Descendants of the Light 4: Finding Eden

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Descendants of the Light 4: Finding Eden Page 9

by Eve Vaughn

  “He felt that his army would be better served if he didn’t have to spare the men who guarded Tiearen. He withdrew Ceyan protection and then told the Shadow People. This was his intention all along, because he wanted Tiearen and Lai, the homeland of the Shadow People, but he wanted the Shadow People to clear up Tiearen. Then he planned on conquering Lai. The Ancient Ones showed my people a way out. We escaped to a place called Earth, but not before Garm killed my father. I’d finally reached my breaking point. I cursed the Ceyan people for what King Garmonian had done to mine.”

  “A curse? Do you mean to tell me my people are dying because of what some king did hundreds of years ago?” Rohman asked incredulously.

  “It wasn’t merely a curse. It was a cleansing. Most of the Shadow People were immediately wiped out, but those who survived escaped to another world. The Ceyans, however, were another matter. I wanted their devastation to be slow and painful. For every The’Ran that died over the course of the years, ten Ceyans died, and then that number doubled, and then doubled again.”

  “You see, not all The’Rans fared well on Earth. Some died right away while others grew ill from human diseases. Homesickness was the main reason so many didn’t last. I eventually joined with a human and bore him four children. When he passed away, I grew ill. I wanted to die in my homeland so I ventured back to the temple where I was taken up to be a guardian. That’s what we call ourselves by the way. Others refer to us as the Ancient Ones.”

  Again she paused to pace the white marble floor, her bare feet practically gliding across the floor. “The’Ran blood had been diluted so much that most of the powers my people once possessed were nearly gone, but there were four more carriers.”

  Turning to look at Eden, Dyshira nodded. “It was you, Genesis, Hope, and Raven. The four of you were the last of the chosen people. The ones who I personally picked to help restore Tiearen to its former glory.”

  “One thing I don’t understand is why you made it a condition that we mate with these women in order for you to tell us their whereabouts?”

  A smile tilted Dyshira’s lips. “There are a few reasons, actually. The first being that these were the last four women who held the powers of the light. They needed to be in their homeland in order to use their gifts properly, and in order for them to carry on the line, they’d need mates. What better mates for these women than royalty?

  “I’ve kept my eyes on every one of you, and it was destined that the eight of you would come together. By taking them as brides, you’re giving them your protection, and, in essence, resealing the pact our forefathers made. As of now, the curse has been lifted. No more Ceyans will fall victim to the illness as long as our temple is honored and Tiearen is restored as was promised.”

  It was finally making sense. Eden shivered when Dyshira walked toward her. She felt so overwhelmed and humbled in this majestic woman’s presence.

  “Eden, if you haven’t guessed already, you and your sister are my direct descendants. You have been granted the great power, but that also comes with a responsibility I know you can handle. There are still sick Ceyans who need to be cured. Heal them.” With one last wave of her hand, Dyshira looked at them both with a smile. “I bless this union.” And with that she disappeared.

  Rohman turned to her then and gave her a slow kiss on her mouth. “Let’s go home.”

  * * *

  Energy flowed through her body as she pressed her hands into Mother Daliah’s chest. Her sister was on one side, with Hope and Raven on the opposite end of the bed. Eden knew that if she really wanted to, she could heal Mother Daliah by herself, but her powers still weren’t at their most potent and doing so would take everything out of her.

  Besides, she was glad to have the other women with her. There were many more people to heal throughout the land and each of their skills was a tremendous help.

  It took several moments before she knew for certain the illness was gone. To her surprise, turquoise eyes flew open. Daliah looked around as though trying to get her wits about her.

  “Welcome back, Mother,” Eden greeted.

  A weak smile crossed the dowager’s face. “You must be Eden. You’re just as beautiful as Rohman said you would be. I thank you from the bottom of my heart,” she whispered, a tear sliding out from the corner of her eye.

  Eden smiled back. “It was my honor to heal you.”

  “No, that wasn’t what I meant. I thank you very much for giving me back my son.”

  * * *

  Raven lay in the arms of her husband, sated after another round of passionate lovemaking. “I’m so proud of you.” Kissing him on the chest, she snuggled closer to him, reveling in his nearness.

  “Why do you say that, my beauty?” Thane asked, his voice laden with contentment.

  “I’m proud that you were able to accept your brother’s apologies for his past transgressions. He’s really not a bad guy. I actually kind of like him.”

  “I’ve always loved Rohman, but there were times I didn’t like him very much. I didn’t realize what a heavy burden he carried. I only wish he had opened up to me sooner. I would have been there for him.”

  “You make it sound easier than I’m sure it probably was for him. Keep in mind it was a huge cross for him to bear.”

