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Caged Page 2

by Tricia Wagner


  This whole day has my brain completely backwards. After the chat I had with my brother I realized that I want to be more than friends with Addy. I also know with the history that she has it will take a lot of time and energy for her to let me in there. Time and energy I don’t have. I need to be focused on fighting. I need to be there now, but instead I am running around doing everything I can to make her feel safe. I know she is fighting to hold it together, but Jesus if she isn’t the strongest woman I have ever met. There is just something so real about her. I have been surrounded by enough fake women to know a real one when she comes along. Why do I feel this pull to be around her? Coach is going to shit a brick. Then I come out and see her chatting it up with my dad like they’re pals. She fits. I don’t know how to explain it, but I do know my thoughts yesterday were way, way wrong. There are special women out there. I just didn’t realize there was one that was so close. Now I find myself wanting to hold her hand. I’ve opened more doors today than I have in my entire life. I’m already turning into a pussy, and right now I just need to find the right words to say to her. “I’m a very controlled person. I need you to understand that fighting may be what I do for a living, but I don’t fight outside of work. The closest I’ve come to that was today in your office. I would never put my hands on a woman. I know I said that before, but more than anything I need you to trust that.” Then I heard the three most beautiful words in the world. “I trust you.” I sigh with relief as she continues. “I don’t know why, but I do. I believe you when you say that. The way you can know that I do is because you are the only man who has ever been in this house.” Wow. I smile at that. “So, you normally go elsewhere when you date?” Not that I want to think about her with another man. “No, I told you I don’t date. Ever.” “Ever?” “Ever.” Interesting. “So, this first boyfriend you had, that was in college? Is he around?” “No, I went to college in Seattle. I moved here shortly after.” “Seattle? That’s kinda far. How did you end up here?” “I went on a road trip with my best friend. We drove through here and loved it instantly. We settled in. She travels a lot, but when she’s home we’re together. “Do you share this house?” “No, she has an apartment here. This house is mine.” Pride. That’s all you can hear in her voice. This woman is amazing. “That’s fantastic honey.” That earned me a real smile. “It’s good to see you genuinely smile.” “It’s nice to have something to smile about.” “So, how do you feel about exploring this? I can’t promise how much time I will have to invest in it. I just re-signed a new contract with the UFC, so I have a lot that I need to put into that. I do know that I want you at my fights, I want you to see me train, I want to help you with your work issue, and I want to hang out with you whenever we can. I know this may seem overwhelming, but I want to get to know you.” “I don’t know what to say. I thought maybe we could be friends. I told you already that I don’t date. You can see why with my track record here.” “Yea, but I thought we already established that you trust me.” “Ok, I did say that. You’re just kinda catching me off guard here.” “I know, I’m catching myself off guard here.” “Could we start off as friends? And go from there?” “I’ll take anything you’re willing to give me at this point. Does that mean you’ll come to my fight next Friday?” “Yes, I’ll come. I need to get some things straightened out before then, but I should be ok to go.” I nod with a smile. “Will you come here?” I reach out my arms and indicate for her to come to the cushion next to me. She doesn’t even hesitate when she stands up and comes to sit next to me. I wrap my arms around her and she melts into me. She is so small I feel like a monster holding her in my arms. “You are so comfy.” I chuckle lightly.

