The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 182

by Altonya Washington

  Carmen squeezed Tammy’s hands into hers.

  “I gave it up at birth. I never looked back. No one knew.” Tammy looked back at the house. “I had to work and I couldn’t hurt my parents- or yours.” She turned her hand over to take Carmen’s. “Mr. Quent and Ms. Marcella been so good to my family and I couldn’t say anything to scandalize my parents- they had to live and work here too.”

  “Tammy did you love him?” Carmen asked in a tender tone. She was stunned by the woman’s reaction- a wild mix of tears and laughter.

  “No…” Tammy wiped her sweater sleeve across her nose. “No Carmen I never loved him. I was…prepared for him.”

  Carmen’s hands fell away from Tammy’s and she straightened. “What did you say?”

  “That’s what he called it. Started when I was eleven- with him rubbing me on top of my clothes and then beneath them…” Tammy sniffled and tilted her head back. “He um, he’d take me out to the cottage and do other things, oral things. I never struggled, I…I think he thought I liked it.”

  Carmen stood, pushing her hands into the side pockets of her checkered swing dress. She walked over to stare across the lawn. “He didn’t care whether you liked it or not.” She said.

  Tammy sniffled again. “One day he took me to the cottage to ‘give me what he’d been preparing me for’ was sort of how he said it. He forced me…it wasn’t the only time after that and- and…” she couldn’t finish.

  Carmen took pity and ran over to envelope Tammy in another hug. “What can I do for you?” She asked while they embraced.

  “I don’t want money.” Tammy pushed away. “I’ve always thought that until I told someone- this would always haunt me, rule me.” She smiled pitifully. “Now I’ll have to see if my theory’s right.”

  “Let me help you.” Carmen asked.

  Tammy’s smile brightened. “You already have- just by listening. I didn’t even know anyone would be here. It was a blessing that I found you.”

  Carmen stared unseeingly past Tammy’s shoulder. “He should burn- he should burn in all manner of ways.”

  “He should do more than burn. But my Mama always say evil don’t last always.” Tammy’s expression grew telling. “He’ll be dealt with- one day.”

  Carmen nodded and pulled Tammy close again. “Damn right. One day.”

  Daphne had clenched the hem of her sweater vest until her hand had gone numb. She strained to hear more of the conversation she’d walked up on. Once the car had been parked out of sight, she set out on one of her treks across the Ramsey lands.

  How she craved an hour or two inside the house- if only to pretend. She knew Carmen would be heading back to school and took a chance she’d be gone. There she was though on the front porch and with company- vaguely familiar company. Daphne couldn’t place where she’d seen the other woman- then she heard them say something about someone burning and wanted more dirt.

  Such was not to be. The vaguely familiar woman and Carmen began discussing their future plans, enjoyed a bit more tea and sat for a while in silence on the porch.

  Daphne decided to leave before she was discovered. She cast one last look at the woman and set off with her mind racing.


  “These cats are for real Charlt,” Marcus was saying through the phone in his office at Ramsey.

  “Who are they?” Charlton asked following a few silent moments.

  “Hard to put a bead on ‘em. First sight, I’d have said Mafia, but they talk like bonafide businessmen.” He chuckled. “I still got the feelin’ that a few of ‘em walk on the ill side of legal.”

  Charlton laughed. “So how much they offerin’?”

  Marc made a tsking sound. “See man, that’s what you don’t get about folks with money and stature. We don’t discuss the dollars ‘til we’re ready to deal. It’s gonna take a lot more than slick talk and petty ideas to get these dudes to come to the table.”

  Charlton had made his way out to Hawaii where he was bunking with a buddy from his days in the Navy once the dodging caught up with him. The arm of the chair he occupied grew dented from the blows of his fist.

  Marc’s haughty attitude could still set him on edge. Charlton didn’t know what angered him more, the power Marcus had to do it or the fact that he still let it set him on edge.

  “I got a feelin’ they’re serious and ready to deal some serious dough. If you’re serious about this shit, you need to take it slow and do it right.”

  “Don’t worry,” Charlton unfurled his fist. “I damn well plan to.”


