat in coach had always served her well. However, seeing as how they’d practically bought out most every store they’d visited it’d take no less than a private jet to cart all their wares back to Seattle.

  Now, they were approaching the end of their stay. Quest wanted to fly up to Zurich and spend the last two nights there. But, as they had several more stops before the trip was completely finished, Mick had a better idea. She asked if they couldn’t enjoy the last night cuddled in that splendid double king bed and make love as the fire roared. Quest wasn’t hard to convince. Unfortunately, since Mick’s provocative suggestion only covered the last night of their stay, they were still in need of an activity to fill the evening prior to it.


  “Why not?” Mick whined and stomped her boot in the snow as she scowled at her husband.

  Quest gave his gloves one last tug. “Because you didn’t suggest it.”

  “I suggested the restaurant.”

  “And a lovely suggestion it was. Pity you didn’t think about how we’d get there.”

  Mick’s scowl darkened and she folded her arms across the front of her blue ski jacket. “I assumed we’d be traveling in one of those over the top limos we’ve been zooming around in since we got here.”

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Quest shook his head regretfully. “When you assume…”

  “Well…you were already an ass.” Mick said in her most polite tone.

  Quest laughed, sparking his left dimple. “Don’t be that way.”

  “Then let me in the driver’s seat.”

  Quest’s full laughter had simmered down to a chuckle. Instead of obeying his wife’s order, he reached for one of the helmets and passed it her way. That evening they were heading out to dinner. Mick asked if they could dine at a small café they’d discovered during one of their shopping trips. She was thrilled when Quest said they could eat there that evening. She was less than thrilled when he showed up on a gorgeous two passenger snow mobile and informed her that she’d be riding shotgun.

  “Do you even know the way, babe?” Quest asked still waiting for her to take the helmet.

  Mick’s amber stare narrowed as she leaned close. “It’s got GPS, babe.”

  Quest conceded her point with a shrug.

  “Are you afraid to let me navigate this thing?”

  “Not a bit.”

  Mick stopped him before he could put on his helmet. Her expression turned sultry as she linked her arms about his neck. “I’m in the driver’s seat on the way back or forget my promise to grant sexual favors on demand for the duration of our trip.”

  The helmet went weak in his hands
. Quest closed his eyes to acknowledge she had the advantage. “You’re a cold lady Mick Ramsey,” he grumbled.

  “Mmm,” she agreed happily and then kissed his cheek and hopped in behind him.


  Melina Ramsey was delighted to have her friends arrive in her office at Charm Galleries for brunch that day. The gathering was organized by Contessa and it promised to be an enjoyable event. Johari had recently returned from her honeymoon and everyone wanted to talk about it. Tykira was there and she, Johari and Melina were laughing hysterically by the time County arrived. They laughed even harder at the morbid look on County’s face.

  “Girl cheer up,” Melina urged, “planning a wedding is not that bad. I swear.”

  “Oh please, all she had to do was pick out a dress.” Ty gave a flip wave. “Unfortunately, that still remains to be handled but Mick’s taking care of all the rest.”

  “Y’all get off County’s back.” Jo moved to the edge of her seat and added more sugar to her tea. “Any aspect of planning a wedding can be a pain in the ass. That’s why Moses and me did it quick and quiet.”

  “Spare us Jo,” Mel rolled her eyes. “We ain’t here to talk about your sex life.”

  Another swell of laughter filled the room.

  Ty noticed that County had barely moved a few feet from the door. “Girl stop looking so grim. It’s not as bad as it seems.”

  “I’m not here to talk about the wedding.” County pulled a page from her portfolio and tossed the leather case to a shelf. “This won’t be a fun conversation.”

  Sobering a bit, the women exchanged glances and then fixed County with three pairs of expectant stares.

  County presented the fax she’d spent the last few days dying over. “See anyone you know on that list?”

  Johari pointed to Quest’s circled name.

  Again, the expectant looks resumed.

  “That’s a manifest my publishing house produces.” County gave a nervous tug on the hem of her wine colored cardigan. “We use ‘em to keep track of where our product goes. It’s usually quite a hefty stack but this sheet,” she nodded toward the paper now being held onto by Tykira, Johari and Mel, “it notates preview copies for reviewers and other interested parties.”

  “County what-”

  “Wait a minute Ty,” County massaged the dull ache in her temple. “This sheet documents those who’ve received advanced copies of Royal Ramsey.”

  Silence covered the room for quite some time.

  “Boy Count, I hope that’s the title of a cookbook.” Mel sighed.

  County seemed to wilt and took refuge in the nearest chair. “I wish it was.”

  “County please tell us this isn’t the book Quest and Fern put a padlock on?”

  “One and the same Ty.”

  While everyone groaned and settled back in their seats, County moved to pour a cup of tea. She tilted the mug toward Melina who hitched a thumb across her shoulder in the direction of the bar.

  “Lord County what were you thinking?” Johari’s eyes bulged from her face like fixed silver moons. “Fernando’s gonna have a fit when he finds out you did this.”

  “It was Mick’s decision, dammit.” County splashed a healthy dose of rum into her tea. “Y’all know how persuasive she can be when her mind’s made.”

  Ty fidgeted with the collar of her blouse. “Why would Mick do this?”

  “She’s been edgy lately- a lot more so after Quest and Fernando put the smack down on the book.” The flavored of the spiked tea caused County to give a little shimmy of delight. “She lost it. Said she was sick of Quest always taking over and running things. She said this was her life, her work and she’d be damned if she’d let him take that away from her.”

