Memory Stick

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Memory Stick Page 2

by Paul Comstock

  "Hey, cool it Burner. We didn't come here for that. We want to know about the PQ upgrades," Link's Avatar said, as it interposed itself between her and Burner's devil. She could hear the sharp edge in Link's words, and almost hoped he'd call the whole thing off.

  Almost instantly the Burner Avatar quit smiling, and the devilish persona disappeared, once again replaced with the normal looking Avatar from before. Tricia no longer considered the image pleasing.

  "What do you want to know?" the Burner Avatar asked.

  "How about some proof?" asked Tricia.

  "I can do that. Here's a list of ten people who've had the upgrade within the last year. You'll find that they all show significant increases in their PQ levels."

  Tricia didn't remember everything about how to use a terminal. Being a Low Pot and not working with one every day, she had little need to keep in practice, but she did know enough to be able to access public records. When an individual got a new job, their PQ was automatically registered and made available for public reference. Sure enough, each one of the individuals on the list had gotten a new job within the last year, and each one showed a significant increase in PQ from their previous job.

  "See, Trish. I told you it's real," said Link's Avatar.

  "It seems so," she said. "But it's probably expensive, isn't it? We can't afford it, Link."

  "Something can be worked out," Burner's Avatar said.

  The lilting and superior tone behind the words brought back some of the pain of being a Low Pot. The condescending attitudes from Mid and High Pots she mostly filtered out, but not this time.

  "What do you mean?" Link asked. Tricia could hear the excitement in his voice. She had no doubt that whatever Burner offered, Link would do. A PQ upgrade meant everything to him.

  "I'm willing to do the upgrade for you if you will give me half your income for the next ten years."

  Ten years? That seemed like a long time, and yet, she could see from the look on Link's face that he didn't think so.

  "Seems reasonable," Link said.

  "I can only perform the upgrade on one person at a time, so you'll have to decide between you who gets it done first. Link, you know where to contact me. Angel, it's been a pleasure," the Burner Avatar said, bowing and disappearing from the screen.

  Tricia angrily pulled the gold stick from her head, and turned to Link. "Are you crazy? Ten years at half pay?"

  "I'll still make more than what I do now, even at half the pay. Trish, you know that's not what's wrong, so what is it? Is it that you don't want me to be a High Pot, or is it because you don't want to be a High Pot?"

  She closed her eyes, and concentrated. She might have a low PQ, but she wasn't stupid. There were still a lot of things that could be wrong with this, wasn't there? Or was Link right? When they went on this lark, she thought it'd be like all the other fake and phony scams they had checked out. How did she know that this time it'd be real? I'm not ready to make this kind of decision, she thought. But there was little choice. Link would do it with or without her. At least by agreeing, she could hope to make him see some common sense. "Okay, Link. If you want this so bad, then maybe you should do it."

  "We both should do it. I want it for both of us. I think you should do it first," Link said.

  "No, you first. If it works out, then I'll get it done, too, I promise." At that moment, she realized the truth. After all those thoughts and dreams of being a High Pot, she really had no desire for it to happen. She didn't want to become what she despised.




  The address that Burner gave to Link led them to a fairly well-to-do neighborhood in the posh Highland suburb out on the East side just over the river. Only very influential High Pots lived there. Link had been very quiet for most of the trip. Finally, Tricia decided that she needed to say something, anything to break the silence.

  "Link, are you afraid?"

  "Afraid? No, nothing to be afraid of," he said with a quiver in his voice.

  "Well I am, even if you're not. Are you sure this is safe?"

  "Everything on the hacker boards said it was, and I've never seen anything that suggested otherwise. Burner did show us proof, remember?" asked Link.

  "But if it's safe, why haven't more people done it?"

  "Are you sure they haven't? There were ten people on the list alone that Burner gave to us. Besides that, think how many High Pots have children and friends that are High Pots, too. Do you think that's coincidence?" asked Link.

  "No, just genetics and friendship. If you're a High Pot, then everything in your life is related to that. You work with other High Pots, socialize with other High Pots, and marry other High Pots. Look at you. You come from High Pots, and yet you're still a Low Pot."

  Link stopped, turning to face her. Instantly she regretted her remark. "You know I don't like to talk about my parents."

  Why couldn't she have kept her big mouth shut, she thought. Link had always been very guarded whenever she tried to find out more about his parents. The only thing she knew for certain was that they were High Pots. On the other hand, Link knew everything about her Low Pot parents.

  He frowned, then tilted his head, his frown fading. "Look, I'm sorry, but there are things better left unsaid. Maybe after tonight I can..." He let the thought trail off.

  "You don't like your parents much, do you?" she asked.

  Link closed his eyes, looked down and turned away from her. "It's almost eleven. We better hurry if we want to make it on time."

