Book Read Free

A Girl Like You

Page 13

by E. L. Todd

  “I swore to them I wouldn’t tell a soul. And you know I keep my promises.”

  “But I’m your wife.”

  “That doesn’t mean shit.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “In this context,” I said quickly. “Besides, you’ll have more fun finding out with everyone else.”

  “This is my niece or nephew we’re talking about here.”

  “The party is on Saturday,” I said. “You can wait.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me like a tiger about to pounce. “You. Will. Tell. Me.”

  I shook my head.

  “Slade Ryan Sisco.” Her eyes breathed fire. “I will make you tell me if I have to.”

  “How?” I asked skeptically. “You weigh a hundred pounds. What are you going to do to me?”

  She glanced at my crotch. “You underestimate my abilities.”

  “Trinity, the party is in two days. As much as I love sex, I can hold out that long. Besides, you’re the one trying to get pregnant. That’s obviously an outlet you can’t use.”

  “You’ll see…”

  I continued eating like nothing just happened.

  Trinity glared at me the entire time, and when she tried to pick up her food with chopsticks she stabbed the bottom of the box a little too hard and almost broke it. “Why would they ask you and not me?”

  “They know you’re busy.”

  “You’re busier than I am.”

  “But you’re running an empire. I’m just running a tattoo shop. Besides, I took care of Skye for three whole months. I deserve first dibs on the baby’s sex.”

  A wicked gleam came into her eyes. “Make sure you get enough pink ribbon…”

  I knew she was trying to coax me into saying it on accident.

  “Do you think Emily is a good name for their baby?”

  I ignored her and kept eating.

  “Were you surprised when you knew what they were having?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Trinity, this isn’t going to work. Just let it go.”

  “I’m going to find out what it is.”

  “Yes, you will,” I said. “On Saturday.”

  “I could slap you right now.”

  I set the food down and turned to her. “Do it.” I gave her my cheek. “You know I love it when you do it anyway.”

  She released an irritated sigh.

  “Do it.” I rubbed my cheek with my palm. “Right here.”

  She looked tempted.

  I didn’t know what it was about Trinity hitting me that turned me on so much but it did. Perhaps letting her dominate and control me is what set me off. But I didn’t like it the other way around, even if we were just playing around. The idea of hurting my wife, even spanking her, didn’t sit with me right. “You know you want to.”

  “I’m working.”

  “No, you’re about to get fucked on this couch.” I pulled her food away then moved over her. “And I’m going to make sure you scream so everyone knows exactly what we’re doing in here.”

  She finally caved and slapped me across the face. The contact stung and I felt my cheek redden.

  I looked down at her, feeling the desire course through me.

  She slapped me again.

  This time I released a moan. I shoved her dress up her waist and moved her panties over. Within seconds, I was inside her. I liked rough sex with her every once in a while. It satisfied the carnal part of me, the ghost of the man I used to be that still lingered on.

  I gave it to her hard and fast. Instead of being gentle, I gave her exactly what I wanted and took even more. I didn’t think about getting her pregnant. All I thought about was fucking her until she was sore.

  I knew Trinity liked it because of how wet she was. She was practically a slip-n-slide. My dick was in heaven at the moment.

  Trinity tightened around me and I knew she was having her moment. She tried to stay quiet but moans still escaped her lips. When she was finished, I knew it was my turn.

  “Hit me.”

  She slapped me hard.

  I was almost there. “Hit me again.”

  She slapped me.

  I hit my threshold then released inside her. It was a powerful orgasm, and I released a large amount inside her. I pumped into her and gave her everything I had. When I finished, I kissed her softly then moved my lips to her ear. Instead of telling her I loved her I said, “I’ll never tell.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Slade arrived early that morning and went into our backyard to set up. Skye and I slept in and let him handle everything. The nice thing about this arrangement was how excited Slade was. He didn’t seem to care that we didn’t offer to help.

