Their Perfect Woman [Men of the Border Lands 15] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Their Perfect Woman [Men of the Border Lands 15] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 6

by Marla Monroe

  “You have?” Her voice came out in a soft squeak.

  “We’ll wrap the pipes and put up the solar grid for the pump first. After that, we’ll work on the second grid for the hot water heater. Then, if we don’t get heavy snow, we’ll work on the lights and fridge.”

  “Oh! That sounds good.” Relief washed over her.

  “This winter will be cold and hard, Gail. We want to share a bed with you. It will keep us all warm. Nothing has to happen unless you’re okay with it. We aren’t going to force you into anything, Gail, but we want you between us where you’ll be safe and warm. Will you do that?” Benton leaned forward with his elbows propped on his knees.

  Gail shivered at the thought of sleeping with them. She wanted to but was scared. Not of them, but herself. She was attracted to both of them. That worried her that she could so easily give in to them so soon.

  “I—I’d like that. I’m not sure if I’m ready for, um, more yet.”

  “We’ll take it slow, hon,” Benton said. “Are you ready to call it a night?”

  “Um, sure.” Gail stood up and followed Benton upstairs with Travis trailing her.

  Nerves like tiny ants marched up and down her spine. Was she ready? Gail hoped so.

  “Why don’t you go get your night clothes and stuff from the bathroom and bring them in to the main bedroom? It will make it easier on you to have the master bathroom right next to you,” Travis told her.

  Benton gave her shoulder a squeeze, then gave her a gentle push toward her bedroom. She took her time gathering her things, dragging it out as long as she thought she could. What would they do? Could they sleep together without having sex? It all seemed so sudden, though they’d been traveling toward it almost since she’d arrived at their home.

  “Are you okay, Gail?” Travis asked when she stepped into the master bedroom.

  “Yeah. Just nervous, I guess.”

  Gail carried her things into the bathroom, then closed the door to get ready for bed. She used the water they’d poured into the basin of the sink and wiped down the best she could, then she brushed her hair until it shown. Finally, when she had nothing more to do, Gail opened the bedroom door to find both men lying in bed on opposite sides of the mattress. The center of the bed had been left open for her.

  “Come on up, hon. Just climb up the middle, and we’ll pull the covers over you. Nothing’s going to happen tonight. We know you’re not ready yet. Just sleep, hon. Just sleep,” Benton said.

  Gail hesitated for just a moment before climbing up the mattress to settle between the two men. It felt awkward as she lay on her back with her arms close to her sides. She was sure she’d never get to sleep like that.

  “Turn on your side, Gail. We’ll all fit better if we sleep on our sides.” Benton had turned over to face her.

  She shivered then turned on one side. Travis did the same and scooted closer to her. He reached back and took her hand to pull it over his side, where he clasped his hand with hers. Benton scooted in close behind her, wrapping his arm around her waist.

  “Now, go to sleep, honey. We’ve got another long day tomorrow.” Benton kissed her shoulder, and Travis gave her hand a squeeze.

  Gail realized she was exhausted and fell asleep after only a few minutes. Just before she drifted off, the fact that Benton’s cock was pressed against her ass hit her like a knock over the head with something solid but soft at the same time. He felt large and thick and oh so delicious. Then she was out.

  Chapter Seven

  “Gail, can you come help Travis for a minute?” Benton walked into the kitchen, where she had been skinning three squirrels the guys had killed earlier that morning.

  “Of course.” She quickly covered the meat in a boiler, then followed Benton outside.

  “We need you to hold the ladder still while I carry the solar panels up to the roof. Can you do that?” Benton asked.


  Benton climbed up, then Travis tossed a rope up to him that was attached to one of the panels. He climbed up while Gail steadied the ladder. It wasn’t easy. The ground wasn’t exactly even and the added weight of the panel made it wobbly. It took all of her strength to keep it steady so that Travis didn’t lose his balance and fall.

  Once Benton had the panel up on the roof and Travis had climbed back down, Gail asked why they didn’t just pull the panel up the ladder to begin with.