  Link started walking, not waiting for her answer. She had to run to catch up, and when she did, she decided to quit asking him personal questions.




  When they got to the address, Tricia checked her gray. They made it with a couple of minutes to spare. Like most of the houses in this neighborhood, its entrance was guarded by a closed, wrought iron gate that spanned the gap between two stone pillars, each with a statue of a lion on its top. She marveled at how real the statues appeared in the dim light at the entrance.

  "Burner, you there?" Link asked into the entry box near the front of the gate.

  "Yeah, I'm here. Who's that?"

  "It's me, Razor and Angel."

  "Ah, yes, Angel. How are you?"

  Tricia didn't answer. The tone from Burner's words came through quite clearly, and she didn't care for it. This wasn't a simulated voice like from the Avatar, and the rough and crackling of it through the gate security speakers made her shudder. Burner's Avatar had spoken in sweet words, in a clear and bold voice, but this voice was nothing like that.

  "Not going to talk to me, eh? Well, no matter. Come on in."

  There was loud buzz and then a clang. Link pushed through. "Come on Tricia." She grudgingly followed.

  As they walked up toward the main house, brightly lit from various sources that pooled on its outer surface, Tricia marveled at the intricate lawn and flowers. The drive was lined with tall oak trees spaced evenly the entire distance, their leaves rustling in the slight breeze. Flowers lined the drive all the way up to the big house. Bright purples, reds, golds, yellows, and whites spread along both sides in a random, yet pleasing way.

  Broad tiled and intricately designed steps, inlaid with gold curly cues and other spiral ornamentation, led up to the main door of the house. Link took the steps two at a time, reaching the top long before her. Why was he in such a hurry? "Hey, slow down. We're not late anymore, so you don't have to rush."

  "Sorry. I forgot you were there for a minute. I've been thinking about this for a long time. Guess I'm excited, that's all."

  The door swung open on its own as they approached, opening up into an opulent entryway with an impressive marbled stairwell. No one was there to greet them, but Link stepped in without waiting. Tricia grabbed his shoulder. "Shouldn't we wait for someone to come out and meet us?"

  "I don't think so. The door opened on its own, so let's go inside."

ricia just sighed and followed.

  Once they cleared the door, Tricia heard a click behind her and turned to see door close, cutting off their exit. They were committed now.

  A wheelchair with a crumpled old man came out from one of the rear rooms. "Ah, Angel, you are as Razor said, as beautiful as heaven itself."

  "Burner?" Tricia asked. How could this old man be Burner? She didn't like Burner, that was true, but she hardly thought that he would be old.

  "Yes, my dear. It's unfortunate, but I've been this way for many years. It's one of the reasons I spend so much time on the boards where no one knows my situation."

  "So what about the PQ upgrade?" Tricia asked. "Let's get it done," Burner creeped her out. The only thing that made here feel safe was knowing that Link was with her. Then someone grabbed her from behind with a firm and solid grip. "Link, get this guy off me," she said.

  "Don't fight, Tricia. It'll go easier," Link whispered in her ear.

  "Link? What are you doing?" A terrible fear ran through her.

  "Now, Angel, don't be that way," Burner said. Link's just living up to his end of the bargain."

  The use of the name Angel pierced like a knife, her fear an emptiness in her stomach, forcing bile to rise in her throat. She tried to fight her way loose, but Link was much stronger.

  She continued to fight Link's grip, but with no success. "I want to know what's going on here, Link."

  "I... Well, you see..." Link started.

  "Oh, you wimp," Burner said. "This is what getting involved does, don't you see?" A shiver ran up Tricia's spine. "Look Angel, Link here is a spineless toad. He brought you here so we could use you."

  "Use me? For what?" Horrible images crossed her mind, and she began to struggle again. Straining as much as she could against Link's solid grip, but it did no good.

  Burner laughed. "Your mind, my dear. Your PQ."

  "This is insane. I'm a Low Pot. What good is a Low Pot's mind? Let me go."

  "I'm afraid I can't do that, Angel. Yes, you are a Low Pot, but you have just what we need," Burner said. She felt a pin prick on her arm, and screamed. She started feeling woozy and then sleepy. Moments later she felt herself losing control as her muscles relaxed and blackness shrouded her senses.




  A dull whine and hum from a fan somewhere and the stifling chemical smell of antiseptic assaulted her as she regained consciousness. Jerking open her eyes, she tried to sit up, but something kept her from changing the position of her arms. Twisting her head to the sides, she could see that black, thick straps were holding her in place, making it impossible to move her arms or legs.