  When Skye and I went downstairs to make breakfast, Slade was hard at work outside. He must have gotten there earlier than we realized because there were tables set up with alternating tablecloths. Some were blue and some were pink. Balloons were tied to the chairs, and they were also blue and pink.

  Skye and I stared out the window. I was sipping my coffee and she was standing over the stove.

  I knew it wasn’t nice to gloat but I did it anyway. “Told you.”

  “He did that all by himself?”

  “That guy is strong.”

  “But…it looks so nice. There’s even vases of flowers as centerpieces.”

  “He probably learned that from Trinity.” I continued to sip my coffee.

  When Skye was done with breakfast, she laid the food out on the table. There was French toast, potatoes, bacon and eggs. “We should invite him inside to eat. He must be starving.”

  “You know Slade. He’s always starving.” I opened the backdoor and whistled to catch his attention.

  “What?” He just finished setting up the side tables where the food and drinks would go.

  “Come in for some breakfast.” I waved him inside.

  Slade checked the time on his watch. “I guess I have a few minutes.” He smoothed out the tablecloth then came inside. “Man, it smells good in here.” He sat down and immediately helped himself to everything on the table.

  Skye set a mug of coffee in front of him. “When did you get here?”

  “Six.” He ate a strip of bacon in one bite.

  “Six?” she asked in shock. “Have you ever been awake that early on a Saturday?”

  “On the mornings Trinity crawls on top of me and has her way with me.” Slade said it like it wasn’t inappropriate.

  Skye was used to it by now. “Did you tell her?”

  “No.” His eyes were stuck to his plate.

  “Slade,” she pressed.

  “What?” He poured way too much syrup on his plate. “No, I didn’t tell her. I said that already.”

  “I told you he would be fine,” I said.

  “Trinity always gets what she wants,” Skye said. “I’m surprised she didn’t get it out of you.”

  “She tried,” Slade said. “But since we’re trying to get pregnant she couldn’t use sex as a weapon. So, that made things a lot easier.”

  I sat across from him and sipped my coffee. “Do you need help out there?”

  “No.” Slade spoke with his mouth full. “You guys relax. I got this.”

  “Are you sure?” Skye asked.

  “Like I’d let you help.” Slade eyed my stomach.

  “I can do things,” she argued.

  “Like eat and sit,” Slade said. “And that’s all you should be doing.”

  Skye rolled her eyes. “You guys act like I’m handicapped.”

  “You are,” Slade said. “Just take advantage of it. All you ever want to do is sit around and eat all day anyway. Now you can do it and no one can judge you for it.”

  “He has a point,” I said.

  “I’d still like to help,” she insisted. “I’m so excited to know what we’re having.” She grabbed my hand on the table.

  “I’m excited too.” I knew my family was thrilled to find out. They have wanted to buy baby clothes and toys since
the moment I came home.

  Slade wiped his plate clean. “Alright, I need to get back to work. I need to get the food and refreshments.”

  “Are we having hot wings?” Skye asked with a cringe.

  “Cucumber sandwiches with Greek salad, and tea.” Slade rolled his eyes. “I made it classy since I know you’re a tight ass.”

  Skye’s jaw dropped in offense.

  I pressed my lips tightly together and tried not to laugh.

  Slade walked out before Skye could scream at him. Then she turned to me. “That wasn’t funny.”

  “I’m not laughing.” I covered my mouth with my hand so she wouldn’t see my smile.

  “I’m not a tight ass,” she argued.

  “No, but you do have a tight ass.”

  That calmed her down a little bit.

  “Go get ready and I’ll do the dishes.” I gathered the plates and took them to the sink.

  “You don’t need to do that, Cayson.”

  “I know. But you cooked and I should clean. Now go get pretty.”

  She came behind me and kissed me on the shoulder. “Maybe you should join me in the shower.” She gave me a playful look.

  “Maybe I will.”


  The party was a hit.

