The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 174

by Altonya Washington

  “And you’re right on track with that, honey.” Martha brushed her daughter’s arm when she moved past. “Not everyone’s got the knack for putting together a party.”

  Silently, Josephine acknowledged how doggedly she’d worked and why. She was dead tired at the end of the day and usually didn’t get to bed until well after Marc had fallen asleep- which was pretty late considering when he chose to arrive at home.

  The party planning had also given her the excuse to resist her husband’s advances. As the event was for his glorification, he didn’t seem to mind letting her pass on ‘bedroom duties’. There were nights when it was all she could do not to vomit when he came near her. Most times, he didn’t even bother to wash away the stench of the other women. She often wondered if it would have been easier to bear if he did…

  Martha was watching her strangely and Josephine realized she must have said something.

  “I guess you chose them because they were Fern’s favorite.”

  The flowers. She’d forgotten the florist had left a few baskets to give her time to be sure the scent was to her liking. Carnations. A somber mood set in as both women mourned and remembered.

  “I won’t let Marc forget her, Ma.” Josephine’s voice sounded hoarse.

  “Honey,” Martha cupped her daughter’s elbows and gave her a shake. “Marcus married you, remember that. He loves you, wants to take care of you and is worthy of your respect. Why! Just look around at what he’s already given you!” Martha swung out her arms and practically swooned over the room.

  Josephine didn’t bother arguing. Anyone would be overwhelmed by her lifestyle. Her mother was certainly no exception.

  “You’re right, Mama.” She patted Martha’s hand and took one of the Carnations from the basket. “Marc’s shown me- given me so much and yes he’s very worthy.” She inhaled the flower’s scent. “I pray one day I can be wife enough, mother enough to… repay him in the manner he deserves.”



  Damon focused on work and pushed aside agitation over his relationship or rather, his lack of a relationship with Catrina Jeffries. It pained him to say he was concerned by Marc’s and Houston’s quietness. Things had been running rather perfectly within the youth division. Outreach programs to needy children in Savannah and surrounding counties; as well as assistance to infirmed seniors and nursing homes, were tops on the division’s list. There seemed to be great successes at every turn.

  Marcus was insinuating himself in practically every area of Ramsey. Clearly, he was working diligently to learn all there was to know about his father’s company. Damon had even heard some teasing that Westin should watch out that his younger brother didn’t take his job.

  Still, in light of all those successes, Damon was uneasy for he’d known Marcus and Houston Ramsey long enough to know quietness on their end usually equaled trouble brewing.

  “Can’t you give your big brothers a little benefit of the doubt, son?” Roland Bray chuckled over his young colleague’s suspicions.

  “No.” Damon’s response came without hesitation.

  Roland sobered then. “What do you suspect Damon? Seriously.”

  “Can’t put a hand on it,” Damon stood from his desk and moved toward the windows behind it. “I only want to put a few safeguards in place before I head out for fall term.”

  Again, Roland’s mood eased. “Senior year of college- Congratulations, D. Your professors will be proud of all you’ve accomplished here.”

  “Thanks Ro.” Damon’s smile didn’t brighten the darkness of his eyes though. “I didn’t do any of it for the compliments. I made my dad a promise- I plan to keep it.”

  Nodding, Roland decided it was best not to question the remark.

  “I want Marcus watched. I don’t want him aware of it.” Damon turned back to the desk. “Put your best people in place for it, Ro. I want every decision- every scrap of paper he pushes- reviewed.”

  “What about Houston?” Roland asked.

  “I want a ringer in that youth department.” Damon’s features tightened noticeably when he dropped into his desk chair. “Houston may be an idiot, but he’s just as dangerous when Marcus pulls the strings.”


  Carmen took time out from reading her hefty novel and inhaled the fragrance of the flowers surrounding her. The area had been her preferred spot for relaxation, reading and writing to Jasper since she’d been home for the summer. Reading Jasper’s letters there had allowed her to focus on the words, on him writing the words and imaging herself wherever he was. Content with the thought, Carmen returned to her reading.