  Chapter Three


  I am glutton for punishment. After the day I had though nothing feels better than sitting here in Preston’s arms. Friends can do this right? After a hard day I’m sure that Adrionna would have come over for a glass of wine and we would’ve cuddled watching a movie together. I’m sure of it. Completely normal. “What are you thinking about?” “Watching a movie and cuddling with Adrionna.” It’s out before I can even think about how that sounds. “So I already have you leaning toward women?” I laugh. Loud. “No, I was justifying cuddling with you. Thinking that if Adrionna were here we would’ve had a glass of wine, I would’ve told her about my day, and she would’ve cuddled with me on the couch watching a movie.” “Oh, so now I’m just one of the girls.” “Not exactly. Her arms wouldn’t have ever made me feel as safe as yours do right now.” Why did I just say that? “Addy, you have no idea how good it feels to hear that. When I’m around no one will hurt you. Got that?” “Well, I guess I can’t leave your side then, huh?” “Sounds good to me. I’m serious about your self-defense lessons starting tomorrow.” Oh yeah. I forgot about that. “What time should I be there?” “You can come with me in the morning. I’ll come back and get you in the morning. Take you to the gym and we can have lunch at Ed’s. Then I’ll take you to your car after.” “Wow, you have it all planned don’t you?” “Yep, I do.” I shake my head into his chest. This man is seriously muscle everywhere. “I think I might actually get that glass of wine. I’ll be right back. Do you want anything? A beer?” “I’ll take a beer, sure.” I jump up and pour my glass and pop the top off his beer and take it back out. I don’t even contemplate where to sit I head right back where I was. “I hope this is ok. I try different craft beers, so this is all I have.” “Troegenator is a good beer. One of my “Go-to’s.”” “Really? It’s my flavor of the month so to speak. But I definitely go back to it every once in a while.” “A woman after my own heart.” I chuckle because craft beer drinkers are hard to find around here. “You should come with me to some of the tastings I go to.” “Oh my goodness are you serious? I have looked all over and Adrionna refused to find somewhere to go with me! I would love that.” “Sure thing, babe. We’ll make a day of it. I just need to check the schedule and see when the next one is happening.” “Awesome.” This came out as more of a whisper. I sip at my wine and before I know it my glass is empty and sitting on my little table on the deck. I’m cuddled into Preston when I hear a knock at my door. I was almost asleep so I jumped a little at the noise. “Are you expectin anyone?” “No, unless Adrionna is back early?” “Ok, well let me answer the door just in case. Stay here.” “I’ll come with you. It may just be my neighbor.” He nods as he makes his way to my front door. I see him shake his head as he puts his eye to the peephole. Just when he does that I hear another knock at the door. “Adeline, I know you’re in there.” Holy moly, James? “Is that?” He gives me a quick nod and I start to shake a little bit. “Preston, you can’t fight him let me just call your brother. He gave me his card I just have to call him and he will be here. Just give me five seconds.” I hurry and type in the number thankfully he answers on ring one, “Grant? It’s Adeline. I am at my house on fifth off of Broadway. James is here knocking at the door.” “Ok, don’t answer the door I’m on my way.” “You should know your brothers here.” “Jesus Christ, don’t let him answer the door, please.” “I’m all over that. I just need you here to prevent anything from happening.” “I’m three minutes away.” With that he hung up. “He’s three minutes away Preston. Let him deal with this.” “I can’t just stand here. I’m going to see what the fuck he wants.” Well, that left no room for argument. Just as I hear more knocking Preston swings the door open. I am kind of out of eyesight behind the corner of my mudroom. “What the fuck do you want?” “Who the fuck are you and why are you in Adeline’s house?” “Well, seeing as how you have a PFA filed against you I don’t see what you’re doing here. You should know the cops have already been called.” “Fuckin great. Adeline I know you’re in there, we need to talk.” “She has nothing to say to you.” “Who are you?” “I’m her man. That’s really all you need to know. You need to back off and stay away from her.” “She’s done. She will never be an editor anywhere in this city.” “Seems like you may be the o