  “We could do that, but without someone pushing on the bottom of it, Benton would get overbalanced trying to pull it onto the roof and could fall off. Plus, we really don’t need there to be any scratches on the glass or any of the wires to come loose.

  “Okay. I’m ready for the next one when you are.” Gail wiped her hands on her pant legs.

  “See, that’s why we care about you so much. You’re willing to do whatever it takes to get things done.” Travis dropped a quick kiss on her lips before tying the rope back around the next panel. “Okay, here we go.”

  Gail helped them get all four of the panels up on the roof, then returned to preparing the squirrels. They were a little harder to work with since they were so small, but with three of them, there would be enough meat. She wished they’d managed to get four so that there would be extra for the guys.

  Benton had said one of them would go deer hunting in the next few days. If they killed one, it would take most of the day to dress it and cut it up into meal sizes. They were hoping to wait until the temperatures fell close to freezing so they could keep the meat a bit longer. Gail had suggested drying some of it and making jerky out of it. She knew how to make it, and they had plenty of salt for the process.

  One of the things Benton had brought back had been a couple of forty-pound bags of salt. It was normally used for when things iced over to clear them but would work for curing meat. They needed to turn the shed into a smoke house, but that would have to wait until next spring.

  Gail smiled at how she’d woken up that morning. She’d been draped over Travis’s chest with Benton’s legs wrapped around one of hers and his face buried in the nape of her neck. It had felt good, right.

  She realized that she cared a lot more than a little for them. She might even be falling in love with them. They’d been nothing but good to her. Patient, sweet, honest, and caring. What wasn’t to love about them? Yeah, Benton snored a little, she’d felt it against her neck. Travis had a tendency to burp after meals, but it was a little thing. He always said “excuse me” afterward.

  Gail tried to think of all the little things that might bother her at some point and couldn’t come up with much more than that. She couldn’t have handpicked two better men to stumble on. They were as close to perfect as humans could get. Maybe they’d argue over something at some point, but all couples did. It stood to reason that threesomes would, too.

  “Hey, Gail. Is there anything we can snack on until supper tonight?” Travis walked into the kitchen after knocking off the dirt from his boots and wiping the sweat from his brow.

  “There’s some wild onion soup. It isn’t much, but we’ll have a good supper tonight. I found some wild parsnips to put in with them. Oh, and I pulled up some dandelions and am roasting them to make coffee. I think it will be better than what you found. We’ll see. I was hoping to find some wild carrots, but no go.”

  “You’ve been busy. You should have let one of us help you with the Dutch oven and the fire,” Travis said, as he dipped up some soup for him and Benton.

  “I’m used to dealing with them. Don’t worry about it. You guys have enough to worry with. Can’t wait to see how this turns out.”

  “You’re amazing, Gail.” Travis put down the bowls and pulled her into his arms. He gave her a warm, skin-tingling kiss before releasing her and carrying the bowls outside.

  Gail shivered and smiled to herself. She liked the extra attention she got now that they’d come out and told her they were interested in more with her. Where they’d been kind and attentive before, now they were passionate and sweet. She could easily grow a
ttached to the way they treated her.

  After putting the rabbit and parsnips on to cook, Gail went in search of the men to tell them she wanted to explore some of the woods within eyesight of the house. She was sure she’d find more edible plants if she could just look around the edge of the trees.

  Benton shook his head. “I don’t want you out of our sight, Gail. It’s too dangerous. We’ll knock off early enough that there’s some light and walk with you. More than likely where you’ll find the best source of what you’re looking for will be down near the stream.”

  “All right. Can I walk around the edges of the yard where you can see me? I might find something near the tree lines.” Gail hated not having anything to do.

  Until spring came, she only had to cook and clean. Plus, they needed something more than just the meat the guys managed to catch or kill. Wild rose or wild parsnips would be wonderful. They’d harvested all the dandelions in the area, but some wild chicory would be perfect since it made better coffee than what they’d put together.

  Later that afternoon, the men walked inside to find her separating some of the things she’d managed to locate near the edge of the woods. Travis frowned.