  She almost jumped from her skin when she thought she heard his voice behind her. Turning on the bench, she blinked at the figure standing a few feet in the distance. At first, she believed she’d been caught up in some daydream. When the figure moved forward, she gasped and pushed herself from the bench.

  Jasper moved as though he were dazed. Repeatedly, his warm browns raked Carmen’s still petite; yet more womanly form. God she’d changed. He could scarcely grasp the concept that she could grow any more beautiful than she’d been when he left. Yet there she was- standing there with a mix of elation and expectancy in her provocative stare.

  And wonder. Carmen thought as her gaze traveled over Jasper in the same fashion that his had wandered over her. Other than speaking her name when he’d arrived earlier, he’d said nothing more. No matter, for Carmen could almost sense the self confidence surrounding him like something tangible. He’d always been gorgeous but those looks now combined with a subtle pride and assurance. He was beautiful. She felt her mouth curve to say his name but heard no sound pass her lips. She wanted to move close but feared she’d break into a run and knock him down when she flung herself into his arms.

  Carmen didn’t need to run. Jasper had lessened the distance between them. For a time, he only stood there trailing his fingertips across her face. She closed her eyes and relished the touch, believing it was all she needed.

  “I missed you Carm.”

  Losing her restraint then, she arched into him suddenly and kissed him deeply.

  Their hands were as seeking as their mouths. Soft moans filtered in and out between them. Carmen didn’t want it to end but Jasper couldn’t forget where they were. Gently, he eased back.

  “We can’t do this here.”

  “Where then?”

  Her bold response caused him to laugh. “I’ve missed you,” he confessed again.

  “How long have you been back?” Carmen asked when they returned to the bench where she’d been reading.

  “Five months.”

  Carmen’s expression changed a tad. “Five months?” She wanted him to hear the hurt in her voice.

  “I’m sorry,” he leaned close to kiss her temple, “Dr. Owen keeps me busy.”

  “Dr. Owen?”

  “Owen Dowd,” Jasper grinned, thinking of the man then. “I told you about him. We met in ‘Nam.”

  Carmen began to nod as her memory freshened.

  “Anyway, I’ve been so busy I don’t think I even realized how long it’d really been.”

  “You must be enjoying your work.” Her eyes began to sparkle again as she watched him.

  “It’s important, could make a lot of difference. Anyway…” he shrugged, preferring not to go into all the boring scientific details then.

  “I can tell it means a lot to you and…you look great.”

  “So how’s school?” He asked, though her compliment pleased him greatly. “I was surprised to know your mama let her baby go.”

  “She seemed content with it.” Carmen fidgeted with the hem of her sweater and smiled. “She even said it was time for me to make my own way in the world. That the time would come when she wouldn’t be around to guide me.” Her expression shadowed then. “I think she’s still missing Daddy more than she’s letting on. The things she says sometime…I think she’s ready to be with him.”

  “They had a great ma
rriage- great people.” Jasper quietly raved.

  The easiness returned to Carmen’s light eyes and she grazed Jasper’s thigh. “Mama’s gonna be so thrilled to see you looking so…incredible. She um, she’s always asking about you.”

  “Miss Marcella was always good to me. ‘Specially after my mother died…” He brushed Carmen’s hand where it rested on his thigh. “They don’t make good people like your parents very often. Wish I could figure out the combination that produces such phenomenal beings.”

  “Jasper please,” Carmen laughed. “Trust me, there is no magic combination. Folks make a choice to be decent or criminal.” She rolled her eyes toward her family’s home in the distance. “People think it’s got so much to do with blood, background and fancy trappings…there’s always a choice to be made, Jasper.”

  “People in town never would’ve treated me the way they did if my mama hadn’t been thought of as the slut who got herself pregnant by a married man with a kid.”