  Slade did a good job decorating it. People sat at the tables based on if they thought we were having a boy or a girl. The people who thought Skye was having a girl sat at the pink table. People who thought it was a boy sat at the blue table.

  Scarlet turned to Trinity. “You did such an amazing job.”

  “Sorry?” Trinity asked.

  “With the party,” Scarlet said. “It looks great.”

  “Oh…” Trinity’s eyebrows furrowed. “Actually—”

  “That was me,” Slade said.

  “Really?” Sean asked. He held up his half-eaten cucumber sandwich. “This was you?”

  “Yep.” Slade kept a straight face.

  “And the Greek salad?” Monnique asked.

  “That was me,” Slade said.

  Cortland spoke next. “What about—”

  “All me,” Slade said. “I’m the godfather after all.”

  “What?” Roland blurted. He stood up from his chair. “He’s the godfather?”

  Heath put his hand on his arm so he would sit back down.

  “We haven’t decided that yet.” I raised my hand so everyone would stay calm. I didn’t realize it was such a big deal who we picked.

  “It’s going to be Ward and I,” Clementine said. “The baby should stay with his cousin.”

  “I’m Skye’s brother,” Roland said. “I should get the baby.”

  I rubbed my temple in irritation.

  “Everyone is the godfather,” Sean said. “At least for now.”

  That shut everyone up.

  Maybe we would just ask Sean and Scarlet. At least no one would get mad at that.

  Slade had us play a few games about our childhood. But it wasn’t really a fair game because the parents knew all the answers. But there were prizes so people still tried.

  “Not fair,” Roland said. “You get the Starbucks gift card?” He was looking at Sean. “You’re already rich. You don’t need free stuff.”

  “You’re right.” Sean handed the card to Ward. “Here you go.”

  Ward grinned then pocketed it. “Thanks. I love a cup of Joe in the morning.”

  “Well, that was rude,” Roland said.

  “Actually, what you said was pretty rude,” Sean countered.

  “Enough with the chit-chat,” Slade said. “It’s time for the moment you’ve all been waiting for.”

  Skye immediately straightened in her chair and she gripped my hand tightly. “Oh my god, I’m so excited.”

  “Me too.” I loved seeing the joy on her face. I went three months without seeing it, and now I never wanted that look to disappear from her face. She was already beautiful, but now she looked radiant.

  Slade held a large yellow balloon in his hand. It was enormous, the biggest balloon I’ve ever seen. “Come up here, you two.” He waved us over.

  Skye and I approached him, unsure what to do.

  “One of you is going to hold the balloon.” Slade handed me the string.

  I took it.

  “And the other is going to pop the balloon.” He handed Skye the pin. “There’s either pink or blue confetti inside.” He stepped off to the side. “Whenever you guys are ready.”

  Everyone sat at the edge of their seats, just as excited as we were. Sean and Scarlet held hands, and Trinity covered her face because the anticipation was killing her. Even Ward Jr. seemed excited even though he didn’t know what was going on.

  Skye held the pin and her hand shook slightly.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s do it.”

  “Do it,” Conrad yelled. “We’re dying out here.”

  “Hurry up!” Trinity screamed. “I need to know if I’m having a niece or nephew.”

  Skye and I exchanged a long look before she held the pin high.

  Then she popped it.

  Blue confetti sprinkled everywhere. It blanketed the entire backyard and slowly drifted down to earth. It covered the tables and chairs and got in all the food and drinks.

  “It’s a boy!” Trinity jumped up and down.

  “Yes!” Roland clapped. “I’m having a nephew.”

  “I’m so happy.” Scarlet got teary-eyed and hugged Sean. “We’re having a grandson.”

  “Yay!” Monnique clapped loudly.

  My heart slowed down as the confetti fell, and so did time. The blue color took up all of my focus and I watched it fall to the ground. In five months, I would have a son. A little boy would come into my life, and I would teach him how to be a man like my father taught me. I would have a wife and child. I didn’t care whether we had a girl or a boy, but now that I knew what it was I was even more excited. Happiness filled me, and I felt like the luckiest man in the whole world.