ne looking for a job. One that likes people who have just been wearing orange for quite a while seeing as how sexual assault charges were pressed against you today.” I can see the look of shock on his face as he turns to leave. I see out the front window a car pulling up with a light inside it flashing. Undercover. Sweet. “Sir you’re under arrest.” “What fuckin for?” Wow, his language today is a lot coarser than it ever has been. “For violating a PFA. You were to stay 500 ft. away from Ms. Granger.” “Well, Rocky over there didn’t let me near her anyways. Today was a misunderstanding. I need to talk to her.” “Misunderstanding? Sir, you fractured one of her wrists and sprained the other from the force you handled her with.” “I did that?” “Yes, now I need you to turn around so I can search you.” He starts reading him his rights as he places handcuffs on him. This is insane. How would he not know what he did to me today? I hear the door shut and the next thing I know Preston is pulling me in for a hug. Wow does that feel good. “You look freaked baby and I gotta say I hate that.” “I’m sorry. I’m ok. Once again though, I am so glad you are here. I don’t know how I would have handled that on my own.” “You’re not on your own, so you won’t find out.” Well if that didn’t feel good I don’t know what does. I sigh into him not wanting to cry. I press my tongue to the roof of my mouth to hold back the tears. “Baby, it’s ok to let it go.” “I know, but I told you he doesn’t deserve my tears.” “He also doesn’t deserve your fear. I got this. Trust me to have this, yeah?” I look up, and up, and up further into his dark, telling eyes and nod at him. “Give me the words, Addy.” “I trust you to have this.” With that his head dips and just when I thought he was going to kiss me there is a knock at the door. “Seriously?” I chuckle lightly, but let him go as he heads to the door. “Grant, do you need something else?” “Dude, I get this was a bad deal, but what’s up your ass?” I laugh at that. Loud. When I’m finished I realized that Grant is standing there smiling at me and Preston is glaring. “Sorry, carry on.” I say this through a laugh and I think at this point Preston can’t help but smile. “It’s good to hear you laughing baby.” I shake my head at him as he turns back to Grant. “I just need a statement saying she is pressing further charges. “Is this necessary? Can’t we just hope he goes away?” “Sorry Addy, but I’ve seen this a lot. The stuff he’s saying indicates he’s not going anywhere without force.” “That’s what I was afraid of. Do what you need to do then.” “Good girl.” “That’s me.” “So, friends huh?” To that, I blush. Bright tomato red. I can’t lie and say that I didn’t want him to kiss me two minutes ago. Just thinking about it has me biting back a smile. I know I should let him off the hook. A girl like me isn’t the girl for a man like Preston Bennett. He is everything good. Everything I am not. Everything I want to be, but he has already had a look into my past and it drives him to be a man he isn’t. “Friends, indeed.” To this I feel a little pressure in my lower back as I realize that Preston’s arm was around me and he was pulling me in closer to him. “Sure, just like I told my dad.” “Yea, about that. Your dad is super nice, but he thinks we’re something we’re not. I think you should get that cleared up.” “I don’t really see the point in that.” I shake my head. “Grant, seriously you need to clear it up.” “Woman, if you could see the way my brother is looking at you, you would realize why that would be a moot point.” I shake my head clearly getting nowhere with these two. “Grant don’t you have somewhere you need to be?” “Oh, right I’ll get outta your hair. Have a good evening you two. Dude, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” “Grant. Leave.” His brother leaves laughing. I turn around to go get my glass. I definitely need another glass of wine, but Preston’s arm stops me. He turns me around and I’m looking back into his eyes. “Is the mood ruined completely?” “No, I was just going to get another glass of wine. I mean, not that there was a mood to ruin.” He chuckles, but lets me go. I grab my glass and tag his bottle heading back to the kitchen. I throw his glass into the recycling bin and pour myself another glass. “Do you want another beer? Or something else to drink?” “No, I’m good. I am thinking about dinner though. What are your thoughts?” “I could eat.” His smile widens, “Ok, do you just wanna do takeout?” “Do you have a strict diet you’re on? I could cook something.” “Mainly protein. I can eat anything though. You’ve had a long day you don’t need to be cooking for me.” “I really don’t mind. I actually enjoy cooking. I have some chicken marinated in here that I was going to make for dinner. Let me get it out and start that.” “Only if you’re sure.” “I am.” I pull out the chicken and also get out the potatoes and some lettuce. I go through the motions of cooking and I almost forget that he is there. I turn around just as he is asking me if he can help with something and I just about jump through the ceiling. “Jesus, baby. I’m sorry did you forget I was here?” “Nothing to be sorry about. I told you I’m not used to house guests. Let me get out some veggies for you to cut up.” “I can get them. Is this for a salad?” “Yes. There is lettuce, kale, and baby spinach with some mixed greens there.” “Wow, all the fixings of a great salad.” “I usually have all of this stuff. Most of it comes from my garden.” “No kidding?” “No