  “That fucking maid!”

  Houston looked up from his stew and cocked a brow toward his wife. “There a problem, dear?”

  “I knew she looked familiar,” Daphne hissed and flopped back upon the high backed chair at the dining table. “That snippy little maid I met the first time I went to visit your mother at the house.”

  “Who?” Houston frowned.

  “Tammy, Tammy something…I can’t recall the last name. It was her, alright.”

  Houston didn’t need the last name. “When did you see her? Daphne?” He called when she still seemed dazed about the face from the past.

  “Out there at the house- I went out to look around. Carmen was there- I couldn’t get inside.” She smoothed the back of her hand across her jaw. “She was on the porch with that Tammy- talking about somebody needing to burn.”

  Houston’s spoon hit the floor with a clatter.

  “Houston…” Daphne scolded and went to clean up the spill. “You done with this?” She didn’t wait for her husband to respond and went about clearing bowls from the table before she disappeared into the kitchen.



  “She was probably there to pick up a check.” Marcus guessed when Houston told him about what Daphne saw.

  Unlike his brother, Houston wasn’t so quick to brush it all off. After all, he knew what had gone on between Marcus and the young maid. He knew what had gone on between Marc and all the maids. He also knew that someday somehow some of it would return to haunt his brother. What affected Marc generally tended to affect him, no matter how large or small a part he played.

  “You ready for this meeting in our new roles?” Marcus was asking. He was in full business mode- gathering files, scanning them, making corrections.

  Houston shrugged while massaging hair where it tapered at his neck. “What the hell does it matter to me? You and Damon’ll be butting heads over…whatever anyway.”

  “Fuck Damon,” Marc growled and slapped a folder against the side of his burgundy slacks. “The fool thinks this decree of West’s is gonna have me slinkin’ off in the shadows or kissin’ his boy scout ass. I ain’t about to let that happen.” He went back to scanning the files. “I waited too long to have a foothold in this place to lose out on any opportunities it might provide me.”

  Houston stood to leave, realizing Marc was thoroughly involved in prepping for the meeting. His hand paused on the doorknob. “Whatever Tammy was discussing with Carmen it ended with them talking about how someone should burn for what they’d done.”

  Marcus stopped and straightened behind the cluttered desk.

  Houston left the office to the sound of papers spilling from the folder hanging limp in his brother’s hand.


  “I don’t care how you spin this. These cuts against the employees won’t happen.”

  Marcus brought his fist down on the conference room table. Houston flinched noticeably in response, while Damon smiled.

  “You’re tryin’ to run this place in the same soft-hearted sappy way Pop did.”

  “And Ramsey’s a multi-million dollar company now.” Damon reminded his brother.

  “Fuck multi-million.” Marc spat, leaning forward to clench a fist to the close curls covering his head. “I’m gonna see Ramsey grow bigger and stronger than that. So strong, white companies won’t have a choice but to step aside for us and we ain’t gonna get there
makin’ concession after concession for these damn employees.”

  “The damn employees make it possible for you to live in that ridiculous ass castle of yours.” Damon sneered, ignoring the warnings that he was losing his temper. “I say we ain’t cuttin’ a muthafuckin’ thing.”

  Marc let loose an unexpected chuckle. “Who the hell you ‘spose to be, nigga? From what I see, you sittin’ alone on that side of the table. The majority,” he waved toward himself and Houston, “that would be on our side.”

  “Marcus, Marcus you never listen to the entire show.” Damon laughed then too. “Guess that’s why you almost repeated ninth grade, huh? Did you ever hear West say our decisions hinged on votes? The shit’s gotta be unanimous. One for all, all for one and all that crap.”

  Temper raging, Marcus’ lashes fluttered close and he cursed himself silently. Preoccupied by Tammy Burnett and what she’d said to his sister, he’d let Damon swoop in and make him look like an idiot. This was definitely not the day for his little brother to try his hand at looking like a big dog. Without another word, Marc stood and decided to leave.

  “Givin’ up?” Damon couldn’t resist one last barb. His teasing mode changed over to deadly when Marc lunged for him.