  When I looked at Skye, her eyes were wet. She watched the confetti fly through the air as our friends and family cheered with delight. They were just as excited as we were. When her eyes finally met mine, she gave me a look I’ll never forget. It was full of everlasting love.

  And so much more.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Cayson and Skye were having a boy.

  It was pretty exciting.

  When I saw the confetti fly around them, it made everything look blue. Cayson looked at Skye, and when she looked back at him it was with an expression I couldn’t identify. I was happy for them but I was also full of self-loathing.

  Instead of being excited when Abby was born, I took off. I was a coward and ran for the high ground. Abby deserved to have a welcome like this. When Silke and I had another child, I knew we would be so thrilled to welcome our new baby. Would that make Abby sad? Was I doing the exact same thing my mother did to me? She gave her second son more love than she gave me.

  Sometimes the similarities terrified me.

  Lunchtime came around and I left my office to get a quick bite to eat. I never packed my lunch because I was too lazy. Instead of spending the time making a sandwich and slicing some fruit, I chose to get dirty with Silke in the shower.

  I’ve never regretted that decision.

  I grabbed the cash from the register on my way out to deposit in the bank then headed to the door. A man seated in the waiting room watched me the entire time like he recognized me from somewhere.

  I avoided eye contact and kept going.

  Once I was on the sidewalk, someone called my name from behind.

  “Arsen?” He said it hesitantly, like he wasn’t sure if that was my name at all.

  I turned around and saw the man sitting in the lobby. He was my height but thinner. He was toned but didn’t have the same mass that I possessed. His hair was a little lighter than mine, but his eyes were identical to my very own.

  I had a hunch I knew him.

  He walked to m
e with squared shoulders and confidence in his gaze. He wore dark jeans and a t-shirt, something that Slade would wear. He was on his guard as he came closer to me, but he also didn’t seem afraid of anything. “Hey. Sorry to bombard you like this. Are you busy right now?”

  At least he had some manners. “I’m headed to lunch.”

  “Can I join you?”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “How about you tell me who you are first?”

  “Oh.” His eyebrows furrowed. “I just assumed you knew who I was. It’s written all over your face.”

  I guess I wasn’t as undecipherable as I hoped. “Levi?”

  He nodded then extended his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  I didn’t want to take his hand. Any type of relationship wasn’t something I was interested in. But Levi hadn’t done anything to me. He wasn’t guilty of any crime other than sharing some of my DNA. After releasing a sigh, I shook his hand. “Arsen. It’s nice to meet you too.”

  Levi had a firm grip, and he didn’t possess any of my mother’s traits. He wasn’t fearful or unsure of himself. His skin looked healthy like he hadn’t smoked a day in his life. Excitement burst in his eyes like every day was a gift. “I apologize for intruding on your life like this. I was hoping we could talk. I can come back another time if that’s better for you. Actually, I probably should have called…I’m sorry. I’ve never done this before.” He released a faint chuckle at the end.

  He made it so difficult for me to shut him down. He was polite and thoughtful, nothing like my mother. I wasn’t sure what he wanted from me, because we certainly couldn’t just start acting like brothers. I knew I didn’t want to. “Don’t worry about it. You want to get a burger?”

  His eyes immediately brightened at my response. “Sure.” He practically hopped on his heels. Perhaps my mom told him to expect a different response. I wasn’t exactly nice to her. And Silke was worse.

  We headed to Mega Shake, and Levi talked about insignificant things. He discussed the nice weather then asked about my shop. He was particularly interested in my bikes even though he didn’t look like the type who would ever ride one.

  After we ordered our food, we sat down in a booth and faced each other. Being one-on-one with him was disconcerting. Now that I was closer to him and had nowhere to look except at him, I couldn’t deny some of our similar features. He had the same jawline that I did, in addition to our similar eyes. He had the same build even though he was thinner than I was.


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