Love in Chaos (Curvy Women Wanted Book 28)

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Love in Chaos (Curvy Women Wanted Book 28) Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  One of his hands was on her stomach, and she gasped as he slowly began to slide his hands down between her thighs.

  “Now tell me, yes or no.”


  He’d never raped a woman.

  Since his first kill, he’d never been with a woman. The ones in his crew were damaged, and even though they offered themselves up to him, he wasn’t interested. If he’d needed to fuck over the past three years, he’d used his fist and his imagination.

  All of his thoughts had returned to this one woman. Even when he thought she was dead.

  He hadn’t seen her. After the attack in his classroom, he’d gone looking for her. With how fast everything moved, he’d gone to her house to discover her gone, the house ransacked. All he had were pictures. What she didn’t know was in his jeans and his belongings, he’d taken some of the pictures from her house to remember her by.

  Now he had her.

  He finally fucking had her. Offered to him by Snots, of all people. It was fucking ridiculous, but yet, here she was, offered to him, and he wanted her. Fuck, did he want her, more than anything. Even though there wasn’t a lot of food around, and he saw she’d lost weight, her curves were still there. Some women were just built with curves, and Maggie was one of them.

  With his hand on her stomach, all it would take was a few inches and he’d be touching her pretty cunt. His hand stayed firmly in place. He didn’t move. Just waiting, watching. Observing. He wouldn’t go any further, not until he knew she wanted it.

  “Please,” she said.

  “Yes or no.”

  His cock was so fucking hard. It was a miracle he could think straight.

  “Yes,” she said.



  “Tell me.”

  “I’m yours, Clayton.”

  He pressed his lips to her neck at the same time he buried his hand between her thighs, stroking over her already swollen clit. They both cried out and he continued to work her clit even though all he wanted to do was to put her on his cock and fuck her senseless.

  He waited.

  Using small circles, both fingers, he stroked her body, making her come alive with the pleasure he evoked.

  She cried out. Her moans filled the air. He didn’t stop.

  There would be a time he’d make her work for her orgasm, but after three years, after all this time and patience, he finally had the woman he wanted.

  The moment she came, he tilted her hips to the angle he needed, grabbed his cock, and pressed toward her entrance. She let out a whimper and he plunged inside, feeling the tear of her virginity as he plundered to the hilt deep inside her.

  The sound of her scream filled the air, and shock rushed down his spine.

  A virgin?

  He pulled out of her, and the spray of the water didn’t let it remain for very long, but it was there. The blood. The evidence of him being her first.

  Clayton hadn’t even considered it.

  “Fuck!” He yelled the word.

  Turning off the shower, he climbed out and carried Maggie in his arms back to the bed.

  She didn’t fight him, and he imagined it was down to pain. Once he had her on the bed with her arms above her, he moved between her thighs but made no move to take her again.

  “Why?” he asked.

  Tears leaked out of her eyes. “What do you mean why?” Her voice was a whisper.

  “You’re a virgin.”

  “I was. I’m not anymore.”

  “But, how?” He didn’t understand it.

  “I told you. I’ve been good at hiding.”

  He stared down at her. “What about in high school?”

  “No one was ever interested in me, and I wasn’t interested in them.” She pressed her lips together.

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  “The only person I wanted was someone I couldn’t have,” she said.

  He frowned. “Who?” He doubted they were still alive, but if they were, he’d fucking kill them. He didn’t believe in allowing the competition to win.

  “You,” she said. She covered her face with her hands and he grabbed them, putting them above her head.


  “You were the one I … wanted. You were my teacher, so I couldn’t have you, and besides, there were all those other girls you’d probably wanted.”

  He honestly didn’t know what to say, so he did no more than slam his lips down on hers, claiming a kiss. His cock was still hard as rock.

  “I’ve got to fuck you, Maggie,” he said. “I need you.”

  “The pain is gone.”

  He opened his eyes and stared down at her. She offered him a smile.

  A gentleman would wait. He wasn’t one. There was a time he’d have considered himself one, but that day wasn’t today.

  Taking hold of his cock, he ran the head between her slit, bumping her clit. She released a moan. He wished he could have the patience to give her another orgasm, but he needed to feel her tight heat.

  A better person would feel guilty about taking her virginity. Not him. He was fucking thrilled. He was an animal. He knew it, and what was more, he didn’t fucking care either. All he wanted was to fuck her, to take her.

  No other man had ever been inside her, and as far as he was concerned, that was fucking thrilling.

  Slowly, he thrust inside her. She was wet. Not as soaked as he would have liked, but he couldn’t complain.

  He rocked inside her, going deeper with each thrust.

  She moaned his name and he took possession of her lips as he began to fuck her. He lifted her legs to wrap around his waist as he locked their fingers together, pressing her down onto the bed, to keep her in place as he took what he wanted.

  It had been so long, and this was the woman he wanted, the woman he’d been craving. He didn’t last. Sliding into her one final time, he came hard, spilling his seed deep into her cunt.

