The Hitman Takes A Bride: A Mafia Romance (Carlotta Family Book 2)

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The Hitman Takes A Bride: A Mafia Romance (Carlotta Family Book 2) Page 4

by Eden Rose


  I don’t need him to buy me anything. I make enough money to buy my own car if I wanted one. It was rather simple, I wanted my car to be fixed. If I broke my leg, does that mean I have to go buy a new one?

  I’m staring at the keys on my coffee table waiting for them to bite me or something. Move around as if there’s a ghost in it.

  “What the fuck!” I hiss at the keys to the new car.

  After my shift at the hospital, I drove home, in my own car, and have been pouting ever since. I’m pouting for many reasons. One, the man I’ve fallen for is married to a woman who is my patient! Two, I’m heartbroken.

  I have no idea where this leaves me. He already has a wife, does he have room for me too?

  My phone begins to ring next to me and I eagerly pick it up without looking at the caller ID. “Hello?”

  “Calista, sweetie. I thought you were coming over?” My mom’s voice calmly says.

  “Long day at work, mom. Maybe tomorrow?”

  “We’re worried about you. Daddy told me you had a new mister.”

  “Mom, I can’t talk about this.” I can’t talk about it because if I do, I will start crying and I don’t know if I can stop.

  She takes a deep breath. “Your father has some important things he needs to tell you. Please come over tomorrow.”

  Sucking in some air, I try to figure out the best way to get out of this. “I’m really busy with rounds and all that.”

  “Either you get your ass to our house tomorrow or I’m coming to your work!”

  I giggle. “Not this again.”

  “Yeah! With a dirty bathrobe, my hair in curlers and clown makeup. I will wander around the hospital asking for you.”

  “You keep threatening to do that and you haven’t done it yet!” I taunt.

  She gasps. “Whatever do you mean?”

  “Mom, you are a nut case.”

  Just then the other line beeps in. Please be Victor, please be Victor, please be Victor! “I have to go! Love you.”

  I don’t wait for an answer, I click over to answer. “Hello?”

  “Pussycat, where are you?”

  I roll my eyes and try to hide the fact I’m happy he’s called me. “Why?”

  He huffs. His sexy voice floods down the line making my insides mushy. I can’t help but become a horny female every time I hear his voice. “Because I want to know where my woman is.”

  “Your woman?” I bark. Again, I try to hide my inner teenage girl who’s jumping up and down inside.

  “Yes! My fucking woman. Are you at home?”

  “Yes,” I blurt out without a thought.


  Just then, he hangs up. The line’s dead but I’m still holding the phone up to my ear as if it will conjure him back. If he’s over the phone, maybe he won’t realize what a mess I am right now.

  My stomach growls reminding me I haven’t eaten. I have no energy to cook nor do I even want to think about food. All I want to do is crawl under my covers and try to sort through my warring feelings.

  My door swings open revealing a very sexy Italian man in a very sexy suit. He looks a little disheveled but still so gorgeous. Victor’s a fine piece of man with a dirty smile which promises you fun. The confident way he carries his body lets every woman know he’s a man who delivers on his promises.

  Without saying a word, he begins to strip naked in front of me. The man’s delicious looking as he unbuttons his shirt while drinking me in. I watch his nimble fingers undo the buttons making my insides clench even more after each button.

  I know its only a matter of time before he fucks me stupid so I try to back peddle a little. “No, we need to talk,” I suggest lamely.

  He chuckles. “I don’t want to talk.”

  “I do.”

  Victor leaves his shirt unbutton but still on. The collar is around the neck of his suit jacket giving me the perfect view of his neck. The man is a god. “No, you don’t. You want to come with my tongue.”

  Yes, I do. Very much so!


  “Sweet little liar. I bet if I stuck my finger in between those gorgeous pussy lips of yours, you’d be drenched.”

  Well, no shit! You’re half naked in my dining room!

  “Victor, I, we really-“

  He’s in front of me in two seconds hoisting me off my chair. I’m standing in front of him trying to work up a perfect denial. Nothing comes to mind.

  In a furry of hands and fingers, I’m stripped naked in front of him with my nipples throbbing for attention. He’s staring at me as if he’s going to eat me alive. I hope he does. My body is dying for the attention only he can give me.

  Victor’s fingers knead their way down my body. Each finger that swipes across my skin, makes me go over the edge even more. “I’ve missed you, pussycat. Sweet Jesus! I have missed you, baby.”

  I let his words wash over me and fight away the niggling thought he’s just saying this to get me in bed with him. He bites my neck, hard. I scream out my desire for him. I’m pushed against the wall with his hips pinning my hips in place.

  I wrap my legs around his waist just as he gathers my wrists in one hand to put them above my head. My body is warm against the cold walls of my apartment but that doesn’t cool me down. Nothing can cool me down.