  “Choices Jasper. Those people made a choice to shun you. They weren’t worth your time.”

  “Those people who shunned me, Carm,” he smirked then, “one day they’ll be in awe of me.”


  After an extensive bout of planning, Josephine Ramsey was ready to introduce her husband to the best of Savannah society. What she didn’t realize was that she was introducing herself and that everyone was most impressed. Making an impression wasn’t difficult to achieve considering the surroundings. The event began late evening with the setting sun competing with the glow of candles set in various areas of the house and expansive back patio.

  Evidence of Josephine’s green thumb was everywhere. Hanging baskets of vibrant roses, tulips and carnations filled every room with splashes of color and fragrance.

  Josephine had expected to be by her husband’s side for the better part of the night. There’d been no time for that, however. There were as many guests clamoring for Josephine’s time as there were for her husband’s. In fact, Josephine had such a fantastic time mingling with her guests; who invited her to join various clubs and committees, she didn’t give her husband a passing thought.


  Catrina had been receiving just as many accolades for her work on the Ramsey party. No one could argue that Catrina’s determination to broaden her father’s business had been a sterling achievement. Jeffries Catering’s first formal business gala, boasted an almost equal number of black and white clientele.

  Catrina had been so overwhelmed by the beauty of the event and her part in it. She’d been a lot like her mother that day, seeing to every detail far more diligently than necessary. Eventually though, nature called and she excused herself to use the facilities and take a moment to catch her breath.

  She gave herself another pep talk before heading out of the downstairs powder room. When she opened the door, she found her way blocked by Damon’s tall frame. Twice, Catrina tried to form words but met with no success. It mattered little, since the question was clearly reflected on her face.

  Damon merely smiled. He advanced, forcing her back into the dainty half bath.

  “What are you doing here?” She blurted, the click of the lock behind him having reignited her speaking abilities.

  He leaned on the door. “I was invited.”


  “Why not?” He pressed off the door and began to advance again until her back was flush against the wall.

  “Who are you?” She managed despite the fact that her heart was in her throat. Her lashes fluttered when her gaze lowered to his mouth. The last things she saw were the striking dimples bracketing an incredible mouth. Then her lashes fluttered close and she prepared herself for his kiss.

  Catrina whimpered something incoherent before his lips melded with hers. His cologne was fantastic and she clenched her fist to resist the urge to draw him closer. Damon wasted no time plying her with a sweet kiss. The act went to full blown torrid in the span of two seconds. His tongue thrust so deep and lusty that Catrina felt the back of her head bumping the wall beneath the force of the kiss.

  She moaned, hardly noticing that he’d undone the buttons of her blazer until both his hands cupped her breasts. Then, she was kissing him back with her own brand of lust. She could have sworn she’d heard him chuckle during the kiss- she didn’t care. She didn’t care if he was used to having girls so easily give into him. He was kissing her then and she intended to enjoy every second.

  Catrina knew she could have kissed him for hours. He had a way of tilting his head this way and that as if taking advantage of every angle possible to deliver his kiss. She arched in closer to rake her fingers through the silky crop of his close cut. It was only then that she felt the smooth fabric of his suit coat against her skin and realized he’d taken her out of her blazer and blouse.

  “Wait…Damon…” He had to wait. She had to tell him to wait, didn’t she? That’s what proper young women did, right? They certainly didn’t allow themselves to be cornered in powder rooms by virtual strangers who kissed and fondled them half out of their clothes.

  “Damon stop,” her voice was firm that time. “I don’t know…who you are. You- you don’t want me to know…”

  In response, he cupped her chin keeping her in place for another kiss. Catrina indulged for another several glorious seconds before she somehow found the willpower to push him away.

  No words were spoken. She grabbed her clothes, shrugging quickly into the garments.

  Damon leaned against the wall. Hands hidden in his trouser pockets, his dark eyes followed her every move as she focused on dressing and making herself presentable.