  She cried out and he felt a little pulse of her pussy. Soon, he would have her coming all over his dick, but until then, this was going to have to satisfy his craving.

  Chapter Three

  Maggie opened her eyes, becoming aware of everything that had happened the previous night.

  She was alone.

  Sitting up in bed, she pulled the blanket up to cover her breasts and glanced around the room. There was no sign of Clayton. After he’d come, he’d gone back to the bathroom to return with a cloth to clean her up. He’d been thorough before returning the cloth to the bathroom. When he’d returned, he’d slid in behind her, wrapping his arms around her and giving the order for sleep. As if she could find sleep in a time like this.

  It baffled her.

  She’d expected to stay awake all night, but that hadn’t happened.

  She’d fallen fast asleep within minutes of his instruction. It was the best sleep she’d ever experienced.

  Lifting her arms above her head, she stretched, feeling all the new aches in her body. Some of them good, others not so good. After sliding out of the bed, she stood and tiptoed her way across to the bathroom. She used the toilet, washed her hands, and then noticed her bag on the floor.

  Opening it up, she pulled out some of the clothes she’d been able to wash. They weren’t great. Jeans with torn knees and thighs. A shirt that had so many mud and grass stains it had stopped being white a long time ago.

  She finished dressing quickly, taking a band to tie her hair up as best she could. There had been many times over the years she thought about cutting it all off, but instead, kept the length.

  Once she was dressed, she picked up her bag and made her way back into the bedroom just as the door opened and Clayton appeared.

  It was a warm day already, and he didn’t wear a shirt, just a pair of low-riding jeans.

  “Morning,” he said.

  “Morning.” She didn’t know where to look.

  “I was balls deep in your virgin pussy last night, Maggie. You can look at me.”

bsp; She lifted her head and offered him a smile even as heat filled her cheeks.

  “It’s good that you can still blush. Don’t be nervous.”

  “I’m finding it hard to put you and my teacher together. You both look the same, minus the suits and you know…”

  “The ink?” he asked. He reached behind him and pulled out the gun from her backpack. “Do you want this back?”

  She nodded.

  “Do you know how to shoot it?”


  “Have you ever used it?”

  “What’s with the twenty questions?” she asked.

  “You’re my responsibility. I only ask of my people what they are capable of. If you know how to handle this, then I don’t care, but if you’re going to get yourself killed because you fire it wrong, I need to know.”

  “I know how to work it.” She wasn’t a complete fucking moron.

  “Good. After breakfast, you can show me.”

  He opened the door.

  “Wait, where are you going?”

  “Breakfast. A couple of the guys found some stuff in the supermarket. We’ve scored big. Come on.” He held his hand out.

  “I don’t know if I should go out there,” she said.

  “You’re coming with me. I’m not going to hide you.” He took her hand, locking their fingers together. She followed behind him.

  The group had to be easily twenty, maybe even thirty people. Three people stood around a barbeque pit, smoke coming from inside it.

  She stayed by Clayton’s side, but she was well aware of the curious looks. People were eating and each time she looked toward them, they held up their sandwich with a nod.

  There was bread?

  She didn’t know how they had found this or how it was done, but either way, she was so happy. When Clayton handed her the sandwich, she took it, biting into whatever the hell it was. Closing her eyes, she moaned, enjoying the food as she chewed. It didn’t matter what she was eating, just that she was.

  Clayton leaned in close. “I’m going to have you moaning like that when my lips are on your pussy,” he said.

  She turned to look at him, feeling the heat fill her cheeks.

  He chuckled. The sound was deep. “Fucking love how you react.”

  Slowing down on her food, she nibbled on the sandwich. She noticed how everyone had the same amount. No one complained.

  After the food was finished, she was handed a cup filled with coffee. She took a sip and noticed Clayton never once left her side.

  No one approached. No one asked questions. Slowly, she found herself relaxing.

  “I want you to meet Pete,” he said.

  “What? Why?” She wasn’t sure she wanted to meet anyone.

  “All of us have a mark that makes us recognize each other.” He held his wrist up and she saw the band on his wrist. It was a whole bunch of spikes circling the entire wrist.

  She touched her own wrist.

  “Everyone who joins me has the same ink. It’s how we know to protect each other. All you have to do is present your wrist, and we’ll be there for you.”

  “But it doesn’t have magical powers.”

  “We’ll always be close by, Maggie. I don’t let anyone out of my sight for long.”

  She nodded.

  “I know it’s a lot to take in, but over all, it will be for the best. It will keep you safe.”

  “Of course it will,” she said. She hated this. There would have been a time she’d have taken any mark Clayton asked her to take, but this … it was different. This was just to be part of his crew. There was nothing special about it.

  There was nothing special about everything that was happening.

  It’s fine. I’m fine.

  She knew none of her fantasies would come true, not anymore. The world of falling in love, getting married, and having babies no longer existed. This world was cruel and people had to get used to it, fast.


  Clayton didn’t know what the fuck to do.