  “I’ve missed you, too. Please, help me! I need you,” I beg. My insides are clenching together in hopes of getting some type of relief. Nothing will help besides Victor fucking me sideways.

  “No problem, Calista. I always take care of my own.”

  I’m about to question what he means when Victor pushes through my resistance and slides home. He’s bottomed out in one stroke and I’m screaming loudly. “Please! Please! Fuck me harder!”

  Fuck me harder so I can forget I’m fucking a borrowed man!


  M y hips are punishing but loving all at the same time. Each moment I’m with Calista, I feel as if I’m gaining some control back. Even though I’m not.

  I just killed a man for hurting my wife but yet I’m having sex with the girl I’m in love with. I’m one step away from being one of those hillbilly fuckers.

  Squeezing her wrists tighter, I suck on her neck. Biting at her beating pulse while she rides the pleasure I’m giving her out. Each thrust of my hips, I feel myself coming closer and closer to becoming undone. Calista has that power.

  “Are you going to come?” I ask her. “Say you’re about to come. Your pussy is too good for me to hold out anymore.”

  “Harder!” She begs.

  What my baby wants, my baby gets.

  I thrust harder and faster in an attempt to get her closer to that elusive orgasm. I know she can come vaginally and I’m going to give it to her. “You are so beautiful. Look at you, all flushed from being loved by me. You love it when I take you mercilessly.”

  She hums. “Yes, fill me up!”

  “Did you come?” I demand and slam home again. I can feel her muscles squeezing me tighter as she gets closer to coming.

  “Don’t stop!”

  “I’m not going to!” I yell.

  My pelvic bone rubs against her clit and I feel her shoot off like a rocket. I’m not far behind her, either.

  We are breathing heavy as we come down from our orgasm. I know we need to talk but I’m not looking forward to this conversation. I rest my forehead against hers. She’s breathing heavy and her eyes look even heavier.

  The long day must be taking its toll on her.

  “Careful,” I instruct while I slide out of her. I instantly feel the loss from being inside her.

  In the afterglow, I know I’ve messed up by using her body for what I needed it for. What I need it for. I’m denying myself the comfort I need from her by not asking for it, but I can’t have this conversation with her. I can’t hear her ask me to choose.

  So, I do the only thing I can think of. I don’t allow her to speak.

  I can feel our orgasms rolling down both of our
legs and I slip my hand between her thighs. I gather our orgasms and begin to rub it against her clit. The only noise inside her apartment is our harried breathing and the sloppy noise of how wet she’s becoming.

  “I’m too sensitive!” She tries to get away from me.

  I do my best to keep her in the mood in order to avoid talking. I can’t answer the questions I don’t know the answers too.

  My phone vibrates next to me on the floor and I growl at it. I’m about to eat Calista’s sweet pussy but the phone won’t stop ringing. She winces as I blow on her clit. “Let me get my phone,” I mumble.

  My fingers clutch around the expensive metal of the phone and I want to chuck it against the wall. Whomever is calling me is about to get an ear full. “What?” I bark.


  The voice is small and not easily detectable. “Who is this?” Looking over at Calista who is now putting on her clothes. I know the second I answered my phone she would lock me out of her body. Make me work for it again.

  “It’s Amanda. I’m scared. Please come,” she begs.

  I lean over and begin to put on my clothes. “What happened?”

  “I, I, I, I don’t know!”

  “What scared you?” I bark while putting on my shoes.

  I look around the room to see if Calista is still here but she’s gone. I fucked up again. What else is new? This woman is the hardest to pin down.

  “I don’t know, Victor. Please come!”

  “I’m on my way, Amanda.”

  Hanging up, I shove the phone into my suit coat pocket as I look around to see if I can find Calista. “Pussycat?”

  She emerges from her bedroom with her clothes in place. “Let me guess. You have to leave.”

  “I’m so sorry,” I murmur.

  Calista shakes her head in annoyance. “Yeah. So am I.”

  Closing the space between us, I wrap my arms around her back pulling her closer to me “I’m so sorry. I’ll be back later,” I murmur to her as I kiss her check.

  She doesn’t say anything back and I instantly miss the sound of her sweet voice telling me how much she wants me.

  The drive back to the hospital has been horrible. I can’t get Calista out of my mind and how I fucking used her body. I used her body to let go of everything inside of me and I used her like a whore. I’m worse than a mobster. I’m a fuck boy.

  The guilt of what I did, eats at me the whole drive. I fight the urge to call her and apologize for what I did. Why don’t I do it? You ask. Because she probably won’t speak to me.

  Through the radio in my car, I have my phone synced up and I can hear it whenever I get a notification. I’ve had this hooked up since I got the car, but when I hear my phone ring, I get pissed off about it interrupting me.