  It was no use; Catrina discovered when she looked into the mirror. A quick toss of her head put her glossy tresses back in place. Her lips were another matter- way fuller than normal. Not to mention her eyes. No matter how much she blinked, she couldn’t get the mellow, sleep-sexy look out of her gaze. She looked thoroughly kissed and exquisitely aroused. Damn him. Giving up the battle with her appearance, she left the room without another glance toward him.


  Catrina managed to immerse herself in work for the next hour. Everything was running smoothly and she actually spent the bulk of her time answering questions about her father’s business. She set up meetings with various guests who wanted to hire Jeffries for their next big gathering. She wouldn’t allow herself to think of Damon and the scene in the powder room. His name in her head was enough to send her hands shaking and a dull throb someplace best left unmentioned.

  She was scribbling away on her notepad and thinking of how proud her parents would be when they heard of all the interest in their business. Her thoughts were never far from Damon though. It was no surprise that when she heard her name and felt a hand squeeze her arm, she responded accordingly.

  “Damon…” she moaned.


  She looked around realizing it had been Houston Ramsey standing near and not Damon. Thankfully, she’d spoken the name softly enough so there was no need to explain her misspeak to Houston.

  “Hi.” She smiled brightly and cleared her throat to dispel any nervous twinges in her voice.

  “Cool party.” Houston’s light brown eyes scanned the living room filled with guests and servers with platters of delectables. “I um,” he turned with obvious uncertainty in his gaze then. “I wanted to know if you’d go to another event with me next week. Nothin’ as lavish as this,” he waved in the general direction of the crowd.

  His uncommon attempt at humor set Catrina at ease and she laughed.

  “What do you have in mind, Houston?”

  “Dinner with my family.”

  Her remaining laughter faded quickly.

  “I’m sorry- sorry for taking so long to make it happen.” He shoved his hands into his cream trouser pockets and glanced down. “So much goin’ on… everybody’s been real busy… including you, so…”

  Catrina knew he was waiting on her acceptance, but speaking then was a fe
at impossible for her to achieve then. She’d already agreed to meet his family at some point, but hadn’t counted on it actually happening. Silly. Meeting his family was sure to put their relationship on a level she’d never intended for it to reach. She knew where Houston’s feelings were heading. All the while she was caught up over some sexy idiot whose last name she didn’t know and whom she’d probably spent all of thirty minutes talking to over the entire time she’d known him.

  What’s more, she’d made a promise to herself to stop turning down the multitude of dates she’d been offered. Houston Ramsey was a perfect place to begin.

  “I’d love to go.” Once more, she flashed him a dazzling smile.

  So elated, Houston let out a yell and drew Catrina into a hug.


  “You’re only here because Mama asked you to come.”

  “Well, what can I say? Ms. Marcella’s got something a man just can’t say no to.”

  Carmen laughed and prodded Jasper’s ribs with her elbow. She’d been teasing him about attending Marc and Josephine’s party at the woman’s request.

  “I’m gonna have to ask her about that.” Carmen was still laughing while she and Jasper strolled arm in arm. They’d been chatting and chuckling all during a lengthy walk around the grounds.

  The party was still going strong after over three hours. Carmen; who wasn’t much for parties, couldn’t recall when she’d had such fun. If only the gathering weren’t in her brother’s honor. She spotted Marcus across the courtyard as she and Jasper headed for the house. She began tugging his arm, the second she spotted her brother.

  Changing directions was out of the question though once Jasper caught sight of his old friend. He wanted to show off a bit of what he’d become during his time away.

  Carmen smothered a curse when she saw Marc wave in their direction.

  “Marc.” Jasper’s voice was as robust as the handshake he offered once the distance closed between them.

  “Good to see you man!” Marc looked truly pleased and shook Jasper’s hand in both of his. “How’s it feel to be back in the world?”


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