  “What?” she asked him.

  “I can’t imagine eating any of that. That’s all,” he said.

  “Most of it will be used to season the food. I’m hoping to find Bugleweed and some other wild plants with roots we can cook to go with the meat.”

  “Let’s go then. It will be too dark to see soon.” Benton took her elbow and the three of them walked to the edge of the stream. Travis and Benton filled buckets of water to carry back with them. Gail carried a backpack and basket in case she found a lot of what they could use. She grinned when she found the first of the Bugleweed. She used a small spade to dig up the entire plant and laid it in the basket. She managed to fill the basket with it then located some burdock.

  The burdock could be soaked in water to remove the bitterness then eaten raw or cooked. She would boil them like potatoes and add them to her rabbit and squirrel stews.

  The only other thing she found were some wild rose plants. The petals were edible, along with the buds, but those had long since gone away. Instead she harvested the hips, which, once the hard seeds were removed, could be eaten all winter long.

  “It’s getting too dark to see now. I’m ready to head back.” Gail tossed the backpack over her shoulder and carried the basket. The men carried the buckets of water with Travis leading the way and Benton following behind her.

  “I like this view,” he said with a soft chuckle.

  “Are you looking at my ass?” she asked.

  “Most definitely, hon. You’ve got a nice one to stare at.”

  “Behave back there. I don’t have anything to look at, so don’t tease me, guys.” Travis’s smile was in his voice.

  As soon as they walked into the kitchen, Travis and Benton set their buckets on the counter and pulled the backpack off her. Then, they proceeded to kiss and nuzzle her as if they’d been apart for weeks. What had gotten into them?

  “Watching you bend over and cut those plants has me hard as a rock, Gail.” Benton kissed her hard before moving to her earlobe.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on in my life, hon. That ass up in the air did it for me. I want to bury my dick inside you so badly I’m hurting.” Travis shoved her hair out of his way on the other side of her neck and latched onto her earlobe.

  All Gail could do was stand there between them shivering at the onslaught of emotions and sensations barreling through her body. Her pussy grew damp with desire, and her nipples hardened and ached. What was happing to her? She hadn’t felt like that before. Sure, she’d been turned on by their attentions before, but this felt different. It felt more.

  “God, I want you, Gail.” Benton took her mouth in a punishing kiss.

  Gail reveled in it. She loved being wanted by them. The idea that they craved her hit all her buttons. She wanted them just as strongly.

  “Can we make love to you tonight, Gail?” Travis asked as he nipped at her neck.

  She pulled away from Benton’s mouth. “Yes. I want you both.”

  “Supper first. I think we’ll need the energy,” Benton said with a chuckle.

  Gail whimpered at the thought of waiting. The sound of her stomach growling had both men laughing as warmth spread from her chest up her neck. She dipped her head and turned away to gather what they needed for the meal.

  “I’ll grab the food out of the fire.” Benton walked outside, leaving her to fuss with the dishes while Travis looked on.

  “Don’t be nervous, hon. We won’t hurt you. I’d as soon take a beating as hurt you in some way.”

  “I can’t help it. I’ve never been with two men before. I don’t know what to expect.”

  “We’re going to make love to you, nothing more. Don’t think about it right now.”

  Benton walked back in with the food and set it on the hotplate on the table. He lifted the lid, and both men groaned.

  “Damn, that smells good,” Travis said. “We’ve never had anything half as good as what you’ve cooked for us each night.”

  “I like to cook. It’s fun to create something edible out of not much of anything.” She smiled, nearly over her embarrassment of earlier.

  They made short work of supper. Gail washed the dishes while the men dried and put them away. They were finished in record time. Instead of sitting in the living room with candles talking, the men led her upstairs to get ready for bed. She had no doubt what was going to happen once they were in bed, but uncertainty continued around the edges of her excitement.

  “Don’t look so nervous, hon. We’re going to make you feel good. You’ll see.” Travis helped remove her shirt while Benton tugged on her boots one at a time.

