Murder: Up on the Rooftop (THE 12 MYSTERIES OF CHRISTMAS Book 4)

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Murder: Up on the Rooftop (THE 12 MYSTERIES OF CHRISTMAS Book 4) Page 1

by Lilly York

  Murder: Up On the Rooftop


  A Cozy Mystery

  Book 4

  Lilly York

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Author Bio

  Chapter 1

  Nik’s windshield wipers worked furiously to battle the ginormous flakes of condensation splatting against her windshield. Her brand-new SUV was trudging along Candy Cane Lane and both front seat windows were completely down, so she could enjoy the view from both sides. Her cheeks were actually getting sore from the grin plastered on her face. It mattered not they were frozen in place. Truth be told, she hadn’t noticed. This…this place is what she’d dreamt of her entire life.

  She couldn’t believe her good fortune when she’d seen the listing stating the Mistletoe Bed and Breakfast Lodge was up for sale. Even better was the price. She had been looking for the better part of two years for a place she could buy at a price should could afford. She’d expected the place to be falling down or half blown up when she’d arrived to look at it, but, while it was dated, it was still standing and in good shape. She put in an offer right away. Her dream had come true. She’d taken ownership of the lodge four weeks prior and every day since she’d been living the dream.

  She cranked her head far to the left to watch as Will Winters, the local handyman, adjusted the giant wise men in front of the church. The abrupt stop and crunch of metal managed to thaw her cheeks. She sat in horror as two police officers climbed out of the patrol car in front of her. She swallowed hard, trying to find her voice as the two men approached either side of her vehicle.

  “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened.”

  The younger officer answered for her. “I know what happened. You were so busy gawking at the Christmas lights, you didn’t see us nor the red light which we were stopped at.”

  Nik felt her embarrassment turn to anger. “No, I was watching Will wrestle those wise men, but, I suppose, the result was the same.”

  Both officers turned to look at the nativity scene in front of the church then turned to the damage she’d done to the back of the patrol car. She climbed out and trudged through the snow to join them at the back of the cruiser.

  She read their name tags: Officer Blitz and Officer Donner. She’d seen them in passing but had not been unfortunate enough to meet them personally.

  Officer Blitz, the eldest of the two, set her mind at ease. “It’s not too bad. A broken taillight and a bit of a dent in the fender. Nothing that can’t be fixed.” He glanced at her front end and whistled. “Yours, on the other hand, is a little worse off.” She heard the hiss and watched as the hot steam collided with the cold air.

  Officer Dash softened, taking his cue from his older mentor. “I’ll call a tow truck. You won’t be able to drive far without doing more damage. We’ll see to your car then give you a lift home.” He turned and grinned. “But, you won’t be able to roll the windows down. And, I’ll have your ticket ready for you by the time we get you home.”

  She fought the urge to facially spar with the man. Four weeks of living in Christmas Tyme, Colorado had her feeling like a little kid. She had to remind herself she was an adult and she needed to act like one. “Thank you—for the ride, not the ticket.” She kicked the grey snow as she watched the young man return to the squad car. While she waited for him to return from making the call, she said to no one in particular, “It’s funny, all I could see before running into the police car was white snow and bright lights. Now, all I see is mucky grey sludge.”

  Officer Blitz stepped to her side. “Everything will be alright. There’s a magic to this place and a little accident can’t change that.” He smiled. “You wait. You’ll see.”

  She half smiled in response. “You’re right. I’m not going to let this ruin my night. I’m sure my insurance will cover the damage. And, in the meantime, if I need to, I’ll rent a car. No one got hurt. That’s the important thing. Although, I may need to hire a driver, so I can see the sights.”

  The officer chuckled then turned red. “I may know just the man for the job.”

  She thoughtfully gazed at him, wondering who he was thinking of. Everything was different here than back in New York City. Her Christmases consisted of hectic days at the hotel and ordering her gifts from Amazon late at night. She wanted to change things. She wanted to wander through cinnamon scented stores while finding that perfect something for each and every person near and dear to her heart. She had every intention of doing just that. As soon as she found the time. This may not be New York City, but a bed and breakfast still required so much of her time. She sighed and smiled at the kind police officer. “Perhaps the handy man could start a new service giving light tours of Christmas Tyme.”

  Officer Blitz chuckled but didn’t respond. “I was thinking of someone else.”

  Officer Dash returned with news the tow truck was on its way before Nik could respond. “Your car will be out at Jingle Bell’s Gas & Garage. Bob said he’d take a look at it tomorrow and get back to you with a quote.”

  Nik nodded. Since moving to town, she’d filled her truck up more than once at the local gas station on the edge of town. She didn’t think she’d need their garage services any time soon, at least not with a brand-new vehicle. She got that wrong. “Okay, thanks. I suppose I have enough to do around the lodge to keep me on schedule for the Christmas Eve party.”