  “What?” I bark.

  “We got problems.”

  I roll my eyes. “We always got problems, Nico.”

  Nico is one of the enforcers who has been tasked to look after Amanda. The man is pretty solid and intimidating. The perfect fit for watching my wife as she nurses herself back to health.

  He chuckles. “Glad to see you having two women hasn’t changed your mood that much.”

  “What happened?” I don’t bother correcting him on the fact I have one woman and her name is Calista. I have one, very pissed off woman.

  “I don’t know. Word on the street is you fucked up by killing that guy.”

  “Yeah, well. I piss everyone off. Gotta go!” I hang up on him before he can say anything more.

  By the time I arrived at the hospital, I’ve realized I need to make a decision. I can’t keep treating Calista like this. I can’t treat her like she’s my comare when she’s everything to me.

  I scratch my head and rub my hands down my face trying to clear my mind. I’m either in or I’m out. Half way between them both is going to get someone hurt. Or even killed.

  And I would rather be a lonely mother fucker if that meant I could protect them.

  Even if that meant I lived the rest of my life without Calista.


  I don’t cry until I’m in the shower. The hot water and soap wash away Victor and our love making. Each swipe of the loofa wipes away more of him from me.

  I can’t be this person to him. The person he has on the side waiting around for him to want to fuck. I can’t be his side piece or his booty call when he can’t be with Amanda.


  Someone’s pounding on my door making me drop my loofa. I look at all the suds flowing from my loofa and that’s when the tears come. I fall to my knees and place my face into my hands while the water beats down on me.

  I cry from the love I feel for a man who I barely know but can’t seem to shake. I cry for how weak I am for allowing him to control my heart and body like he does. The man awakens every emotion I try to suppress. When I’m around him, I act like a high school girl who has a crush on a football player instead of a world-known doctor.

  The pounding on my door continues but I ignore it. I can’t even fathom getting off my knees to answer the door because the water feels that good on my body.

  I cry harder as the pounding gets more extreme and louder. “Go away!” I blubber into my hands.


  “What the hell!” I yell loudly enough for my neighbors to definitely hear me.

  Reaching over to the water, I shut to it off and reach out of the shower for my towel. Wiping my wet hair out of my face, I run towards my bedroom. Once I’m in there, I rifle through my bedside table until I find the gun I know I have stashed there. I’m armed with it locked and loaded before I approach the door.

  “Who is it?” I yell through the door while standing behind the kitchen table. I don’t want to draw too much attention to myself in case this was a mistake encounter or something. Maybe a drunk person stumbling to the wrong house… Those kind of things happen.

  The door splits open with a very angry man staring at me with a gun in his hand. His teeth are bared while he demands to know where Victor is. “Where’s Victor?” He growls. The man barrels his way over to me and yanks the gun out of my hand. I didn’t stand a chance at protecting myself.

  It’s obvious this man is here for a specific thing and I’m not going to stand in his way. Nothing that I have in here is worth my life.

  Plus, I know Victor is at the hospital. What is this man going to do? Go down to the hospital and pull him out?

  “I don’t know!” I yell back. My heart beats hard and roughly in my chest. I feel my eyes start to squint hoping to stop the tears from falling down my eyes. I don’t want this man to see any emotion on me. If he does, he might do something I could have prevented him from doing. Like attack me or Victor. “I don’t know!” I repeat.

  The man marches through my apartment knocking everything down in his wake. “Where is he?” He snarls at me like I’ve been lying.

  I don’t say anything. I can hear him smash and tear apart my whole apartment and I don’t do a damn thing to stop him. There’s no point in risking my own life to stop someone like this. He’s looking for anything which might lead to finding Victor.

  The dresser in my bedroom, tips over from the force of him ripping through it. He must not find anything because he’s in my space with his hand wrapped around my neck. I put my chin in the air in hopes of seeming unaffected.

  But I’m scared shitless.

  As my bedroom is being destroyed, I take a second to look around the room for the gun. If I can get the gun before he comes back out, I might have a chance to survive. I’m scared beyond belief but I’m not allowing this man to make me a victim.

  I grab the gun just in time and hold it behind my back trying to act as if nothing is bothering me. I will not allow this man to know how terrified I am of him.

  “You better not be lying to me, little girl!”

  He knocks over the couch and I wince once it slams through the air hitting the floor. The couch is heavy definitely making a noise. I hold the gun tig
hter to my back hoping he can’t see it behind my back.

  Each step the man makes walking to me, I walk backwards. I feel the wall to my back and I scream loudly, The man charges over to me and wraps his hand around my neck. “You fucking little girl. You think you can walk away from me? This isn’t how this works!” His fingers tighten around my neck cutting off my air.


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