  Instinctively, she jerked her arms and legs in rhythmic chaos, hoping to loosen the straps, but they resisted. Streaks of pain spread up from her wrists and ankles, causing her to scream. What started out as a violent and strong effort to pull the straps loose, faded into an act of desperation, and soon she was too exhausted to move. That's when she started sobbing.

  "Don't cry, Trish." Link's voice came through to her.

  "You worthless piece of crap! Let me go." She twisted her head around trying to see him, but she couldn't.

  "Sorry, I can't do that. I promise that it'll be okay. It's not what you think. We don't want to hurt you. Trust me."

  "Trust you? You drugged me and strapped me down to this table. Why should I trust you?"

  "Because I'm going to take care of you, no matter what happens. You must know that's true. The thing is, for the memory upgrade to work, it... well, it..."

  "What are you talking about? You can give up the act. The memory upgrade thing is a hoax. Admit it."

  "It's not, but the thing is that the PQ transferred has to come from a living person's brain."

  She swallowed. "So that's what you want from me? To take the little PQ I have, and what, give it to yourself?"

  Link swallowed. "I'm doing what I need to."

  Was he crying? She was the one tied down and he was crying? If anything could have angered her more, it was him crying, but it might be a chance. Maybe he was lying. "It's not too late, Link. Let me go, and then we can get away from Burner and be together."

  A long silence followed. Link lifted his hand and wiped at his face. His reddened eyes and the wetness from his tears glistened on his cheeks, making her want to reach out to touch him. When she tried, the straps stopped her, and reality returned. She closed her eyes.

  A moment later, she could feel the strap on her right wrist being loosened. Elated, she put her head up again, and looked at Link as he worked on the strap. "Hurry," was all she could say.

  "What are you doing?" The sound of Burner's crackling and rough voice startled her and drained her confidence.

  "You know it's right, Link. Let me loose," Tricia said, but Link stopped, and she could see the hesitation as he looked away.

  "You foolish boy. You made a deal, you spineless wimp. Show some backbone and for once in your life follow through with something. Now, tighten that strap and get over here to help me."

  "Don't do it, Link. You're better than he is. You don't need to do this," Tricia said.

  Burner's laugh grated across her already taught nerves, and she screamed, which only resulted in more laughter. "Go ahead and scream, Angel. No one can hear you."

  "Link?" she said, looking up at him, as he stared at her and again bit his lower lip. He said nothing for a few seconds, then closed his eyes, and shook his head as he retightened the strap. All she could do was collapse back to the table and start to cry.

  A few seconds later, she heard Burner's grating voice. "Put her out."

  Then Link came over to her, and she opened her eyes again to look at him as he grabbed her arm. "I'm sorry, Tricia. I promise I'll make it up to you," Link said, as he slid the needle into her arm.

  As her muscles relaxed and the light faded, she saw that link was crying again, tears running slowly down his face.




  Sun glistened through the open windows and into Tricia's eyes as she began to wake from another fitful sleep. Something, perhaps a dream, or maybe a wish, invaded her thoughts as she stirred awake. Her heart raced, and she sat up quickly. The ratty old recliner sitting next to the window drew her attention first, then the crinkled and dirty blinds and the window's trim with peeling paint. Could it be? Could it all have been some kind of nightmare?

  She blinked, and everything disappeared, replaced by new and different furniture, in a very nice apartment befitting at least a Mid Pot. She sighed. Of course it had all happened. There was no changing that, no matter how often she dreamed of a different ending to it all.

  Even after giving half her income to Burner, she could still afford to live much better than ever before. And yet, none of it really mattered.

  Turning over, she looked at Link lying next to her, sleeping soundly in the large, king-sized bed. His eyes still crinkled nicely at the corners, and he was still as cute as she ever remembered, but he was no longer the same Link she loved. He looked as she remembered, as she had loved him best, but that image faded away quickly when he was awake. His PQ, so low now that he couldn't get even the simplest of jobs, kept him angry and frustrated, and it didn't help Tricia to know that he had done it all for her.

  Absently, she clutched the memory stick that hung from a chain around her neck. It was the last thing Link had left for her at Burners on that night; his reasons, and his regret.

  Why Link? Why? Why didn't you tell Burner to forget the whole thing, she silently voiced for the thousandth time. But she knew the answer. She kept the memory stick close to her, never letting it get far, so she would never forget. Oh, how many times she had put it in, hearing Link's old voice and confidence welling out from it for the last time, and her reliving that fateful night, wishing she could change it. How many times had she wanted to yell and scream. And afterward, each time, she thought of letting that stick fall to the floor and crushing it u
nder her feet, but she never did.

  She blinked as tears ran down her face. Tears that ran all too often since that night. Then she wiped the tears away, struggling to regain her composure. She smiled, and kissed Link lightly on the cheek. "I love you, too," she said, then sighed and got ready for another long and miserable day as a High Pot.


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