  The officer responded, “Bob probably has a loaner out at the garage. He usually keeps one around when local folks need it. Tomorrow, after you find out how long you’ll be out of a vehicle, you can ask him about it.”

  She nodded. “Thank you, Officer Blitz.” Am I really thought of as a local?

  He beamed. “You’re welcome.”

  The flashing lights caused all three of them to turn as the tow truck came to a stop next to Nik’s SUV. “Trouble?”

  Officer Dash answered. “You could say that. We’ve got a gawker not watching where she’s going.”

  Bob, one of two brothers who owned the garage, laughed. “We get at least one of them a week this time a year. Keeps me in business, ya know?” The man turned and snarled at Will Winters. “Hey, Will. Watch your back.”

  Officer Dash replied, “Are you threatening a citizen of Christmas Tyme, Bob?”

  Bob laughed. “Who me? I’d never do that officer. My brother on the other hand…”

  Nik pursed her lips and refused to say a word. Instead, she settled her attention on Will Winters walking down the opposite side of the street. He didn’t bother looking up nor did he greet any of them, which was odd for any resident of Christmas Tyme. He didn’t respond to Bob’s threat—even if it was made in jest. The community as a whole was pretty close. Nik knew that, and she’d only been part of the town
for several weeks. Of course, she still had to prove herself, which was the whole point of her party. But she’d fit in. She was determined to.

  She climbed into the back of the patrol car for the ride home. She couldn’t roll down the window or open the door, so she wiped the fog from the window and stared at the Christmas displays blinking red and green round town. She felt her Christmas joy return and couldn’t help but smile, even from the back of a squad car.

  The younger officer was true to his word and started asking for pertinent information, so he could ticket her.

  “The name on your driver’s license says Nicole Saynnt. You go by Nik? Why’s that?”

  “Apparently my daddy wanted a boy. He started the nick name when I was a baby.”

  He grunted. “Dads, right?”

  Nik had no idea why he was disgruntled. He wasn’t the one receiving the ticket. She just ignored his comment and continued looking at the Christmas displays as they made their way back to the Mistletoe.

  As Officer Dash opened her door, he leaned in and quietly said, “I can show you the displays around town if you’d like.”

  She took in his strong jaw line and high cheek bones. His sandy blond hair and deep blue eyes nearly pulled her in. He was good looking, she’d give him that. She also realized he was a good ten years younger than she was. If he hadn’t been, their personalities clashed. Perhaps they were a little too much alike. “I think I’ll have to pass.” She quietly added. “Besides, I’m a bit too old for you.”

  Even though the lights weren’t flashing, getting out of a cruiser was a bit of an embarrassment for her. A few guests were milling around and looked on curiously. As she walked through the front door of the Mistletoe, her head housekeeper, Mildred, had obviously been peering through the front window. The woman didn’t like her for some reason. She had no idea why.

  Chapter 2

  Nik stood in front of the lodge, shoved her hands into her pockets and sighed. She wanted to update the décor while maintaining the integrity of the building and the business. She didn’t want anything gaudy, or overly flashy. She wanted understated elegance. Her years working in hotels then managing a boutique hotel in New York City gave her plenty of practical experience with running a hotel. She had no fears about making the business prosperous. Her goal was forming relationships with the locals as well as becoming the destination for families and couples wishing to spend Christmas in a winter wonderland. She wished to see children experience the awe of snow for the first time…and couples sip hot chocolate by a cozy fire after taking a stroll down main street or a ride on a horse drawn sleigh before standing underneath the mistletoe the lodge was famous for. She wanted to see families come together and romance kindled. Currently most of her reservations were from visiting family to the locals. She was thankful, truly. But, she wanted to expand and grow. She heard the crunch of boots behind her and turned.

  “Will, good to see you again.”

  He nodded and looked over the lodge. “You needed something?”

  She had called him the night before after being dropped off by the police cruiser. A memory she didn’t want to revisit.

  Will wasn’t one to make small talk. She could handle that. “I’d like to update the look of the lodge. Do you think that is something you can help me with?”

  “Um, sure. What is it you’re wanting to do?”

  She looked at the big clunky snow men on the front lawn and the old wood version of Santa and his reindeer on the roof top. “I’d like to do something fresh. Let’s start with removing all the old décor and putting up white lights in place of the colored ones—all the trees, all the window trims, everything changed out.” She watched his reaction—there was none so she continued. “I already ordered in the new decorations and they’ll be here day after tomorrow. Do you think you can have all this old stuff removed by then?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. It shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Perfect. There’s also a bunch of extra lights up in the store room. Feel free to check that out and see if there is anything we can use.”

  He nodded.

  She smiled in appreciation. “Thank you. I’d love for the place to have a whole new look by the time the Christmas Eve party takes place—indoors and out. So, if I can count on you for the outdoor work, I can concentrate on the indoors.” She hesitated. “I may have a few things that need hauling off from the inside. Is that alright with you?”