  Houston proved quick on his feet then. He managed to grab Marc’s arms, keeping his hands curved tight into the man’s jacket’s sleeves. Houston held him back, knowing full well the damage their younger brother could do to a face and body.


  Jasper sat in a state of stunned awe and then shook his head. “Could there be some kind of mistake here, sir?” He asked of the man seated across from him.

  Wesley Carroll Vining, Esquire smiled sympathetically at the young man who had yet to grasp the fact that he was a multi-millionaire.

  “Doctor Dowd had no children, son.” Wesley Vining sought to explain once more. “What family he had left him a good number of those millions you just inherited. The research facility you also inherited, made the doctor millions more besides. Now, it’s all yours.”

  Jasper ran a finger inside his shirt collar and stood. “Why would he do this?” He whispered while pacing the dim, graceful office.

  Wesley Vining chuckled. “I asked the good doctor that very thing. By the time he was done explaining, I understood perfectly. He said he’d sensed a kinship in you Jasper- something which came through in word, deed and personality. He said, in all his years of learning, teaching, researching, he’d never met anyone who measured up to the passion- the desire to obtain as much knowledge about the field of study he’d been mesmerized by his entire life.”

  “But Mr. Vining,” Jasper shook his head yet again. “I’m a nobody. For Doctor Owen to waste-”

  “Hold it right there, son.” Wesley Vining clasped his beefy hands together atop a pristine desk. “I’ve known many people. I’ve met and counseled a great many educators, heads of state, even some royalty, but never, had I met true genius until I met Owen Baker Dowd.” Wesley began cleaning spectacles he’d pulled from his vest pocket.

  “A man that insightful that gifted didn’t make errors in judgment.”

  Void of argument, Jasper eventually reclaimed the seat before the attorney’s massive pine desk.

  Nodding, Wesley Vining affixed the spectacles across a long, thin nose which seemed out of place in the middle of his round face. “Doctor Dowd called in a few favors and got you accepted to his Alma Mater- you’re on your way to college, son.” He smirked when Jasper appeared stunned anew. “Seems the good doctor intended for you to continue his work.” The attorney laughed when Jasper slid down a bit in the chair. “Son? Are you up to doing this now?” Wesley removed his specs and tapped them to the thick folder he’d read from. “We’re only at the tip of the iceberg here, you up for it?”

  Jasper blinked, nodded and cleared his throat. He straightened in the chair. “Yes. Yes sir, for Doctor Owen, I sure as hell am.”


  Carmen was perched on the edge of Roberta Lowery’s desk. The two young women were laughing and talking when Carmen heard her name. She turned to see Houston on his way toward her.

  “Bobbie would you tell Damon I stopped by?” Carmen eased off the desk. “I really need to see him.”

  “Sure thing, girl.” Bobbie stood from her chair to kiss Carmen’s cheek.

  “Why was Tammy Burnett at the house?” Houston approached just as Bobbie left the desk.

  “Tammy? How-?”

  “Daphne told me.”

  Carmen leaned on the desk again. “What was Daphne doing at the house?”

  “Dammit Carm, why was Tammy there?”

  “Why are you so interested in a maid?”

  “Was she there to pick up a check?” Houston had never practiced the art of subtlety and he wasn’t about to start.

  “No, she wasn’t there for a check.” Carmen toyed with a bouncy lock of her hair and surveyed her brother with open suspicion. She wasn’t about to give him a run down of her conversation with Tammy. Besides, part of her believed he already knew. The reality of it had anger roiling like sickness in her belly. She allowed the emotion to get the better of her.

  “I’m here to see Damon about a story I just heard. Sick events that occurred right under our very roof.” She pushed off the desk and stood face to face with her brother. “Since I can’t see West right now, Damon’ll do just fine.”

  Houston groped his pockets for a handkerchief and mopped sweat from his neck. He watched Carmen storm down the corridor, then he ambled over to Bobbie’s desk and called Marcus.


  Westin leaned against the doorway to the sitting room and rapped lightly against the jamb until he’d captured his wife’s attention.