kidding. Cucumbers, green and red peppers. I have some fresh shredded mozzarella in there too.” He’s shaking his head at me. “I like a good salad.” “This I can see.” “Hey no making fun!” “I’m not, I’m not. I think it’s great. And that chicken is smelling great.” “It should. I’ve had it marinating for about forty-eight hours.” “Yum.” I smile at him. “I have homemade croutons in the pantry and I make my own vinegar and oil dressing if that’s ok? If not, I’m sure I have some ranch in there. Adrionna says a salad is nothing without ranch.” “No, vinegar and oil is great.” I nod and continue helping chop up the veggies. We put the finishing touches on the salad and the chicken is just about done. I pour a little more wine into my glass just as the timer goes off. I rush to get the chicken out of the oven and set the table. I grab the mashed potatoes and set all the food out. “Can I ask a question?” “Sure.” “Why did you have so much food ready to cook tonight?” “Oh, well really I was hoping you would stalk me to the point where we would end up having dinner together.” To that he laughs. Hard. I smile back at him. “In all seriousness, I would have cooked it and then had it another night this week.” “Ah, a planner.” “Well, I am a girl who likes to indulge in the sweeter things in life, so I need to keep my meals as healthy as possible. Yoga can only do so much to help with my chocolate cravings.” He laughs lightly, but I refuse to meet his eyes. “Hey, look at me.” I do just that. For some reason I can’t seem to say no to this man. That should scare me away immediately. “I just want you to know, I think you’re beautiful.” There it goes, my breath. He has taken it away with four words. One sentence. With that he was pulling me into his arms for another hug. “How much wine have you had?” “Just two and a half glasses. Why?” “So you’re of sound mind?” “Of course.” “Good, because I’m going to kiss you now. Yeah?” Wow. I nod. “Addy, give me the words.” “Please, kiss me.” Now why on earth did I say that? Maybe I did have too much wine. He doesn’t give me a second to even take in my words because his lips are on mine. It’s not a demanding kiss. It’s soft, and sweet. He runs his tongue along my lips and I open them to him. His tongue does a soft sweep into my mouth and before I know it I am melting into him and my tongue is meeting his stroke for stroke. I have only ever kissed one other guy and it was nothing like this. I don’t even think there are words to describe the kiss I am experiencing right now. Maybe I should reread those romance novels I edited last week. I’m pretty sure there was a line in there like that. Too soon, the kiss ends and he pulls back. I am mesmerized by the look in his eyes. I stare fighting the urge to touch my lips with my fingertips. I know my mouth is hanging open as I stand and gawk at him, but I can’t seem to convince myself to shut it. “Um.” The quiet was too much for me. I couldn’t read the expression in his eyes. “Sorry, was that not ok?” The silence was killing me. “No, that was
not ok.” “Oh.” Now that that was worth crying over. “Baby, ok is not the word I would use to describe that kiss. I have never felt anything like that before in my life.” Well, that was something different to cry about altogether. “Baby, say something.” “I thought, I mean, it was…” Yea, I am so not cool under pressure. He chuckles lightly. “I have bad news.” Here we go. “After that, I don’t know if I can be just friends with you.” I shake my head at him. “I don’t really know what to say.” “That’s ok. Your face when I pulled away said it all. Now, let’s eat.” I nod. “Now that, I can do.” We sit down and have a really nice dinner with some light conversation. We touch a little on my thoughts about work, but really I won’t know more until I talk to my writer’s tomorrow. I have two more glasses of wine at dinner and really I should’ve stopped at two. I don’t normally do more than two. So at this point I am feeling pretty good. Preston and I sit down on the couch and turn on the TV. With the warmth of his body and the wine in my body it doesn’t take long before I am fast asleep. I hear Johnny Cash singing somewhere in the distance. That’s odd. Why is it so hot in my house? It’s like the heat is turned up to eighty degrees in here. I feel something move at my side and then the heat was gone. Oh my goodness. Who is that? If it weren’t for the banging in my head, I might be able to think about what was going on. That is when everything came back to me. My day, the wine, the kiss, Preston. Preston. I snap my eyes open and see that I am on the couch. I sit up way too fast as Preston comes walking back in the room with my cell phone. Johnny getting louder the more the alarm is ignored. I pull my hands up to try and smooth my hair down. “You look beautiful baby. Now shut Johnny up.” I chuckle and grab my phone from him hitting the off to my alarm. Before I have time to protest Preston is in my space. “Wait!” His head snaps back and I make a run for my bedroom. I