  Benton peeled off her layers of socks, moved on to unfasten her jeans, then pulled them down and off her legs. She tried not to cover herself with her hands but failed. She had no idea what they thought of her in the candlelight, but she was glad they didn’t have electricity in that moment. It meant they couldn’t see all of her flaws.

  “I can’t wait to taste you, Gail. I can smell the sweet aroma of your arousal. It’s got my dick aching,” Benton said.

  “I’m going to suck on your beautiful breasts, hon. They’re soft and full and perfect for my mouth.” Travis began unfastening his jeans as Benton grabbed his shirt from behind and pulled it over his head.

  By the time Travis had his jeans off, Benton had already knelt at the foot of the bed and was spreading her legs. Gail wasn’t sure what to think when he inhaled only inches from her pussy. She was sure her entire body turned red.

  “What are you doing, Benton?” she asked.

  “I’m going to lick this pretty pussy until you scream my name, then I’m going to fill that cunt with my dick and make you scream again.” He grinned. “Travis is going to play with those amazing breasts while I do it.”

  Travis climbed up on the bed and laid down next to her. He reached out with one hand and rubbed lightly over her nipple. His callused finger felt good there, but she needed more.

  Travis gave it to her when he latched onto her hard nipple and sucked. She bucked at the pleasure that shot from her nipple directly to her pussy. While he sucked and nibbled at one breast, his fingers played with the other one. The sensations were overwhelming when she hadn’t been intimate with anyone in nearly a year.

  It completely took her by surprise when Benton licked up her slit, then circled her clit with his tongue. She gasped and tried to close her legs. No one had ever done that to her before. It felt naughty and good all at the same time.

  “Relax, Gail. Let me make you feel good. You taste like spicy cider. I don’t think I’m going to be able to get enough of you.” Benton returned to his assault of her pussy with his mouth.

  It was almost more than she could take. The more he licked and sucked, hotter she felt. Her pussy quivered from his stimulation comb
ined with Travis’s touches and sucks of her nipples. It seemed as if they were connected and were making her spiral out of control. When Benton thrust a finger inside her pussy, she nearly screamed in pleasure. She needed more, though. One finger wasn’t enough.

  “More, Benton. Please. I can’t stand this. I need to come.” Gail thrashed her head from side to side as her body climbed higher and higher.

  Benton didn’t disappoint her. Seconds later, a second finger entered her. His slow, easy thrusts felt good, but weren’t what she wanted. Gail needed him to shove them deeper inside her cunt. She wanted more from him. She wanted both of them to stop treating her so gently. She wanted all they had to offer.

  “Harder, Benton. I need more. Don’t tease me, Travis.” Gail bucked beneath the men’s hands.

  The next thing she knew, Benton was pumping his fingers in and out while Travis sucked hard on her nipple. When both men worked together, she felt herself nearly at the edge of her climax. As if they planned it, Travis bit her nipple and pinched the other one at the same time Benton’s mouth closed over her clit and sucked on it hard.

  Gail exploded between the men, calling out Benton then Travis’s names. Travis scooted up and kissed her, running his hand along her cheek, then down her arms until Benton had slowly brought her down from her high. She grabbed his hand when she became overly sensitive.

  “I can’t take anymore, Benton. I can’t believe I screamed,” Gail said when she could breathe again.

  “We’re not finished yet, hon,” Benton said.

  He crawled up her body to kiss her, then lifted one of her legs over his arm and lined his cock up with her slit. He watched her as he slowly entered her. He pushed in, then retreated over and over until he was finally all the way inside of her. He never took his eyes off hers while he did it.

  “Your pussy is so hot and wet and tight, Gail. You’re squeezing me like a velvet fist. I won’t last with you like this the first time, but I promise we’ll make you come again before the night is over.”

  “I don’t think I can climax again, Benton. I’m washed out.” Gail reached up and ran her hands over Benton’s chest, pulling lightly on the sprinkle of chest hair that grew between his nipples. She ran her fingers over them until they were protruding from the light touch. He moaned.


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