  “Sure. It’s no problem.”

  “Great. When the decorations get here we can go over placement then. In the meantime, I think we both have enough to keep busy.”

  They settled on a price then Will started for the roof.

  Nik yelled out to him. “Be careful. I’m sure it’s slick up there.”

  He raised his hand in acknowledgement but didn’t say a word.

  Nik’s cell phone went off and was pleased to hear she would have her SUV back by the end of the day. A hose had come loose causing the hot steam and replacing it would be a snap. Bob even volunteered to deliver the vehicle to her. She’d never had such service in New York City. She glanced at her phone then hurried to make it on time for her staff meeting. She stomped her feet at the kitchen entrance and walked in to see a tray of hot chocolate and a plate of cookies waiting on the kitchen counter. She rubbed her stomach. “I’m probably going to need a seamstress soon. Know any?” She smiled at Judy. She did a masterful job of making sure the guests’ needs and most of their wants were taken care of.

  “I highly doubt you’ll gain a pound. With all the hours of work you put in, you need the extra calories to keep you going.”

  Nik carefully carried the tray of cookies while Judy followed with the hot chocolate. From her experiences so far, her staff meetings tended to involve food. Judy informed her it was the way things were done in Christmas Tyme. Who was she to argue? Besides, who doesn’t love gingersnaps and hot chocolate?

  The Mistletoe employees were already gathered together in the sitting room when Judy and Nik walked in with treats. Each lady took a cup of the sweet hot chocolate and a cookie or two before sitting down. Mildred looked none too pleased about the disruption in their daily schedule. Nik made a mental note to keep the meeting as short as possible.

  “Thank you all for coming and thank you, Mildred, for being flexible today. We only have a few short weeks before Christmas and there is so much to be done. We have a full house and I know everyone is already working full time hours, but I’d like to know if any of you are interested in working some overtime. Now, it won’t be for extra house cleaning duties. I need a few people to help me redecorate the inside of the lodge and to help with the Christmas Eve party I’m throwing.”

  Hands shot up before Nik could continue. “Wonderful. I was hoping I didn’t have to hire extra help. Those of you wanting to work some overtime, come see me today so we can set up a schedule. I also wanted to let you all know your Christmas bonuses will be in this week’s check.”

  A hoorah went up around the room.

  Nik continued, “I know you normally didn’t receive them until after Christmas, but, I thought I would change things up a bit. Who doesn’t need some extra cash for Christmas, right?”

  Everyone, well, almost everyone had a smile on their faces as they finished up their cookies and hot chocolate and went to tackle the day’s work. Mildred’s scowl was still in place, even after Nik’s Christmas bonus announcement. If extra money didn’t make Mildred happy, she wasn’t sure what would. “Mildred, can I speak with you a moment in private, please?”

  The ladies left chatting amongst themselves and Nik closed the door behind them. She turned to Mildred. “Are you okay? I noticed you’re upset, and I just wondered if there is anything I can do to help?”

  Nik sat back in one of the large overstuffed chairs and nearly had an Alice in Wonderland moment. She sat up on the edge before she was lost in a secret world while waiting for Mildred to reply.

  “I don’t know where you got that idea. I’m
the same as I was yesterday.”

  Nik didn’t want to pry. Mildred was the same as she was the day before, equally as surly. Nik felt the woman just didn’t like her and she didn’t know why. How can you automatically dislike someone you don’t know? “You just seem out of sorts. If there’s anything I can help with, please let me know.”

  As she walked out the door, Mildred mumbled, “You can start with leaving my staff alone, so they can get their work done.”

  Nik’s jaw dropped at the audacity of the woman’s attitude. Apparently, she was going to have to have a sit down with Mildred. She didn’t need any extra problems with the staff, so she decided to wait until after Christmas to deal with the woman. She had to pick her battles and finding a new head of housekeeping wasn’t a top priority.

  Chapter 3

  Nik had to wonder if Will would be interested in a full-time position with her at the Lodge. She stood outside and couldn’t believe all he’d accomplished in just one day. The roof was completely clear of both the lights and the fixtures. No more fake Santa going down an equally fake chimney. The previous owner had really let the place maintain the status quo. With all there was to do and fix, she now knew why the price had been so attractive. She also knew why no one else purchased the place before she did. Certainly, there were others interested.

  She turned her attention back to Will. She knew a good worker when she saw one. She needed a maintenance man she could count on. And, there were times she needed a man’s strength to get some of the work a lodge required to run properly. Before she could say anything to him, her SUV came gliding down the drive followed by a large four-wheel drive truck driven by, she assumed, Bob’s brother, Brutus.

  Bob hopped out of her vehicle and handed her the keys. “It’s as good as new.” Bob nodded slightly to Will who didn’t say anything. She started to go in for her purse, but he was already half way to the still running truck. “I’ll bill ya. Right now, I gotta run.”


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