head straight into my bathroom and proceed with brushing my teeth. No way was I going to let that man kiss me with morning breath. His yes, mine never. I tame my hair as best I can and head back out to the kitchen. “Better?” “Much.” I smirk at him. He then comes straight to me and tags the back of my head and pulls me in for a soft touch to the lips. I smile up at him as he mutters “winterfresh” under his breath. “Did you really just run off to go brush your teeth?” “Um…” “Cute.” “I’m not cute. It was necessary.” “Why?” “Because you were going to kiss me.” “So?” “Sooooo, I had morning breath.” He raised an eyebrow at me, but left it at that. I thought that was a pretty good excuse. “How hungover are you?” “A little bit of a headache, but a few ibuprofen and I’ll be all set. Why?” “Just thinkin about your first class at the gym this morning.” Oh. That. “Yeah, I’ll be good. I just need to eat breakfast and take some medicine.” I head to the kitchen and pull out some eggs. “Geeze, do you cook all the time?” “Well, yeah?” He smirks at me again. It was then I took in all that was Preston. Tall. Maybe even a foot taller than my 5’6. Ok that’s exaggerating a bit, but not much. Everywhere that I was small, he was big. My total contrast. He has dark almost black hair to match his almost black eyes. The t-shirt he is wearing leaves little to the imagination about the muscle that is lying underneath it. He is wearing workout pants still from yesterday but they hang low on his hips so they hide what I know must be extremely powerful thighs. I look down to find that oddly he is barefoot and that makes me smile. This perusal only took me about three seconds, but I can tell by the look on his face he caught me. Oh well, what do you do? “Are eggs ok? I was going to make some toast and get some spinach out. I can make omelets.” He shakes his head. “Do you really eat like this on a daily basis?” “Well, I was going to have a ham, spinach, and cheese omelet. So, yes I do eat like this every day. I mean in a variety of different combinations of course.” “The way you cooked last night, and the show you’re about to put on this morning, are you sure you’re not a cook with a part time job editing books?” “No, I just happen to like cooking as much as I like reading.” “Lucky me.” “Yes, now what kind of omelet would you like?” “The same kind you’re having just can you make it with eight egg whites to one egg yolk?” Now it was my turn to gawk at him. Was he serious? “You’re for real?” “Well, yea. If it’s not too much trouble.” “It’s no trouble, really. I just can’t believe you’re skipping over the good stuff.” “The good stuff?” “The yolks! They’re the best part!” “Babe, heavyweight champions can only have limited yolks.” “Ohhhhh, well excuuuuuuse me Mr. Heavyweight Champion. Please sit on thy royal throne and watch me work my magic on some plain Jane egg whites.” To that he quirked his eyebrow and gave me a smirk. “I can help.” “No, no, no we wouldn’t want that. Besides, I do this every day remember?” “Right.” I get to work in the kitchen and before I know it everything is ready. “Voila. I don’t have much experience just cooking with egg whites, so I hope its ok.” “Baby, it’ll be great. Come sit down.” I nod and set his plate down in front of him. I’m pretty sure at this point that man could say anything he wanted and place baby in front of it and I would come calling. Great. The silence starts to make me uncomfortable. I am so used to being by myself that I don’t usually have to make conversation. Adrionna usually talks enough for the both of us. “So.” We both said this at the same time and I give him a little smile. “Please, you first.” “No, I was just going to say, after breakfast if you wanna do your thing and get ready we can head to the gym and we can see what the day will bring. I need to fill in my coach on a few things, and then I should be able to give you your first lesson. I know with your arm we will be limited so it won’t be anything big.” “Are you sure you really have time to do this? I mean, I know you must be busy. I don’t want your coach to hate me.” “He won’t. Once I tell him what’s going on he will be on board.” “I don’t want to be any trouble though, really. The last thing I need to be on you is a burden. You’ve already done more than enough for me.” “There isn’t anywhere I would rather be then right here. I do need to get a move on things though because on top of it I don’t want to be late. Coach will not understand that.” He gives me a big smile to let me know it’s totally fine. I hurry through my breakfast and shower. With my hair in a ponytail I come out with sweat pants over my yoga shorts and a racer back tank with a zip up over top. “You look great baby. Are you ready?” “Yep, all set.” We head out to his SUV and he opens my door for me before getting in and speeding off. We get to the gym and walk hand in hand until Preston goes off to the locker room to change his clothes.


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