  Thane dragged his knuckles down the side of her body. She shivered with delight. Seeing the make-up scene between her husband and his oldest brother was touching. She knew they still had a long way to go, but they had to start somewhere. Raven believed they’d made a pretty good start.

  “When the others and I have healed the rest of the sick, will we go to your palace?”

  Thane’s face lit up. “Yes. I think you will like it there. I must show you my relics. I’m a collector of many beautiful things, but I only recently found my greatest treasure.”

  “And what was that?”


  * * *

  Genesis sat on her husband’s lap as they gazed at the stars from their balcony. She rested her head against his broad chest, content to have him stroke her hair. It felt nice to feel his long fingers threading through her short mop.

  “Don’t be sad, jihar,” Kal muttered, kissing the side of her neck.

  “I can’t help it. I’ve never lived away from Eden before. When this is all over, it may be a while before I see her again.”

  “We can always visit. My palace isn’t very far away and we come back every season.”

  “I know. I guess I’m just being silly. It’s so hard to believe my baby sister is grown up, let alone a queen.”

  “I think she’ll make an excellent queen. Look at how much she’s changed Rohman already,” he observed. Raising his hand to tweak her breast, he squeezed her nipple through the ilsa.

  Genesis groaned. “Are you deliberately trying to distract me?”

  “Maybe,” he chuckled.

  “This is serious business here. I’m going to miss my sister.”

  “But there will be other things to keep you busy, like my children.”

  She turned around to look into his eyes. “Oh, I’d love children.”

  “There’s only one condition.”

  She twisted her lips cynically. Oh, boy, here it comes, she thought. “I suppose you want a whole horde of sons.”

  A smile split his lips, lighting up his handsome face. “On the contrary, I only want daughters, because if they’re anything like you, I’ll be the happiest man on H’trae.”

  * * *

  Hope washed Aarik’s back as they soaked in their large tub together. “You seem much happier than before.”

  The grin Aarik was already wearing grew wider. “And why shouldn’t I be happy? My mother is better, our people will be saved, my brother is on his way to being his old self, and my wife is the most beautiful woman in all of H’trae.”

  “You’re just saying that, but it’s appreciated.”

  Turning abruptly he gave her a stern look. “You still doubt that you’re beautiful. I know what you exper
ienced on Earth, but the past is the past. I love you, and to me, there is no one lovelier.”

  Her heart swelled with love for this man. With him, she did indeed feel beautiful. He didn’t care that she could stand to lose weight or that she wasn’t a glamour queen. He loved her for who she was. No man had ever looked at her with such love and adoration in his eyes before, and she returned it tenfold.

  She knew there was no sweeter fate than the one dealt to her. She’d made three amazing new friends, was a princess, and had a hunk who loved her and she loved him back.

  Hope used to believe she was the queen of bad luck, but it seemed like her luck had changed.

  * * *

  Eden straddled her husband’s hips, her breasts jutting out in silent invitation. Rohman immediately grabbed them, fondling and squeezing her soft mounds. Arching her back against his touch, she felt pure bliss.

  He chuckled. “I’m surprised you want to make love again so soon. That will make four times tonight. While I’m up for it, I need to catch my breath.”

  She giggled. “That’s all right. I’ll just have my wicked way with you until you come around.”

  “How about I hold you for a moment? I like you next to me.” Engulfing her in his arms, he pulled Eden down against his chest, bringing her mouth to his.

  Her tongue pushed past his lips, swirling and tasting him slowly. When she pulled back his eyes were passion glazed. “Have you changed your mind yet?”

  “No,” he said stubbornly, a twinkle in his eyes indicating that he would play her little game.

  She licked the side of his neck. He shivered. “How about now?”


  She leaned over and began to nibble his ear. “How about now?” she whispered.

  It must have been the final straw because with one abrupt movement, he flipped her onto her back, pinning her beneath him. “You win,” he growled, his cock poking at the juncture of her thighs.

  “No, I think we both win,” Eden said, feeling so much love for him she could barely contain it.

  “I must be the biggest winner because, before you came into my life, I thought being king was a burdensome responsibility. But with you by my side as my queen, I will look forward to each day. I thank the Ancient Ones for sending you my way. I love you, Eden, and look forward to the rest of my life with you.”

  “And I with you.”

  Things may have started out rocky, but now they couldn’t be better. Eden realized they would probably have their ups and downs as most couples do, and they also had the great task of restoring Tiearen to its former glory. But with Rohman, the sky was the limit and she couldn’t wait to soar.

  Eve Vaughn

  Eve Vaughn has enjoyed creating characters, and making up stories from an early age. As a child, she was always getting into mischief so when she lost her television privileges (which was often), writing was her outlet.

  Eve likes to read, bake, make crafts, travel, and spend time with her family. She lives in the Philadelphia area with her husband. She loves hearing from her fans, so feel free to contact her at [email protected] or join her yahoo group at




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