  Maggie took the ink and Pete was careful as he put the design around her wrist. There was no way he was letting the man touch any other part of her. Those curves were all for him. Everyone else had to prove themselves. They had to show him and the crew over time they had a right to be in the place. She was different.

  He’d rounded up the crew that morning and let them all know Maggie was special to him. That he would give up his life to protect her. They hadn’t argued with him. He’d never been a selfish bastard, always giving to them. He was a leader who put his army first and yet he was the first one to go into any battle.

  As he sat drinking his beer across the fire, he watched Maggie. She sat alone.

  The women had each approached her. She offered them smiles, but after a few minutes, the women would leave. She’d always been awkward and rarely made any friends. She kept on looking at her bandaged hand.

  Pete promised him she’d be fine.

  When she got to her feet, she came to him. “I’m going to call it a night.”

  “I’ll be there in a moment,” he said.

  She nodded but kept her eyes averted. Turning on her heel, she left.

  He watched her, aware of his crew doing the same. They were all curious about her.

  It didn’t surprise him when Lee came to talk to him. She was one of the women who’d been used as a fuck toy in a camp. He’d saved her, and she’d been loyal to him ever since. From what he’d been told, she hadn’t taken a lover. Had no interest in the men.

  “Your girl’s nervous,” she said. “Kind of hard to believe she’s alone.”

  “She is. You don’t know her as I do.”

  “Be careful,” Lee said. “I’ve seen girls like her. Is she strong enough to handle this?”


  “I’ve seen girls like her, Clay. At the camps, they didn’t survive.”

  He stood, having heard enough of this conversation. “Maggie’s not in those camps, Lee. She’s mine, and she will only ever be mine. Let me worry about her.”

  “We trust you, Clay. We will follow your lead, but people are going to want to know her. If they doubt her integrity, it could get ugly.”

  “There’s no reason for it to get ugly.” He turned, making his way into the hotel room and closing the door. He didn’t need to lock it. His men were more than capable of taking care of shit. They only came to him when they needed it.

  Maggie came out of the bathroom. She wore a shirt and a pair of panties. They lacked color, but he didn’t care for the garments. He was more interested in the curvy body beneath.

  “Lie down on the bed, spread your thighs.”

  He expected her to argue, but Maggie was full of surprises. She moved to the bed and he watched as she followed his instructions, even if her movements were a bit jerky.

  After pulling his shirt over his head, he removed his jeans, kicking off his boots.

  Crawling onto the bed, he slid his hand beneath her ass and tugged the panties she wore off her body before cupping her cheeks again. “Next time, come to bed naked.” He didn’t give her a chance to respond as he pressed his face against her pussy.

  She moaned his name, but he didn’t care. Sucking her clit into his mouth, he tongued her cunt, sliding down to plunge inside her. He drew his tongue up and flicked his tongue across her clit. She was so wet, and he felt her body instantly respond to his touch. It was so fucking heady and he couldn’t stop.

  He wanted more. Clayton didn’t tease her.

  He sucked on her pussy, bringing her to a screaming orgasm. While she still rode the wave of her first peak, he moved up her body, using his fingers to keep stroking her release. With his other hand, he grabbed his cock and slid inside her quivering pussy. They both cried out.

  Balls deep inside her, he stared into her eyes, feeling the last of her orgasm as it faded.

  Lifting her legs into position, he slowly pulled out, staring down at where they were connected, seeing her hole open for him.

/>   In and out, he thrust hard, making her take all of him.

  She moaned. She was so wet.

  Lifting her legs to rest against his chest, he pounded inside her, feeling an answering pulse of her pussy.

  Gritting his teeth, he tried to control it, but as he felt her tighten around him, he couldn’t fucking focus. The pleasure was instant. After three years of only having his fantasies and his hand, he was like a kid in a candy store. He wanted to take his fill of his woman.

  Slamming in, he came, spilling his cum deep into her cunt. He loved being the only man she’d ever experienced.

  This time, he didn’t pull out of her. There would be no reason to clean her tonight. She could take all of his cum, and he looked forward to filling her up.

  He moved to the side, lifting her leg over his hip so he could stay within her.

  “We’re moving out tomorrow,” he said.


  “We can’t stay in one place, not somewhere exposed. So long as we keep moving until we find the right camp, we survive.”

  “Camp?” she asked.

  “Yes. I’m looking for the right area where we can build a place for us. I want somewhere we can all be safe but we can still survive.”

  “You’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this,” she said.

  “We have to survive and repopulate.”


  “That’s the plan.” He cupped her ass, already feeling his cock begin to swell. “I’ll tell you more when you’re ready.”

  Right now, he needed to have her again.

  Chapter Four

  A week they’d been walking. A week of finding nothing.

  The biggest surprise had come when Snots had decided to leave them. Clayton hadn’t said anything, but the guy had just left, no word, no nothing. She figured people didn’t care because it was one less mouth to feed.

  They were all exhausted, but Maggie kept on going, even as her thighs screamed for rest. Their rations were at an all-time low. Each day, they all ate their portion that Clayton reserved for each person. She had to respect him as a leader. He made sure everyone had the same amount.


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