  Ty let her head fall back to the chair. “Hell I can understand that as well as anyone, but what’s gonna happen when that book hits the shelves?”

  “It’s Mick’s best.” County came to quick defense of her friend and raised the mug in a mock toast. “Tasteful, passionate, thorough and a damn sight more truthful than any of the other versions on this family that you can bet are waiting to be published.” She downed half the tea “You can best believe none of what we put out would’ve meant a hill of beans after a scathing version by my competition was released.”

  Melina puffed out her cheeks and stood. “I’m less concerned about what’ll happen when that book hits the stands than I am over what’ll happen when Quest sees it.”

  “Have you told Mick yet?” Jo asked.

  “Been trying for the past few days,” County groaned and set her mug to the coffee table. “Her phone goes right to voicemail, which probably means she’s got the damn thing off.”

  “I wouldn’t think so.” A thoughtful look brightened Mel’s dark face. “She and Quest would need to be reached about Quincee.”

  County was already shaking her head. “I talked to the girl keeping Quinn. She’s been instructed to call Quest if she needs them. I can’t risk talking to Mick about this on his line while he’s around.”

  “So what are you gonna do?”

  County went to sit on the arm of Johari’s chair. “I’ve left several urgent messages on her phone. I can only hope she’ll call me back when she’s got a minute to herself.”

  “Jeez, what’s gonna happen when all this comes out?”

  “Ty, I think it’s safe to say all hell will break loose.” County’s prediction was made lightly enough. Inside, her stomach was twisted into knots.

  “Dammit! I should’ve known she was gonna do something outrageous!”

  “Mel?” Jo watched her cousin bolt across the room.

  “I talked to Mick about this a while back. We were going over stills of Nile’s paintings.” Mel stared out the window but absently took in the view of downtown Seattle. “She was agitated just like County said. Quest was…taking over and she didn’t know how to tell him about it.” Mel fiddled with a loose threat on her jacket sleeve. “I told her sometimes the way was in the doing and not the telling. Guess she took it to heart.”

  Johari, Tykira and Mel continued the discussion. County was silent and walked over to observe the view Mel had abandoned. Two people she loved a lot were keeping two explosive secrets from one another. There was no doubt all hell was about to break loose. What frightened County most, was not knowing whether that hell would engulf her best friend’s marriage.


  Louie’s was a cozy, comfortable bistro in a small village just outside Nendaz. The chic yet understated style appealed to the vast ski clientele of the area. Still, the establishment was spacious enough to keep its patrons from feeling crowded.

  Quest and Mick shared an intimate U-shaped booth which faced a lovely picture window that offered a captivating view of the slopes. Quest felt Mick shudder in his arms while she leaned back against him.

  Squeezing her close, he buried his face in her blue black curls. “You okay?” he murmured.

  Mick nodded. “I was just thinking about the night you proposed. The stars reminded me- the sparkling.”

  “We were in Driggers’ room.” Quest recalled and squeezed his wife closer.

  “Just after he passed,” Michaela’s voice was strong but she relished the feel of Quest rubbing her shoulders. “I was asking him if you were the one. I looked down and your ring was sparkling on my finger. It was like he was saying yes.”

  Quest kissed her temple and they were silent until after the server topped off their coffees and told them their entrees would be out in five minutes.

  “Quest I want to put the house in Chicago up for sale.” Mick blurted almost immediately after the server left them.

  Quest made her face him on the booth. “You sure?”

  “I’ve been thinking about it for a while.” She nodded. “I’m sure.”

  “Baby why?” Quest could see the struggle in her light eyes.

  “So many memories… Good memories and memories of when he…left. But it’s the good memories I’ll live off of.” She to
ok a deep refreshing breath. “Those are the ones I’ll want to keep always. I don’t- I can’t live there anymore.”

  Pulling her close, Quest pressed a lingering kiss to her temple.

  “Besides…we have the cabin up there. It makes sense. I do think the house would be the perfect place for Fernando and County’s wedding though. After that, I’ll put it on the market.”

  Quest cupped her face, searching her eyes intently with his soft grays. Convinced, he gave a slow nod. “You want me to take care of it?”

  “No. It’s something I need to handle myself, okay?”

  Quest smiled, wondering silently why everything couldn’t be so simple. If only what he knew about Yvonne Wilson could be so easy for him to let her handle. God all I have to do is tell her. He berated himself silently feeling disgusted by the weakness that prevented him from speaking.

  “Quest? Are you alright?” Mick clutched his hand and gave it a tiny shake.

  “Mmm hmm. I’m very alright,” he said, seeming to snap out of the mood as quickly as he’d snapped into it. Gracing her with his left dimpled smile, he turned her to lie back against him once more. “Just thinking about my own memories of the house.”

  “When you came to find me after I left Seattle,” she guessed.

  “Hmph, not quite. It was seeing you wearing next to nothing and bouncing around in your yard.”

  Mick’s laughter bubbled forth as she recalled the dance rehearsal he’d been lucky enough to catch- thanks to Driggers.

  “Good ‘ole Driggers,” Quest said then as if reading her mind. “I’ll always feel indebted to him for that. For you,” he rested his cheek against hers.

  Silently, they studied the sparkles in the sky.


  Because France was accessible by direct train from Nendaz, Quest and Mick opted for that mode of travel when they embarked upon the second leg of their trip. There was much to be said about the view of the French countryside but Mick found that she was utterly speechless as the images passed in a wondrous blur before her eyes.


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