  “When I told you to take it easy, I didn’t mean to become a prisoner in this house.”

  Briselle’s smile was there but wavering. Gently, she set down the book she’d been reading. “All during those first three months, I prepared myself to lose it.” She looked down at her hands smoothing across the wheat colored housecoat she wore. “I’ve never been pregnant longer than two months before. I’m into my fourth month now and back to being terrified.” She swiped at an escaped tear. “I don’t want anything to harm it.”

  Westin pushed his tall frame off the doorway, dropped his coat and briefcase to the sofa and came to sit at his wife’s feet. “You couldn’t harm it if you tried. You’re the most careful person I know.” He kissed her hand where it lay in her lap. “The others…the other babies- they weren’t meant to be, darlin’. It wasn’t our time.”

  “I think it kicked.” She whispered. “At least that’s what it felt like.” She took West’s hand and rested it against her belly. “I started to call Doc Seltzer but I didn’t want to overreact. Isn’t it too early for it to be kicking, West? What if-?”

  “Hey?’ He moved up to kiss her forehead, cheek and mouth. “It’s a sign.”

  “A-a sign?” Briselle spoke the word as if it were foreign to her.

  “Look at how different things are for us now, girl.” He toyed with the soft hair curling about her face. “We’re married, got a new life, new connection to each other, new town in a whole new part of the country. Georgia’s working and pregnant?”

  Briselle burst into hearty laughter.

  “Now if that ain’t a sign, tell me what is?”

  “Our child will be fine.” He said once their laughter curbed. “It’ll be a force to be reckoned with and time enough for all the so-called bad asses in this family and anybody else.” West leaned close to brush away another of

  Bri’s escaped tears. “I can’t ease your mind about all this. Only you have the power to accept what will be will be- good or bad. But Bri,” he nuzzled his dark handsome face into her neck. “If you expect the baby to have a fighting chance, you gotta put these bad thoughts on the back burner, you know?” He kissed her mouth again and stood.

  “West?” Briselle called when he was back at the doorway. “Thank you.”


  Romance was the order of the evening at the secluded Ramsey mansion. Following his meeting with Owen Dowd’s attorney, Jasper snapped out of his daze, packed clothes and headed for Savannah.

  He’d called ahead and told Carmen to expect him and she certainly was when he knocked on the door around four that afternoon. He had no chance to tell her his news, for she drew him into a kiss the moment he crossed the threshold. They made love in the midst of soft music and candlelight for hours it seemed.

  The lion share of candlelight radiated from Carmen’s bedroom. Jasper placed her gently upon crisp lavender sheets and made quick work of their clothes. He made quick work of his clothes. Carmen’s dainty cream colored negligee hit the floor soon after he’d arrived at the house. Their movements on the bed were languid and tender. Though quite familiar with one another already; their mouths were seeking traveling every area of each other. When Jasper claimed her body, Carmen cried out that she loved him. Moments later, Jasper was murmuring his love for her while nibbling her earlobe.


  “Jasper! Oh Jasper it’s all so incredible. I’m so happy for you.” Carmen rested across Jasper’s chest later as they lounged on her tousled king-sized bed. He’d just told her of all the miraculous changes in his life.

  “I still can’t believe he did this, don’t understand why he did this and for me.” Jasper smirked at Carmen. “I can only admit that to you. Sayin’ it to anybody else…I feel like I’m second-guessing Doctor Owen’s decision.”

  Carmen nodded. “I understand.” She raked her nails across the sleek expanse of his chocolate-toned chest. “Your background- what you suffered because of your mother…you never felt worthy.” She pressed a sweet kiss to the center of his chest. “Maybe now you will and not because of the money. Doctor Dowd didn’t know anything about you, he only knew you, saw you and what he saw was good. So good.”

  Jasper kissed her hard. “What’s so good, is you. So good for me. I don’t deserve you Carm.”

  She hugged him tight. “Yes you do.”

  Jasper glimpsed his wristwatch when their laughter quieted. “It’ll be dark soon. I should get going.”


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